The dreaded gay-wedding-cake saga ends: bakers must pay 135 K

I know, the pagans and the gays and the blacks, they are coming for your SOUL! Mwa-ha-ha!

Which doesn't change the fact you have no idea what hate is. You think it's anyone who disagrees with you and the homosexual agenda and you don't conceive of the possibility that anyone can disagree with your political regime without any hatred. At best that makes you unsophisticated, at worst it makes you the originator of the hate you seem to see in everyone else.

Sure I do. People who think they are "too good" to serve other people because of their religious views are quite hateful human beings, and miserable too by the sounds of it.

That's your misguided opinion fueled by your own bigotry and hatred. From their point of view, they don't hate anybody but cannot do something that violates their conscience. That isn't hate. What you're doing is hate.

MY bigotry and hatred? :lol: You are nuts, but then most people here already know this. You are now amongst the Silhouettes and Where are my keys crowd.

People who want all tax paying American citizens to have equal rights and privileges are not the bigots here, dummy.

[big-uh t]
a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.

There it is. You demand that everyone accept and accommodate homosexuals, not tolerating any disagreement or dissent.

That makes you a bigot.

And how am I being intolerant? I'm not picking on you because of your religion. I'm picking on you because you're a bigot and an asshole. :lol:
Which doesn't change the fact you have no idea what hate is. You think it's anyone who disagrees with you and the homosexual agenda and you don't conceive of the possibility that anyone can disagree with your political regime without any hatred. At best that makes you unsophisticated, at worst it makes you the originator of the hate you seem to see in everyone else.

Sure I do. People who think they are "too good" to serve other people because of their religious views are quite hateful human beings, and miserable too by the sounds of it.

That's your misguided opinion fueled by your own bigotry and hatred. From their point of view, they don't hate anybody but cannot do something that violates their conscience. That isn't hate. What you're doing is hate.

MY bigotry and hatred? :lol: You are nuts, but then most people here already know this. You are now amongst the Silhouettes and Where are my keys crowd.

People who want all tax paying American citizens to have equal rights and privileges are not the bigots here, dummy.

[big-uh t]
a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.

There it is. You demand that everyone accept and accommodate homosexuals, not tolerating any disagreement or dissent.

That makes you a bigot.

It is ironic, that these people in their own actions, make themselves into the very thing they claim to be opposing.

Yes they could bowed to public pressure and violated their religious beliefs. We already know they could have done that, under the gun of public demand.

Like blaming a woman for rape. Should have just agreed to have sex. It's her fault for not just doing what she was told.

Lying is also not an option. That defeats the entire purpose. The point is to follow their religious views.

Nor should they need to come up with lies to practice their faith, in a country supposedly founded on religious freedom.

Yeah, they could have left the cake business... that's your version of religious freedom eh? You have the freedom to leave whenever we decide to violate your freedom?

In short, you came up with a dozen rationalizations to violate these people's religious freedom, and blame them for it.

Thanks, but you are dismissed.

They have religious freedom. their business does not. their business broke the laws of Oregon. Which are more important that God's Laws because Oregon actually has a real enforcement arm.

That's your opinion. We fear the living G-d more than your secular laws. Again, if Christian are willing to die for their faith, as we've seen around the world.... what exactly do you think you are going to do to stop us?


PLENTY of good Christian people open businesses and do not discriminate against others. MOST Christians aren't like you. They are nice and good people.
Well, thankfully, these religious extremists and fanatics only make up a very small portion of our population. I believe that most people are better people than the so-called "religious" people posting in this thread, so that's a good thing. Stay positive! :)
Well that's too bad for you. Because we are going do business, and we will not follow your secular laws on this matter.

So now what?

so now you pay fines, lose business and get your licenses (issued by secular authorities) revoked.

Fantastic! It doesn't shatter anything. I'm not here to be a martyr. I'm simply saying the truth. Christians are going to follow their faith. And you people can't stop us.

awesome, so when are you going to start giving to the poor and treating people the way you want to be treated (stuff Jesus actually talked about) instead of fucking with the gays (which Jesus never talked about.)
Okay, here's the first lesson, Daniel-san. You don't get to play victim when you've created your own problem.

Here's a list of things the Kleins could have done.

1) They could have baked the fucking cake.
2) They could have come up with some other excuse for not baking the cake that didn't involve hurling homophobic epitaths at their customer.
3) They could have refrained from orchestrating a hate campaign against this couple on social media.
4) They could have gotten out of the Wedding Cake Business altogether once it was clear that gay marriage was legal.

In short, they put themselves in the position they are in. NO one put them in it.

Yes they could bowed to public pressure and violated their religious beliefs. We already know they could have done that, under the gun of public demand.

Like blaming a woman for rape. Should have just agreed to have sex. It's her fault for not just doing what she was told.

