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The downfall of the media

CNN and the NYT should take note:

"Gawker’s very escutcheon was cruelty, obnoxiousness, unkindness. It published stories too nasty and sleazy for tabloids, and wrote them up with sophomoric zeal for vulgarism and profanity. I happily worked at tabloids for many years, but I felt ashamed of myself every time I read Gawker. I can hardly imagine what it must have been like actually to work at such a flatulence farm, a scum ranch, an academy of pus.

" Still, Gawker had every right to publish. Until it didn’t. Everything it did was protected by the First Amendment. Almost. The flame merchants set fire to themselves when Gawker published, without the permission of either participant, a surreptitiously recorded sex tape that depicted the wrestler Hulk Hogan (real name: Terry Bollea) and the wife of his friend in flagrante."

Inside the Delightful Suicide of Gawker

Accountability. It's what's for supper, loons.
""Our newspapers after Donald Trump's election, we've gotten threats from both the far left and the far right," Karem said. "They are emboldened, it is dangerous, and the fact of the matter is, it is insulting to the memory of the people who have given their lives for the cause for providing information to the public to then be told you are fake media, you do not matter, and what you're doing is false."

See, he sees this demand for accountability as a "threat". I see it as evidence that EVERYBODY is disgusted with the press, and they are going to be held accountable.

Which is of course terrifying for criminals. Also remember..criminals always blame other people for their own behavior.

CNN Anchor: Trump Putting Journalists In Danger; "Declaration Of War On Media" Has "Emboldened" War Zones

the mainstream media,err i mean LAMESTREAM media,pretty much lost their credibility and has lost it at LEAST starting in nov 22nd 1963 " PROBABLY lost it sooner than that though but for sure no doubt then and ever since then" with the biggest con job sick lie ever forced down our throuts through the media and our corrupt school system with the lone assassin theory that magic bullets exist and have covered up the lie ever since STILL saying he was the lone assassin even though the majority of americans in polls no longer believe that bullshit anymore. talk about a disservice to the country STILL lying about it. talk about FAKE news.:rolleyes:

just freaking admit the lie now that the CIA did it.otherwise the tag of fake news is what they ALWAYS be known for.

What I always found interesting is that the architect of the single bullet theory was none other than that sleaze ball Arlen Specter. The cover up of the assassination of JFK never fails to astound me.

Indeed,you said a mouthful. what REALLY astounds me is that even today there are STILL sheep out there who incredibly STILL believe in the warren commission report.:wtf: guess they never heard any other version than what was taught to us in school i guess. Growing up not realising this is NOT a free country as we have been brainwashed to believe our whole lives,i never questioned that was was taught to us in history class was the absolute truth so that was the only version i ever heard so i believed in it 100%

the thing is Oliver Stones movie should REALLY be a documentary because the majority of it is based on hard evidence and facts and things that really DID happen. It wasnt the entire truth of what happened no doubt but it for sure was 100 times much more closer to the truth of what really actually DID happen than what the warren commission said.thats not debatable.lol

Yeah specter was handsomely rewarded for his participation in the coverup and for orchestrating it all with a nice cushy job in washington as senator for how many decades now? I actually remember someone coming on here once saying he was a great man.:rolleyes:

Specter was not the only one who got rewarded very well for their role in the coverup either.Dont forget that bastard Gerald Ford who is burning in hell as speak right now how as senator of Michigan and served on the warren commission was rewarded very well for his participation in it the future seat of POTUS.

A lesser known one is another corrupt politician back then who ALSO got rewarded future president of the united states for his role in the coverup also ,Governor Ronald Reagan who is rotting in hell now as well as we speak alongside spector and Ford for his role in it as well.

as governor of michigan he was instrumental back then in blocking a subpoena that Jim Garrison issued back to put CIA director Allen Dulles on the stand to testify. Many people had serious doubts back then about the integrity of the warren commission and were suspecious from the very get go the fact that Dulles was even put on the warren commission to investigate it.:rolleyes::cuckoo:

Incredible that even today people cant put two and tow together that Ford got rewarded future president of the united states for his role in the coverup and that it was obviously not an objective investigation with the obvious pick of Dulles being on the team to investigate it.Talk about the fox guarding the henhouse.:rolleyes:

oh and lets not forget for a second that Johnson HANDPICKED these people and appointed them.the fact he had the most to gain by it its incredible he wasnt even investigated as a PRIME SUSPECT as he should have been.

