The downside of carrying a firearm...

Self-Prescribing Med For Depression 2009-11-08 U.S.A. ++43% of Psychiatrists Might Prescribe Antidepressant for Themselves:May Be Apropos to Fort Hood
Alcohol Craving Zoloft 2004-07-14 Global ++45 Out of 100 Alcoholics Increased Their Drinking on Zoloft
Deaths Wellbutrin* 2006-08-02 Washington DC ++468 Deaths Reported to FDA Thru 2003 : Freedom of Information
Misdiagnosis Med For Depression 2008-03-25 Global ++60% of Bipolars Were First Diagnosed With Depression
Not Recommended For Youth SSRIs 2008-11-12 U.S.A. ++74% of Youth Will Not Respond to SSRIs: CNS Response Data
Suicidal Thoughts Antidepressants 2007-06-07 Global ++8.8% of Non-Suicidal People Had Suicidal Thoughts on Antidepressants
Mania Med For Depression 2009-11-08 U.S.A. ++860,000 People Suffered Mania From Antidepressants in 2000: Most Not Hospitalized: Book Stats
Mania/Bipolar SSRIs & All Antidepressants 2010-09-23 Global ++9 Out of 10 Bipolars Became This Way Through Antidepressant Induced Mania: Doctor Speaks
Homicides Antidepressants 2011-08-02 Global ++A/D Induced Akathisia-Related Homicides & Genes of the CYP450 Family: Journal
Worsening Condition Antidepressants 2010-10-25 Global ++A/D's Can Worsen Overall Condition of a Depressive Episode: Cause Mania: Research in Italy
Ineffective Zoloft & All Antidepressants 2011-07-18 Global ++A/D's Ineffective for Depression In Alzheimer's Patients: Meta-Analysis From Australia
Self-Mutilation Prozac 2000-05-07 Global ++According To Patent, Prozac, launched in Dec.1987, Causes Self-Mutilation
Adverse Reactions & Cardiovasular Problems Meds For Depression 2011-09-12 Global ++Adding Another A/D to Existing A/D Produces Serious Problems & No Benefit
Permanent Loss of Libido SSRI Antidepressants 2010-03-27 Global ++After Discontinuation, Many Patients Still Experience Low Libido: Journal Article:peoples Pharmacy
Alcohol Abuse Effexor 2007-05-01 Global ++Alcohol Abuse & "Feeling Drunk" Listed as Side Effects in PDR
Alcohol Abuse Paxil 2007-05-01 Global ++Alcohol Abuse is Listed as an Adverse Reaction to Paxil in the Insert
Clinical Trial Manipulation Antidepressants 2010-04-02 Global ++All But 1 of 38 Positive Studies Published But Only 3 of 36 Negative Studies: AJP
Violence & Murder SSRI Antidepressants 2011-07-04 Global ++Almost 11 Times More likely to Commit Violence/Murder while on SSRIs than on Other Drugs: Study
Suicide/Impulsivity Antidepressants 2008-07-06 Global ++Almost One-Third of Suicides are Impulsive: Antidepressants Can Cause Impulsivity
Worsening Depression Meds For Depression 2011-03-08 Global ++Antidepressant Treatment May Contribute to Chronic Depressive Syndrome: Journal of Psychosomatics
Appear To Look Older Antidepressants 2009-02-04 Global ++Antidepressant Use Can Make People Look Older Than They Are: Also Causes Face Sagging: ASPS
Bipolar Disorder Antidepressants 2010-04-28 U.S.A. ++Antidepressants & ADHD Meds Causing over 1 Million Young People to Be Diagnosed as Bipolar

Mood Destabilization Antidepressants 2008-03-04 Global ++Antidepressants Cause Rapid Cycling & Mood Destabilization in Bipolar Disorder: Am J Psychiatry
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There is nothing definitive.

But, that doesn't stop you from maligning Zimmerman based on nothing but your prejudices.

Shoo, you have no argument, just conjecture.

I'm not maligning anyone.

I was asked for my opinion and I answered.

He disobeyed the order of the police. That was the primary act that ended up with Martin being shot.

Zimmerman is an asshole and a hot head. We learned that from all the subsequent shit he's been involved in since he got off.

What makes you think he was any more righteous when he disregarded the order of the police?

