The dreaded gay-wedding-cake saga ends: bakers must pay 135 K

The bakers had no business publishing the name and addresses of the litigants - but these PA laws are horseshit and need to go.
That's been the accusation, but in fact the bigots made their business a target so why shouldn't they share in the fame?

You're right. The bigots at Sweet Cakes made themselves a target by discriminating. They deserve bad Yelp reviews and Boycotts.

Of course, the broke the law.

How do you feel about people who do that, break the know, like pot smokers and Sanctuary cities?
The bakers had no business publishing the name and addresses of the litigants - but these PA laws are horseshit and need to go.
That's been the accusation, but in fact the bigots made their business a target so why shouldn't they share in the fame?

You're right. The bigots at Sweet Cakes made themselves a target by discriminating. They deserve bad Yelp reviews and Boycotts.

Of course, the broke the law.

How do you feel about people who do that, break the know, like pot smokers and Sanctuary cities?

I believe the store owners were fined because they put the customer's names, address, and phone number on facebook and the customer's started receiving threats.

So this is what qualifies as 'Christian' behavior these days? Causing pain and suffering to innocent people that just wanted a cake?

That Christ fellow must have REALLY changed his teachings in the last 2000 years. Let's have a look at his book, it must say '21st century edition' to have changed that much.
Tell that to the Kleins'. :lol:

The Kleins haven't paid a cent so far and their business continues. :laugh:
If they don't pay soon, at the very least, they face having a lien put on their property; at worst, they could lose their business license. And regardless how it turns out, they will go through hell in the legal process. And it will be worse for others who attempt to follow their lead. Despite what the Kleins' go through, they are at least raking in donations. The more people try a stunt like this, the smaller the donations will be.

But you are assuming we're going through it, for the sake of donations. I would stand for my faith if I collected zero donations.

I am not. It does not matter how much "legal hell" you put us through. We have a higher authority than your legal crap.

Life is not about being rich, or having millions. This life is very short, and what matters, is what comes after.
I'm assuming no such thing. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. :cuckoo:

You certainly gave the impression, when you said "try a stunt", which implies they are doing it for some other motive.
The "stunt" is discriminating against others and demanding the right to do so by hiding behind their religion.
The Kleins haven't paid a cent so far and their business continues. :laugh:
If they don't pay soon, at the very least, they face having a lien put on their property; at worst, they could lose their business license. And regardless how it turns out, they will go through hell in the legal process. And it will be worse for others who attempt to follow their lead. Despite what the Kleins' go through, they are at least raking in donations. The more people try a stunt like this, the smaller the donations will be.

But you are assuming we're going through it, for the sake of donations. I would stand for my faith if I collected zero donations.

I am not. It does not matter how much "legal hell" you put us through. We have a higher authority than your legal crap.

Life is not about being rich, or having millions. This life is very short, and what matters, is what comes after.
I'm assuming no such thing. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. :cuckoo:

You certainly gave the impression, when you said "try a stunt", which implies they are doing it for some other motive.
The "stunt" is discriminating against others and demanding the right to do so by hiding behind their religion.
If they don't pay soon, at the very least, they face having a lien put on their property; at worst, they could lose their business license. And regardless how it turns out, they will go through hell in the legal process. And it will be worse for others who attempt to follow their lead. Despite what the Kleins' go through, they are at least raking in donations. The more people try a stunt like this, the smaller the donations will be.

But you are assuming we're going through it, for the sake of donations. I would stand for my faith if I collected zero donations.

I am not. It does not matter how much "legal hell" you put us through. We have a higher authority than your legal crap.

Life is not about being rich, or having millions. This life is very short, and what matters, is what comes after.
I'm assuming no such thing. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. :cuckoo:

You certainly gave the impression, when you said "try a stunt", which implies they are doing it for some other motive.
The "stunt" is discriminating against others and demanding the right to do so by hiding behind their religion.
Here ya go ....... put that wide open mouth of yours to good use......
That's your misguided opinion fueled by your own bigotry and hatred. From their point of view, they don't hate anybody but cannot do something that violates their conscience. That isn't hate. What you're doing is hate.

MY bigotry and hatred? :lol: You are nuts, but then most people here already know this. You are now amongst the Silhouettes and Where are my keys crowd.

People who want all tax paying American citizens to have equal rights and privileges are not the bigots here, dummy.

[big-uh t]
a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.

There it is. You demand that everyone accept and accommodate homosexuals, not tolerating any disagreement or dissent.

That makes you a bigot.

It is ironic, that these people in their own actions, make themselves into the very thing they claim to be opposing.

Yes they could bowed to public pressure and violated their religious beliefs. We already know they could have done that, under the gun of public demand.

Like blaming a woman for rape. Should have just agreed to have sex. It's her fault for not just doing what she was told.