People back then thought our government could do no wrong and trusted them without question so most the population back then never considered the fact Johnson should have been investigated as a prime suspect or bothered t question the fact he got to handpick the people on the warren commission.:uhoh3::wtf:

Now these days though because of JFK and other government corruption over the years,people see how corrupt our government really is now and most wisely dont trust our government anymore OR the media,they see the media is just a tool for the government.

now because there is a mass awakening,the JFK assassination would never have been able to be successul in being pulled off now by them as it was back then obviously.Nobody would buy it for a second as they did back then.
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oh and ignore that paid shill on the governments payroll who his handlers have obviously alerted him to this thread on JFK the fact he is trolling here with his lies he always posts here at this site all the time.

^^^NYT correction of the day.

They are finito.


Trump’s Deflections and Denials on Russia Frustrate Even His Allies
""Our newspapers after Donald Trump's election, we've gotten threats from both the far left and the far right," Karem said. "They are emboldened, it is dangerous, and the fact of the matter is, it is insulting to the memory of the people who have given their lives for the cause for providing information to the public to then be told you are fake media, you do not matter, and what you're doing is false."

See, he sees this demand for accountability as a "threat". I see it as evidence that EVERYBODY is disgusted with the press, and they are going to be held accountable.

Which is of course terrifying for criminals. Also remember..criminals always blame other people for their own behavior.

CNN Anchor: Trump Putting Journalists In Danger; "Declaration Of War On Media" Has "Emboldened" War Zones

yes... how dare they tell the truth. :cuckoo:
They are exposed, and they are flailing.

"In rough biblical justice, media attempts to destroy the president are boomeranging and leaving their reputations in tatters.

"He accuses them of publishing fake news, and they respond with such blind hatred that they end up publishing fake news. That’ll show him.

"CNN is suffering an especially bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, even trying to make a virtue of its hostility to the president. In doing so, executives conveniently confuse animus with professional skepticism, and cite growing audiences as proof of their good judgment."

"Writing for The Intercept, Glenn Greenwald shows how reckless CNN, the Washington Post and others have been, and makes two key points.

"First, that mistakes are “always in the direction of exaggerating the threat and/or inventing incriminating links between” Russia and Trump. Second, that all the false stories “involved evidence-free assertions from anonymous sources that these media outlets uncritically treated as fact.”

"He’s right, and I would add another dimension: For all the focus on Russia, the media totally missed a key point. To wit, the Obama administration did nothing about Vladimir Putin’s attempt to interfere in the 2016 election even though the White House knew about it for months."


And the press responds to the fact that they are exposed as the liars and propagandists they are by pretending that exposing them is the same as *targeting* them.

"CNN's Clarissa Ward, a foreign correspondent, served as guest co-host on Wednesday's broadcast of CNN's News Day. Ward fretted "people" in war zones have been "emboldened" by President Trump's "declaration of war on the media."

The "declaration of war" consists of exposing them as liars, and telling them they can't bring cameras to white house press briefings, to take unauthorized pics that they can sell to people who have reasons to want to subvert Trump security.

CNN Anchor: Trump Putting Journalists In Danger; "Declaration Of War On Media" Has "Emboldened" War Zones

Yes, people..it's now *DANGEROUS* to expose journalists who have fabricated stories.
Forums > US Discussion > Media >
The downfall of the media
Discussion in 'Media' started by koshergrl, Jun 28, 2017 at 6:46 PM.

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Jun 28, 2017 at 6:46 PM #1

koshergrl, has her act all together and right. They have made the people who use to trust them, somewhat, not trust anything they speak and print. It will take a lot of new people to change what the ex readers think.View attachment 136093

Its funny that you mention that because I just got done saying pretty much exactly what you just said now.:up:

That back then in the early 60's,the people trusted their government and the media without question.so they never thought for a second that the media was not telling them the truth that oswald was the lone assassin,NOW however,there is a huge awakening and people see how corrupt our government really is,how the politicians in washington are all nothing but a bunch of criminals and how the media is just a tool for them so NOW if they tried to pull off the same kind of assassination attempt as they did back then,people would NOT buy it for a second as they did back then and it would NOT succeed as it did back then either because of the advancement of social media and the internet we have now that we did not have back then. it would have been exposed in MINUTES that there was a conspiracy and people would have figured out right off the bat it was the CIA as they did with 9/11 as an example of how people dont trust our government and the media anymore.:thup:

the awakened americans who can think outside the box and trust their government and have looked at the facts,understand 9/11 was an inside job as well.

