The Donald Will Commence The Schlonging of Crooked Hillary at 10:30 Today In NYC

Was The Donald doing the "roper doper" the past 3 weeks, letting the MSM think they could actually do control the public? Get ready for the poll numbers to shoot through the roof again!

Once again, your "MSM" is controlled by 6 major multinational corporations who preside over ~90% of what americans see, hear, and read. That's down from 50 some odd companies that were in the game back in the 1980's. But hey, under Clinton the FCC was deregulated. That's what happens when you allow concentrated corporate wealth and power to take over what should be an important part of "the commons" in a "free" "democratic" society. Furthermore, they do pretty much control the perceptual reality of the public, that was the point afterall. And if you would simply stop participating in your own demise you might see some change, but you won't. You appear to be unable to. Your emotional reactionary tribalism is exactly what your media machine fosters and foments. By design. So the societal wealth extraction paradigm can be allowed to continue unabated.
Yer throwing too many big words at em for em to understand.
Was The Donald doing the "roper doper" the past 3 weeks, letting the MSM think they could actually do control the public? Get ready for the poll numbers to shoot through the roof again!
It doesn't matter what he says.

They'll put negative spin on it regardless.
Defending lies and propaganda are we?

I bet you say that every time you whine..
Pointing out the truth is not a whine.

Whining is crying about guns at the drop of a hat when the causes are obviously not guns.
The loop hole on no fly list being able to buy is not gonna take your guns away, it is just a logical move..
It doesn't matter what he says.

They'll put negative spin on it regardless.
Defending lies and propaganda are we?

I bet you say that every time you whine..
Pointing out the truth is not a whine.

Whining is crying about guns at the drop of a hat when the causes are obviously not guns.
The loop hole on no fly list being able to buy is not gonna take your guns away, it is just a logical move..
Yet doesn't address the root causation.

The Obama Administration took hundreds of verified known terrorists off of watch lists early in his administration. His love of Islam is putting this country at a huge risk due to his dismantling of the safeguards and protections Bush put in place in favor of a kinder/gentler approach to fighting terrorism.

....because if anything the 3,500 law suits Trump is involved in ; the 4 Business Bankruptcies Trump has had ; the three divorces and four marriages he has had ; the sworn accusations of rape by his Ex wife ; the two alter egos he has John Miller and John Baron [ who call the media to praise Trump and his almost constant lying in front of cameras all Speak of personal Integrity and Stability
I wonder how good the schlonging will be over a teleprompter?

Oh....silly me. Trump doesn't need a teleprompter!

Republicans: Teleprompters are bad! Scripted words what the Hell!

Republicans after Trump uses Teleprompters: Teleprompters are needed and necessary! Scripted words help you focus!
I wonder how good the schlonging will be over a teleprompter?

Oh....silly me. Trump doesn't need a teleprompter!

Republicans: Teleprompters are bad! Scripted words what the Hell!

Republicans after Trump uses Teleprompters: Teleprompters are needed and necessary! Scripted words help you focus! it like the empty-suit Democrats.
I wonder how good the schlonging will be over a teleprompter?

Oh....silly me. Trump doesn't need a teleprompter!

Republicans: Teleprompters are bad! Scripted words what the Hell!

Republicans after Trump uses Teleprompters: Teleprompters are needed and necessary! Scripted words help you focus! it like the empty-suit Democrats.

NOW you like Teleprompters...Way to stay consistent
I wonder how good the schlonging will be over a teleprompter?

Oh....silly me. Trump doesn't need a teleprompter!

Republicans: Teleprompters are bad! Scripted words what the Hell!

Republicans after Trump uses Teleprompters: Teleprompters are needed and necessary! Scripted words help you focus! it like the empty-suit Democrats.

NOW you like Teleprompters...Way to stay consistent

Remember Max Headroom? He looks like him; only less human.
Excellent speech in showing he is the last hope for any chance in making America great again. He also did a great job in exposing just the tip of the iceberg in regards to corrupt liar, Crooked Hillary.

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