The dreaded gay-wedding-cake saga ends: bakers must pay 135 K

Bull shit, only a fag couple that set out to destroy another couple over a cake, when there were more than 300 other bakeries to chose from. The fags didn't care about the cake, they were pushing an agenda. Only really small, pathetic people do that kind of crap. adults would have moved on.
Would you have said the same thing about lunch counters and public accommodation in the 60s?
Allowing discrimination in any situation sets a precedent for acceptability. Challenging discrimination prevents proliferation.

False comparison. Genetics determine the amount of melanin in the skin, there is no proven genetic link for being gay, it is determined by actions and preferences.
Yeah, right...
You just keep believing what you need to validate your prejudice.

Why are you defending liars?
Who do you believe is lying - and about what?

Bowman lied by indicating she was there and witnessed the events, she didn't. Her complete statement in the link is hear-say. A second had account, written in the first person, and not even an accurate one.
Ok, so they lied, if you read your link, it was only the mother in the room when he quoted the bible, not the fagahdist, she had already gone to the car. Also the statement said the two faghadist were denied and called abominations, when only the mother was in the room. So I guess perjury is ok when it's a faghadist doing it.
If the complaint reads correctly, and I'm sure that it does, there is no perjury. If you can't deal with facts don't ask for them. You are acting like a child...

From the link:

When Cryer and her mother arrived at Sweet Cakes by Melissa, Aaron Klein ushered them to his office, where he then asked for the names of the bride and groom. Told there would be two brides, he refused service right then and there. "I believe I have wasted your time," he claims to have said. "We do not do cakes for same-sex weddings."

Crying and apologizing to her mother, who Cryer felt she'd deeply embarrassed, she headed to the car. A few moments later, her mother returned to the bakery to defend her daughter. She reasoned with Aaron Klein, saying that she'd once felt as he did, but after having two gay children, her "truth had changed."

"In november of 2011 my fiancé and I purchased a wedding cake from this establishment for her mother's wedding. We spent 250. When we decided to get married ourselves chose to back and purchase a second cake. Today, January 17, 2013, we went for our cake tasting. When asked for a grooms name my soon to be mother in law informed them of my name. The owner then proceeded to say we were abominations unto the lord and refused to make another cake for us despite having already paid 250 once and having done business in the past. We were then informed that our money was not equal, my fiancé reduced to tears. This is absolutely unacceptable."

The statement was written from Bowmans perspective in the first person and she wasn't even there. That is perjury.
That's not perjury because the partner is the one who filed the complaint. Here are all the facts you need, 122 pages of them. Have fun: Cakes FO.pdf

No need, Bowman lied by indicating she was there and witnessed the events, she didn't. Her complete statement in the link is hear-say. A second had account, written in the first person, and not even an accurate one.

Got to go, my dads in the hospital.
The complaint could have been made by anyone who saw or heard what happened. That fact that she should have been more specific matters not a damn. They were not in court and the complaint is just as valid either way, if what happened, happened.

So you're admitting she lied?
Ok, so they lied, if you read your link, it was only the mother in the room when he quoted the bible, not the fagahdist, she had already gone to the car. Also the statement said the two faghadist were denied and called abominations, when only the mother was in the room. So I guess perjury is ok when it's a faghadist doing it.
If the complaint reads correctly, and I'm sure that it does, there is no perjury. If you can't deal with facts don't ask for them. You are acting like a child...

From the link:

When Cryer and her mother arrived at Sweet Cakes by Melissa, Aaron Klein ushered them to his office, where he then asked for the names of the bride and groom. Told there would be two brides, he refused service right then and there. "I believe I have wasted your time," he claims to have said. "We do not do cakes for same-sex weddings."

Crying and apologizing to her mother, who Cryer felt she'd deeply embarrassed, she headed to the car. A few moments later, her mother returned to the bakery to defend her daughter. She reasoned with Aaron Klein, saying that she'd once felt as he did, but after having two gay children, her "truth had changed."

"In november of 2011 my fiancé and I purchased a wedding cake from this establishment for her mother's wedding. We spent 250. When we decided to get married ourselves chose to back and purchase a second cake. Today, January 17, 2013, we went for our cake tasting. When asked for a grooms name my soon to be mother in law informed them of my name. The owner then proceeded to say we were abominations unto the lord and refused to make another cake for us despite having already paid 250 once and having done business in the past. We were then informed that our money was not equal, my fiancé reduced to tears. This is absolutely unacceptable."