Lying is also not an option. That defeats the entire purpose. The point is to follow their religious views.

Nor should they need to come up with lies to practice their faith, in a country supposedly founded on religious freedom.

Yeah, they could have left the cake business... that's your version of religious freedom eh? You have the freedom to leave whenever we decide to violate your freedom?

In short, you came up with a dozen rationalizations to violate these people's religious freedom, and blame them for it.

Thanks, but you are dismissed.

They have religious freedom. their business does not. their business broke the laws of Oregon. Which are more important that God's Laws because Oregon actually has a real enforcement arm.

That's your opinion. We fear the living G-d more than your secular laws. Again, if Christian are willing to die for their faith, as we've seen around the world.... what exactly do you think you are going to do to stop us?


PLENTY of good Christian people open businesses and do not discriminate against others. MOST Christians aren't like you. They are nice and good people.
We don't know that. So far, instances of bigots like you targeting Christian businesses for financial ruin have been limited. Christians don't believe it's right to accommodate the homosexual lifestyle even if they tolerate it and any practicing Christian will act according to their conscience. Most are lying low hoping that hateful, intolerant bigot assholes like you won't find them.

Why won't Christians follow the Bible? Why won't Christians obey the authority put in place by God?

Romans 13
13 Every person should place themselves under the authority of the government. There isn’t any authority unless it comes from God, and the authorities that are there have been put in place by God.
2 So anyone who opposes the authority is standing against what God has established. People who take this kind of stand will get punished.
3 The authorities don’t frighten people who are doing the right thing. Rather, they frighten people who are doing wrong. Would you rather not be afraid of authority? Do what’s right, and you will receive its approval.
4 It is God’s servant given for your benefit. But if you do what’s wrong, be afraid because it doesn’t have weapons to enforce the law for nothing. It is God’s servant put in place to carry out his punishment on those who do what is wrong.
5 That is why it is necessary to place yourself under the government’s authority, not only to avoid God’s punishment but also for the sake of your conscience. 6 You should also pay taxes for the same reason, because the authorities are God’s assistants, concerned with this very thing.
7 So pay everyone what you owe them. Pay the taxes you owe, pay the duties you are charged, give respect to those you should respect, and honor those you should honor.
The bakers had no business publishing the name and addresses of the litigants - but these PA laws are horseshit and need to go.
That's been the accusation, but in fact the bigots made their business a target so why shouldn't they share in the fame?

You're right. The bigots at Sweet Cakes made themselves a target by discriminating. They deserve bad Yelp reviews and Boycotts.

Of course, the broke the law.

How do you feel about people who do that, break the know, like pot smokers and Sanctuary cities?

I believe the store owners were fined because they put the customer's names, address, and phone number on facebook and the customer's started receiving threats.

So this is what qualifies as 'Christian' behavior these days? Causing pain and suffering to innocent people that just wanted a cake?

That Christ fellow must have REALLY changed his teachings in the last 2000 years. Let's have a look at his book, it must say '21st century edition' to have changed that much.
They posted the text of legal documents which are available to the public. Christ didn't say anything about that. And the queers who targeted them are not "innocent people who just wanted a cake".
The bakers had no business publishing the name and addresses of the litigants - but these PA laws are horseshit and need to go.
That's been the accusation, but in fact the bigots made their business a target so why shouldn't they share in the fame?

You're right. The bigots at Sweet Cakes made themselves a target by discriminating. They deserve bad Yelp reviews and Boycotts.

Of course, the broke the law.

How do you feel about people who do that, break the know, like pot smokers and Sanctuary cities?

I believe the store owners were fined because they put the customer's names, address, and phone number on facebook and the customer's started receiving threats.

So this is what qualifies as 'Christian' behavior these days? Causing pain and suffering to innocent people that just wanted a cake?

That Christ fellow must have REALLY changed his teachings in the last 2000 years. Let's have a look at his book, it must say '21st century edition' to have changed that much.
They posted the text of legal documents which are available to the public. Christ didn't say anything about that. And the queers who targeted them are not "innocent people who just wanted a cake".

Sweet Cakes wasn't targeted. They were picked by a couple that just wanted a cake. Sweet Cakes, in violation of the law, refused. The couple bought their cake elsewhere, they just filed a complaint over the law breaking.

What other laws do you believe religious people should get to ignore?
The bakers had no business publishing the name and addresses of the litigants - but these PA laws are horseshit and need to go.
That's been the accusation, but in fact the bigots made their business a target so why shouldn't they share in the fame?

You're right. The bigots at Sweet Cakes made themselves a target by discriminating. They deserve bad Yelp reviews and Boycotts.

Of course, the broke the law.

How do you feel about people who do that, break the know, like pot smokers and Sanctuary cities?