many sheep sadly though,while they can accept it the CIA killed JFK,they cant accept it they did 9/11 as well because its too scary a thought for them to deal with that they murdered 3,000 of their own citizens.
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oh and ignore that paid shill on the governments payroll who his handlers have obviously alerted him to this thread on JFK the fact he is trolling here with his lies he always posts here at this site all the time.

oh forgot to mention jillian is one as well.but we all know that,thats old news.:biggrin:
They are exposed, and they are flailing.

"In rough biblical justice, media attempts to destroy the president are boomeranging and leaving their reputations in tatters.

"He accuses them of publishing fake news, and they respond with such blind hatred that they end up publishing fake news. That’ll show him.

"CNN is suffering an especially bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, even trying to make a virtue of its hostility to the president. In doing so, executives conveniently confuse animus with professional skepticism, and cite growing audiences as proof of their good judgment."

"Writing for The Intercept, Glenn Greenwald shows how reckless CNN, the Washington Post and others have been, and makes two key points.

"First, that mistakes are “always in the direction of exaggerating the threat and/or inventing incriminating links between” Russia and Trump. Second, that all the false stories “involved evidence-free assertions from anonymous sources that these media outlets uncritically treated as fact.”

"He’s right, and I would add another dimension: For all the focus on Russia, the media totally missed a key point. To wit, the Obama administration did nothing about Vladimir Putin’s attempt to interfere in the 2016 election even though the White House knew about it for months."


And the press responds to the fact that they are exposed as the liars and propagandists they are by pretending that exposing them is the same as *targeting* them.

"CNN's Clarissa Ward, a foreign correspondent, served as guest co-host on Wednesday's broadcast of CNN's News Day. Ward fretted "people" in war zones have been "emboldened" by President Trump's "declaration of war on the media."

The "declaration of war" consists of exposing them as liars, and telling them they can't bring cameras to white house press briefings, to take unauthorized pics that they can sell to people who have reasons to want to subvert Trump security.

CNN Anchor: Trump Putting Journalists In Danger; "Declaration Of War On Media" Has "Emboldened" War Zones

Yes, people..it's now *DANGEROUS* to expose journalists who have fabricated stories.
CNN Lists Job Opening For Head Fiction Writer
CNN Lists Job Opening For Head Fiction Writer
CNN are slim balls.

This story is the REAL DEAL.........they are under assault..............and IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME.


The specter of a $100 million libel suit scared CNN into retracting a poorly reported story that slimed an ally of President Trump’s — and forcing out the staffers responsible for it, The Post has learned.

Scaramucci got an unusual public apology but still hired a top Manhattan lawyer to put further pressure on CNN and “look after [his] interests in this matter,” one source said.

Sources also said the three journalists responsible for the retracted story — reporter Tom Frank, editor Eric Lichtblau and Lex Haris, who headed the CNN Investigates unit — were urged to resign.

“They called them in and said they’d pay out their contracts, but they should leave immediately,” one source said.

Zucker was afraid of facing a high-profile suit from Scaramucci while the US Justice Department weighs the proposed $85.4 billion media merger.

Americans tired of being SLANDERED by FALSE NEWS have HAD ENOUGH OF THEIR LIES.


More to follow. America is SICK AND TIRED OF THE BS.


They are exposed, and they are flailing.

"In rough biblical justice, media attempts to destroy the president are boomeranging and leaving their reputations in tatters.

"He accuses them of publishing fake news, and they respond with such blind hatred that they end up publishing fake news. That’ll show him.

"CNN is suffering an especially bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, even trying to make a virtue of its hostility to the president. In doing so, executives conveniently confuse animus with professional skepticism, and cite growing audiences as proof of their good judgment."

"Writing for The Intercept, Glenn Greenwald shows how reckless CNN, the Washington Post and others have been, and makes two key points.

