The Dreaded 'Fearful Conversation"

There are many criticisms against Obama that are warranted. But you don't have took far in these forums to actually see racists comments against him. I remember seeing a Tea Party video where Tea Party members were being interviewed. This was during the elections before Obama became President. A few people were actually frothing at the mouth screaming Obama is worse than Hitler while a few racist comments were yelled in the background. Do I believe every criticism directed at Obama is racially driven. Of couse not. But many are.

So saying Obama is worse than Hitler is racist, but when the left said the same thing about Bush it wasn't?

Only crazy people claimed George W. Bush was worse than Hitler, and only extremists stated he was a fascist. The truth being most of us who criticized Bush & Co. did so for two reasons: The invasion and occupation of Iraq was a war of choice we did not need, and, we had zero confidence in his abilities.

Actually W. grew into the job, much too late, but he eventually closed his ears to Cheney and others whose agenda had nothing to do with Country First.

And the Tea Party group is the same.
They are just as diversified in views and you will have the crazies and extremists in both parties.
They had never protested in their entire lives so they made posters based on the ones that the left had done in the past against Bush.
It does not prove that all tea party are racists.
You are right, not all Tea Partyers are racist. I was pointing out the fact that some of Obama's critics are racially driven. That is all.

Of course, it has been established that, in fact, the Tea Party is not racist.

Here....let's review the fact:

"The late Andrew Breitbart founded Big Government, Big Hollywood, and Big Journalism. Andrew doggedly pursued the story behind the allegations of Reps. Andre Carson, John Lewis, Emanuel Cleaver and James Clyburn that Tea Party protesters abused black congressmen with racial epithets while demonstrating against Obamacare on Capitol Hill on March 20, 2010. The story was reported as fact by news organizations including Fox News and McClatchy News, but Breitbart called (pardon me) bullshit and exposed it as a concoction of the congressmen who peddled it.

One can say this with something approaching metaphysical certainty because of the utter lack of evidence supporting it under circumstances where there would have been such evidence had it happened as alleged. The key to the case was Breitbart’s offer of a $100,000 reward to anyone producing video of the epithets being shouted. There were no takers because it didn’t happen."
Breitbart s Big 100k Power Line

Me proving you to be a lying imbecile is getting to be a pattern, huh?
Political correctness means never saying what you believe.

The secular society is all about marginalizing and shutting down the speech that is not government-approved.....

....and lying about why it is shut down.
Case in point:
"In 2009, Holder claimed that “though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial, we have always been and we — I believe continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards."
Eric Holder US still a nation of cowards on race The Daily Caller

Yet to this moment, criticism of Obama's frauds and failures is attributed to racism....

And folks lose their careers if they criticize acts which they consider immoral.....or even if they criticize the long-dead Darwin.

But Ann Coulter is not afraid of ANYTHING!

In her first interview concerning immigration, her new book, "Adios, America," she and Jorge Ramos have that great knock-down, drag-out conversation that the nation needs.

Here, a short vid...and a more exciting one!

In Jorge Ramos Interview Ann Coulter Stuns Fusion Audience Twice TVNewser
(2 minutes)

(32 minutes)

Hey you forgot to add in rants about how Stalin and Roosevelt are secretly behind this. Or are those going to be in a follow up post?
^ that

Can you think of any time.....any....that you've added any thing of substance to a thread?

Neither can I.
Actually the Stalinist-Marxist conspiracy started by Roosevelt in his secret underground lair 100 years ago prevents you from seeing rational posts. Right before Roosevelt invented the Nazi's so that Russia could take over the planet, he foresaw the creation of the internet and planted communist/marxist firewalls into the system before the system EVEN EXISTED. :eek:

This post can only be considered as a plaintive cry for the education you are so sorely lacking.... will be forthcoming.

You have prevailed on me to, in the near future, post another expose of the Roosevelt-Stalin-Hitler affair.

In the meantime, have you considered why, in a dozen or more such Roosevelt lap-dogs have been able to find even a single error?

Have you?

There is an ineluctable conclusion to be drawn....

....I mean, beside the well-known fact that you are an imbecile.
It's like trying to convince a 9/11 truther that jet fuel really can burn hot enough to melt steel :rofl:
Political correctness means never saying what you believe.

