The dreaded gay-wedding-cake saga ends: bakers must pay 135 K

The easy answer is bake the damn cake. The more subtle one is here's your cake but the words and the cake topper are on you. Have a great day and that will be $59.95, plus tax...

With that I would agree with you. They should not deny selling them a wedding cake because they are gay, but if the bakers dont want to be forced to decorate the cake against their religious conviction, then it becomes more of an issue.
All wedding cakes are gay. And business is not faith so don't confuse the two.
They refused a service.................based on their convictions...............THEY MUST OBEY...............

What's good for the goose is good for the gender..........
Now bake me a Rebel Flag cake or I'll sue................

You get the point...............

Sadly they don't get the point
The point is what you do for money isn't serving God, something you have yet to own up to.
God need not apply to the sample..............Just as God need not apply to your other postings.........

Only the LAW APPLIES..................You wouldn't want to go against the would you................

Now that the story line is reverse course............nice little typical lib.
Perhaps the insanity of these cases are a Lawyers wet dream...........Find a place of business that believes a certain way............try to force them to sell you a product or service you know they will not do..............

Sue there asses off and make millions...................Sounds like a liberal lawyers wet dream.............

This is the path we chosen.................and let the court cases pile up...............

well weve seen that happen with handicap access putting some small businesses like mom and pop restaurants out and making lawyers rich
Link?? Smells like utter BS, and the ADA has been on the books for decades.

Disabled serial plaintiffs do legal battle with small businesses over access issues - San Jose Mercury News

Sure Paint My House, I made it all up. Ive heard people talking about this on the radio for years, but i dont have a link to that. Sorry.

But you can find real cases of this online if you look
The easy answer is bake the damn cake. The more subtle one is here's your cake but the words and the cake topper are on you. Have a great day and that will be $59.95, plus tax...

With that I would agree with you. They should not deny selling them a wedding cake because they are gay, but if the bakers dont want to be forced to decorate the cake against their religious conviction, then it becomes more of an issue.
All wedding cakes are gay. And business is not faith so don't confuse the two.
They refused a service.................based on their convictions...............THEY MUST OBEY...............

What's good for the goose is good for the gender..........
Now bake me a Rebel Flag cake or I'll sue................

You get the point...............

Sadly they don't get the point
The point is what you do for money isn't serving God, something you have yet to own up to.

You're all over the map in quest to be somewhat correct. You're looking like a clueless tool....but that's nothing new with you.
With that I would agree with you. They should not deny selling them a wedding cake because they are gay, but if the bakers dont want to be forced to decorate the cake against their religious conviction, then it becomes more of an issue.
All wedding cakes are gay. And business is not faith so don't confuse the two.
They refused a service.................based on their convictions...............THEY MUST OBEY...............

What's good for the goose is good for the gender..........
Now bake me a Rebel Flag cake or I'll sue................

You get the point...............
Go for it. The courts love people standing on their soapboxes, since they can, and do, knock them flat on their asses while handing them a bill for wasting their time.
So what happened to the Bakery who refused service to anti gay slogans..............ordered to Obey............and it's gonna go to court..............

Thanks for playing spin the pin on the went a full 180 as soon as the story line changed.....

Denver s Azucar Bakery wins right to refuse to make anti-gay cake - 7NEWS Denver

They won, no court required. And my position never changed, bake the cake, which they also offered to do...
Perhaps that court had common sense then...............but it doesn't change that you reversed course...........

Either flipped when it was an anti gay cake versus a gay cake.................and my point stands.....
Ok, and so you are still too stupid to know that context is as important as text itself. You are a disgrace to anything Jewish.
You stated something. I called on you to back it up. You failed. And now you blame me for your failure.
Man up, take some responsibility for your fuck ups, admit I was right, and move on. It's shit like this that makes you one of the most detested posters on this site.

You are a mental midget.

I showed the verse in Vayikra and also showed that the commentaries classify this sin as an abomination. I never wrote that the verse in Vayikra specifically calls it an abomination. It's called context and is also something a real Jew would already know. So, no, you were not right, you are acting like a little baby that so desperately needs someone to tell it that it is somehow right.

I'm not detested, I don't act like a dickwad like you, fake Rabbi, fake Jew, ben-zona.
So the Bible does not condemn tatoos as an abomination. While your claim was it did.
Do you understand that no amount of rationalizing or insulting will change the fact that you were wrong, because you are misinformed? Just man up admit you didnt know and move on with life.
Geezus what a wanker you are.

