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The downfall of the media

MisterBeale is the most knowledgeable poster on this forum and this site is lucky to have someone of his stature posting here.

Really? I guess I'll never know. Count me unimpressed. Doesn't say much for the forum either.

Yes, "really", MisterBeale is the most informed poster here. Before my epiphany, I would view posters like you in an almost iconic way because you are really smart and you have common sense. Sadly though, you don't understand what it is that the people of this country and the rest of the world is actually up against. What is so stupefying is that the ones pulling the strings have actually told us that they are in control and now it is right in your face. I apologize for saying you need to STFU....that was wrong and it accomplished nothing. In my defense, I recently fractured my wrist in numerous places and had to have a plate and screws put in it and the pain meds can make me a bit loopy. I make no apologies for standing up for that poster and what he knows and I wish he would share more. I have talked to him off the board and I ask him why he doesn't....he said people don't really care so why waste your time? He said that I would eventually get tired of trying and he is right. The chance to right this ship was lost the day JFK was murdered by the same crowd that runs this corporate entity we call government and it is getting more oppressive by the day.
The bottom line is the public is the judge of what is true and what is false.

I find that the public often is a very poor judge of what is true and false, even when they make a concerted effort to investigate, basing much of their opinions on fleeting, shallow impressions. Like politicians during elections which would greatly benefit from independent fact-checking made available to the voters, it would be nice if there was more fact-checking of the media, but then, they would and do become suspect as well. Few people in the public are willing to make the effort, even fewer have the sagaciousness and discernment to parse through the BS, so it comes back again to the various interested parties and who makes the best research on group-tested topics and answers.

Trump said that the most important thing he learned from his father was to defend the family name. In the 80's and 90's, every time columnists in the Times, Post, or some celebrity said something he thought was derogatory or untrue about him, his wife, or business he would appear on Larry King, Howard Stern, or other media outlooks to attack those that attacked him. These battles of words often ended in law suites. They made him a household name which worked wonders for him in business and in his campaigning. However, as president it does not work well for him at all.

See! I did not know that! But then, I have insight into the Donald that few have and what you say does not surprise me a lot. That said, like so many things during the campaign that were rued by pundits as his final downfall, while much of his fighting and counter-fighting really gnaws at the media, and I too have had my doubts, I have resigned myself that this will be his style and withhold judgement on how it will work for him. In a way, I respect how he stands up for what he believes, and like the chicken and the egg, I am just not sure which drives the other, his tweets and comments, or the remarks by the media. But in the end, I don't see it as a battle that the media can win.

It creates controversy where none existed. Keeps his staff busy defending him and explaining what he meant rather than promoting his agenda. His crude language and callous treatment of people has offended a ton people in his own party. It's a gold mine for media outlets that he attacks. In fact some media personalities have compared it to a Pulitzer nomination. Today, it seems like every small news media website is out writing the most ridiculously things about Trump both pro and con in order to get noticed.

Again, I cannot disagree. Whether the controversy, staff defending him, and time spent really take from his work, merely run side-by-side or is an asset, I guess history will decide. It doesn't seem likely to change soon and it simply does not bother me or get in my way of focusing on the good side of the guy (many good sides), or the good things he is getting done. Somehow, I think Donald is USED to doing things this way, it might be NECESSARY for him, and maybe he knows no other way, and gets results in spite of all of it. Maybe even because of it.

Verbal attacks on the president are never considered sedition. If Trump was the supreme leader in a dictatorship, then any verbal attacks would be considered an attack against the nation but not in the US. Here the news media can say whatever it choose about the president as long as it's not a physical threat.

Probably so and now I wonder if that is more power than the Press should really have. There is freedom and too much freedom and no one should be unfettered in total unrestrained freedom and the Press is as bad or worse than Trump. As to physical threats, there too have been many of them as well; just a few days ago one guy on the liberal Press called for Trump to meet him in the street for a brawl. That bullshit must stop. The Press has lost all dignity and respect for the Office, I think if they were halfway fair, none of this would be happening, so I do not mind treating them harshly and I will overlook most anything Trump might say or do in response as well. It is high time someone on the Republican side stands up to the bull.
MisterBeale is the most informed poster here. Before my epiphany, I would view posters like you in an almost iconic way because you are really smart and you have common sense. Sadly though, you don't understand what it is that the people of this country and the rest of the world is actually up against. What is so stupefying is that the ones pulling the strings have actually told us that they are in control and now it is right in your face. I apologize for saying you need to STFU....that was wrong and it accomplished nothing. In my defense, I recently fractured my wrist in numerous places and had to have a plate and screws put in it and the pain meds can make me a bit loopy. I make no apologies for standing up for that poster and what he knows and I wish he would share more. I have talked to him off the board and I ask him why he doesn't....he said people don't really care so why waste your time? He said that I would eventually get tired of trying and he is right. The chance to right this ship was lost the day JFK was murdered by the same crowd that runs this corporate entity we call government and it is getting more oppressive by the day.

Well, Dale I appreciate that. I consider you one of the best posters here and I hope that wrist heals up quickly. I am no stranger to pain and meds myself. And you might be quite right about MisterBeale, but if he cannot put his ideas across in a congruent way that does not offend the reader to the point of pulling the plug, and I have been pulling a lot of plugs recently, then it becomes a total fail.

I'm a very busy man who already has a house full of books I ought to read, so anyone out there ought to distill the essence of what they learn and present the basis of it here. That is why we read message boards. ITMT, I get most of my information through more direct means.

I've never met such a group of total, ignorant jackasses as the board, and have considered just leaving, but there are just as many worthwhile people worth staying for. You are one of them. As to the rest of what you say, how do you know what I know? Do you think I tell everything I know? Nothing you say above is of any surprise to me. If you really think I have no idea what the people are up against, then why don't you educate me in a succinct way. SPELL IT OUT, short and sweet. Much as you say above, I too get tired of trying, but I will leave the reader with this final thought: just remember, there are few of them and 300 million of us. Never doubt the power of an informed public, because bottom line is that all they do, they do with OUR money. Take away the money and you take away the very engine of the corporate entity for which you speak above.