"First, that mistakes are “always in the direction of exaggerating the threat and/or inventing incriminating links between” Russia and Trump. Second, that all the false stories “involved evidence-free assertions from anonymous sources that these media outlets uncritically treated as fact.”

"He’s right, and I would add another dimension: For all the focus on Russia, the media totally missed a key point. To wit, the Obama administration did nothing about Vladimir Putin’s attempt to interfere in the 2016 election even though the White House knew about it for months."


And the press responds to the fact that they are exposed as the liars and propagandists they are by pretending that exposing them is the same as *targeting* them.

"CNN's Clarissa Ward, a foreign correspondent, served as guest co-host on Wednesday's broadcast of CNN's News Day. Ward fretted "people" in war zones have been "emboldened" by President Trump's "declaration of war on the media."

The "declaration of war" consists of exposing them as liars, and telling them they can't bring cameras to white house press briefings, to take unauthorized pics that they can sell to people who have reasons to want to subvert Trump security.

CNN Anchor: Trump Putting Journalists In Danger; "Declaration Of War On Media" Has "Emboldened" War Zones

Yes, people..it's now *DANGEROUS* to expose journalists who have fabricated stories.
Forums > US Discussion > Media >
The downfall of the media
Discussion in 'Media' started by koshergrl, Jun 28, 2017 at 6:46 PM.

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Jun 28, 2017 at 6:46 PM #1

koshergrl, has her act all together and right. They have made the people who use to trust them, somewhat, not trust anything they speak and print. It will take a lot of new people to change what the ex readers think.View attachment 136093

Its funny that you mention that because I just got done saying pretty much exactly what you just said now.:up:

That back then in the early 60's,the people trusted their government and the media without question.so they never thought for a second that the media was not telling them the truth that oswald was the lone assassin,NOW however,there is a huge awakening and people see how corrupt our government really is,how the politicians in washington are all nothing but a bunch of criminals and how the media is just a tool for them so NOW if they tried to pull off the same kind of assassination attempt as they did back then,people would NOT buy it for a second as they did back then and it would NOT succeed as it did back then either because of the advancement of social media and the internet we have now that we did not have back then. it would have been exposed in MINUTES that there was a conspiracy and people would have figured out right off the bat it was the CIA as they did with 9/11 as an example of how people dont trust our government and the media anymore.:thup:

the awakened americans who can think outside the box and trust their government and have looked at the facts,understand 9/11 was an inside job as well.

many sheep sadly though,while they can accept it the CIA killed JFK,they cant accept it they did 9/11 as well because its too scary a thought for them to deal with that they murdered 3,000 of their own citizens.

In the 60's internet did not exist and people could not give information like today, Youtube, facebook, etc.
So who believe among all the information that come out, everyone photography follows on facebook exposes photos of their personal stories.
The assassination of JFK there are photographs taken, testimonies taken immediately after the shots, at 3 fires a shot with one a deviated trajectory, how come the Balls were not the from the same caliber ?
Why was the secret service guard charged with firing at the president he was standing up in the car behind the president's car that would have killed the president the deadly bullet?
For September 11 terrorist information was not transmitted between the CIA and the FBI.
The FBI did not properly monitor the terrorists in their motel.
This is the reason that September 11, 2001 took place.
And did not forget that the fighter planes were also located far too far from New York. All this is review for the security of the united states not just secure the airports.
CNN are slim balls.

This story is the REAL DEAL.........they are under assault..............and IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME.


The specter of a $100 million libel suit scared CNN into retracting a poorly reported story that slimed an ally of President Trump’s — and forcing out the staffers responsible for it, The Post has learned.

Scaramucci got an unusual public apology but still hired a top Manhattan lawyer to put further pressure on CNN and “look after [his] interests in this matter,” one source said.

Sources also said the three journalists responsible for the retracted story — reporter Tom Frank, editor Eric Lichtblau and Lex Haris, who headed the CNN Investigates unit — were urged to resign.

“They called them in and said they’d pay out their contracts, but they should leave immediately,” one source said.

Zucker was afraid of facing a high-profile suit from Scaramucci while the US Justice Department weighs the proposed $85.4 billion media merger.

they are slimeballs but fox news is the worst.they particiapte in the 9/11 coverup all the time. Bill O'reily is a CIA plant same as all those newscasters. O'reily makes me sick,sad excuse for a human being,anytime someone came on his show and presented facts and evidence it was an inside job,he interrupted them and would never let them finish making their case,he is so evil its unreal.
I don't agree on 9/11. I don't think so............JFK........yeah I agree.