The secular society is all about marginalizing and shutting down the speech that is not government-approved.....

....and lying about why it is shut down.
Case in point:
"In 2009, Holder claimed that “though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial, we have always been and we — I believe continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards."
Eric Holder US still a nation of cowards on race The Daily Caller

Yet to this moment, criticism of Obama's frauds and failures is attributed to racism....

And folks lose their careers if they criticize acts which they consider immoral.....or even if they criticize the long-dead Darwin.

But Ann Coulter is not afraid of ANYTHING!

In her first interview concerning immigration, her new book, "Adios, America," she and Jorge Ramos have that great knock-down, drag-out conversation that the nation needs.

Here, a short vid...and a more exciting one!

In Jorge Ramos Interview Ann Coulter Stuns Fusion Audience Twice TVNewser
(2 minutes)

(32 minutes)

Hey you forgot to add in rants about how Stalin and Roosevelt are secretly behind this. Or are those going to be in a follow up post?
^ that

Can you think of any time.....any....that you've added any thing of substance to a thread?

Neither can I.
Actually the Stalinist-Marxist conspiracy started by Roosevelt in his secret underground lair 100 years ago prevents you from seeing rational posts. Right before Roosevelt invented the Nazi's so that Russia could take over the planet, he foresaw the creation of the internet and planted communist/marxist firewalls into the system before the system EVEN EXISTED. :eek:
Thats PoliticalSpice's raison d'être
Hey you forgot to add in rants about how Stalin and Roosevelt are secretly behind this. Or are those going to be in a follow up post?
^ that

Can you think of any time.....any....that you've added any thing of substance to a thread?

Neither can I.
Actually the Stalinist-Marxist conspiracy started by Roosevelt in his secret underground lair 100 years ago prevents you from seeing rational posts. Right before Roosevelt invented the Nazi's so that Russia could take over the planet, he foresaw the creation of the internet and planted communist/marxist firewalls into the system before the system EVEN EXISTED. :eek:

This post can only be considered as a plaintive cry for the education you are so sorely lacking.... will be forthcoming.

You have prevailed on me to, in the near future, post another expose of the Roosevelt-Stalin-Hitler affair.

In the meantime, have you considered why, in a dozen or more such Roosevelt lap-dogs have been able to find even a single error?

Have you?

There is an ineluctable conclusion to be drawn....

....I mean, beside the well-known fact that you are an imbecile.
It's like trying to convince a 9/11 truther that jet fuel really can burn hot enough to melt steel :rofl:

As I posted said thread, it appears that you would be the one about whom this applies: "It's like trying to convince a 9/11 truther that jet fuel really can burn hot enough to melt steel."

I was "trying to convince" the uneducated....i.e., you.

Are you suggesting that you have found errors in said threads?

If are lying.
Political correctness means never saying what you believe.

The secular society is all about marginalizing and shutting down the speech that is not government-approved.....

....and lying about why it is shut down.
Case in point:
"In 2009, Holder claimed that “though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial, we have always been and we — I believe continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards."
Eric Holder US still a nation of cowards on race The Daily Caller

Yet to this moment, criticism of Obama's frauds and failures is attributed to racism....

And folks lose their careers if they criticize acts which they consider immoral.....or even if they criticize the long-dead Darwin.

But Ann Coulter is not afraid of ANYTHING!

In her first interview concerning immigration, her new book, "Adios, America," she and Jorge Ramos have that great knock-down, drag-out conversation that the nation needs.

Here, a short vid...and a more exciting one!

In Jorge Ramos Interview Ann Coulter Stuns Fusion Audience Twice TVNewser
(2 minutes)

(32 minutes)

Hey you forgot to add in rants about how Stalin and Roosevelt are secretly behind this. Or are those going to be in a follow up post?
^ that

Can you think of any time.....any....that you've added any thing of substance to a thread?

Neither can I.
Actually the Stalinist-Marxist conspiracy started by Roosevelt in his secret underground lair 100 years ago prevents you from seeing rational posts. Right before Roosevelt invented the Nazi's so that Russia could take over the planet, he foresaw the creation of the internet and planted communist/marxist firewalls into the system before the system EVEN EXISTED. :eek:
Thats PoliticalSpice's raison d'être

Never able to provide any substance in your posts,are you?

