The dreaded gay-wedding-cake saga ends: bakers must pay 135 K

I do realize it you need to realize that its a two way street and that all beliefs are due the same protections.

And they are. These laws protect you too. Businesses cannot discriminate against you because of your religious beliefs. That is all there is to it. There is nothing "unfair" about these laws. If you go into business, be prepared to serve EVERYBODY.

Don't you understand? you are advocating discrimination against businesses because of their religious beliefs. anti-discrimination does not just apply to individuals, it applies to businesses and groups as well.
The bakery was not being discriminated against because of their religious beliefs. The bakery is not a religious institution.

You don't really grok Individual liberty.
An individuals right to refuse service to
I do realize it you need to realize that its a two way street and that all beliefs are due the same protections.

And they are. These laws protect you too. Businesses cannot discriminate against you because of your religious beliefs. That is all there is to it. There is nothing "unfair" about these laws. If you go into business, be prepared to serve EVERYBODY.

Don't you understand? you are advocating discrimination against businesses because of their religious beliefs. anti-discrimination does not just apply to individuals, it applies to businesses and groups as well.
The bakery was not being discriminated against because of their religious beliefs. The bakery is not a religious institution.

neither were the gay couple a religious institution, so what?

what should have happened is:

gay couple: we would like for you to bake us a wedding cake

baker: I do not want to do that because I do not believe in gay marriage, however, Tom the baker down the street is gay and he would be pleased to bake your cake

gay couple: thanks, we respect your beliefs and will go see Tom, have a nice day.
In Oregon, it is against the law for a business to refuse service based on race, sex, or sexual orientation. The bakery is a business. The people who run it, merely represent it

What a Special Snowflake place it must be. MOM!!!! Johnny won't play with me! WAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!

What kind of person is so thin-skinned that she can't just find another bakery? It must suck to go through live with such an Aggrieved Boulder on one's Shoulder.
The Bible does not condemn tattoos as an abomination. That's a fact
You are correct. Homosexual relations (something Statistheilhitler knows a lot about) are condemnded as abomination. Eating shellfish is condemned as abomination. Others things probably are too.
But tattoos are not condemned as abomination, even though they aer clearly prohibited.
But once Statistheilhitler made the claim he couldnt admit he was wrong as a matter of fact. He had to go on the attack and rationalize his answer with all sorts of excuses. Because he's a snowflake with a big easily bruised ego on the one hand and a lack of knowledge on the other.

Actually eating shellfish isn't an abomination, and never was for the Gentiles. They quote Mosaic ceremonial and dietary laws that were long done away with by the New Covenant. It's hilarious to hang them out in the wind with it
Uhh, your new covenant, according to your own Jesus, did not supplant any of the 613 mitzvoteem. Try again.

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"Mitzvoteem" <snicker>
We've added Hebrew to the list of things you dont know.

Mitzvoteem is the correct plural form of "Mitzvah". You can also use "Mitzvot"

You are one wierd fake Jew.


He is a pork stenched goy, a real shaigetz
Here is the thing, you have freedom of religion. You can choose any religion you want, you can attend any church, you can walk the streets with a sign around your neck warning that it's the end of days because of the gays, you can PRAISE THE LORD!!! :bow2: What you CANNOT do is open a business and discriminate against against certain segments of society based upon your personal religious views. :wink_2:
Lady Justice is blind. We are all the SAME according to the justice the system. THAT is why we do not allow discrimination against certain segments of society. You do not get special privilege to discriminate because of your religion, and that does not interfere with your ability to worship your God or Gods.
Perhaps the insanity of these cases are a Lawyers wet dream...........Find a place of business that believes a certain way............try to force them to sell you a product or service you know they will not do..............

Sue there asses off and make millions...................Sounds like a liberal lawyers wet dream.............

This is the path we chosen.................and let the court cases pile up...............

well weve seen that happen with handicap access putting some small businesses like mom and pop restaurants out and making lawyers rich

Whoa, there go the handicapped under the bus. lol

The Bakers are a small business.............and their Religion is an extension of their business as well..........And to say they must Bake or decorate cakes that is against their beliefs is discrimination against their personal beliefs............Whether you agree with them or not it's Not Freedom when they are ordered to do so. They have been put out of business for their Religious beliefs whether you like it or not...............