The Tanakh forbids tattoos for us Jews. You would have known this is you were really a Jew. Maimonides calls Tattoos an abomination in his Mishnah, because they are classified as a form of idolatry and idolatry is indeed a to'evah. By logical extension, regardless of choice of words, tattoos are therefore to'evah. You would have also known this were you a real Jew.

But you are not. You are a disgusting, fucked-up fake, nothing less and nothing more.

And guaranteed, I will remind you of your inability to use context very, very soon, you fake Jew ben zona.
You claimed the Bible called tatoos an abomination. I called you to point out where that was the case.
You couldnt because in fact they are not called an abomination.
It's pretty simple. You made a claim that was false and I called you on it.
Now you're all butt hurt like a little bitch because you have zero integrity and an ego like a soap bubble.
You still lack the ability to discern and to understand context. Poor 2-dimensional fake Rabbi.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
You stated something. I called on you to back it up. You failed. And now you blame me for your failure.
Man up, take some responsibility for your fuck ups, admit I was right, and move on. It's shit like this that makes you one of the most detested posters on this site.

You are a mental midget.

I showed the verse in Vayikra and also showed that the commentaries classify this sin as an abomination. I never wrote that the verse in Vayikra specifically calls it an abomination. It's called context and is also something a real Jew would already know. So, no, you were not right, you are acting like a little baby that so desperately needs someone to tell it that it is somehow right.

I'm not detested, I don't act like a dickwad like you, fake Rabbi, fake Jew, ben-zona.
So the Bible does not condemn tatoos as an abomination. While your claim was it did.
Do you understand that no amount of rationalizing or insulting will change the fact that you were wrong, because you are misinformed? Just man up admit you didnt know and move on with life.
Geezus what a wanker you are.

The Tanakh forbids tattoos for us Jews. You would have known this is you were really a Jew. Maimonides calls Tattoos an abomination in his Mishnah, because they are classified as a form of idolatry and idolatry is indeed a to'evah. By logical extension, regardless of choice of words, tattoos are therefore to'evah. You would have also known this were you a real Jew.

But you are not. You are a disgusting, fucked-up fake, nothing less and nothing more.

And guaranteed, I will remind you of your inability to use context very, very soon, you fake Jew ben zona.
You claimed the Bible called tatoos an abomination. I called you to point out where that was the case.
You couldnt because in fact they are not called an abomination.
It's pretty simple. You made a claim that was false and I called you on it.
Now you're all butt hurt like a little bitch because you have zero integrity and an ego like a soap bubble.
You still lack the ability to discern and to understand context. Poor 2-dimensional fake Rabbi.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
The butt hurt is strong in this one.
Do you maintain that the Bible condemns tattoos as an abomination? Yes or no, please.
You are a mental midget.

I showed the verse in Vayikra and also showed that the commentaries classify this sin as an abomination. I never wrote that the verse in Vayikra specifically calls it an abomination. It's called context and is also something a real Jew would already know. So, no, you were not right, you are acting like a little baby that so desperately needs someone to tell it that it is somehow right.

I'm not detested, I don't act like a dickwad like you, fake Rabbi, fake Jew, ben-zona.
So the Bible does not condemn tatoos as an abomination. While your claim was it did.
Do you understand that no amount of rationalizing or insulting will change the fact that you were wrong, because you are misinformed? Just man up admit you didnt know and move on with life.
Geezus what a wanker you are.

The Tanakh forbids tattoos for us Jews. You would have known this is you were really a Jew. Maimonides calls Tattoos an abomination in his Mishnah, because they are classified as a form of idolatry and idolatry is indeed a to'evah. By logical extension, regardless of choice of words, tattoos are therefore to'evah. You would have also known this were you a real Jew.

But you are not. You are a disgusting, fucked-up fake, nothing less and nothing more.

And guaranteed, I will remind you of your inability to use context very, very soon, you fake Jew ben zona.
You claimed the Bible called tatoos an abomination. I called you to point out where that was the case.
You couldnt because in fact they are not called an abomination.
It's pretty simple. You made a claim that was false and I called you on it.
Now you're all butt hurt like a little bitch because you have zero integrity and an ego like a soap bubble.
You still lack the ability to discern and to understand context. Poor 2-dimensional fake Rabbi.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
The butt hurt is strong in this one.
Do you maintain that the Bible condemns tattoos as an abomination? Yes or no, please.