Yet you try often....

The sign of a mental deficient.
Obsessive, obnoxious and so predictable. Character assassination is her game, PoliticalChic is her name.
There are many criticisms against Obama that are warranted. But you don't have took far in these forums to actually see racists comments against him. I remember seeing a Tea Party video where Tea Party members were being interviewed. This was during the elections before Obama became President. A few people were actually frothing at the mouth screaming Obama is worse than Hitler while a few racist comments were yelled in the background. Do I believe every criticism directed at Obama is racially driven. Of couse not. But many are.

So saying Obama is worse than Hitler is racist, but when the left said the same thing about Bush it wasn't?

Only crazy people claimed George W. Bush was worse than Hitler, and only extremists stated he was a fascist. The truth being most of us who criticized Bush & Co. did so for two reasons: The invasion and occupation of Iraq was a war of choice we did not need, and, we had zero confidence in his abilities.

Actually W. grew into the job, much too late, but he eventually closed his ears to Cheney and others whose agenda had nothing to do with Country First.

And the Tea Party group is the same.
They are just as diversified in views and you will have the crazies and extremists in both parties.
They had never protested in their entire lives so they made posters based on the ones that the left had done in the past against Bush.
It does not prove that all tea party are racists.
You are right, not all Tea Partyers are racist. I was pointing out the fact that some of Obama's critics are racially driven. That is all.

Of course, it has been established that, in fact, the Tea Party is not racist.

Here....let's review the fact:

"The late Andrew Breitbart founded Big Government, Big Hollywood, and Big Journalism. Andrew doggedly pursued the story behind the allegations of Reps. Andre Carson, John Lewis, Emanuel Cleaver and James Clyburn that Tea Party protesters abused black congressmen with racial epithets while demonstrating against Obamacare on Capitol Hill on March 20, 2010. The story was reported as fact by news organizations including Fox News and McClatchy News, but Breitbart called (pardon me) bullshit and exposed it as a concoction of the congressmen who peddled it.

One can say this with something approaching metaphysical certainty because of the utter lack of evidence supporting it under circumstances where there would have been such evidence had it happened as alleged. The key to the case was Breitbart’s offer of a $100,000 reward to anyone producing video of the epithets being shouted. There were no takers because it didn’t happen."
Breitbart s Big 100k Power Line

Me proving you to be a lying imbecile is getting to be a pattern, huh?

Tea Party and GOP committee member Marilyn Davenport refused to resign and stand by her blatantly racist email depicting the President of the United States as a monkey with a family of monkeys.

(5:16) I'll take the money in cash please
Have to admit. Who would not like to align themselves with this group. Listen to all the intelligent discussions going on here.

No wonder Polichic likes them.
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Screaming "racist" at Ann Coulter like you have only makes PC's point. Good job.
No one screamed. I watched the video and deducted this. I also supported my reasons in post # 70. Care to refute any of these?

Not my burden to prove a negative. But by you calling Ann Coulter racist for criticizing Obama's immigration policy, you made one of the OP's points, this one in fact:

Yet to this moment, criticism of Obama's frauds and failures is attributed to racism....

Which to my count, you did just that at post #6. Try not being hypocritical, my friend.
Secularism has nothing to do with it, nor does religion much for that matter. Neither the architects of the reformation nor the founders of America, believed that speech should be dictated by an institution like a church or a government authority.

But at the same time, 'hate speech' laws and limitations on speech have existed for a long time in America and Europe.

In modern times, it was attacks on the freedom of speech and expression of communists and socialists - with McCarthyism and show trials, and likewise on capitalists in the communist states - who suffered peoples courts and gulags.
If anything this video shows how racist Ann Coulter is.

Screaming racist at every turn is getting to be so yesterday
Did you actually watch the video.

Does it matter? I'm just sick of the "race card". The left has worn it out
Not true, there is still plenty of racism.

Where? we have a black president, black AG, black supreme court justice, black CEOs, black entertainers, black athletes. Where is the racism that is holding blacks back?

Where it is is in the minds of the race hustlers in the dem party.
Just look at the racism on these boards.Are you blind, thick, or both?

Screaming "racist" at Ann Coulter like you have only makes PC's point. Good job.
No one screamed. I watched the video and deducted this. I also supported my reasons in post # 70. Care to refute any of these?