I believe the store owners were fined because they put the customer's names, address, and phone number on facebook and the customer's started receiving threats.

So this is what qualifies as 'Christian' behavior these days? Causing pain and suffering to innocent people that just wanted a cake?

That Christ fellow must have REALLY changed his teachings in the last 2000 years. Let's have a look at his book, it must say '21st century edition' to have changed that much.
They posted the text of legal documents which are available to the public. Christ didn't say anything about that. And the queers who targeted them are not "innocent people who just wanted a cake".

No homosexuals targeted anyone- unless by target you mean walking in and trying to give them money for their products.

Unlike Christians- who have targeted homosexuals for persecution in the United States for 200 years.
The bakers had no business publishing the name and addresses of the litigants - but these PA laws are horseshit and need to go.
That's been the accusation, but in fact the bigots made their business a target so why shouldn't they share in the fame?

You're right. The bigots at Sweet Cakes made themselves a target by discriminating. They deserve bad Yelp reviews and Boycotts.

Of course, the broke the law.

How do you feel about people who do that, break the know, like pot smokers and Sanctuary cities?

I believe the store owners were fined because they put the customer's names, address, and phone number on facebook and the customer's started receiving threats.

So this is what qualifies as 'Christian' behavior these days? Causing pain and suffering to innocent people that just wanted a cake?

That Christ fellow must have REALLY changed his teachings in the last 2000 years. Let's have a look at his book, it must say '21st century edition' to have changed that much.
They posted the text of legal documents which are available to the public. Christ didn't say anything about that. And the queers who targeted them are not "innocent people who just wanted a cake".

No homosexuals targeted anyone- unless by target you mean walking in and trying to give them money for their products.

Unlike Christians- who have targeted homosexuals for persecution in the United States for 200 years.

You have the right to be wrong.

I have been denied service in a few instances. I never once thought "I should sue them, and force them to serve me".

The gays do.

Yes, in history some Christians may have targeted homosexuals. Are you saying two wrongs, makes it right? I personally, have never done such a thing. Does that make it right for you to target me?
The Kleins haven't paid a cent so far and their business continues. :laugh:
If they don't pay soon, at the very least, they face having a lien put on their property; at worst, they could lose their business license. And regardless how it turns out, they will go through hell in the legal process. And it will be worse for others who attempt to follow their lead. Despite what the Kleins' go through, they are at least raking in donations. The more people try a stunt like this, the smaller the donations will be.

But you are assuming we're going through it, for the sake of donations. I would stand for my faith if I collected zero donations.

I am not. It does not matter how much "legal hell" you put us through. We have a higher authority than your legal crap.

Life is not about being rich, or having millions. This life is very short, and what matters, is what comes after.
I'm assuming no such thing. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. :cuckoo:

You certainly gave the impression, when you said "try a stunt", which implies they are doing it for some other motive.
The "stunt" is discriminating against others and demanding the right to do so by hiding behind their religion.

So is being intolerant of others belief systems, and trying to force them to violate it.

You don't have the "right" to be being served by me. It's my business, not yours.
You have the right to be wrong.

I have been denied service in a few instances. I never once thought "I should sue them, and force them to serve me".

Under what circumstances were you denied? Just because you didn't stick up for your rights doesn't mean they shouldn't have stuck up for theirs.

Yes, in history some Christians may have targeted homosexuals. Are you saying two wrongs, makes it right? I personally, have never done such a thing. Does that make it right for you to target me?

I think it's a matter of degree.

I've known gay folks who've been fired from their jobs. I know gay folks who've been beaten up.

"You are going to provide the service you advertised and you will get money for doing so" doesn't strike me as that much of an imposition.
If they don't pay soon, at the very least, they face having a lien put on their property; at worst, they could lose their business license. And regardless how it turns out, they will go through hell in the legal process. And it will be worse for others who attempt to follow their lead. Despite what the Kleins' go through, they are at least raking in donations. The more people try a stunt like this, the smaller the donations will be.

But you are assuming we're going through it, for the sake of donations. I would stand for my faith if I collected zero donations.

I am not. It does not matter how much "legal hell" you put us through. We have a higher authority than your legal crap.

Life is not about being rich, or having millions. This life is very short, and what matters, is what comes after.
I'm assuming no such thing. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. :cuckoo:

You certainly gave the impression, when you said "try a stunt", which implies they are doing it for some other motive.
The "stunt" is discriminating against others and demanding the right to do so by hiding behind their religion.

So is being intolerant of others belief systems, and trying to force them to violate it.

You don't have the "right" to be being served by me. It's my business, not yours.

When you apply for your business license, he agree to abide by all laws and regulations governing the operation of the business.

When you open the door to your business, you are inviting the public into your business. All of the public.