Nothing happens in this country without money, a lot of money, but I have found that where there is money, there is also corruption, its doesn't have to be that way but it is, and if you want to find the very best things in this world, they aren't where the money is; you have to go where there is no money at all. For the very best things in this world are spiritual, not of this world at all.
""Our newspapers after Donald Trump's election, we've gotten threats from both the far left and the far right," Karem said. "They are emboldened, it is dangerous, and the fact of the matter is, it is insulting to the memory of the people who have given their lives for the cause for providing information to the public to then be told you are fake media, you do not matter, and what you're doing is false."

See, he sees this demand for accountability as a "threat". I see it as evidence that EVERYBODY is disgusted with the press, and they are going to be held accountable.

Which is of course terrifying for criminals. Also remember..criminals always blame other people for their own behavior.

CNN Anchor: Trump Putting Journalists In Danger; "Declaration Of War On Media" Has "Emboldened" War Zones

the mainstream media,err i mean LAMESTREAM media,pretty much lost their credibility and has lost it at LEAST starting in nov 22nd 1963 " PROBABLY lost it sooner than that though but for sure no doubt then and ever since then" with the biggest con job sick lie ever forced down our throuts through the media and our corrupt school system with the lone assassin theory that magic bullets exist and have covered up the lie ever since STILL saying he was the lone assassin even though the majority of americans in polls no longer believe that bullshit anymore. talk about a disservice to the country STILL lying about it. talk about FAKE news.:rolleyes:

just freaking admit the lie now that the CIA did it.otherwise the tag of fake news is what they ALWAYS be known for.

What I always found interesting is that the architect of the single bullet theory was none other than that sleaze ball Arlen Specter. The cover up of the assassination of JFK never fails to astound me.
You need to start from scratch like I did. First question is WHAT did he do to get someone into the mode for killing him.? This, if you really look at it from a different point. Just as a example: JFK returned the printing of money back to the Federal Gov from a PVT company. Start there and you will have found info as to the first suspect in the murder.
MisterBeale is the most informed poster here. Before my epiphany, I would view posters like you in an almost iconic way because you are really smart and you have common sense. Sadly though, you don't understand what it is that the people of this country and the rest of the world is actually up against. What is so stupefying is that the ones pulling the strings have actually told us that they are in control and now it is right in your face. I apologize for saying you need to STFU....that was wrong and it accomplished nothing. In my defense, I recently fractured my wrist in numerous places and had to have a plate and screws put in it and the pain meds can make me a bit loopy. I make no apologies for standing up for that poster and what he knows and I wish he would share more. I have talked to him off the board and I ask him why he doesn't....he said people don't really care so why waste your time? He said that I would eventually get tired of trying and he is right. The chance to right this ship was lost the day JFK was murdered by the same crowd that runs this corporate entity we call government and it is getting more oppressive by the day.

Well, Dale I appreciate that. I consider you one of the best posters here and I hope that wrist heals up quickly. I am no stranger to pain and meds myself. And you might be quite right about MisterBeale, but if he cannot put his ideas across in a congruent way that does not offend the reader to the point of pulling the plug, and I have been pulling a lot of plugs recently, then it becomes a total fail.

I'm a very busy man who already has a house full of books I ought to read, so anyone out there ought to distill the essence of what they learn and present the basis of it here. That is why we read message boards. ITMT, I get most of my information through more direct means.

I've never met such a group of total, ignorant jackasses as the board, and have considered just leaving, but there are just as many worthwhile people worth staying for. You are one of them. As to the rest of what you say, how do you know what I know? Do you think I tell everything I know? Nothing you say above is of any surprise to me. If you really think I have no idea what the people are up against, then why don't you educate me in a succinct way. SPELL IT OUT, short and sweet. Much as you say above, I too get tired of trying, but I will leave the reader with this final thought: just remember, there are few of them and 300 million of us. Never doubt the power of an informed public, because bottom line is that all they do, they do with OUR money. Take away the money and you take away the very engine of the corporate entity for which you speak above.

Nothing happens in this country without money, a lot of money, but I have found that where there is money, there is also corruption, its doesn't have to be that way but it is, and if you want to find the very best things in this world, they aren't where the money is; you have to go where there is no money at all. For the very best things in this world are spiritual, not of this world at all.
The thing that I have noticed is that people have lost the thinking, and reasoning to try to find the facts. You can over think the subject and need some common sense to make ends meet. Like my latest brain storm. Tracking what President Kennedy did 30 days before his murder. One very interesting fact is that he transferred the printing of US money from a PVT corp, controlled by the Rothchilds Group back under the U.S control.. I have not completed probe but it is just one that I am playing with. So keep thinking ..
MisterBeale is the most informed poster here. Before my epiphany, I would view posters like you in an almost iconic way because you are really smart and you have common sense. Sadly though, you don't understand what it is that the people of this country and the rest of the world is actually up against. What is so stupefying is that the ones pulling the strings have actually told us that they are in control and now it is right in your face. I apologize for saying you need to STFU....that was wrong and it accomplished nothing. In my defense, I recently fractured my wrist in numerous places and had to have a plate and screws put in it and the pain meds can make me a bit loopy. I make no apologies for standing up for that poster and what he knows and I wish he would share more. I have talked to him off the board and I ask him why he doesn't....he said people don't really care so why waste your time? He said that I would eventually get tired of trying and he is right. The chance to right this ship was lost the day JFK was murdered by the same crowd that runs this corporate entity we call government and it is getting more oppressive by the day.

Well, Dale I appreciate that. I consider you one of the best posters here and I hope that wrist heals up quickly. I am no stranger to pain and meds myself. And you might be quite right about MisterBeale, but if he cannot put his ideas across in a congruent way that does not offend the reader to the point of pulling the plug, and I have been pulling a lot of plugs recently, then it becomes a total fail.

