The Dossier on Trump IS Believable, if the golden showers left out.

Everything in the dossier or diary of the M16 agent IS BELIEVABLE so far...

Because something is BELIEVABLE does NOT MEAN IT IS REAL. So the rest of your nonsense is just that, nonsense and not worth the time.

There are millions of novels that are 100% believable. That's what makes them so much fun!

The Trump Dossier Is Fake -- And Here Are The Reasons Why

Paul Roderick Gregory
I cover domestic and world economics from a free-market perspective.

A former British intelligence officer, who is now a director of a London private security-and-investigations firm, has been identified as the author of the dossier of unverified allegations about President-elect Donald Trump’s activities and connections in Russia, according to the Wall Street Journal. A Christopher Steele, a director of London-based private intelligence company, Orbis, purportedly prepared the dossier under contract to both Republican and Democratic adversaries of then-candidate Trump. The poor grammar and shaky spelling plus the author’s use of KGB-style intelligence reporting, however, do not fit the image of a high-end London security company run by highly connected former British intelligence figures.


The Trump Dossier Is Fake -- And Here Are The Reasons Why
Yes. Of course it does. A mole got into Hillary's campaign and arranged for Podesta to use the password "P@ssw0rd" so it could be hacked.

Then the Mole being that clever and competent forgot to erase the electronic trails that led right to the Russians and Trump.

Now it gets even easier to believe. Because the NSA which is busy reading everything that flies around the net didn't notice the information leaving the nation but did intercept local phone calls in Moscow.

This is getting well beyond "B Movie" and into loser high school fanboy fantasy when you add in the kinky sex.

The only thing I can say is thank God that Hillary was not elected. Can you imagine the nations secrets being secured by anyone using the password "P@ssw0rd"? The code to access the launch keys would be equally original.

"Access code required."

"The access code is @cce$$ c0de".

"Nuclear Weapons ready to launch select targets."

I think we dodged a real big bullet here.

Yes, Clinton and Obama arranged all of this in order to discredit Trump after Clinton won.

Huh? :cuckoo:
The Trump Dossier IS a fake report containing Russia-generated propaganda Hillary, Comey, Obama, and the DNC funded / bought from a foreign agent through a lobbying firm with a history of working for the Russians, illegally used in a US election...

Considering all the other proven crimes perpetrated by these criminals AND the evidence regarding this above AND the fact that Fusion GPS has declared Hillary paid for the report then plead the 5th before Congress, it is not only credible but has been proven to be fact.
Everything in the dossier or diary of the M16 agent IS BELIEVABLE so far...

Because something is BELIEVABLE does NOT MEAN IT IS REAL. So the rest of your nonsense is just that, nonsense and not worth the time.

There are millions of novels that are 100% believable. That's what makes them so much fun!

The Trump Dossier Is Fake -- And Here Are The Reasons Why

Paul Roderick Gregory
I cover domestic and world economics from a free-market perspective.

A former British intelligence officer, who is now a director of a London private security-and-investigations firm, has been identified as the author of the dossier of unverified allegations about President-elect Donald Trump’s activities and connections in Russia, according to the Wall Street Journal. A Christopher Steele, a director of London-based private intelligence company, Orbis, purportedly prepared the dossier under contract to both Republican and Democratic adversaries of then-candidate Trump. The poor grammar and shaky spelling plus the author’s use of KGB-style intelligence reporting, however, do not fit the image of a high-end London security company run by highly connected former British intelligence figures.


The Trump Dossier Is Fake -- And Here Are The Reasons Why

Millions of people believed Uncle Tom's cabin was real. The truth was that all the events and characters in it were made-up.
No, it highlights your willful stupidity. :lol:

Dossier is a fancy word. Oh my god, I'm going to be laughing my ass of at that one for years. :lmao:

Paging William F. Buckley...

I see it is the really tiny words and grammar that give you serious problems.
Stephen Colbert says the "golden showers" part is believable. I agree.

Colbert Tells Conan That Trump 'Pee Pee' Hotel Claim Is 'Believable'

hi Colbert is saying is that it does not matter if the dossier is false, he is going to believe it anyway.

Of course, the VERY inconvenient truth is that none of the dossier has been proven false. A lot of it is, as yet, unverified but some has been confirmed and none of it disproven.

Wrong again.