The Bible does not condemn tattoos as an abomination. That's a fact
So the Bible does not condemn tatoos as an abomination. While your claim was it did.
Do you understand that no amount of rationalizing or insulting will change the fact that you were wrong, because you are misinformed? Just man up admit you didnt know and move on with life.
Geezus what a wanker you are.

The Tanakh forbids tattoos for us Jews. You would have known this is you were really a Jew. Maimonides calls Tattoos an abomination in his Mishnah, because they are classified as a form of idolatry and idolatry is indeed a to'evah. By logical extension, regardless of choice of words, tattoos are therefore to'evah. You would have also known this were you a real Jew.

But you are not. You are a disgusting, fucked-up fake, nothing less and nothing more.

And guaranteed, I will remind you of your inability to use context very, very soon, you fake Jew ben zona.
You claimed the Bible called tatoos an abomination. I called you to point out where that was the case.
You couldnt because in fact they are not called an abomination.
It's pretty simple. You made a claim that was false and I called you on it.
Now you're all butt hurt like a little bitch because you have zero integrity and an ego like a soap bubble.
You still lack the ability to discern and to understand context. Poor 2-dimensional fake Rabbi.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
The butt hurt is strong in this one.
Do you maintain that the Bible condemns tattoos as an abomination? Yes or no, please.

The Bible does not condemn tattoos as an abomination. That's a fact
So, you are just as unable to discern and see context as the fake Rabbi. Lots of lesbians like tattoos. I can see why you are so for them.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
So the Bible does not condemn tatoos as an abomination. While your claim was it did.
Do you understand that no amount of rationalizing or insulting will change the fact that you were wrong, because you are misinformed? Just man up admit you didnt know and move on with life.
Geezus what a wanker you are.

The Tanakh forbids tattoos for us Jews. You would have known this is you were really a Jew. Maimonides calls Tattoos an abomination in his Mishnah, because they are classified as a form of idolatry and idolatry is indeed a to'evah. By logical extension, regardless of choice of words, tattoos are therefore to'evah. You would have also known this were you a real Jew.

But you are not. You are a disgusting, fucked-up fake, nothing less and nothing more.

And guaranteed, I will remind you of your inability to use context very, very soon, you fake Jew ben zona.
You claimed the Bible called tatoos an abomination. I called you to point out where that was the case.
You couldnt because in fact they are not called an abomination.
It's pretty simple. You made a claim that was false and I called you on it.
Now you're all butt hurt like a little bitch because you have zero integrity and an ego like a soap bubble.
You still lack the ability to discern and to understand context. Poor 2-dimensional fake Rabbi.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
The butt hurt is strong in this one.
Do you maintain that the Bible condemns tattoos as an abomination? Yes or no, please.

The Bible does not condemn tattoos as an abomination. That's a fact
You are correct. Homosexual relations (something Statistheilhitler knows a lot about) are condemnded as abomination. Eating shellfish is condemned as abomination. Others things probably are too.
But tattoos are not condemned as abomination, even though they aer clearly prohibited.
But once Statistheilhitler made the claim he couldnt admit he was wrong as a matter of fact. He had to go on the attack and rationalize his answer with all sorts of excuses. Because he's a snowflake with a big easily bruised ego on the one hand and a lack of knowledge on the other.
The Tanakh forbids tattoos for us Jews. You would have known this is you were really a Jew. Maimonides calls Tattoos an abomination in his Mishnah, because they are classified as a form of idolatry and idolatry is indeed a to'evah. By logical extension, regardless of choice of words, tattoos are therefore to'evah. You would have also known this were you a real Jew.

But you are not. You are a disgusting, fucked-up fake, nothing less and nothing more.

And guaranteed, I will remind you of your inability to use context very, very soon, you fake Jew ben zona.
You claimed the Bible called tatoos an abomination. I called you to point out where that was the case.
You couldnt because in fact they are not called an abomination.
It's pretty simple. You made a claim that was false and I called you on it.
Now you're all butt hurt like a little bitch because you have zero integrity and an ego like a soap bubble.
You still lack the ability to discern and to understand context. Poor 2-dimensional fake Rabbi.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
The butt hurt is strong in this one.
Do you maintain that the Bible condemns tattoos as an abomination? Yes or no, please.