I'm a very busy man who already has a house full of books I ought to read, so anyone out there ought to distill the essence of what they learn and present the basis of it here. That is why we read message boards. ITMT, I get most of my information through more direct means.

I've never met such a group of total, ignorant jackasses as the board, and have considered just leaving, but there are just as many worthwhile people worth staying for. You are one of them. As to the rest of what you say, how do you know what I know? Do you think I tell everything I know? Nothing you say above is of any surprise to me. If you really think I have no idea what the people are up against, then why don't you educate me in a succinct way. SPELL IT OUT, short and sweet. Much as you say above, I too get tired of trying, but I will leave the reader with this final thought: just remember, there are few of them and 300 million of us. Never doubt the power of an informed public, because bottom line is that all they do, they do with OUR money. Take away the money and you take away the very engine of the corporate entity for which you speak above.

Nothing happens in this country without money, a lot of money, but I have found that where there is money, there is also corruption, its doesn't have to be that way but it is, and if you want to find the very best things in this world, they aren't where the money is; you have to go where there is no money at all. For the very best things in this world are spiritual, not of this world at all.
Bring in the Clowns. If that does not work bring in the fear and lies and threats. This is just what the lefts are doing. Progressives will "do what ever it takes", this is evident in what is happening. The left has been very quite in the past but in the past eight years has "come out of the closet" and feel like they can "let it all hang out" and finish the job that they started 40 years ago. They have taken all the mistakes from the past and refined them into what we have today. They will take any type of help from any group or person who is a radical. The Leaders of the movement are in the shadow waiting to step forward and take control. How close are we to the edge of being a Socialist Nation like Europe and England, and Canada. I would die for this Nation like many of my forefathers did then live under the yoke of a Socialist Government. You pick you side and stand....You know where I stand.
MisterBeale is the most informed poster here. Before my epiphany, I would view posters like you in an almost iconic way because you are really smart and you have common sense. Sadly though, you don't understand what it is that the people of this country and the rest of the world is actually up against. What is so stupefying is that the ones pulling the strings have actually told us that they are in control and now it is right in your face. I apologize for saying you need to STFU....that was wrong and it accomplished nothing. In my defense, I recently fractured my wrist in numerous places and had to have a plate and screws put in it and the pain meds can make me a bit loopy. I make no apologies for standing up for that poster and what he knows and I wish he would share more. I have talked to him off the board and I ask him why he doesn't....he said people don't really care so why waste your time? He said that I would eventually get tired of trying and he is right. The chance to right this ship was lost the day JFK was murdered by the same crowd that runs this corporate entity we call government and it is getting more oppressive by the day.

Well, Dale I appreciate that. I consider you one of the best posters here and I hope that wrist heals up quickly. I am no stranger to pain and meds myself. And you might be quite right about MisterBeale, but if he cannot put his ideas across in a congruent way that does not offend the reader to the point of pulling the plug, and I have been pulling a lot of plugs recently, then it becomes a total fail.

I'm a very busy man who already has a house full of books I ought to read, so anyone out there ought to distill the essence of what they learn and present the basis of it here. That is why we read message boards. ITMT, I get most of my information through more direct means.

I've never met such a group of total, ignorant jackasses as the board, and have considered just leaving, but there are just as many worthwhile people worth staying for. You are one of them. As to the rest of what you say, how do you know what I know? Do you think I tell everything I know? Nothing you say above is of any surprise to me. If you really think I have no idea what the people are up against, then why don't you educate me in a succinct way. SPELL IT OUT, short and sweet. Much as you say above, I too get tired of trying, but I will leave the reader with this final thought: just remember, there are few of them and 300 million of us. Never doubt the power of an informed public, because bottom line is that all they do, they do with OUR money. Take away the money and you take away the very engine of the corporate entity for which you speak above.

Nothing happens in this country without money, a lot of money, but I have found that where there is money, there is also corruption, its doesn't have to be that way but it is, and if you want to find the very best things in this world, they aren't where the money is; you have to go where there is no money at all. For the very best things in this world are spiritual, not of this world at all.
Bring in the Clowns. If that does not work bring in the fear and lies and threats. This is just what the lefts are doing. Progressives will "do what ever it takes", this is evident in what is happening. The left has been very quite in the past but in the past eight years has "come out of the closet" and feel like they can "let it all hang out" and finish the job that they started 40 years ago. They have taken all the mistakes from the past and refined them into what we have today. They will take any type of help from any group or person who is a radical. The Leaders of the movement are in the shadow waiting to step forward and take control. How close are we to the edge of being a Socialist Nation like Europe and England, and Canada. I would die for this Nation like many of my forefathers did then live under the yoke of a Socialist Government. You pick you side and stand....You know where I stand.

Wow, another person that is "awake"....good job, Dan. BTW Your post about JFK and the silver backed certificates while bypassing the Fed was greatness. What most people do not know is that the Fed had a 100 year charter so the only way to get around it was to simply bypass it. Always encouraging to come across those like you. I think "toobfreak"is a pretty sharp guy himself.
MisterBeale is the most informed poster here. Before my epiphany, I would view posters like you in an almost iconic way because you are really smart and you have common sense. Sadly though, you don't understand what it is that the people of this country and the rest of the world is actually up against. What is so stupefying is that the ones pulling the strings have actually told us that they are in control and now it is right in your face. I apologize for saying you need to STFU....that was wrong and it accomplished nothing. In my defense, I recently fractured my wrist in numerous places and had to have a plate and screws put in it and the pain meds can make me a bit loopy. I make no apologies for standing up for that poster and what he knows and I wish he would share more. I have talked to him off the board and I ask him why he doesn't....he said people don't really care so why waste your time? He said that I would eventually get tired of trying and he is right. The chance to right this ship was lost the day JFK was murdered by the same crowd that runs this corporate entity we call government and it is getting more oppressive by the day.

Well, Dale I appreciate that. I consider you one of the best posters here and I hope that wrist heals up quickly. I am no stranger to pain and meds myself. And you might be quite right about MisterBeale, but if he cannot put his ideas across in a congruent way that does not offend the reader to the point of pulling the plug, and I have been pulling a lot of plugs recently, then it becomes a total fail.