Deal is the Media has been exposed for lying. People are waking up and that is a good step for this country.
The bottom line in all of this is that government works best when its people pay attention to it and get involved. Perhaps one of the worst signs of the modern age is that the vast majority of people go about their lives now in too much comfort, treating government and politics as though it were some movie on TV that runs whether they watch it or not. Many feel it is corrupt and unchanging no matter what and so they rather ignore it thinking it doesn't really play a significant role in their lives------ it goes on somewhere else unseen and the outcome is the same no matter who you vote for; that is what we call cynicism.

When people lose interest, don't pay attention or stop caring about their own government, you only invite the lowest common denominator in society to take advantage. It is like a candy store where the owner leaves and does not care if the customers steal or what they take. A society that does not actively participate in holding government honest and accountable will ultimately get the very government they deserve.
They are exposed, and they are flailing.

"In rough biblical justice, media attempts to destroy the president are boomeranging and leaving their reputations in tatters.

"He accuses them of publishing fake news, and they respond with such blind hatred that they end up publishing fake news. That’ll show him.

"CNN is suffering an especially bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, even trying to make a virtue of its hostility to the president. In doing so, executives conveniently confuse animus with professional skepticism, and cite growing audiences as proof of their good judgment."

"Writing for The Intercept, Glenn Greenwald shows how reckless CNN, the Washington Post and others have been, and makes two key points.

"First, that mistakes are “always in the direction of exaggerating the threat and/or inventing incriminating links between” Russia and Trump. Second, that all the false stories “involved evidence-free assertions from anonymous sources that these media outlets uncritically treated as fact.”

"He’s right, and I would add another dimension: For all the focus on Russia, the media totally missed a key point. To wit, the Obama administration did nothing about Vladimir Putin’s attempt to interfere in the 2016 election even though the White House knew about it for months."


And the press responds to the fact that they are exposed as the liars and propagandists they are by pretending that exposing them is the same as *targeting* them.

"CNN's Clarissa Ward, a foreign correspondent, served as guest co-host on Wednesday's broadcast of CNN's News Day. Ward fretted "people" in war zones have been "emboldened" by President Trump's "declaration of war on the media."

The "declaration of war" consists of exposing them as liars, and telling them they can't bring cameras to white house press briefings, to take unauthorized pics that they can sell to people who have reasons to want to subvert Trump security.

CNN Anchor: Trump Putting Journalists In Danger; "Declaration Of War On Media" Has "Emboldened" War Zones

Yes, people..it's now *DANGEROUS* to expose journalists who have fabricated stories.
Fake news is not really that common. Talk radio, and news commentaries are not fake news because they are not news at all, they are opinions. Neither are stories based on anonymous sources. These sources can not be verified therefore are clearly little more than opinion. With the development of the Internet, news and opinion has merged together and it is up to the reader to determine one from the other.

Jefferson understood that a free press is critical to sustaining the rule of law. Along with free speech, a free press is indispensable for people to be informed and to participate in a democracy. On these points, lawyers and journalists are united. It is up to the people to determine what is false and what is truth, not the government. Government discrediting, threatening, or direct control of the media is a sure road to destruction of what has really made this country great.
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They are exposed, and they are flailing.

"In rough biblical justice, media attempts to destroy the president are boomeranging and leaving their reputations in tatters.

"He accuses them of publishing fake news, and they respond with such blind hatred that they end up publishing fake news. That’ll show him.

"CNN is suffering an especially bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, even trying to make a virtue of its hostility to the president. In doing so, executives conveniently confuse animus with professional skepticism, and cite growing audiences as proof of their good judgment."

"Writing for The Intercept, Glenn Greenwald shows how reckless CNN, the Washington Post and others have been, and makes two key points.

"First, that mistakes are “always in the direction of exaggerating the threat and/or inventing incriminating links between” Russia and Trump. Second, that all the false stories “involved evidence-free assertions from anonymous sources that these media outlets uncritically treated as fact.”

"He’s right, and I would add another dimension: For all the focus on Russia, the media totally missed a key point. To wit, the Obama administration did nothing about Vladimir Putin’s attempt to interfere in the 2016 election even though the White House knew about it for months."