The lies snowflakes believe are incredible

Okay, what has been disproven?

It was conclusively disproven, that Michael Cohen, Trump's lawyer, traveled to Prague in 2016. Cohen has never been to Prague.

Cohen said he didn't go. Considering all the Trump officials that have lied about their contacts, it has hardly been disproved.
hi Colbert is saying is that it does not matter if the dossier is false, he is going to believe it anyway.

Of course, the VERY inconvenient truth is that none of the dossier has been proven false. A lot of it is, as yet, unverified but some has been confirmed and none of it disproven.

Wrong again.

The lies snowflakes believe are incredible

Okay, what has been disproven?
It was conclusively disproven, that Michael Cohen, Trump's lawyer, traveled to Prague in 2016. Cohen has never been to Prague.

Cohen said he didn't go. Considering all the Trump officials that have lied about their contacts, it has hardly been disproved.

Michael Cohen trashes Trump-Russia dossier ‘riddled with total falsehoods’

The dossier, posted by BuzzFeed in January, makes the sensational charge that Mr. Cohen traveled to Prague last summer to meet with Russian agents and organize payoffs to cover up the supposed Russia-Trump hacking.

But he quickly showed Mr. Trump and the media his passport, which contained no trip to Prague. He also showed evidence of his itinerary for visiting his son in California at the time Mr. Steele said he was conspiring with Russians.
That's hard physical evidence that the claims in the dossier are false, not just his denial.

Case closed.

Now admit that you're an ignorant lying douchebag.
It's hilarious that many NaziCons still refuse to admit that much of the dossier has been proven to be true by Congress and Mueller. To my knowledge, nothing in the dossier has been proven untrue so far.
Of course, the VERY inconvenient truth is that none of the dossier has been proven false. A lot of it is, as yet, unverified but some has been confirmed and none of it disproven.

Wrong again.

The lies snowflakes believe are incredible

Okay, what has been disproven?
It was conclusively disproven, that Michael Cohen, Trump's lawyer, traveled to Prague in 2016. Cohen has never been to Prague.

Cohen said he didn't go. Considering all the Trump officials that have lied about their contacts, it has hardly been disproved.

Michael Cohen trashes Trump-Russia dossier ‘riddled with total falsehoods’

The dossier, posted by BuzzFeed in January, makes the sensational charge that Mr. Cohen traveled to Prague last summer to meet with Russian agents and organize payoffs to cover up the supposed Russia-Trump hacking.

But he quickly showed Mr. Trump and the media his passport, which contained no trip to Prague. He also showed evidence of his itinerary for visiting his son in California at the time Mr. Steele said he was conspiring with Russians.
That's hard physical evidence that the claims in the dossier are false, not just his denial.

Case closed.

Now admit that you're an ignorant lying douchebag.

Unverified, not disproved. Cohen's word is worth as much as Trump's. How many passports did it turn out Manifort had?
Wrong again.

The lies snowflakes believe are incredible

Okay, what has been disproven?
It was conclusively disproven, that Michael Cohen, Trump's lawyer, traveled to Prague in 2016. Cohen has never been to Prague.

Cohen said he didn't go. Considering all the Trump officials that have lied about their contacts, it has hardly been disproved.

Michael Cohen trashes Trump-Russia dossier ‘riddled with total falsehoods’

The dossier, posted by BuzzFeed in January, makes the sensational charge that Mr. Cohen traveled to Prague last summer to meet with Russian agents and organize payoffs to cover up the supposed Russia-Trump hacking.

But he quickly showed Mr. Trump and the media his passport, which contained no trip to Prague. He also showed evidence of his itinerary for visiting his son in California at the time Mr. Steele said he was conspiring with Russians.
That's hard physical evidence that the claims in the dossier are false, not just his denial.

Case closed.

Now admit that you're an ignorant lying douchebag.

Unverified, not disproved. Cohen's word is worth as much as Trump's. How many passports did it turn out Manifort had?
It's not his word, dumbass, It's actual government issued documentation. There is no stamp for Prague in his passport. That alone is just about irrefutable evidence. However, he also has an airline itinerary showing he was visiting his son at the time. That is more irrefutable documentation. You, on the other hand, have a pile of crap that even the author admits is no better than fiction.
Everything in the dossier or diary of the M16 agent IS BELIEVABLE so far....I am only on page 11 and have a lot more to go, but every single thing in there, I thought and mentioned on this site, long before even knowing there was this dossier.

oh, and the dossier mentions those thirty and some diplomats being part of the spy team hacking the DNC/Podesta with the Trump team being informed by some of them.... that dossier was given to the FBI in July I believe.... so, it must have been proven true for them to be thrown out now by Obama....