The statement was written from Bowmans perspective in the first person and she wasn't even there. That is perjury.
That's not perjury because the partner is the one who filed the complaint. Here are all the facts you need, 122 pages of them. Have fun: Cakes FO.pdf

No need, Bowman lied by indicating she was there and witnessed the events, she didn't. Her complete statement in the link is hear-say. A second had account, written in the first person, and not even an accurate one.

Got to go, my dads in the hospital.

It wasn't a court statement it was a complaint filed. The commission with whom the complaint was filed found evidence of discrimination...then it went to court.

And everything beyond the lies in the complaint was based on and tainted by those lies. Why are you defending liars?
You still pissed? Cuz gays have been using bathrooms like singles bars? Is your party over now?

They have? I had no idea. I've been going into public restrooms and showering in public showers when necessary for over 40 years and never once have I heard a pickup line or seen a disco ball. Where ARE you peeing? Are you sure you've been using public restrooms?

What is the remarkable difference between a Married Lesbian and a Married Male. Are they not similarily situated?

In regards to marriage- they are similarily situated. In regards to gender they are not.

Since locker rooms are segregated by gender for everyone, and not by marital status- your question is irrelevant.

Appears you are wrong again:

Woman Is Suing Planet Fitness Over Locker Room Policy The Daily Caller
That doesn't help you at all since that is a genital issue, not a spousal issue. That invalidates your point completely.

Wrong, the court said genitals mean nothing, it's all about state of mind, it you think you are you are. (are being a whatever)
Would you have said the same thing about lunch counters and public accommodation in the 60s?
Allowing discrimination in any situation sets a precedent for acceptability. Challenging discrimination prevents proliferation.

False comparison. Genetics determine the amount of melanin in the skin, there is no proven genetic link for being gay, it is determined by actions and preferences.
Yeah, right...
You just keep believing what you need to validate your prejudice.

Why are you defending liars?
Who do you believe is lying - and about what?

Bowman lied by indicating she was there and witnessed the events, she didn't. Her complete statement in the link is hear-say. A second had account, written in the first person, and not even an accurate one.
Yeah, okay.
Admit it, you'd argue her veracity if she said the sky was blue.
If the complaint reads correctly, and I'm sure that it does, there is no perjury. If you can't deal with facts don't ask for them. You are acting like a child...

From the link:

When Cryer and her mother arrived at Sweet Cakes by Melissa, Aaron Klein ushered them to his office, where he then asked for the names of the bride and groom. Told there would be two brides, he refused service right then and there. "I believe I have wasted your time," he claims to have said. "We do not do cakes for same-sex weddings."

Crying and apologizing to her mother, who Cryer felt she'd deeply embarrassed, she headed to the car. A few moments later, her mother returned to the bakery to defend her daughter. She reasoned with Aaron Klein, saying that she'd once felt as he did, but after having two gay children, her "truth had changed."

"In november of 2011 my fiancé and I purchased a wedding cake from this establishment for her mother's wedding. We spent 250. When we decided to get married ourselves chose to back and purchase a second cake. Today, January 17, 2013, we went for our cake tasting. When asked for a grooms name my soon to be mother in law informed them of my name. The owner then proceeded to say we were abominations unto the lord and refused to make another cake for us despite having already paid 250 once and having done business in the past. We were then informed that our money was not equal, my fiancé reduced to tears. This is absolutely unacceptable."

The statement was written from Bowmans perspective in the first person and she wasn't even there. That is perjury.
That's not perjury because the partner is the one who filed the complaint. Here are all the facts you need, 122 pages of them. Have fun: Cakes FO.pdf

No need, Bowman lied by indicating she was there and witnessed the events, she didn't. Her complete statement in the link is hear-say. A second had account, written in the first person, and not even an accurate one.

Got to go, my dads in the hospital.

It wasn't a court statement it was a complaint filed. The commission with whom the complaint was filed found evidence of discrimination...then it went to court.

And everything beyond the lies in the complaint was based on and tainted by those lies. Why are you defending liars?
The only thing you care about is that she's gay. Nothing else matters to you.
Dig this, my fine gay hating friends who insist we "fags" upset your fine, morally upstanding lives while contributing nothing but misery to your perfect lives:
I just received my latest revised property tax bill. I am now expected to pay close to 10K a year on a property valued at 189.5K. 52% of that bill is county and local school taxes.
I have no kids. Never have had, but paying for the progeny of breeders may well cost me my home and destroy my future.
So, while you are busy raising hell about denying civil rights to LGBTQ people and screaming about cake, I pay an unaffordable fortune every year to support YOUR children.
You are welcome.
Millions of us "fags" and "lezzies" are financially crippled every year supporting the children you teach to hate and kill us.
Support your own brats out of your own pockets instead of stealing from me and stop complaining about having to sell us fracking cakes.
Maybe, this puts things into realistic perspective.
I doubt it will, unfortunately.
Peace and Blessings!