He was never given an order by the police. The primary act that ended up with Martin being shot was when he returned to confront Zimmerman. You will say I don't know that he returned to confront Zimmerman, but he'd run out of sight of Zimmerman (from the 911 tape) and had time to return to his father's girlfriend's townhouse, yet ended up in the confrontation.

You show your ignorance with your name calling and implications (btw, apparently he was found to have no fault in the "subsequent shit) and again your argument fails.

Again, the best advice I can give you is to "shoo".
Because we are not fighting for the same thing.

I think if you have the diagnosis to take certain psych meds = No gun.

He lables me a facist.

Subject to due process.

If one answers ‘yes’ to the ‘adjudicated mentally ill’ question on the 4473, he’ll fail the background check and won’t be able to purchase a firearm.

That someone might be subject to mental health treatment is not in of itself justification to restrict one’s Second Amendment rights, but if a judge determines, based on objective, documented evidence, that someone poses a threat to himself or others, prohibiting him from possessing a firearm is perfectly appropriate and Constitutional.

I am for expanding the law to make taking drugs which cause suicidal and homicidal ideation as a black box warning a no go on NCIS.

Which would not accomplish your goal.

That new provision of the law would be challenged and invalidated as a violation of the Due Process Clause of the 5th Amendment, in addition to being a Second Amendment violation.

A citizen's civil liberties can’t be restricted absent due process, where the burden rests most heavily on the state to justify that restriction, not on the citizen.
He was out there trolling for trouble. He thought Martin was suspicious because he was walking down the street and was convinced Martin was a "asshole" when Martin had done nothing. If he had minded his own business, nothing would have happened.

The dispatcher told him not to follow.

and Zimmerman said he was assaulted first there is no other proof to that statement.

I am not naive enough to believe that people tell the truth in court when there are no other witnesses to contradict him.

It's are not an honest poster.
Subject to due process.

If one answers ‘yes’ to the ‘adjudicated mentally ill’ question on the 4473, he’ll fail the background check and won’t be able to purchase a firearm.

That someone might be subject to mental health treatment is not in of itself justification to restrict one’s Second Amendment rights, but if a judge determines, based on objective, documented evidence, that someone poses a threat to himself or others, prohibiting him from possessing a firearm is perfectly appropriate and Constitutional.

I am for expanding the law to make taking drugs which cause suicidal and homicidal ideation as a black box warning a no go on NCIS.
Their are way to many anti gunners with papers hanging from their wall saying they can diagnose someone mentally incompetent. If you want to go with that for a reason to take away someones right at least have more than one authoritative signature on the commitment papers. Three minimum

If you had 100 mental health professionals ‘sign off’ that someone is mentally ill, that would still be in violation of the Constitution absent due process.

Obviously the evidence and testimony of mental health professionals could be brought before a judge in the context of a competency hearing, where the citizen whose civil rights are in jeopardy could also provide evidence in his defense. Only after a judge has determined that someone is indeed mentally incompetent can his right to own a firearm be denied.

Guns used in violent crimes is not an access to guns problem, it’s a mental health problem, and the problem will continue as long as we as a society refuse to take seriously the issue of mental illness in America.
Subject to due process.

If one answers ‘yes’ to the ‘adjudicated mentally ill’ question on the 4473, he’ll fail the background check and won’t be able to purchase a firearm.

That someone might be subject to mental health treatment is not in of itself justification to restrict one’s Second Amendment rights, but if a judge determines, based on objective, documented evidence, that someone poses a threat to himself or others, prohibiting him from possessing a firearm is perfectly appropriate and Constitutional.

I am for expanding the law to make taking drugs which cause suicidal and homicidal ideation as a black box warning a no go on NCIS.

Which would not accomplish your goal.

That new provision of the law would be challenged and invalidated as a violation of the Due Process Clause of the 5th Amendment, in addition to being a Second Amendment violation.

A citizen's civil liberties can’t be restricted absent due process, where the burden rests most heavily on the state to justify that restriction, not on the citizen.

There are alcohol consumption related prohibitions ?
Guns used in violent crimes is not an access to guns problem, it’s a mental health problem, and the problem will continue as long as we as a society refuse to take seriously the issue of mental illness in America.

Exactly its a mental health problem.

One's with the mental health problems should = no guns.
I am for expanding the law to make taking drugs which cause suicidal and homicidal ideation as a black box warning a no go on NCIS.

Which would not accomplish your goal.

That new provision of the law would be challenged and invalidated as a violation of the Due Process Clause of the 5th Amendment, in addition to being a Second Amendment violation.

