The downside of carrying a firearm...

Those were only school shootings under you pre-determined search parameters
Parameters...based on your argument.
I asked you how many school shootings over the last 10 years involved the drugs you're talking about. You came back with 13.
How many people. over the last 10 years, have taken the drugs under dioscussion?

My premise wasn't only school shooters.
There alcohol related prohibitions on owning a firearm.
There is no such thing, save for alcohol-related felony convictions that deny the right based on the fact that a felony was committed, not the use of alcohol.

You can own and comsume as much alcohol as you want and still own as many guns as you want.

And so, you should have said "There are NO alcohol related prohibitions on owning a firearm."
Those were only school shootings under you pre-determined search parameters
Parameters...based on your argument.
I asked you how many school shootings over the last 10 years involved the drugs you're talking about. You came back with 13.
How many people. over the last 10 years, have taken the drugs under dioscussion?
My premise wasn't only school shooters.
How many school shootings and other violant acts agians others over the last 10 years involved the drugs you're talking about?
How many people. over the last 10 years, have taken the drugs under dioscussion?
There is no such thing, save for alcohol-related felony convictions that deny the right based on the fact that a felony was committed, not the use of alcohol.

You can own and comsume as much alcohol as you want and still own as many guns as you want.

And so, you should have said "There are NO alcohol related prohibitions on owning a firearm."

Did you see my edit ?

4473 says controlled substances.

GCA68 limits the Controlled Substances
Last edited:
Parameters...based on your argument.
I asked you how many school shootings over the last 10 years involved the drugs you're talking about. You came back with 13.
How many people. over the last 10 years, have taken the drugs under dioscussion?
My premise wasn't only school shooters.
How many school shootings and other violant acts agians others over the last 10 years involved the drugs you're talking about?
How many people. over the last 10 years, have taken the drugs under dioscussion?

Sigh. Hundreds have direct correlation. See previous exhaustive lists posted.

I can post more.

Why are you so hell bent on protecting the rights of a mental cases at the jeopardy of yours ?
From that list....... 13 identified that contain black box warnings....all the SSRI, SNRI, SDRI etc. since 2004 (10 years)
Is that really the intellectual level you're coming back with ?
13. Over 10 years.

Millions of people have taken these drugs and you can only identify 13 instances where people taking them have committed a relevant violent act - some not even involving a gun?

That's your "prolferation"?

Your argumrnt fails to show that these people are such a danger to society that the rights of eveyrone that takes these drugs needs to be further restricted.

There have certainly been more but you forced very narrow search parameters. I just did "school" shooters.

Look at all the murder/suicides of late. Just in Florida last week depressed mom under treatment kills herself and two kids.

Do you take these drugs ?

What is your vested interest to keep those who do armed ?

Under treatment does not mean taking drugs. Even if it did, she was going through a bitter divorce and filed court documents that claimed her ex was not assisting in providing for the children, and that he was going as far as to hoard supplies so that the kids did not even have toilet paper. Unless you want to argue that the drugs caused the divorce you are going to have a hard time blaming this on drugs.

Or guns.
My premise wasn't only school shooters.
How many school shootings and other violant acts agians others over the last 10 years involved the drugs you're talking about?
How many people. over the last 10 years, have taken the drugs under dioscussion?

Sigh. Hundreds have direct correlation. See previous exhaustive lists posted.

I can post more.

Why are you so hell bent on protecting the rights of a mental cases at the jeopardy of yours ?

We aren't. We're concerned with the due process aspect. And of course the ease with which progressives toss out mental health claims with anyone who disagrees with them.

The Soviet Union, and other collectivist countries, are replete with people in "mental health"(i.e. the Gulag) institutions with some sort of malady for no reason other than the authorities didn't like what they were saying.
There have certainly been more but you forced very narrow search parameters. I just did "school" shooters.

Look at all the murder/suicides of late. Just in Florida last week depressed mom under treatment kills herself and two kids.

Do you take these drugs ?

What is your vested interest to keep those who do armed ?

Anecdotal evidence combined with ad hominem suggestions that disagreement means one is trying to protect vested interests, lol.

Guarding God given freedom from fascist twits like you is the DUTY of freedom loving people everywhere.


You endanger lawful, sane peoples' freedom.

Not one bit. You want to prevent the possibility of a behavior that increases the possibility of harm. Which is typical thinking for a coward like you.

You lack the wherewithal and capacity to realize it.