I'm a very busy man who already has a house full of books I ought to read, so anyone out there ought to distill the essence of what they learn and present the basis of it here. That is why we read message boards. ITMT, I get most of my information through more direct means.

I've never met such a group of total, ignorant jackasses as the board, and have considered just leaving, but there are just as many worthwhile people worth staying for. You are one of them. As to the rest of what you say, how do you know what I know? Do you think I tell everything I know? Nothing you say above is of any surprise to me. If you really think I have no idea what the people are up against, then why don't you educate me in a succinct way. SPELL IT OUT, short and sweet. Much as you say above, I too get tired of trying, but I will leave the reader with this final thought: just remember, there are few of them and 300 million of us. Never doubt the power of an informed public, because bottom line is that all they do, they do with OUR money. Take away the money and you take away the very engine of the corporate entity for which you speak above.

Nothing happens in this country without money, a lot of money, but I have found that where there is money, there is also corruption, its doesn't have to be that way but it is, and if you want to find the very best things in this world, they aren't where the money is; you have to go where there is no money at all. For the very best things in this world are spiritual, not of this world at all.

Thank you, I have a long ways to go and it looks like my serious bass playing days are over but my faith in Jesus will get me past that. One of the other reasons that I wanted to make sure I apologized was because I went back and read some of your other posts. I had only seen the ones where we were on the same thread. You are really sharp and you are more aware than most by a large margin. I just think you and MisterBeale got off on the wrong foot. Also, he is pretty jaded and I can see why he is and that could explain his post. He doesn't think D.C can ever be fixed or the swamp drained and he may be 100 percent correct on that. I agree with you about getting money out of politics but you have to kill the machine that took over the system which is the Federal Reserve bank and we have to "un-incorporate" the government and put it back on land jurisdiction. I was stunned to learn that even the Supreme Court is incorporated and you can find it's listing on Dun and Bradstreet.com.
MisterBeale is the most informed poster here. Before my epiphany, I would view posters like you in an almost iconic way because you are really smart and you have common sense. Sadly though, you don't understand what it is that the people of this country and the rest of the world is actually up against. What is so stupefying is that the ones pulling the strings have actually told us that they are in control and now it is right in your face. I apologize for saying you need to STFU....that was wrong and it accomplished nothing. In my defense, I recently fractured my wrist in numerous places and had to have a plate and screws put in it and the pain meds can make me a bit loopy. I make no apologies for standing up for that poster and what he knows and I wish he would share more. I have talked to him off the board and I ask him why he doesn't....he said people don't really care so why waste your time? He said that I would eventually get tired of trying and he is right. The chance to right this ship was lost the day JFK was murdered by the same crowd that runs this corporate entity we call government and it is getting more oppressive by the day.

Well, Dale I appreciate that. I consider you one of the best posters here and I hope that wrist heals up quickly. I am no stranger to pain and meds myself. And you might be quite right about MisterBeale, but if he cannot put his ideas across in a congruent way that does not offend the reader to the point of pulling the plug, and I have been pulling a lot of plugs recently, then it becomes a total fail.

I'm a very busy man who already has a house full of books I ought to read, so anyone out there ought to distill the essence of what they learn and present the basis of it here. That is why we read message boards. ITMT, I get most of my information through more direct means.

I've never met such a group of total, ignorant jackasses as the board, and have considered just leaving, but there are just as many worthwhile people worth staying for. You are one of them. As to the rest of what you say, how do you know what I know? Do you think I tell everything I know? Nothing you say above is of any surprise to me. If you really think I have no idea what the people are up against, then why don't you educate me in a succinct way. SPELL IT OUT, short and sweet. Much as you say above, I too get tired of trying, but I will leave the reader with this final thought: just remember, there are few of them and 300 million of us. Never doubt the power of an informed public, because bottom line is that all they do, they do with OUR money. Take away the money and you take away the very engine of the corporate entity for which you speak above.

Nothing happens in this country without money, a lot of money, but I have found that where there is money, there is also corruption, its doesn't have to be that way but it is, and if you want to find the very best things in this world, they aren't where the money is; you have to go where there is no money at all. For the very best things in this world are spiritual, not of this world at all.
The thing that I have noticed is that people have lost the thinking, and reasoning to try to find the facts. You can over think the subject and need some common sense to make ends meet. Like my latest brain storm. Tracking what President Kennedy did 30 days before his murder. One very interesting fact is that he transferred the printing of US money from a PVT corp, controlled by the Rothchilds Group back under the U.S control.. I have not completed probe but it is just one that I am playing with. So keep thinking ..

The thing that I have noticed is that people have lost the thinking, and reasoning to try to find the facts.

Well, you see Dan, that is all by design. Ever notice how they push so much prescription medication in commercials even though it isn't even up to you to prescribe it but the doctor? Same with smartphones which started out as simple cellular phones and morphed into "entertainment centers" that people carry with them 24/7 so the government can track them collecting data about many aspects of their lives.

Data is being collected about you this very moment.

Gone are the days where critical thinking and problem solving are taught even in universities, much less in grade school. You are taught conformity and group-think, and more of WHAT to think. Talk to a young person, there seldom is much "thought" there.

"What do you think about this?"


"Have you given that much thought?"


You simply comply, follow direction ----- people today are taught to take direction. They wait to be told what to do. Have a problem, rather than reason it out, analyze and make a determination, they get on the web, look for a website or group to TELL THEM what to do.

It really is very sad.

This isn't the "new world," it is a generation of DEPENDENT people who cannot think for themselves. Such people are much easier to control.

I don't even own a cellphone.

Gone are the days of the polymath, or polyhistor, today, you can have a person with advanced degrees top of his field, yet the person is still an absolute idiot 5 inches out of his specialty about common, everyday things! Common sense stuff. We are building a monolithic society where everyone is a super-specialist in a very narrow area of life and knows next to nothing about anything else. People with advanced degrees in engineering who cannot even use a screwdriver.