AND the FBI obviously in these past 6 months of having this report was not able to DISPROVE the report/dossier.... the FBI would neither confirm or DISCREDIT the dossier...if they could have discredited it, they would have said they did.

I think we are a lot closer to LOCK HIM UP than we ever were on LOCK HER UP!

holy smokes! it all makes sense now, on ALL of Trump's statements and actions on this whole Russian hack thing....IT WAS coordinated with Trump/trump's team. IT FITS with what I have said all along....they had a MOLE within the DNC AND Russian hackers....both, and Trump's team, was in on it.

Trump Intelligence Allegations

It's possible they didn't tell him what was going to happen before he got to the hotel room.

Maybe he just smiled and laughed at the peeing hookers to be polite… you know, not hurt their feelings.

I think the golden showers story is true. It’s not the sort of thing one makes up. And the idea of these women defiling the bed Obama slept in makes sense because Trump has been busy pissing all over Obama’s legacy.

But the biggest reason I think it’s true is that when Trump talked about it and said it never happened because he’s “germaphobic” he finished by saying “Believe me”. The only time Trump ever says “Believe me!” Is when he’s lying. It’s like a poker tell with him.
"Believe me" is a very common phrase in NYC especially. Millions of people say it everyday.
It's like the LIB asshole Juan Williams starting every sentence with: "Let me just say this".
Everyone uses figures of speech.
I'm not sure if the OP was a hooker paid by Hillary Clinton to urinate on her in a Russian Hotel, or if she paid Hillary Clinton to Urinate on her while a Russian Hooker watched.
I'm not sure if the OP was a hooker paid by Hillary Clinton to urinate on her in a Russian Hotel, or if she paid Hillary Clinton to Urinate on her while a Russian Hooker watched.

She also is paid by Planned Parenthood to drive around looking for pregnant girls to talk into abortion.
hi Colbert is saying is that it does not matter if the dossier is false, he is going to believe it anyway.

Of course, the VERY inconvenient truth is that none of the dossier has been proven false. A lot of it is, as yet, unverified but some has been confirmed and none of it disproven.

Wrong again.

The lies snowflakes believe are incredible

Okay, what has been disproven?
It was conclusively disproven, that Michael Cohen, Trump's lawyer, traveled to Prague in 2016. Cohen has never been to Prague.

Cohen said he didn't go. Considering all the Trump officials that have lied about their contacts, it has hardly been disproved.
You MORON!!!!!
Cohen showed his passport to the FBI PROVING he didn't go to Russia. The FBI went so far as to interview numerous people who swore Cohen was at a baseball game where his son was playing at the time the fucking LIBs were claiming he was in Russia.
Now shut the fuck up!
Okay, what has been disproven?
It was conclusively disproven, that Michael Cohen, Trump's lawyer, traveled to Prague in 2016. Cohen has never been to Prague.

Cohen said he didn't go. Considering all the Trump officials that have lied about their contacts, it has hardly been disproved.

Michael Cohen trashes Trump-Russia dossier ‘riddled with total falsehoods’

The dossier, posted by BuzzFeed in January, makes the sensational charge that Mr. Cohen traveled to Prague last summer to meet with Russian agents and organize payoffs to cover up the supposed Russia-Trump hacking.

But he quickly showed Mr. Trump and the media his passport, which contained no trip to Prague. He also showed evidence of his itinerary for visiting his son in California at the time Mr. Steele said he was conspiring with Russians.
That's hard physical evidence that the claims in the dossier are false, not just his denial.

Case closed.

Now admit that you're an ignorant lying douchebag.

Unverified, not disproved. Cohen's word is worth as much as Trump's. How many passports did it turn out Manifort had?
It's not his word, dumbass, It's actual government issued documentation. There is no stamp for Prague in his passport. That alone is just about irrefutable evidence. However, he also has an airline itinerary showing he was visiting his son at the time. That is more irrefutable documentation. You, on the other hand, have a pile of crap that even the author admits is no better than fiction.

It's HIS word that he has no other passport.