Big freaking deal, I've been supporting other peoples kids all my life also, paying higher property and income taxes. That's until two years ago that is, now I pay no property taxes and under 300 per year in income taxes, retirement is great.
False comparison. Genetics determine the amount of melanin in the skin, there is no proven genetic link for being gay, it is determined by actions and preferences.
Yeah, right...
You just keep believing what you need to validate your prejudice.

Why are you defending liars?
Who do you believe is lying - and about what?

Bowman lied by indicating she was there and witnessed the events, she didn't. Her complete statement in the link is hear-say. A second had account, written in the first person, and not even an accurate one.
Yeah, okay.
Admit it, you'd argue her veracity if she said the sky was blue.

Did you bother to read the initial complaint written by Bowman? She lied her ass off indicating she was there, she wasn't.
Yeah, right...
You just keep believing what you need to validate your prejudice.

Why are you defending liars?
Who do you believe is lying - and about what?

Bowman lied by indicating she was there and witnessed the events, she didn't. Her complete statement in the link is hear-say. A second had account, written in the first person, and not even an accurate one.
Yeah, okay.
Admit it, you'd argue her veracity if she said the sky was blue.

Did you bother to read the initial complaint written by Bowman? She lied her ass off indicating she was there, she wasn't.
Yes, I did.
My evaluation of your position stands.
Dig this, my fine gay hating friends who insist we "fags" upset your fine, morally upstanding lives while contributing nothing but misery to your perfect lives:
I just received my latest revised property tax bill. I am now expected to pay close to 10K a year on a property valued at 189.5K. 52% of that bill is county and local school taxes.
I have no kids. Never have had, but paying for the progeny of breeders may well cost me my home and destroy my future.
So, while you are busy raising hell about denying civil rights to LGBTQ people and screaming about cake, I pay an unaffordable fortune every year to support YOUR children.
You are welcome.
Millions of us "fags" and "lezzies" are financially crippled every year supporting the children you teach to hate and kill us.
Support your own brats out of your own pockets instead of stealing from me and stop complaining about having to sell us fracking cakes.
Maybe, this puts things into realistic perspective.
I doubt it will, unfortunately.
Peace and Blessings!

Big freaking deal, I've been supporting other peoples kids all my life also, paying higher property and income taxes. That's until two years ago that is, now I pay no property taxes and under 300 per year in income taxes, retirement is great.
Yay for you!
You still advocate hatred and teach that gay people are "abominations."
What a tribute to are!
From the link:

When Cryer and her mother arrived at Sweet Cakes by Melissa, Aaron Klein ushered them to his office, where he then asked for the names of the bride and groom. Told there would be two brides, he refused service right then and there. "I believe I have wasted your time," he claims to have said. "We do not do cakes for same-sex weddings."

Crying and apologizing to her mother, who Cryer felt she'd deeply embarrassed, she headed to the car. A few moments later, her mother returned to the bakery to defend her daughter. She reasoned with Aaron Klein, saying that she'd once felt as he did, but after having two gay children, her "truth had changed."

"In november of 2011 my fiancé and I purchased a wedding cake from this establishment for her mother's wedding. We spent 250. When we decided to get married ourselves chose to back and purchase a second cake. Today, January 17, 2013, we went for our cake tasting. When asked for a grooms name my soon to be mother in law informed them of my name. The owner then proceeded to say we were abominations unto the lord and refused to make another cake for us despite having already paid 250 once and having done business in the past. We were then informed that our money was not equal, my fiancé reduced to tears. This is absolutely unacceptable."

The statement was written from Bowmans perspective in the first person and she wasn't even there. That is perjury.
That's not perjury because the partner is the one who filed the complaint. Here are all the facts you need, 122 pages of them. Have fun: Cakes FO.pdf

No need, Bowman lied by indicating she was there and witnessed the events, she didn't. Her complete statement in the link is hear-say. A second had account, written in the first person, and not even an accurate one.

Got to go, my dads in the hospital.