When I was a kid, I went to the family doctor and he took care of most anything unless it required surgery. Now if you have a splinter, you need to go see 5 specialists! And we wonder why medicine costs so much. We wonder why it costs so much and takes so long to resolve even a simple legal matter.

Folks, you are being played. The world does not work anymore.
The bottom line is the public is the judge of what is true and what is false.

I find that the public often is a very poor judge of what is true and false, even when they make a concerted effort to investigate, basing much of their opinions on fleeting, shallow impressions. Like politicians during elections which would greatly benefit from independent fact-checking made available to the voters, it would be nice if there was more fact-checking of the media, but then, they would and do become suspect as well. Few people in the public are willing to make the effort, even fewer have the sagaciousness and discernment to parse through the BS, so it comes back again to the various interested parties and who makes the best research on group-tested topics and answers.

Trump said that the most important thing he learned from his father was to defend the family name. In the 80's and 90's, every time columnists in the Times, Post, or some celebrity said something he thought was derogatory or untrue about him, his wife, or business he would appear on Larry King, Howard Stern, or other media outlooks to attack those that attacked him. These battles of words often ended in law suites. They made him a household name which worked wonders for him in business and in his campaigning. However, as president it does not work well for him at all.

See! I did not know that! But then, I have insight into the Donald that few have and what you say does not surprise me a lot. That said, like so many things during the campaign that were rued by pundits as his final downfall, while much of his fighting and counter-fighting really gnaws at the media, and I too have had my doubts, I have resigned myself that this will be his style and withhold judgement on how it will work for him. In a way, I respect how he stands up for what he believes, and like the chicken and the egg, I am just not sure which drives the other, his tweets and comments, or the remarks by the media. But in the end, I don't see it as a battle that the media can win.

It creates controversy where none existed. Keeps his staff busy defending him and explaining what he meant rather than promoting his agenda. His crude language and callous treatment of people has offended a ton people in his own party. It's a gold mine for media outlets that he attacks. In fact some media personalities have compared it to a Pulitzer nomination. Today, it seems like every small news media website is out writing the most ridiculously things about Trump both pro and con in order to get noticed.

Again, I cannot disagree. Whether the controversy, staff defending him, and time spent really take from his work, merely run side-by-side or is an asset, I guess history will decide. It doesn't seem likely to change soon and it simply does not bother me or get in my way of focusing on the good side of the guy (many good sides), or the good things he is getting done. Somehow, I think Donald is USED to doing things this way, it might be NECESSARY for him, and maybe he knows no other way, and gets results in spite of all of it. Maybe even because of it.

Verbal attacks on the president are never considered sedition. If Trump was the supreme leader in a dictatorship, then any verbal attacks would be considered an attack against the nation but not in the US. Here the news media can say whatever it choose about the president as long as it's not a physical threat.

Probably so and now I wonder if that is more power than the Press should really have. There is freedom and too much freedom and no one should be unfettered in total unrestrained freedom and the Press is as bad or worse than Trump. As to physical threats, there too have been many of them as well; just a few days ago one guy on the liberal Press called for Trump to meet him in the street for a brawl. That bullshit must stop. The Press has lost all dignity and respect for the Office, I think if they were halfway fair, none of this would be happening, so I do not mind treating them harshly and I will overlook most anything Trump might say or do in response as well. It is high time someone on the Republican side stands up to the bull.
I agree, the public often is a bad judge as to whether material in the media is true. However the alternative to public judging the truth is far worse.

I think what gnawed at the mainstream media the most in the campaign was how Trump was using the media as a campaign tool providing him millions of dollars in free advertising and media attacks that were better than endorsements. Media people didn't realize that his base loved hearing him insult Mexicans, Blacks, women, war heroes; anybody was fair game for Trump. This just proved his political incorrectness, outsider status, and willingness to take on the establishment. His lack of experience, irritable temperament just made him an even better choice.

The media just seem to get more and more pissed and then the unbelievable happened. Trump get's elected. This just fired up the mainstream media even more however the game had changed. With the Russian election involvement investigation, the Comey accusations, congressional investigating committees, hiring of a special council, Trump needed his 100 day honeymoon with the press. Instead the media attacks Trump and Trump attacks media and round and round they go creating ever larger controversies, more and more distractions.
The bottom line is the public is the judge of what is true and what is false.

I find that the public often is a very poor judge of what is true and false, even when they make a concerted effort to investigate, basing much of their opinions on fleeting, shallow impressions. Like politicians during elections which would greatly benefit from independent fact-checking made available to the voters, it would be nice if there was more fact-checking of the media, but then, they would and do become suspect as well. Few people in the public are willing to make the effort, even fewer have the sagaciousness and discernment to parse through the BS, so it comes back again to the various interested parties and who makes the best research on group-tested topics and answers.

Trump said that the most important thing he learned from his father was to defend the family name. In the 80's and 90's, every time columnists in the Times, Post, or some celebrity said something he thought was derogatory or untrue about him, his wife, or business he would appear on Larry King, Howard Stern, or other media outlooks to attack those that attacked him. These battles of words often ended in law suites. They made him a household name which worked wonders for him in business and in his campaigning. However, as president it does not work well for him at all.

See! I did not know that! But then, I have insight into the Donald that few have and what you say does not surprise me a lot. That said, like so many things during the campaign that were rued by pundits as his final downfall, while much of his fighting and counter-fighting really gnaws at the media, and I too have had my doubts, I have resigned myself that this will be his style and withhold judgement on how it will work for him. In a way, I respect how he stands up for what he believes, and like the chicken and the egg, I am just not sure which drives the other, his tweets and comments, or the remarks by the media. But in the end, I don't see it as a battle that the media can win.

It creates controversy where none existed. Keeps his staff busy defending him and explaining what he meant rather than promoting his agenda. His crude language and callous treatment of people has offended a ton people in his own party. It's a gold mine for media outlets that he attacks. In fact some media personalities have compared it to a Pulitzer nomination. Today, it seems like every small news media website is out writing the most ridiculously things about Trump both pro and con in order to get noticed.