Lying is also not an option. That defeats the entire purpose. The point is to follow their religious views.

Nor should they need to come up with lies to practice their faith, in a country supposedly founded on religious freedom.

Yeah, they could have left the cake business... that's your version of religious freedom eh? You have the freedom to leave whenever we decide to violate your freedom?

In short, you came up with a dozen rationalizations to violate these people's religious freedom, and blame them for it.

Thanks, but you are dismissed. :)
Because it's bullshit ... they violate their religious beliefs all the time. Any wedding cakes they've ever sold to any non-Christian couple, violated their religious beliefs. Obviously, they used their religion to shield their bigotry against homosexuals.

Not your call, thought cop.
Tell that to the Kleins'. :lol:

The Kleins haven't paid a cent so far and their business continues. :laugh:

Oh, but wait. On another thread you said they were being persecuted by nazis and had lost their business.

So, were you lying then or are you lying now?
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Okay, here's the first lesson, Daniel-san. You don't get to play victim when you've created your own problem.

Here's a list of things the Kleins could have done.

1) They could have baked the fucking cake.
2) They could have come up with some other excuse for not baking the cake that didn't involve hurling homophobic epitaths at their customer.
3) They could have refrained from orchestrating a hate campaign against this couple on social media.
4) They could have gotten out of the Wedding Cake Business altogether once it was clear that gay marriage was legal.

In short, they put themselves in the position they are in. NO one put them in it.

Yes they could bowed to public pressure and violated their religious beliefs. We already know they could have done that, under the gun of public demand.

Like blaming a woman for rape. Should have just agreed to have sex. It's her fault for not just doing what she was told.

Lying is also not an option. That defeats the entire purpose. The point is to follow their religious views.

Nor should they need to come up with lies to practice their faith, in a country supposedly founded on religious freedom.

Yeah, they could have left the cake business... that's your version of religious freedom eh? You have the freedom to leave whenever we decide to violate your freedom?

In short, you came up with a dozen rationalizations to violate these people's religious freedom, and blame them for it.

Thanks, but you are dismissed. :)
Because it's bullshit ... they violate their religious beliefs all the time. Any wedding cakes they've ever sold to any non-Christian couple, violated their religious beliefs. Obviously, they used their religion to shield their bigotry against homosexuals.

What violates my beliefs is between me, my Bible, my Church, and G-d.

Not some random pagan that thinks he can tell me what my faith is.

Pagan: "Your Bible is wrong, and made up, and your god is a myth.... and you are a hypocrite because I've read your Bible and you are not following it!"

Christian: "Let me get this straight.... You are mad and calling me a hypocrite, because I have not followed your private interpretation of a book you think is full of errors, completely made up, about a god you deny exists?"

Am I the only one that finds that funny? :p

Here... Look up this phrase "Credibility gap"

NOT when you open up a business. Then you follow secular law.

Well that's too bad for you. Because we are going do business, and we will not follow your secular laws on this matter.

So now what?

Well then, good luck to you.
The bakers had no business publishing the name and addresses of the litigants - but these PA laws are horseshit and need to go.
Fantastic! It doesn't shatter anything. I'm not here to be a martyr. I'm simply saying the truth. Christians are going to follow their faith. And you people can't stop us.

awesome, so when are you going to start giving to the poor and treating people the way you want to be treated (stuff Jesus actually talked about) instead of fucking with the gays (which Jesus never talked about.)

Yeah riiiiight! :lol:
Fantastic! It doesn't shatter anything. I'm not here to be a martyr. I'm simply saying the truth. Christians are going to follow their faith. And you people can't stop us.

awesome, so when are you going to start giving to the poor and treating people the way you want to be treated (stuff Jesus actually talked about) instead of fucking with the gays (which Jesus never talked about.)

Yeah riiiiight! :lol:
Yes they could bowed to public pressure and violated their religious beliefs. We already know they could have done that, under the gun of public demand.

Like blaming a woman for rape. Should have just agreed to have sex. It's her fault for not just doing what she was told.

Lying is also not an option. That defeats the entire purpose. The point is to follow their religious views.

Nor should they need to come up with lies to practice their faith, in a country supposedly founded on religious freedom.

Yeah, they could have left the cake business... that's your version of religious freedom eh? You have the freedom to leave whenever we decide to violate your freedom?

In short, you came up with a dozen rationalizations to violate these people's religious freedom, and blame them for it.

Thanks, but you are dismissed. :)
Because it's bullshit ... they violate their religious beliefs all the time. Any wedding cakes they've ever sold to any non-Christian couple, violated their religious beliefs. Obviously, they used their religion to shield their bigotry against homosexuals.