Not my burden to prove a negative. But by you calling Ann Coulter racist for criticizing Obama's immigration policy, you made one of the OP's points, this one in fact:

Yet to this moment, criticism of Obama's frauds and failures is attributed to racism....

Which to my count, you did just that at post #6. Try not being hypocritical, my friend.
You're not proving a negative. I gave my examples. Out of the examples listed name one that is not a part of Anglo-America culture. You can't.

Your second argument makes zero sense. I criticise Coulter because of what she said. What does this have to do with Polichic's assertion "Yet to this moment, criticism of Obama's frauds and failures is attributed to racism..." Did you not read my reply in post # 2 where I stated "There are many criticisms against Obama that are warranted. But you don't have took far in these forums to actually see racists comments against him. Do I believe every criticism directed at Obama is racially driven. Of course not. But many are." Can you see the difference. I basically said not all criticisms directed at Obama are racial, but some are The only way to disagree with this statement is yoiu either believe they all are or they all aren't. Do you follow?
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Your second argument makes zero sense. I criticise Coulter because of what she said. What does this have to do with Polichic's assertion "Yet to this moment, criticism of Obama's frauds and failures is attributed to racism..." Did you not read my reply in post # 2 where I stated "There are many criticisms against Obama that are warranted. But you don't have took far in these forums to actually see racists comments against him. Do I believe every criticism directed at Obama is racially driven. Of course not. But many are." Can you see the difference. I basically said not all criticisms directed at Obama are racial, but some are The only way to disagree with this statement is yoiu either believe they all are or they all aren't. Do you follow?

What? Writing in separate paragraphs would help me follow, but your argument? Not so much:

You can say what you want. But when Ann Coulter started bashing Obama's immigration policy, you immediately retorted "This video only shows how racist Ann Coulter is." You can obfuscate all you like, but you're still a hypocrite.

"Do I believe every criticism directed at Obama is racially driven. Of course not. But many are."

Hoss, I do believe I done found me a contradiction. Either they all are, or they all aren't. This is your classic middle ground fallacy. And yes, thank you for willfully exposing the weakness in your point, they all are, or they all aren't.

Moving on:

"There are many criticisms against Obama that are warranted. But you don't have took far in these forums to actually see racists comments against him."

And so you make the critical mistake of assuming that what you see posted on an obscure political discussion board by the fringe racist few, is typical of those who disagree with Obama. This is a hasty generalization if I ever saw one.
Your second argument makes zero sense. I criticise Coulter because of what she said. What does this have to do with Polichic's assertion "Yet to this moment, criticism of Obama's frauds and failures is attributed to racism..." Did you not read my reply in post # 2 where I stated "There are many criticisms against Obama that are warranted. But you don't have took far in these forums to actually see racists comments against him. Do I believe every criticism directed at Obama is racially driven. Of course not. But many are." Can you see the difference. I basically said not all criticisms directed at Obama are racial, but some are The only way to disagree with this statement is yoiu either believe they all are or they all aren't. Do you follow?

What? Writing in separate paragraphs would help me follow, but your argument? Not so much:

You can say what you want. But when Ann Coulter started bashing Obama's immigration policy, you immediately retorted "This video only shows how racist Ann Coulter is." You can obfuscate all you like, but you're still a hypocrite.

"Do I believe every criticism directed at Obama is racially driven. Of course not. But many are."

Hoss, I do believe I done found me a contradiction. Either they all are, or they all aren't. This is your classic middle ground fallacy. And yes, thank you for willfully exposing the weakness in your point, they all are, or they all aren't.

Moving on:

"There are many criticisms against Obama that are warranted. But you don't have took far in these forums to actually see racists comments against him."

And so you make the critical mistake of assuming that what you see posted on an obscure political discussion board by the fringe racist few, is typical of those who disagree with Obama. This is a hasty generalization if I ever saw one.
I can see that you lack basic comprehension skills. I apologize if english is not your first language. Once you have a better grasp and understanding of what was actually being said, then we can continue this conversation. If english is indeed your first language then I'm afraid you will need a more remedial education. May I suggest a night course. Don't forget to take a copy of these texts to your teacher/professor for clarity.

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