Again, I cannot disagree. Whether the controversy, staff defending him, and time spent really take from his work, merely run side-by-side or is an asset, I guess history will decide. It doesn't seem likely to change soon and it simply does not bother me or get in my way of focusing on the good side of the guy (many good sides), or the good things he is getting done. Somehow, I think Donald is USED to doing things this way, it might be NECESSARY for him, and maybe he knows no other way, and gets results in spite of all of it. Maybe even because of it.

Verbal attacks on the president are never considered sedition. If Trump was the supreme leader in a dictatorship, then any verbal attacks would be considered an attack against the nation but not in the US. Here the news media can say whatever it choose about the president as long as it's not a physical threat.

Probably so and now I wonder if that is more power than the Press should really have. There is freedom and too much freedom and no one should be unfettered in total unrestrained freedom and the Press is as bad or worse than Trump. As to physical threats, there too have been many of them as well; just a few days ago one guy on the liberal Press called for Trump to meet him in the street for a brawl. That bullshit must stop. The Press has lost all dignity and respect for the Office, I think if they were halfway fair, none of this would be happening, so I do not mind treating them harshly and I will overlook most anything Trump might say or do in response as well. It is high time someone on the Republican side stands up to the bull.
I agree, the public often is a bad judge as to whether material in the media is true. However the alternative to public judging the truth is far worse.

I think what gnawed at the mainstream media the most in the campaign was how Trump was using the media as a campaign tool providing him millions of dollars in free advertising and media attacks that were better than endorsements. Media people didn't realize that his base loved hearing him insult Mexicans, Blacks, women, war heroes; anybody was fair game for Trump. This just proved his political incorrectness, outsider status, and willingness to take on the establishment. His lack of experience, irritable temperament just made him an even better choice.

The media just seem to get more and more pissed and then the unbelievable happened. Trump get's elected. This just fired up the mainstream media even more however the game had changed. With the Russian election involvement investigation, the Comey accusations, congressional investigating committees, hiring of a special council, Trump needed his 100 day honeymoon with the press. Instead the media attacks Trump and Trump attacks media and round and round they go creating ever larger controversies, more and more distractions.

There wasn't a fucking thing that Trump said during his campaign that was "racist"....it was purposely spun that way BY the media. We already know that many within the media was colluding with the Hildebeast so stop acting like Trump has ever benefitted by anything the press has reported because that is pure bullshit. There is nothing to the "Rooskies hacked the election" bullshit either. It is nothing but a deflection from the contents of the leaked e-mails by Seth Rich revealing what a corrupt and criminal organization the DNC actually is.....I wish there was someone that would leak e-mails from the RNC as well....both parties are bought and paid for.
I have a long ways to go and it looks like my serious bass playing days are over but my faith in Jesus will get me past that.

It may interest you to know that I have ties to music, audio and the music industry. I just love bass. It is what grounds the music and ties all other instruments together. Somehow I think that given the time, effort and healing, if the desire is still there, you will play again.

you have to kill the machine that took over the system which is the Federal Reserve bank.

The Federal Reserve. A very bad idea. Paper money that isn't worth the paper it is printed on. In large part, creation of the whole mess this country is in. Before that, you couldn't spend money you didn't really have! If you or I ran our affairs like the government, we would be in prison.
I have a long ways to go and it looks like my serious bass playing days are over but my faith in Jesus will get me past that.

It may interest you to know that I have ties to music, audio and the music industry. I just love bass. It is what grounds the music and ties all other instruments together. Somehow I think that given the time, effort and healing, if the desire is still there, you will play again.

you have to kill the machine that took over the system which is the Federal Reserve bank.

The Federal Reserve. A very bad idea. Paper money that isn't worth the paper it is printed on. In large part, creation of the whole mess this country is in. Before that, you couldn't spend money you didn't really have! If you or I ran our affairs like the government, we would be in prison.

LOL! Thanks for sayin' that because I get chided all the time that a bass player is akin to a tuba player and that we are the bottom feeders of the babe food chain. LOL! Here is a song that I wrote the third verse for shortly after my little brother died and I was reflecting on the mistakes I had made in my life. It really is a good song.....haunting in a way. It's a song about redemption. It got a LOT of air time on Dallas radio that plays Texas country and they still play it as well as a few others we did. I laid down the bass tracks and did high harmony.The circumstances and atmosphere was perfect to write it. We had an investor that had a sound studio built for us and he had what he called "The Bunkhouse" built on his property so we could crash there instead of driving home late at night since he had a palatial place in the country. He even had concrete poured so we could take golf carts to the studio....God only knows what that cost but he had more money than common sense at least when it came to wanting to see Eric Beatty make it. He spared no expense but just like the song goes that you will hear, Eric screws it up and in the process screws us all over. The title of the song is "Relief".

It was a rainy March Saturday morning and I got up and took the golf cart to the kitchen next to the studio leaving my other snoring bandmates behind without one because Eric had the other cart. While I was grabbing something to eat I heard Eric playing this and I came in so I could hear it better and as he sang it, tears started rolling down my face because it really hooked me. Then I said"I wish I had a dagger I'd stab this demon right in the chest but I'd probably miss my heart and find there's nothing left" and that was how the third verse was written. Please pardon the full disclosure thing and the baring of my soul kinda post but since you are connected to music I figured that is yet another connection.

The Eric Beatty Band | Country from Dallas, TX

Oh, and you are "dead on" about the Fed.....paper "money" with no intrinsic value....how can that ever be good? If people only knew and understood. So glad that you are awake. I think you and MisterBeale would get along great because both of you are deep thinkers with a lot of knowledge.
I have a long ways to go and it looks like my serious bass playing days are over but my faith in Jesus will get me past that.

It may interest you to know that I have ties to music, audio and the music industry. I just love bass. It is what grounds the music and ties all other instruments together. Somehow I think that given the time, effort and healing, if the desire is still there, you will play again.

you have to kill the machine that took over the system which is the Federal Reserve bank.