A citizen's civil liberties can’t be restricted absent due process, where the burden rests most heavily on the state to justify that restriction, not on the citizen.

There are alcohol consumption related prohibitions ?

There is no Constitutional right to purchase or consume alcohol, there is a Constitutional right to own a firearm.
But, that doesn't stop you from maligning Zimmerman based on nothing but your prejudices.

Shoo, you have no argument, just conjecture.

I'm not maligning anyone.

I was asked for my opinion and I answered.

He disobeyed the order of the police. That was the primary act that ended up with Martin being shot.

Zimmerman is an asshole and a hot head. We learned that from all the subsequent shit he's been involved in since he got off.

What makes you think he was any more righteous when he disregarded the order of the police?

He was never given an order by the police. The primary act that ended up with Martin being shot was when he returned to confront Zimmerman. You will say I don't know that he returned to confront Zimmerman, but he'd run out of sight of Zimmerman (from the 911 tape) and had time to return to his father's girlfriend's townhouse, yet ended up in the confrontation.

You show your ignorance with your name calling and implications (btw, apparently he was found to have no fault in the "subsequent shit) and again your argument fails.

Again, the best advice I can give you is to "shoo".

It's still a wonder to me how naive you people are.

I bet you think OJ was telling the truth too.

Zimmerman was looking for trouble. He found it. Martin shares part of the blame too. You're a fucking moron if you think that Zimmerman was an innocent victim here.
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Guns used in violent crimes is not an access to guns problem, it’s a mental health problem, and the problem will continue as long as we as a society refuse to take seriously the issue of mental illness in America.

Exactly its a mental health problem.

One's with the mental health problems should = no guns.

after due process

Total strawman argument. Not everyone who uses a gun to commit a crime has a mental health problem. Anyone who thinks they need an assault weapon has a mental health problem though.:eusa_whistle:
Exactly its a mental health problem.

One's with the mental health problems should = no guns.

after due process

Total strawman argument. Not everyone who uses a gun to commit a crime has a mental health problem. Anyone who thinks they need an assault weapon has a mental health problem though.:eusa_whistle:

What about people who think they need a semiautomatic rifle?

After all what you call an assault rifle is really just a semiautomatic rifle with some cosmetic doodads on it.

BTW murders committed with rifles of any kind still amount to less than those committed with hands and feet or blunt objects and knives alone are used in almost 5 times more murders than rifles of any kind.
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Which would not accomplish your goal.

That new provision of the law would be challenged and invalidated as a violation of the Due Process Clause of the 5th Amendment, in addition to being a Second Amendment violation.

A citizen's civil liberties can’t be restricted absent due process, where the burden rests most heavily on the state to justify that restriction, not on the citizen.

There are alcohol consumption related prohibitions ?

There is no Constitutional right to purchase or consume alcohol, there is a Constitutional right to own a firearm.

There alcohol related prohibitions on owning a firearm.

And other drugs too

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Those were only school shootings under you pre-determined search parameters
Parameters...based on your argument.
I asked you how many school shootings over the last 10 years involved the drugs you're talking about. You came back with 13.
How many people. over the last 10 years, have taken the drugs under dioscussion?
There are alcohol consumption related prohibitions ?

There is no Constitutional right to purchase or consume alcohol, there is a Constitutional right to own a firearm.
There alcohol related prohibitions on owning a firearm.
There is no such thing, save for alcohol-related felony convictions that deny the right based on the fact that a felony was committed, not the use of alcohol.

You can own and comsume as much alcohol as you want and still own as many guns as you want.
Exactly its a mental health problem.

One's with the mental health problems should = no guns.

after due process

Total strawman argument. Not everyone who uses a gun to commit a crime has a mental health problem. Anyone who thinks they need an assault weapon has a mental health problem though.:eusa_whistle:
Thank you for helping to prove the premise that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotiuon, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
I just can't seem to think of a down side. A bummer would be all the paper work one would have to do if shots were fired. At least your up right and breathing to tell about it.

There is no Constitutional right to purchase or consume alcohol, there is a Constitutional right to own a firearm.
There alcohol related prohibitions on owning a firearm.
There is no such thing, save for alcohol-related felony convictions that deny the right based on the fact that a felony was committed, not the use of alcohol.

You can own and comsume as much alcohol as you want and still own as many guns as you want.


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