How many passports did Manifort have?

Also, the Czech Republic is part of the European Union, and EU laws allow residents and tourists to travel freely through bunch of countries without a passport.
I'm not sure if the OP was a hooker paid by Hillary Clinton to urinate on her in a Russian Hotel, or if she paid Hillary Clinton to Urinate on her while a Russian Hooker watched.

She also is paid by Planned Parenthood to drive around looking for pregnant girls to talk into abortion.
So she is a baby killer? yah know, if Lefty wouldn't keep killing future lefty voters....(50 Million Babies) they wouldn't be wanting so many illegals to work in their underground sweat shops, or for their contractor friends who pay them $3.00 an hour.
It was conclusively disproven, that Michael Cohen, Trump's lawyer, traveled to Prague in 2016. Cohen has never been to Prague.

Cohen said he didn't go. Considering all the Trump officials that have lied about their contacts, it has hardly been disproved.

Michael Cohen trashes Trump-Russia dossier ‘riddled with total falsehoods’

The dossier, posted by BuzzFeed in January, makes the sensational charge that Mr. Cohen traveled to Prague last summer to meet with Russian agents and organize payoffs to cover up the supposed Russia-Trump hacking.

But he quickly showed Mr. Trump and the media his passport, which contained no trip to Prague. He also showed evidence of his itinerary for visiting his son in California at the time Mr. Steele said he was conspiring with Russians.
That's hard physical evidence that the claims in the dossier are false, not just his denial.

Case closed.

Now admit that you're an ignorant lying douchebag.

Unverified, not disproved. Cohen's word is worth as much as Trump's. How many passports did it turn out Manifort had?
It's not his word, dumbass, It's actual government issued documentation. There is no stamp for Prague in his passport. That alone is just about irrefutable evidence. However, he also has an airline itinerary showing he was visiting his son at the time. That is more irrefutable documentation. You, on the other hand, have a pile of crap that even the author admits is no better than fiction.

It's HIS word that he has no other passport.

How many passports did Manifort have?

Also, the Czech Republic is part of the European Union, and EU laws allow residents and tourists to travel freely through bunch of countries without a passport.

Your Cartoon Racist piece of Bullshit that you are using as a Signature got you a Permanent IGNORE.
Cohen said he didn't go. Considering all the Trump officials that have lied about their contacts, it has hardly been disproved.

Michael Cohen trashes Trump-Russia dossier ‘riddled with total falsehoods’

The dossier, posted by BuzzFeed in January, makes the sensational charge that Mr. Cohen traveled to Prague last summer to meet with Russian agents and organize payoffs to cover up the supposed Russia-Trump hacking.

But he quickly showed Mr. Trump and the media his passport, which contained no trip to Prague. He also showed evidence of his itinerary for visiting his son in California at the time Mr. Steele said he was conspiring with Russians.
That's hard physical evidence that the claims in the dossier are false, not just his denial.

Case closed.

Now admit that you're an ignorant lying douchebag.

Unverified, not disproved. Cohen's word is worth as much as Trump's. How many passports did it turn out Manifort had?
It's not his word, dumbass, It's actual government issued documentation. There is no stamp for Prague in his passport. That alone is just about irrefutable evidence. However, he also has an airline itinerary showing he was visiting his son at the time. That is more irrefutable documentation. You, on the other hand, have a pile of crap that even the author admits is no better than fiction.

It's HIS word that he has no other passport.

How many passports did Manifort have?

Also, the Czech Republic is part of the European Union, and EU laws allow residents and tourists to travel freely through bunch of countries without a passport.

Your Cartoon Racist piece of Bullshit that you are using as a Signature got you a Permanent IGNORE.

And you are?
I'm not sure if the OP was a hooker paid by Hillary Clinton to urinate on her in a Russian Hotel, or if she paid Hillary Clinton to Urinate on her while a Russian Hooker watched.

She also is paid by Planned Parenthood to drive around looking for pregnant girls to talk into abortion.
So she is a baby killer? yah know, if Lefty wouldn't keep killing future lefty voters....(50 Million Babies) they wouldn't be wanting so many illegals to work in their underground sweat shops, or for their contractor friends who pay them $3.00 an hour.
Care pretended to be a practicing Catholic on here for I don't know how long, and used that to try to convince young female Catholics that abortion was *ok*

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