The Federal Reserve. A very bad idea. Paper money that isn't worth the paper it is printed on. In large part, creation of the whole mess this country is in. Before that, you couldn't spend money you didn't really have! If you or I ran our affairs like the government, we would be in prison.

LOL! Thanks for sayin' that because I get chided all the time that a bass player is akin to a tuba player and that we are the bottom feeders of the babe food chain. LOL! Here is a song that I wrote the third verse for shortly after my little brother died and I was reflecting on the mistakes I had made in my life. It really is a good song.....haunting in a way. It's a song about redemption. It got a LOT of air time on Dallas radio that plays Texas country and they still play it as well as a few others we did. I laid down the bass tracks and did high harmony.The circumstances and atmosphere was perfect to write it. We had an investor that had a sound studio built for us and he had what he called "The Bunkhouse" built on his property so we could crash there instead of driving home late at night since he had a palatial place in the country. He even had concrete poured so we could take golf carts to the studio....God only knows what that cost but he had more money than common sense at least when it came to wanting to see Eric Beatty make it. He spared no expense but just like the song goes that you will hear, Eric screws it up and in the process screws us all over. The title of the song is "Relief".

It was a rainy March Saturday morning and I got up and took the golf cart to the kitchen next to the studio leaving my other snoring bandmates behind without one because Eric had the other cart. While I was grabbing something to eat I heard Eric playing this and I came in so I could hear it better and as he sang it, tears started rolling down my face because it really hooked me. Then I said"I wish I had a dagger I'd stab this demon right in the chest but I'd probably miss my heart and find there's nothing left" and that was how the third verse was written. Please pardon the full disclosure thing and the baring of my soul kinda post but since you are connected to music I figured that is yet another connection.

The Eric Beatty Band | Country from Dallas, TX

Oh, and you are "dead on" about the Fed.....paper "money" with no intrinsic value....how can that ever be good? If people only knew and understood. So glad that you are awake. I think you and MisterBeale would get along great because both of you are deep thinkers with a lot of knowledge.

Good bass lines. I often equate music to being like a Christmas tree------ the lead guitar, vocals, etc., are like the ornaments, the drums and percussion are the lights, but the bass guitar is the tree itself that all the others are hung on. Done right, the music literally flows out from the bass. The bass energy is the field within which the music plays. I've played guitar, I've played drums, I have long wanted to play bass. I run a 10 octave music system essentially flat response down to 10 cycles. ; ^ )

Music is the essential outlet that allows me to survive the onslaught of constant media baloney for they are polar opposites. While media plays to the constructed rhetoric of the mind, music always speaks the intuitive truth of the heart.

While media needs constant explanation, music requires no explanation. It stands alone.
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The bottom line in all of this is that government works best when its people pay attention to it and get involved. Perhaps one of the worst signs of the modern age is that the vast majority of people go about their lives now in too much comfort, treating government and politics as though it were some movie on TV that runs whether they watch it or not. Many feel it is corrupt and unchanging no matter what and so they rather ignore it thinking it doesn't really play a significant role in their lives------ it goes on somewhere else unseen and the outcome is the same no matter who you vote for; that is what we call cynicism.

When people lose interest, don't pay attention or stop caring about their own government, you only invite the lowest common denominator in society to take advantage. It is like a candy store where the owner leaves and does not care if the customers steal or what they take. A society that does not actively participate in holding government honest and accountable will ultimately get the very government they deserve.
Damn, you are either in a whole heap of denial, or terribly naive.

I suggest you either read this book if your politics lean toward the right;

If you politics lean toward the left I suggest this book;

Or if you have have a masters or doctorate degree and any sort of attention span, try reading this;

yeah those are all excellent books,the naive and the sheep in denial that are closed minded wont read them,thats a given.
Damn, you are either in a whole heap of denial, or terribly naive.

I suggest you either read this book

Really? You think I'm in denial or naive and you think you'll find the REAL truth in a fucking book! Jackass!

Ummm. . . so let me get this straight, you're telling me I'm a Jackass for reading, and the truth can be found where? From talking heads?

That's rich. :lmao:

When the ignorant are telling the educated they shouldn't read. . . . :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Oh, the decay of civilization is at hand.

amen to that.:D
MisterBeale is the most informed poster here. Before my epiphany, I would view posters like you in an almost iconic way because you are really smart and you have common sense. Sadly though, you don't understand what it is that the people of this country and the rest of the world is actually up against. What is so stupefying is that the ones pulling the strings have actually told us that they are in control and now it is right in your face. I apologize for saying you need to STFU....that was wrong and it accomplished nothing. In my defense, I recently fractured my wrist in numerous places and had to have a plate and screws put in it and the pain meds can make me a bit loopy. I make no apologies for standing up for that poster and what he knows and I wish he would share more. I have talked to him off the board and I ask him why he doesn't....he said people don't really care so why waste your time? He said that I would eventually get tired of trying and he is right. The chance to right this ship was lost the day JFK was murdered by the same crowd that runs this corporate entity we call government and it is getting more oppressive by the day.

Well, Dale I appreciate that. I consider you one of the best posters here and I hope that wrist heals up quickly. I am no stranger to pain and meds myself. And you might be quite right about MisterBeale, but if he cannot put his ideas across in a congruent way that does not offend the reader to the point of pulling the plug, and I have been pulling a lot of plugs recently, then it becomes a total fail.

I'm a very busy man who already has a house full of books I ought to read, so anyone out there ought to distill the essence of what they learn and present the basis of it here. That is why we read message boards. ITMT, I get most of my information through more direct means.

I've never met such a group of total, ignorant jackasses as the board, and have considered just leaving, but there are just as many worthwhile people worth staying for. You are one of them. As to the rest of what you say, how do you know what I know? Do you think I tell everything I know? Nothing you say above is of any surprise to me. If you really think I have no idea what the people are up against, then why don't you educate me in a succinct way. SPELL IT OUT, short and sweet. Much as you say above, I too get tired of trying, but I will leave the reader with this final thought: just remember, there are few of them and 300 million of us. Never doubt the power of an informed public, because bottom line is that all they do, they do with OUR money. Take away the money and you take away the very engine of the corporate entity for which you speak above.

