The Dow Jones Is CRASHING!! Open Your Eyes!

Hi Manu:

tell us what a weak dollar means as it relates to us goods and servcies....

There is no right answer to your query, because the market fundamentals ARE BROKEN. One and a half MILLION Foreign Nationals are slated to take JOBS from Americans this year 'and' next year 'and' the next year, like they did last year 'and' the year before that through FAR too many guest worker programs. JOBS are being outsourced at record pace, as India continues to build warehouse after warehouse after warehouse with cubicles, so Indian's can 'displace' American Service Sector workers from even more JOBS.

All of these new Obama Proposals (Cap and Tax, ObamaCare, Bailout/Stimulus Spending Sprees) raise 'costs' for U.S. Companies and Households, which will ship even more JOBS overseas to markets where these constraints do not exist. Back at the ranch, 10,000 more Americans will lose their homes to foreclosure EVERY DAY and the unemployment rate is escalating HIGHER.

The stock markets and commodities are going up, because the value of the U.S. Dollar is GOING DOWN. The American Consumer Base is SHRINKING right along with the Local Tax Base, which means more and more Govt Jobs lost 'and' more workers seeking JOBS in an imploding job market. A bricklayer that made 24 dollars per hour some four years ago is now hoping to get a job paying 14 dollars per hour, because employers are fighting over the goddamned Illegal Aliens willing to work for less than half the price. The weaker dollar should be a good thing in the short run, because American goods are cheaper in the Global Market. However, none of the usual buying/selling strategies mean ANYTHING; when the politicians are all CORRUPT and 20 to 30 Million Illegal Aliens are robbing the system blind 'and' nobody is enforcing the 'Rule of Law.'

It is one thing for the dollar to become weaker over market fundamentals 'and' quite another thing when the U.S. Dollar is being systematically destroyed very much ON PURPOSE. The entire U.S. System is collapsing right before your eyes and many of the Loyal Bushie/Obama DUPES actually think that things are getting better . . . DUPES!!!


[ame=]This Guy Is Right Too[/ame]


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Terral equities always perform better during a weaker dollar, because the growth of the equities more often than not outpaces the inflation.

You can only buy so much food, water, and guns, and then you still have dollars left that need to be protected from inflation. So then you buy some gold, other commodities, yada yada, but there's no reason RIGHT THIS SECOND not to be in equities if you're in the right ones.
I own a lot of gold, but I always feel the need to say "But I'm not a gold bug."

And that's because many gold bugs are just crazy.

Like you-know-who in this thread, for instance.
Stop condescending in my direction, as El Toro is among the biggest Loyal Bushie/Obama DUPES on the planet.

Okay, I won't condescend. You are crazy and unable to differentiate reality from fantasy.

That's not "condescending." That's "insulting."

No. The OP video explains that the numbers can go 'higher,' but the markets are still CRASHING. My prediction will make perfect sense at some point down the road and 'then' you will realize what we are talking about.

You have no understanding of basic finance and, apparently, math. Listening to other crazy people does not mean you are less crazy.
Terral has not a clue about any of this, but is fun nonetheless to read. What a hoot!
I am a firm believer that the answer to our problem is to lower the Dollar against almost all world currencies and peg it at that level. Of course the other countries of the world would never stand for that. It sure would be great if they let us do that. We would have full employment and no worry about a recession. Of course most of the rest of the world would be up sheet creek.
Hi Neubarth:

I am a firm believer that the answer to our problem is to lower the Dollar against almost all world currencies and peg it at that level. Of course the other countries of the world would never stand for that. It sure would be great if they let us do that. We would have full employment and no worry about a recession. Of course most of the rest of the world would be up sheet creek.

Full employment? We have between 20 and 30 MILLION Illegal Aliens stealing U.S. identities and JOBS and nobody is doing one thing to enforce the 'Rule of Law.' Cap and Tax and ObamaCare will place HUGE burdens on U.S. Employers, which means even more JOBS will be shipped overseas where other markets do NOT have these kinds of constraints. Obama and the FED are destroying the U.S. Dollar, but for some reason you feel like this is great news . . .

The outsourcing of too many JOBS and the importation of too many Foreign Nationals (legal and illegal) and the offshoring of the U.S. manufacturing base are destroying the U.S. Consumer and Tax Base. Unemployment is going UP and the Tax Base is eroding away, which means fewer taxpayers and shrinking budgets and the loss of even more Govt Jobs. No sir. The U.S. Economy is IMPLODING and stupid day traders appear oblivious that Obama is moving chairs around on the USS Titanic headed for the bottom of the cotton-picking ocean . . .


Terral, you are fun! You can't support your claims, but what the heck. Keep it up!
Another worm's eye view. Our company, steel mills, actually made a little profit and passed out very small, and very welcome, profit sharing checks in October. We only hired back two of the several hundred that were laid off, but at least for the moment, things are going in the right direction.

That's why I'm off public market. I read this article today and I want to become an Equity Investor ;). I'll pump my cash in real companies, rather than buy dreams on WallST.
The funny thing about Terral is that he actually believes this shit.

When one lets themselves be consumed by the Swamp of Sadness, we let the Sadness control our every thought.

Terral comes on here because he is sad. We should form a support group for Terral.
Hi Jake and David:

Terral has not a clue about any of this, but is fun nonetheless to read. What a hoot!

Terral knows exactly what is going on, but the majority here has no clue:

[ame=""]US Dollar Will Collapse At End Of 2010[/ame]

All of the Bailout/Stimulus Spending is about propping up a dying U.S. Consumer/Tax Base, until the U.S. Dollar Collapse. Yes. The Stock Market 'numbers' are going up, but real value is going DOWN; until eventually you own a whole lot of nothing ...

The funny thing about Terral is that he actually believes this shit.

When one lets themselves be consumed by the Swamp of Sadness, we let the Sadness control our every thought.

Terral comes on here because he is sad. We should form a support group for Terral.

Do not be sorry for me. My money is in hard assets, as in "Survival Supplies" (my Topic). You day traders are the ones playing Russian Roulette, until Pity Party Time is here. Buying gold will do no good, when this happens . . .


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