And the press responds to the fact that they are exposed as the liars and propagandists they are by pretending that exposing them is the same as *targeting* them.

"CNN's Clarissa Ward, a foreign correspondent, served as guest co-host on Wednesday's broadcast of CNN's News Day. Ward fretted "people" in war zones have been "emboldened" by President Trump's "declaration of war on the media."

The "declaration of war" consists of exposing them as liars, and telling them they can't bring cameras to white house press briefings, to take unauthorized pics that they can sell to people who have reasons to want to subvert Trump security.

CNN Anchor: Trump Putting Journalists In Danger; "Declaration Of War On Media" Has "Emboldened" War Zones

Yes, people..it's now *DANGEROUS* to expose journalists who have fabricated stories.
Fake news is not really that common. Talk radio, and news commentaries are not fake news because they are not news at all, they are opinions. Neither are stories based on anonymous sources. These sources can not be verified therefore are clearly little more than opinion. With the development of the Internet, news and opinion has merged together and it is up to the reader to determine one from the other.

Jefferson understood that a free press is critical to sustaining the rule of law. Along with free speech, a free press is indispensable for people to be informed and to participate in a democracy. On these points, lawyers and journalists are united. It is up to the people to determine what is false and what is truth, not the government. Government discrediting, threatening, or direct control of the media is a sure road to destruction of what has really made this country great.
Free press doesn't mean free to publish lies that put people in our country at risk and damage the security of our country.

The free press has to first be "press"...aka JOURNAlists.The mainstream media no longer functions in that capacity. So it is right that they be sidelined and when appropriate held accountable legally and criminally. Real journalists will fill the void if there is one.
They are exposed, and they are flailing.

"In rough biblical justice, media attempts to destroy the president are boomeranging and leaving their reputations in tatters.

"He accuses them of publishing fake news, and they respond with such blind hatred that they end up publishing fake news. That’ll show him.

"CNN is suffering an especially bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, even trying to make a virtue of its hostility to the president. In doing so, executives conveniently confuse animus with professional skepticism, and cite growing audiences as proof of their good judgment."

"Writing for The Intercept, Glenn Greenwald shows how reckless CNN, the Washington Post and others have been, and makes two key points.

"First, that mistakes are “always in the direction of exaggerating the threat and/or inventing incriminating links between” Russia and Trump. Second, that all the false stories “involved evidence-free assertions from anonymous sources that these media outlets uncritically treated as fact.”

"He’s right, and I would add another dimension: For all the focus on Russia, the media totally missed a key point. To wit, the Obama administration did nothing about Vladimir Putin’s attempt to interfere in the 2016 election even though the White House knew about it for months."


And the press responds to the fact that they are exposed as the liars and propagandists they are by pretending that exposing them is the same as *targeting* them.

"CNN's Clarissa Ward, a foreign correspondent, served as guest co-host on Wednesday's broadcast of CNN's News Day. Ward fretted "people" in war zones have been "emboldened" by President Trump's "declaration of war on the media."

The "declaration of war" consists of exposing them as liars, and telling them they can't bring cameras to white house press briefings, to take unauthorized pics that they can sell to people who have reasons to want to subvert Trump security.

CNN Anchor: Trump Putting Journalists In Danger; "Declaration Of War On Media" Has "Emboldened" War Zones

Yes, people..it's now *DANGEROUS* to expose journalists who have fabricated stories.
Fake news is not really that common. Talk radio, and news commentaries are not fake news because they are not news at all, they are opinions. Neither are stories based on anonymous sources. These sources can not be verified therefore are clearly little more than opinion. With the development of the Internet, news and opinion has merged together and it is up to the reader to determine one from the other.

Jefferson understood that a free press is critical to sustaining the rule of law. Along with free speech, a free press is indispensable for people to be informed and to participate in a democracy. On these points, lawyers and journalists are united. It is up to the people to determine what is false and what is truth, not the government. Government discrediting, threatening, or direct control of the media is a sure road to destruction of what has really made this country great.
Free press doesn't mean free to publish lies that put people in our country at risk and damage the security of our country.