Nothing happens in this country without money, a lot of money, but I have found that where there is money, there is also corruption, its doesn't have to be that way but it is, and if you want to find the very best things in this world, they aren't where the money is; you have to go where there is no money at all. For the very best things in this world are spiritual, not of this world at all.
The thing that I have noticed is that people have lost the thinking, and reasoning to try to find the facts. You can over think the subject and need some common sense to make ends meet. Like my latest brain storm. Tracking what President Kennedy did 30 days before his murder. One very interesting fact is that he transferred the printing of US money from a PVT corp, controlled by the Rothchilds Group back under the U.S control.. I have not completed probe but it is just one that I am playing with. So keep thinking ..

yeah and interestingly enough no president since him has reinstaed his executive order that took away the operation from the fed of printing the same worthless money they do now.hense why THEY have all stayed alive.

It was shortly after JFK's assassination,that Johnson had the fed back to printing its own money.
The simple fact is Journalism is dead. It has been replaced by 24 /7 Politicians telling the public what they want to hear! People no longer want information, they want their belief reinforced. We have all gotten so smart that we know everything. If we have any doubt, or forget details, the Great GOD GOOGLE will comfort us!
Thinking makes us angry and we will do anything to avoid it. Wearing Pussy hats, burning Cop Cars, preventing speech on campus or at Town hall, is our panacea. Some even think they can wall it off!
I need a drink to watch the coming migration of the Lemmings!
The simple fact is Journalism is dead. It has been replaced by 24 /7 Politicians telling the public what they want to hear! People no longer want information, they want their belief reinforced. We have all gotten so smart that we know everything. If we have any doubt, or forget details, the Great GOD GOOGLE will comfort us!
Thinking makes us angry and we will do anything to avoid it. Wearing Pussy hats, burning Cop Cars, preventing speech on campus or at Town hall, is our panacea. Some even think they can wall it off!
Some even think they can shoot the source of controversy, and end that thinking forever!
I need a drink to watch the coming migration of the Lemmings!
They are exposed, and they are flailing.

"In rough biblical justice, media attempts to destroy the president are boomeranging and leaving their reputations in tatters.

"He accuses them of publishing fake news, and they respond with such blind hatred that they end up publishing fake news. That’ll show him.

"CNN is suffering an especially bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, even trying to make a virtue of its hostility to the president. In doing so, executives conveniently confuse animus with professional skepticism, and cite growing audiences as proof of their good judgment."

"Writing for The Intercept, Glenn Greenwald shows how reckless CNN, the Washington Post and others have been, and makes two key points.

"First, that mistakes are “always in the direction of exaggerating the threat and/or inventing incriminating links between” Russia and Trump. Second, that all the false stories “involved evidence-free assertions from anonymous sources that these media outlets uncritically treated as fact.”

"He’s right, and I would add another dimension: For all the focus on Russia, the media totally missed a key point. To wit, the Obama administration did nothing about Vladimir Putin’s attempt to interfere in the 2016 election even though the White House knew about it for months."


And the press responds to the fact that they are exposed as the liars and propagandists they are by pretending that exposing them is the same as *targeting* them.

"CNN's Clarissa Ward, a foreign correspondent, served as guest co-host on Wednesday's broadcast of CNN's News Day. Ward fretted "people" in war zones have been "emboldened" by President Trump's "declaration of war on the media."

The "declaration of war" consists of exposing them as liars, and telling them they can't bring cameras to white house press briefings, to take unauthorized pics that they can sell to people who have reasons to want to subvert Trump security.

CNN Anchor: Trump Putting Journalists In Danger; "Declaration Of War On Media" Has "Emboldened" War Zones

Yes, people..it's now *DANGEROUS* to expose journalists who have fabricated stories.
Fake news is not really that common. Talk radio, and news commentaries are not fake news because they are not news at all, they are opinions. Neither are stories based on anonymous sources. These sources can not be verified therefore are clearly little more than opinion. With the development of the Internet, news and opinion has merged together and it is up to the reader to determine one from the other.

Jefferson understood that a free press is critical to sustaining the rule of law. Along with free speech, a free press is indispensable for people to be informed and to participate in a democracy. On these points, lawyers and journalists are united. It is up to the people to determine what is false and what is truth, not the government. Government discrediting, threatening, or direct control of the media is a sure road to destruction of what has really made this country great.
Free press doesn't mean free to publish lies that put people in our country at risk and damage the security of our country.

The free press has to first be "press"...aka JOURNAlists.The mainstream media no longer functions in that capacity. So it is right that they be sidelined and when appropriate held accountable legally and criminally. Real journalists will fill the void if there is one.
You do realized that you are repeating the same rhetoric as almost every dictator. I suggest you read how Hitler, Lenin, and the SCCR in Iraq, went about first discrediting the free press and then destroying it with public approval. Yes, the free press is and should be able to publish what they consider truth even thou it is what you consider a lie. That is the very heart of the concept of free speech, to be able to speak your mind no matter who may disagree. It is for the listener, reader, or viewer to determine truth, not government. Destroy the freedom of speech and you destroy America.

dont forget how
I don't agree on 9/11. I don't think so............JFK........yeah I agree.

Deal is the Media has been exposed for lying. People are waking up and that is a good step for this country.

well that is because you have obviously done NO research into the case only going by what the lamestream media's version have told you,the CIA's controlled press.it has been exposed in MANY threads in the conspiracy section.you might want to visit there sometime and check them out.wakey,wakey.:D

Dale was once the same as you,asleep at the wheel for years even though he ALSO knew the corruption of our own government how they murdered the president cause he was going to pull us out of the vietnam war.they knew Johnson would reverse his policys as he did and expand it.

9/11 was done for the SAME exact reason JFK was killed,for WAR. war means big business and big profits for corporations.
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