It wasn't a court statement it was a complaint filed. The commission with whom the complaint was filed found evidence of discrimination...then it went to court.

And everything beyond the lies in the complaint was based on and tainted by those lies. Why are you defending liars?
The only thing you care about is that she's gay. Nothing else matters to you.

I guess you queers are all alike, liars. I think a business should be able to refuse service to anyone and let the public decide if they stay in business. If enough people take their dollars elsewhere the will go belly up, you can't get more democratic than that.

And don't give me any shit about the 40's 50's and 60's, the people then didn't have the internet to see how a business is conducting themselves.
Dig this, my fine gay hating friends who insist we "fags" upset your fine, morally upstanding lives while contributing nothing but misery to your perfect lives:
I just received my latest revised property tax bill. I am now expected to pay close to 10K a year on a property valued at 189.5K. 52% of that bill is county and local school taxes.
I have no kids. Never have had, but paying for the progeny of breeders may well cost me my home and destroy my future.
So, while you are busy raising hell about denying civil rights to LGBTQ people and screaming about cake, I pay an unaffordable fortune every year to support YOUR children.
You are welcome.
Millions of us "fags" and "lezzies" are financially crippled every year supporting the children you teach to hate and kill us.
Support your own brats out of your own pockets instead of stealing from me and stop complaining about having to sell us fracking cakes.
Maybe, this puts things into realistic perspective.
I doubt it will, unfortunately.
Peace and Blessings!

Big freaking deal, I've been supporting other peoples kids all my life also, paying higher property and income taxes. That's until two years ago that is, now I pay no property taxes and under 300 per year in income taxes, retirement is great.
Yay for you!
You still advocate hatred and teach that gay people are "abominations."
What a tribute to are!

There ya go, lying again.
Dig this, my fine gay hating friends who insist we "fags" upset your fine, morally upstanding lives while contributing nothing but misery to your perfect lives:
I just received my latest revised property tax bill. I am now expected to pay close to 10K a year on a property valued at 189.5K. 52% of that bill is county and local school taxes.
I have no kids. Never have had, but paying for the progeny of breeders may well cost me my home and destroy my future.
So, while you are busy raising hell about denying civil rights to LGBTQ people and screaming about cake, I pay an unaffordable fortune every year to support YOUR children.
You are welcome.
Millions of us "fags" and "lezzies" are financially crippled every year supporting the children you teach to hate and kill us.
Support your own brats out of your own pockets instead of stealing from me and stop complaining about having to sell us fracking cakes.
Maybe, this puts things into realistic perspective.
I doubt it will, unfortunately.
Peace and Blessings!

Big freaking deal, I've been supporting other peoples kids all my life also, paying higher property and income taxes. That's until two years ago that is, now I pay no property taxes and under 300 per year in income taxes, retirement is great.
Yay for you!
You still advocate hatred and teach that gay people are "abominations."
What a tribute to are!

There ya go, lying again.
I do not lie - ever.
That's not perjury because the partner is the one who filed the complaint. Here are all the facts you need, 122 pages of them. Have fun: Cakes FO.pdf

No need, Bowman lied by indicating she was there and witnessed the events, she didn't. Her complete statement in the link is hear-say. A second had account, written in the first person, and not even an accurate one.

Got to go, my dads in the hospital.

It wasn't a court statement it was a complaint filed. The commission with whom the complaint was filed found evidence of discrimination...then it went to court.

And everything beyond the lies in the complaint was based on and tainted by those lies. Why are you defending liars?
The only thing you care about is that she's gay. Nothing else matters to you.

I guess you queers are all alike, liars. I think a business should be able to refuse service to anyone and let the public decide if they stay in business. If enough people take their dollars elsewhere the will go belly up, you can't get more democratic than that.

And don't give me any shit about the 40's 50's and 60's, the people then didn't have the internet to see how a business is conducting themselves.
Yeah, whatever gets you through the night...
Dig this, my fine gay hating friends who insist we "fags" upset your fine, morally upstanding lives while contributing nothing but misery to your perfect lives:
I just received my latest revised property tax bill. I am now expected to pay close to 10K a year on a property valued at 189.5K. 52% of that bill is county and local school taxes.
I have no kids. Never have had, but paying for the progeny of breeders may well cost me my home and destroy my future.
So, while you are busy raising hell about denying civil rights to LGBTQ people and screaming about cake, I pay an unaffordable fortune every year to support YOUR children.
You are welcome.
Millions of us "fags" and "lezzies" are financially crippled every year supporting the children you teach to hate and kill us.
Support your own brats out of your own pockets instead of stealing from me and stop complaining about having to sell us fracking cakes.
Maybe, this puts things into realistic perspective.
I doubt it will, unfortunately.
Peace and Blessings!