Not your call, thought cop.
Tell that to the Kleins'. :lol:

The Kleins haven't paid a cent so far and their business continues. :laugh:

Oh, but wait. On another thread you said they were being persecuted by nazis and had lost their business.

So, were you lying then or are you lying now?
He swings, and misses. Again.
Because it's bullshit ... they violate their religious beliefs all the time. Any wedding cakes they've ever sold to any non-Christian couple, violated their religious beliefs. Obviously, they used their religion to shield their bigotry against homosexuals.

Not your call, thought cop.
Tell that to the Kleins'. :lol:

The Kleins haven't paid a cent so far and their business continues. :laugh:
If they don't pay soon, at the very least, they face having a lien put on their property; at worst, they could lose their business license. And regardless how it turns out, they will go through hell in the legal process. And it will be worse for others who attempt to follow their lead. Despite what the Kleins' go through, they are at least raking in donations. The more people try a stunt like this, the smaller the donations will be.

But you are assuming we're going through it, for the sake of donations. I would stand for my faith if I collected zero donations.

I am not. It does not matter how much "legal hell" you put us through. We have a higher authority than your legal crap.

Life is not about being rich, or having millions. This life is very short, and what matters, is what comes after.
I'm assuming no such thing. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. :cuckoo:
Well that's too bad for you. Because we are going do business, and we will not follow your secular laws on this matter.

So now what?

No, it's too bad for you, because you will be sued and probably go out of business. Then I suppose you would be here, crying. :oops: Waaa, the government won't allow me to discriminate against the people I don't like!!! *stomps feet, takes ball and goes home*

Translation: Waaaaa!!!!! Somebody doesn't agree with me so the Government needs to Make Them Think Like I Do, or DESTROY them. Waaaaa!!!!! I can't handle any viewpoints different than my own. Waaaaa!!!!!! I can't be bothered to find another bakery so Waaa!!!!! The Government should shut down the bakery that doesn't agree with me. Waaaaaa!!!!!

Hey, the point here is that government doesn't recognize discrimination as a religious custom or practice. In the eyes of the law, we are ALL Americans. Gay people are taxpaying American citizens, and you don't have any "right" to limit or restrict where they do business.

No, the point here is that anyone who doesn't kowtow to the proper Government Approved GroupThink will be beaten into submission.

You loons recognize NO INDIVIDUAL BOUNDARIES FOR OTHERS. So, it will be quite a spectacle of Karmic Justice when you offend the Protected Class du Jour, as will inevitably happen given the current trajectory.

No, the state recognizes what is good business and what is bad business. Discrimination is bad business, and states certainly do have the right to set the rules and regulations regarding how you do business. If you want to discriminate against gays, you should choose a state where it is NOT illegal. It's simple. Know the laws in your state and respect them. They are put in place for a reason by people who are more informed and knowledgeable about business practice than you.

It's not the state's decision to decide what is Good Business and what is Bad Business. The bakers were not providing unhealthy cakes. If they wish to do the Bad Business of forgoing profit due to their religious beliefs, that is their Constitutional Right.
No, it's too bad for you, because you will be sued and probably go out of business. Then I suppose you would be here, crying. :oops: Waaa, the government won't allow me to discriminate against the people I don't like!!! *stomps feet, takes ball and goes home*

Translation: Waaaaa!!!!! Somebody doesn't agree with me so the Government needs to Make Them Think Like I Do, or DESTROY them. Waaaaa!!!!! I can't handle any viewpoints different than my own. Waaaaa!!!!!! I can't be bothered to find another bakery so Waaa!!!!! The Government should shut down the bakery that doesn't agree with me. Waaaaaa!!!!!

Hey, the point here is that government doesn't recognize discrimination as a religious custom or practice. In the eyes of the law, we are ALL Americans. Gay people are taxpaying American citizens, and you don't have any "right" to limit or restrict where they do business.

No, the point here is that anyone who doesn't kowtow to the proper Government Approved GroupThink will be beaten into submission.

You loons recognize NO INDIVIDUAL BOUNDARIES FOR OTHERS. So, it will be quite a spectacle of Karmic Justice when you offend the Protected Class du Jour, as will inevitably happen given the current trajectory.

No, the state recognizes what is good business and what is bad business. Discrimination is bad business, and states certainly do have the right to set the rules and regulations regarding how you do business. If you want to discriminate against gays, you should choose a state where it is NOT illegal. It's simple. Know the laws in your state and respect them. They are put in place for a reason by people who are more informed and knowledgeable about business practice than you.

It's not the state's decision to decide what is Good Business and what is Bad Business. The bakers were not providing unhealthy cakes. If they wish to do the Bad Business of forgoing profit due to their religious beliefs, that is their Constitutional Right.