The Bible does not condemn tattoos as an abomination. That's a fact
So, you are just as unable to discern and see context as the fake Rabbi. Lots of lesbians like tattoos. I can see why you are so for them.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Please quote the context of the Torah's prohibition on tattoos that also states they are abominations.
We'll wait.
The Tanakh forbids tattoos for us Jews. You would have known this is you were really a Jew. Maimonides calls Tattoos an abomination in his Mishnah, because they are classified as a form of idolatry and idolatry is indeed a to'evah. By logical extension, regardless of choice of words, tattoos are therefore to'evah. You would have also known this were you a real Jew.

But you are not. You are a disgusting, fucked-up fake, nothing less and nothing more.

And guaranteed, I will remind you of your inability to use context very, very soon, you fake Jew ben zona.
You claimed the Bible called tatoos an abomination. I called you to point out where that was the case.
You couldnt because in fact they are not called an abomination.
It's pretty simple. You made a claim that was false and I called you on it.
Now you're all butt hurt like a little bitch because you have zero integrity and an ego like a soap bubble.
You still lack the ability to discern and to understand context. Poor 2-dimensional fake Rabbi.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
The butt hurt is strong in this one.
Do you maintain that the Bible condemns tattoos as an abomination? Yes or no, please.

The Bible does not condemn tattoos as an abomination. That's a fact
You are correct. Homosexual relations (something Statistheilhitler knows a lot about) are condemnded as abomination. Eating shellfish is condemned as abomination. Others things probably are too.
But tattoos are not condemned as abomination, even though they aer clearly prohibited.
But once Statistheilhitler made the claim he couldnt admit he was wrong as a matter of fact. He had to go on the attack and rationalize his answer with all sorts of excuses. Because he's a snowflake with a big easily bruised ego on the one hand and a lack of knowledge on the other.
Lol. Nice meltdown, fake Rabbi. You are so predictable...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
You claimed the Bible called tatoos an abomination. I called you to point out where that was the case.
You couldnt because in fact they are not called an abomination.
It's pretty simple. You made a claim that was false and I called you on it.
Now you're all butt hurt like a little bitch because you have zero integrity and an ego like a soap bubble.
You still lack the ability to discern and to understand context. Poor 2-dimensional fake Rabbi.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
The butt hurt is strong in this one.
Do you maintain that the Bible condemns tattoos as an abomination? Yes or no, please.

The Bible does not condemn tattoos as an abomination. That's a fact
You are correct. Homosexual relations (something Statistheilhitler knows a lot about) are condemnded as abomination. Eating shellfish is condemned as abomination. Others things probably are too.
But tattoos are not condemned as abomination, even though they aer clearly prohibited.
But once Statistheilhitler made the claim he couldnt admit he was wrong as a matter of fact. He had to go on the attack and rationalize his answer with all sorts of excuses. Because he's a snowflake with a big easily bruised ego on the one hand and a lack of knowledge on the other.
Lol. Nice meltdown, fake Rabbi. You are so predictable...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Deflection and spin.
You are a waste of bandwidth.
Perhaps the insanity of these cases are a Lawyers wet dream...........Find a place of business that believes a certain way............try to force them to sell you a product or service you know they will not do..............

Sue there asses off and make millions...................Sounds like a liberal lawyers wet dream.............

This is the path we chosen.................and let the court cases pile up...............

well weve seen that happen with handicap access putting some small businesses like mom and pop restaurants out and making lawyers rich
Link?? Smells like utter BS, and the ADA has been on the books for decades.

Disabled serial plaintiffs do legal battle with small businesses over access issues - San Jose Mercury News

Sure Paint My House, I made it all up. Ive heard people talking about this on the radio for years, but i dont have a link to that. Sorry.

But you can find real cases of this online if you look
While I don't approve of making a game of it, the ADA is the law so unless you are grandfathered in, obey the law or be liable.
The Tanakh forbids tattoos for us Jews. You would have known this is you were really a Jew. Maimonides calls Tattoos an abomination in his Mishnah, because they are classified as a form of idolatry and idolatry is indeed a to'evah. By logical extension, regardless of choice of words, tattoos are therefore to'evah. You would have also known this were you a real Jew.

But you are not. You are a disgusting, fucked-up fake, nothing less and nothing more.