Big freaking deal, I've been supporting other peoples kids all my life also, paying higher property and income taxes. That's until two years ago that is, now I pay no property taxes and under 300 per year in income taxes, retirement is great.
Yay for you!
You still advocate hatred and teach that gay people are "abominations."
What a tribute to are!

There ya go, lying again.
I do not lie - ever.

That's a lie if you can't prove your statements, which you can't because they're false.
Would you have said the same thing about lunch counters and public accommodation in the 60s?
Allowing discrimination in any situation sets a precedent for acceptability. Challenging discrimination prevents proliferation.

False comparison. Genetics determine the amount of melanin in the skin, there is no proven genetic link for being gay, it is determined by actions and preferences.
Yeah, right...
You just keep believing what you need to validate your prejudice.

Why are you defending liars?
Who do you believe is lying - and about what?

Bowman lied by indicating she was there and witnessed the events, she didn't. Her complete statement in the link is hear-say. A second had account, written in the first person, and not even an accurate one.

Rachel Bowman-Cryer and Cheryl McPherson were at the tasting. Laural Bowman-Cryer wasn't there.

They are both named "Bowman".

There was no claim that both were there, the finding of facts - which are uncontested by the Klien's - were that it was RBC and CM at the tasting.

If your claim is about LBC, please provide the PDF page where she claimed to have been at the tasting. Cakes FO.pdf

Dig this, my fine gay hating friends who insist we "fags" upset your fine, morally upstanding lives while contributing nothing but misery to your perfect lives:
I just received my latest revised property tax bill. I am now expected to pay close to 10K a year on a property valued at 189.5K. 52% of that bill is county and local school taxes.
I have no kids. Never have had, but paying for the progeny of breeders may well cost me my home and destroy my future.
So, while you are busy raising hell about denying civil rights to LGBTQ people and screaming about cake, I pay an unaffordable fortune every year to support YOUR children.
You are welcome.
Millions of us "fags" and "lezzies" are financially crippled every year supporting the children you teach to hate and kill us.
Support your own brats out of your own pockets instead of stealing from me and stop complaining about having to sell us fracking cakes.
Maybe, this puts things into realistic perspective.
I doubt it will, unfortunately.
Peace and Blessings!

Big freaking deal, I've been supporting other peoples kids all my life also, paying higher property and income taxes. That's until two years ago that is, now I pay no property taxes and under 300 per year in income taxes, retirement is great.
Yay for you!
You still advocate hatred and teach that gay people are "abominations."
What a tribute to are!

There ya go, lying again.
I do not lie - ever.

That's a lie if you can't prove your statements, which you can't because they're false.
:rolls eyes:
<disgusted sigh>
Got anything real to say?
False comparison. Genetics determine the amount of melanin in the skin, there is no proven genetic link for being gay, it is determined by actions and preferences.
Yeah, right...
You just keep believing what you need to validate your prejudice.

Why are you defending liars?
Who do you believe is lying - and about what?

Bowman lied by indicating she was there and witnessed the events, she didn't. Her complete statement in the link is hear-say. A second had account, written in the first person, and not even an accurate one.

Rachel Bowman-Cryer and Cheryl McPherson were at the tasting. Laural Bowman-Cryer wasn't there.

They are both named "Bowman".

There was no claim that both were there, the finding of facts - which are uncontested by the Klien's - were that it was RBC and CM at the tasting.

If your claim is about LBC, please provide the PDF page where she claimed to have been at the tasting. Cakes FO.pdf


They weren't married when the initial complaint was filed, Bowman referred to Cryer's mother as her "soon to be mother in law". You can read the text of the initial complaint it's been posted numerous times in this thread.
Big freaking deal, I've been supporting other peoples kids all my life also, paying higher property and income taxes. That's until two years ago that is, now I pay no property taxes and under 300 per year in income taxes, retirement is great.
Yay for you!
You still advocate hatred and teach that gay people are "abominations."
What a tribute to are!

There ya go, lying again.
I do not lie - ever.

That's a lie if you can't prove your statements, which you can't because they're false.
:rolls eyes:
<disgusted sigh>
Got anything real to say?

Got anything factual to say.

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