It certainly ought to be. But it would seem the Court doesn't have our back on that one.
Which doesn't change the fact you have no idea what hate is. You think it's anyone who disagrees with you and the homosexual agenda and you don't conceive of the possibility that anyone can disagree with your political regime without any hatred. At best that makes you unsophisticated, at worst it makes you the originator of the hate you seem to see in everyone else.

Sure I do. People who think they are "too good" to serve other people because of their religious views are quite hateful human beings, and miserable too by the sounds of it.

That's your misguided opinion fueled by your own bigotry and hatred. From their point of view, they don't hate anybody but cannot do something that violates their conscience. That isn't hate. What you're doing is hate.

MY bigotry and hatred? :lol: You are nuts, but then most people here already know this. You are now amongst the Silhouettes and Where are my keys crowd.

People who want all tax paying American citizens to have equal rights and privileges are not the bigots here, dummy.

[big-uh t]
a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.

There it is. You demand that everyone accept and accommodate homosexuals, not tolerating any disagreement or dissent.

That makes you a bigot.

And how am I being intolerant? I'm not picking on you because of your religion. I'm picking on you because you're a bigot and an asshole. :lol:
I think we've already established you fit the definition of bigot, not me. But if projecting your bigotry onto others makes you feel better, vaya con Dios.
Sure I do. People who think they are "too good" to serve other people because of their religious views are quite hateful human beings, and miserable too by the sounds of it.

That's your misguided opinion fueled by your own bigotry and hatred. From their point of view, they don't hate anybody but cannot do something that violates their conscience. That isn't hate. What you're doing is hate.

MY bigotry and hatred? :lol: You are nuts, but then most people here already know this. You are now amongst the Silhouettes and Where are my keys crowd.

People who want all tax paying American citizens to have equal rights and privileges are not the bigots here, dummy.

[big-uh t]
a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.

There it is. You demand that everyone accept and accommodate homosexuals, not tolerating any disagreement or dissent.

That makes you a bigot.

It is ironic, that these people in their own actions, make themselves into the very thing they claim to be opposing.

Yes they could bowed to public pressure and violated their religious beliefs. We already know they could have done that, under the gun of public demand.

Like blaming a woman for rape. Should have just agreed to have sex. It's her fault for not just doing what she was told.

Lying is also not an option. That defeats the entire purpose. The point is to follow their religious views.

Nor should they need to come up with lies to practice their faith, in a country supposedly founded on religious freedom.

Yeah, they could have left the cake business... that's your version of religious freedom eh? You have the freedom to leave whenever we decide to violate your freedom?

In short, you came up with a dozen rationalizations to violate these people's religious freedom, and blame them for it.

Thanks, but you are dismissed.

They have religious freedom. their business does not. their business broke the laws of Oregon. Which are more important that God's Laws because Oregon actually has a real enforcement arm.

That's your opinion. We fear the living G-d more than your secular laws. Again, if Christian are willing to die for their faith, as we've seen around the world.... what exactly do you think you are going to do to stop us?


PLENTY of good Christian people open businesses and do not discriminate against others. MOST Christians aren't like you. They are nice and good people.
We don't know that. So far, instances of bigots like you targeting Christian businesses for financial ruin have been limited. Christians don't believe it's right to accommodate the homosexual lifestyle even if they tolerate it and any practicing Christian will act according to their conscience. Most are lying low hoping that hateful, intolerant bigot assholes like you won't find them.
Not your call, thought cop.
Tell that to the Kleins'. :lol:

The Kleins haven't paid a cent so far and their business continues. :laugh:
If they don't pay soon, at the very least, they face having a lien put on their property; at worst, they could lose their business license. And regardless how it turns out, they will go through hell in the legal process. And it will be worse for others who attempt to follow their lead. Despite what the Kleins' go through, they are at least raking in donations. The more people try a stunt like this, the smaller the donations will be.

But you are assuming we're going through it, for the sake of donations. I would stand for my faith if I collected zero donations.

I am not. It does not matter how much "legal hell" you put us through. We have a higher authority than your legal crap.

Life is not about being rich, or having millions. This life is very short, and what matters, is what comes after.
I'm assuming no such thing. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. :cuckoo:

You certainly gave the impression, when you said "try a stunt", which implies they are doing it for some other motive.
Fantastic! It doesn't shatter anything. I'm not here to be a martyr. I'm simply saying the truth. Christians are going to follow their faith. And you people can't stop us.

awesome, so when are you going to start giving to the poor and treating people the way you want to be treated (stuff Jesus actually talked about) instead of fucking with the gays (which Jesus never talked about.)

Yeah riiiiight! :lol:

I do, even to this day. We're not going to gays and demanding they serve us. Haven't sent a death threat, or lawsuit to a business run by a gay yet

They are messing with us. Not us messing with them.

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