It is your business, but in order for you to get your license, you have to promise not to discriminate and if you break that promise, there are consequences.
But you are assuming we're going through it, for the sake of donations. I would stand for my faith if I collected zero donations.

I am not. It does not matter how much "legal hell" you put us through. We have a higher authority than your legal crap.

Life is not about being rich, or having millions. This life is very short, and what matters, is what comes after.
I'm assuming no such thing. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. :cuckoo:

You certainly gave the impression, when you said "try a stunt", which implies they are doing it for some other motive.
The "stunt" is discriminating against others and demanding the right to do so by hiding behind their religion.

So is being intolerant of others belief systems, and trying to force them to violate it.

You don't have the "right" to be being served by me. It's my business, not yours.

When you apply for your business license, he agree to abide by all laws and regulations governing the operation of the business.

When you open the door to your business, you are inviting the public into your business. All of the public.

It is your business, but in order for you to get your license, you have to promise not to discriminate and if you break that promise, there are consequences.
It's not discrimination.The activist judges are wrong and the law is unconstitutional.
That's been the accusation, but in fact the bigots made their business a target so why shouldn't they share in the fame?

You're right. The bigots at Sweet Cakes made themselves a target by discriminating. They deserve bad Yelp reviews and Boycotts.

Of course, the broke the law.

How do you feel about people who do that, break the know, like pot smokers and Sanctuary cities?

I believe the store owners were fined because they put the customer's names, address, and phone number on facebook and the customer's started receiving threats.

So this is what qualifies as 'Christian' behavior these days? Causing pain and suffering to innocent people that just wanted a cake?

That Christ fellow must have REALLY changed his teachings in the last 2000 years. Let's have a look at his book, it must say '21st century edition' to have changed that much.
They posted the text of legal documents which are available to the public. Christ didn't say anything about that. And the queers who targeted them are not "innocent people who just wanted a cake".

No homosexuals targeted anyone- unless by target you mean walking in and trying to give them money for their products.

Unlike Christians- who have targeted homosexuals for persecution in the United States for 200 years.

You have the right to be wrong.

I have been denied service in a few instances. I never once thought "I should sue them, and force them to serve me".

The gays do.

Yes, in history some Christians may have targeted homosexuals. Are you saying two wrongs, makes it right? I personally, have never done such a thing. Does that make it right for you to target me?
Since when is it wrong to file a complaint against someone who breaks the law?
You're right. The bigots at Sweet Cakes made themselves a target by discriminating. They deserve bad Yelp reviews and Boycotts.

Of course, the broke the law.

How do you feel about people who do that, break the know, like pot smokers and Sanctuary cities?

I believe the store owners were fined because they put the customer's names, address, and phone number on facebook and the customer's started receiving threats.

So this is what qualifies as 'Christian' behavior these days? Causing pain and suffering to innocent people that just wanted a cake?

That Christ fellow must have REALLY changed his teachings in the last 2000 years. Let's have a look at his book, it must say '21st century edition' to have changed that much.
They posted the text of legal documents which are available to the public. Christ didn't say anything about that. And the queers who targeted them are not "innocent people who just wanted a cake".

No homosexuals targeted anyone- unless by target you mean walking in and trying to give them money for their products.

Unlike Christians- who have targeted homosexuals for persecution in the United States for 200 years.

You have the right to be wrong.

I have been denied service in a few instances. I never once thought "I should sue them, and force them to serve me".

The gays do.

Yes, in history some Christians may have targeted homosexuals. Are you saying two wrongs, makes it right? I personally, have never done such a thing. Does that make it right for you to target me?
Since when is it wrong to file a complaint against someone who breaks the law?
When the law is wrong and your complaint is frivolous.
If they don't pay soon, at the very least, they face having a lien put on their property; at worst, they could lose their business license. And regardless how it turns out, they will go through hell in the legal process. And it will be worse for others who attempt to follow their lead. Despite what the Kleins' go through, they are at least raking in donations. The more people try a stunt like this, the smaller the donations will be.

But you are assuming we're going through it, for the sake of donations. I would stand for my faith if I collected zero donations.

I am not. It does not matter how much "legal hell" you put us through. We have a higher authority than your legal crap.

Life is not about being rich, or having millions. This life is very short, and what matters, is what comes after.
I'm assuming no such thing. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. :cuckoo:

You certainly gave the impression, when you said "try a stunt", which implies they are doing it for some other motive.
The "stunt" is discriminating against others and demanding the right to do so by hiding behind their religion.

So is being intolerant of others belief systems, and trying to force them to violate it.

You don't have the "right" to be being served by me. It's my business, not yours.
That's simply not true if you're conducting your business in violation of the law.
The law only applies if a complaint is filed.

So, if someone wants to punish the business they can, but they don't have to.

We'll never convince the fanatics that they don't have the right or the authority to target and force Christians to endorse their behavior.

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