And guaranteed, I will remind you of your inability to use context very, very soon, you fake Jew ben zona.
You claimed the Bible called tatoos an abomination. I called you to point out where that was the case.
You couldnt because in fact they are not called an abomination.
It's pretty simple. You made a claim that was false and I called you on it.
Now you're all butt hurt like a little bitch because you have zero integrity and an ego like a soap bubble.
You still lack the ability to discern and to understand context. Poor 2-dimensional fake Rabbi.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
The butt hurt is strong in this one.
Do you maintain that the Bible condemns tattoos as an abomination? Yes or no, please.

The Bible does not condemn tattoos as an abomination. That's a fact
You are correct. Homosexual relations (something Statistheilhitler knows a lot about) are condemnded as abomination. Eating shellfish is condemned as abomination. Others things probably are too.
But tattoos are not condemned as abomination, even though they aer clearly prohibited.
But once Statistheilhitler made the claim he couldnt admit he was wrong as a matter of fact. He had to go on the attack and rationalize his answer with all sorts of excuses. Because he's a snowflake with a big easily bruised ego on the one hand and a lack of knowledge on the other.

Actually eating shellfish isn't an abomination, and never was for the Gentiles. They quote Mosaic ceremonial and dietary laws that were long done away with by the New Covenant. It's hilarious to hang them out in the wind with it
Either flipped when it was an anti gay cake versus a gay cake...
Nope, not even a little. My position is the same, bake the stupid cake. If you won't do the words or you don't sell the cake topper, so be it. I support clients who offend me all day long. It's business, neither pleasure nor faith.

And there are plenty of hypocrites around, I'm not one of them. Happy hunting...
You claimed the Bible called tatoos an abomination. I called you to point out where that was the case.
You couldnt because in fact they are not called an abomination.
It's pretty simple. You made a claim that was false and I called you on it.
Now you're all butt hurt like a little bitch because you have zero integrity and an ego like a soap bubble.
You still lack the ability to discern and to understand context. Poor 2-dimensional fake Rabbi.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
The butt hurt is strong in this one.
Do you maintain that the Bible condemns tattoos as an abomination? Yes or no, please.

The Bible does not condemn tattoos as an abomination. That's a fact
You are correct. Homosexual relations (something Statistheilhitler knows a lot about) are condemnded as abomination. Eating shellfish is condemned as abomination. Others things probably are too.
But tattoos are not condemned as abomination, even though they aer clearly prohibited.
But once Statistheilhitler made the claim he couldnt admit he was wrong as a matter of fact. He had to go on the attack and rationalize his answer with all sorts of excuses. Because he's a snowflake with a big easily bruised ego on the one hand and a lack of knowledge on the other.

Actually eating shellfish isn't an abomination, and never was for the Gentiles. They quote Mosaic ceremonial and dietary laws that were long done away with by the New Covenant. It's hilarious to hang them out in the wind with it
Uhh, your new covenant, according to your own Jesus, did not supplant any of the 613 mitzvoteem. Try again.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Either flipped when it was an anti gay cake versus a gay cake...
Nope, not even a little. My position is the same, bake the stupid cake. If you won't do the words or you don't sell the cake topper, so be it. I support clients who offend me all day long. It's business, neither pleasure nor faith...
Of course you don't see the irony of your posts................If they refuse to put custom designs or wordings on the cakes then they must do so for all..............and not just a select group under the rulings.................In this case they did do custom cakes...........which means they refused the wording...................while doing the same for other customers...............thanks for playing.
Simple formula,

if your love of baking cakes doesn't exceed your hatred of gays, get out of the cake business.
Nice way to sugar coat disregarding other peoples beliefs..........

Obey............or else and say you are for Freedom......
This case needs to go to the Supremes.........

The supreme court would rule in favor of the law in Oregon.

The public accommodation laws have been upheld in the supreme court so going there would be a waste of time and money. Which I'm sure has been pointed out to the defendants and which is why they settled the cause.

There's a very simple way to resolve this.


It's that simple.
Simple formula,

if your love of baking cakes doesn't exceed your hatred of gays, get out of the cake business.
Nice way to sugar coat disregarding other peoples beliefs..........

Obey............or else and say you are for Freedom......
This case needs to go to the Supremes.........

The supreme court would rule in favor of the law in Oregon.

The public accommodation laws have been upheld in the supreme court so going there would be a waste of time and money. Which I'm sure has been pointed out to the defendants and which is why they settled the cause.

There's a very simple way to resolve this.


It's that simple.
So bake me a Rebel no..............
Isis cake ............okay................

Yeah it's about the law.................BS.

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