I see it for exactly what it is; fear of the remote possibility of danger and the victimization of whole categories of people for the misbehavior of a few.

You're closing with a juvenile name calling is proof.

No name calling; I was being descriptive and accurate.

Evolution has not been your friend.

Well, I can see it wasn't a friend for you ancestors, lol.
My premise wasn't only school shooters.
How many school shootings and other violant acts agians others over the last 10 years involved the drugs you're talking about?
How many people. over the last 10 years, have taken the drugs under dioscussion?
Sigh. Hundreds have direct correlation. See previous exhaustive lists posted.
I want a number, and I want verification that it was related to one of the drugs under discussion.
Then I want a verifiable number of people who have been prescribed these drungs under the last 10 years.
It's the only chance you have of showing that these people are a threat sufficient to have their right restricted. Iif you cannot give those numbers, then there's no chance of a reasonable, rational person conclusding that your argument holdis any water.
13. Over 10 years.

Millions of people have taken these drugs and you can only identify 13 instances where people taking them have committed a relevant violent act - some not even involving a gun?

That's your "prolferation"?

Your argumrnt fails to show that these people are such a danger to society that the rights of eveyrone that takes these drugs needs to be further restricted.

There have certainly been more but you forced very narrow search parameters. I just did "school" shooters.

Look at all the murder/suicides of late. Just in Florida last week depressed mom under treatment kills herself and two kids.

Do you take these drugs ?

What is your vested interest to keep those who do armed ?

Under treatment does not mean taking drugs. Even if it did, she was going through a bitter divorce and filed court documents that claimed her ex was not assisting in providing for the children, and that he was going as far as to hoard supplies so that the kids did not even have toilet paper. Unless you want to argue that the drugs caused the divorce you are going to have a hard time blaming this on drugs.

Or guns.

He keeps slipping up and saying what he really MEANS, lol.
13. Over 10 years.

Millions of people have taken these drugs and you can only identify 13 instances where people taking them have committed a relevant violent act - some not even involving a gun?

That's your "prolferation"?

Your argumrnt fails to show that these people are such a danger to society that the rights of eveyrone that takes these drugs needs to be further restricted.

There have certainly been more but you forced very narrow search parameters. I just did "school" shooters.

Look at all the murder/suicides of late. Just in Florida last week depressed mom under treatment kills herself and two kids.

Do you take these drugs ?

What is your vested interest to keep those who do armed ?

Under treatment does not mean taking drugs. Even if it did, she was going through a bitter divorce and filed court documents that claimed her ex was not assisting in providing for the children, and that he was going as far as to hoard supplies so that the kids did not even have toilet paper. Unless you want to argue that the drugs caused the divorce you are going to have a hard time blaming this on drugs.

Or guns.

So what to attribute killing her children in their beds and herself to the humidity ?
My premise wasn't only school shooters.
How many school shootings and other violant acts agians others over the last 10 years involved the drugs you're talking about?
How many people. over the last 10 years, have taken the drugs under dioscussion?

Sigh. Hundreds have direct correlation. See previous exhaustive lists posted.

I can post more.

Why are you so hell bent on protecting the rights of a mental cases at the jeopardy of yours ?

Because everyone’s rights are inalienable, and cannot be preempted absent due process.

If one believes someone is mentally ill and shouldn’t be in possession of firearms, fine; but that must first be proven at hearing before a judge.
Guns used in violent crimes is not an access to guns problem, it’s a mental health problem, and the problem will continue as long as we as a society refuse to take seriously the issue of mental illness in America.

Exactly its a mental health problem.

One's with the mental health problems should = no guns.

Because crazy people have no rights.

Certainly they have rights, I am arguing for their right to not own a gun.
My premise wasn't only school shooters.
How many school shootings and other violant acts agians others over the last 10 years involved the drugs you're talking about?
How many people. over the last 10 years, have taken the drugs under dioscussion?

Sigh. Hundreds have direct correlation. See previous exhaustive lists posted.

I can post more.

Why are you so hell bent on protecting the rights of a mental cases at the jeopardy of yours ?

If that were true they would ban those drugs. The mere fact that they haven't done so is absolute proof that the science proves you wrong.
Because everyone’s rights are inalienable, and cannot be preempted absent due process.

If one believes someone is mentally ill and shouldn’t be in possession of firearms, fine; but that must first be proven at hearing before a judge.

You can do things which forfeit your rights.

You can use controlled substances = no gun per GCA.

Add these drugs to controlled substances.


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