The free press has to first be "press"...aka JOURNAlists.The mainstream media no longer functions in that capacity. So it is right that they be sidelined and when appropriate held accountable legally and criminally. Real journalists will fill the void if there is one.
You do realized that you are repeating the same rhetoric as almost every dictator. I suggest you read how Hitler, Lenin, and the SCCR in Iraq, went about first discrediting the free press and then destroying it with public approval. Yes, the free press is and should be able to publish what they consider truth even thou it is what you consider a lie. That is the very heart of the concept of free speech, to be able to speak your mind no matter who may disagree. It is for the listener, reader, or viewer to determine truth, not government. Destroy the freedom of speech and you destroy America.
They are exposed, and they are flailing.

"In rough biblical justice, media attempts to destroy the president are boomeranging and leaving their reputations in tatters.

"He accuses them of publishing fake news, and they respond with such blind hatred that they end up publishing fake news. That’ll show him.

"CNN is suffering an especially bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, even trying to make a virtue of its hostility to the president. In doing so, executives conveniently confuse animus with professional skepticism, and cite growing audiences as proof of their good judgment."

"Writing for The Intercept, Glenn Greenwald shows how reckless CNN, the Washington Post and others have been, and makes two key points.

"First, that mistakes are “always in the direction of exaggerating the threat and/or inventing incriminating links between” Russia and Trump. Second, that all the false stories “involved evidence-free assertions from anonymous sources that these media outlets uncritically treated as fact.”

"He’s right, and I would add another dimension: For all the focus on Russia, the media totally missed a key point. To wit, the Obama administration did nothing about Vladimir Putin’s attempt to interfere in the 2016 election even though the White House knew about it for months."


And the press responds to the fact that they are exposed as the liars and propagandists they are by pretending that exposing them is the same as *targeting* them.

"CNN's Clarissa Ward, a foreign correspondent, served as guest co-host on Wednesday's broadcast of CNN's News Day. Ward fretted "people" in war zones have been "emboldened" by President Trump's "declaration of war on the media."

The "declaration of war" consists of exposing them as liars, and telling them they can't bring cameras to white house press briefings, to take unauthorized pics that they can sell to people who have reasons to want to subvert Trump security.

CNN Anchor: Trump Putting Journalists In Danger; "Declaration Of War On Media" Has "Emboldened" War Zones

Yes, people..it's now *DANGEROUS* to expose journalists who have fabricated stories.
Fake news is not really that common. Talk radio, and news commentaries are not fake news because they are not news at all, they are opinions. Neither are stories based on anonymous sources. These sources can not be verified therefore are clearly little more than opinion. With the development of the Internet, news and opinion has merged together and it is up to the reader to determine one from the other.

Jefferson understood that a free press is critical to sustaining the rule of law. Along with free speech, a free press is indispensable for people to be informed and to participate in a democracy. On these points, lawyers and journalists are united. It is up to the people to determine what is false and what is truth, not the government. Government discrediting, threatening, or direct control of the media is a sure road to destruction of what has really made this country great.
Free press doesn't mean free to publish lies that put people in our country at risk and damage the security of our country.

The free press has to first be "press"...aka JOURNAlists.The mainstream media no longer functions in that capacity. So it is right that they be sidelined and when appropriate held accountable legally and criminally. Real journalists will fill the void if there is one.
You do realized that you are repeating the same rhetoric as almost every dictator. I suggest you read how Hitler, Lenin, and the SCCR in Iraq, went about first discrediting the free press and then destroying it with public approval. Yes, the free press is and should be able to publish what they consider truth even thou it is what you consider a lie. That is the very heart of the concept of free speech, to be able to speak your mind no matter who may disagree. It is for the listener, reader, or viewer to determine truth, not government. Destroy the freedom of speech and you destroy America.

Sorry, but WRONG on all counts Flopper.

The first duty of every dictator is to squelch the free press! Instead, they take it over for themselves putting out their own propaganda. That is exactly what Koshergirl is speaking against and exactly what you are defending as "free." Free Press means free of government intervention, not free to deliberately lie to promote political agendas coming from the government itself which is exactly the situation we are dealing with today. Your kind of free press would be akin to my yelling fire in a crowded theater when in fact no fire actually existed simply for the sake of creating mayhem. The role of the press first and foremost is to report the truth, to report facts, as a watchdog on government, not to invent stories with the aim in mind to try to sway public opinion FOR government.

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