The Donald Schlongs Crooked Hillary, "She is not all there." LOL


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
The thing is that The Donald should to avoid physically imitate Crooked Hillary having one of her "short circuit episodes" or the MSM will spend a week falsely claiming The Donald doesn't like people with neurological problems. :p

Republican Donald Trump questioned Democrat Hillary Clinton's fitness to be president Saturday night, saying "she's got problems" and that Americans "don't want someone who's going to short-circuit."

Trump told a crowd of supporters that he's not sure the former first lady and secretary of state is up to the job.

"Honestly, I don't think she's all there," Trump said at a rally in a steamy gymnasium.

Clinton this week said that she "may have short-circuited" ...

Trump on Clinton: 'I don't think she's all there'
The thing is that The Donald should to avoid physically imitate Crooked Hillary having one of her "short circuit episodes" or the MSM will spend a week falsely claiming The Donald doesn't like people with neurological problems. :p

Republican Donald Trump questioned Democrat Hillary Clinton's fitness to be president Saturday night, saying "she's got problems" and that Americans "don't want someone who's going to short-circuit."

Trump told a crowd of supporters that he's not sure the former first lady and secretary of state is up to the job.

"Honestly, I don't think she's all there," Trump said at a rally in a steamy gymnasium.

Clinton this week said that she "may have short-circuited" ...

Trump on Clinton: 'I don't think she's all there'

Plus, this First thing
they had to parse that in "Clinton style" to make it seem like something

Of course, it is interesting that the real First Woman , Victoria Woodhull ever nominated had this to say

There's been a few videos of Hillary whacked out acting loopy. She hears words that aren't there and doesn't hear words that are there. Something is wrong with her brain.

Trump is a bit rough around the edges but Hillary is the queen of corruption, prone to short circuiting under pressure.
There's been a few videos of Hillary whacked out acting loopy. She hears words that aren't there and doesn't hear words that are there. Something is wrong with her brain.

Trump is a bit rough around the edges but Hillary is the queen of corruption, prone to short circuiting under pressure.

Trump is beyond "rough around the edges". He's a racist idiot and so are those who support him.
There's been a few videos of Hillary whacked out acting loopy. She hears words that aren't there and doesn't hear words that are there. Something is wrong with her brain.

Trump is a bit rough around the edges but Hillary is the queen of corruption, prone to short circuiting under pressure.
But you have to realize she's brain-damaged from those sniper rounds she took in the ass in Bosnia!!!!
There's been a few videos of Hillary whacked out acting loopy. She hears words that aren't there and doesn't hear words that are there. Something is wrong with her brain.

Trump is a bit rough around the edges but Hillary is the queen of corruption, prone to short circuiting under pressure.

Trump is beyond "rough around the edges". He's a racist idiot and so are those who support him.
Stupid people need simple answers. The cry of racism is the low hanging fruit of the mentally challenged.
The Donald could and should beat Hillary on the issues every day and twice on Sunday.
But instead he goes with the name calling.....
Maybe he could enlist his wife and daughter to help him with some verbal
attacks on her fashion sense or maybe suggest an eating disorder....

That should work in getting the undecided voters over to the Wonderful Donald's side.....

Or just stick with the insults.....
It's worked so well for the Donald in winning all those elections for him in the past as
Mayor or
Governor or

From the NY Times today....

After a disastrous week of feuds and plummeting poll numbers, Republican leaders have concluded that Donald J. Trump is a threat to the party’s fortunes and have begun discussing how soon their endangered candidates should explicitly distance themselves from the presidential nominee.

For Republicans in close races, top strategists say, the issue is no longer in doubt. One House Republican has already started airing an ad vowing to stand up to Mr. Trump if he is elected president, and others are expected to press similar themes in the weeks ahead.

Enjoy the schlonging Trumpsters....
There's been a few videos of Hillary whacked out acting loopy. She hears words that aren't there and doesn't hear words that are there. Something is wrong with her brain.

Trump is a bit rough around the edges but Hillary is the queen of corruption, prone to short circuiting under pressure.

Trump is beyond "rough around the edges". He's a racist idiot and so are those who support him.

Quote Trump on race and make your case.
Has Dr. Ben Carson weighed in on what might be Crooked Hillary's neurological disorder(s)?


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