They are receiving funding and SCOTUS will see this again...................
The problem is the gays. They want to moosh it in everyone's face that they're a gay couple and you better respect them, mister.
Most people really dont give a shit if someone is gay or not. But htey don't want to have to hear about that crap either.

Do you not see the difference between making a cake for a person's wedding and hate speech?
Where are the HATE speech laws on this...............................
Have we gone the way of Europe where if you say the wrong thing you go to jail........
I don't agree with the cake...............I'm sure you don't either...............but you cannot cherry pick the law to only the subject of anti discrimination laws which concern you and not that of others...........Equal justice under the law..........Nazi's who would want this are the scourge........I wouldn't bake it..................same as I wouldn't bake an ISIS cake........but under the anti discrimination BLANKET..............I would be in violation of the law.............

Do you not see the difference between making a cake for a person's wedding and hate speech?
Where are the HATE speech laws on this...............................
Have we gone the way of Europe where if you say the wrong thing you go to jail........
I don't agree with the cake...............I'm sure you don't either...............but you cannot cherry pick the law to only the subject of anti discrimination laws which concern you and not that of others...........Equal justice under the law..........Nazi's who would want this are the scourge........I wouldn't bake it..................same as I wouldn't bake an ISIS cake........but under the anti discrimination BLANKET..............I would be in violation of the law.............

No, the point here is that these bakers opened a business, and they must operate their business in accordance with the laws in the state in which they opened the business. Refusal to make a cake because people who are requesting it are gay is against the law in that state.

We are a Nation in distress over the fanning of flames........Yeah I know it's off topic..............and goes to the other issue of today...........the Rebel Flag...............
Is Christianity a race, or a behavior?

It is neither.

Is this confusing you?


Oh really? Then Christians do not behave a certain way? lol

The concepts of inductive and deductive reasoning are kind of new to


You're deflecting because you've lost the argument. No, someone losing an argument to me is not new.

That was not a deflection. It was to the point. Because you do not understand that it was to the point is ... sort of a cry for help..

Let's go back to the beginning. You wish me to choose between Christianity being either a race or a behavior. I chose neither. Obviously you classify Christianity as a behavior and I do not classify Christianity as a behavior. Let's work on that first. I classify Christianity as a belief system. You should be familiar with the concept. I am sure you have beliefs of some sort. Care to share them with us?


You have to choose between Christianity being a race or a behavior because assholes like you who are clueless retards decided it was brilliant to try to make that a relevant distinction. Get it now, subhuman?

Do you not see the difference between making a cake for a person's wedding and hate speech?
Where are the HATE speech laws on this...............................
Have we gone the way of Europe where if you say the wrong thing you go to jail........
I don't agree with the cake...............I'm sure you don't either...............but you cannot cherry pick the law to only the subject of anti discrimination laws which concern you and not that of others...........Equal justice under the law..........Nazi's who would want this are the scourge........I wouldn't bake it..................same as I wouldn't bake an ISIS cake........but under the anti discrimination BLANKET..............I would be in violation of the law.............

No, the point here is that these bakers opened a business, and they must operate their business in accordance with the laws in the state in which they opened the business. Refusal to make a cake because people who are requesting it are gay is against the law in that state.
You are terminally stupid. This is the 20th time or so you've made the argument that they must obey the law. It is an invalid argument. The greatest moments in this country occurred when people stood up against a law they believed was unfair and unjust. The bakers are doing just that.

Do you not see the difference between making a cake for a person's wedding and hate speech?
Where are the HATE speech laws on this...............................
Have we gone the way of Europe where if you say the wrong thing you go to jail........
I don't agree with the cake...............I'm sure you don't either...............but you cannot cherry pick the law to only the subject of anti discrimination laws which concern you and not that of others...........Equal justice under the law..........Nazi's who would want this are the scourge........I wouldn't bake it..................same as I wouldn't bake an ISIS cake........but under the anti discrimination BLANKET..............I would be in violation of the law.............

No, the point here is that these bakers opened a business, and they must operate their business in accordance with the laws in the state in which they opened the business. Refusal to make a cake because people who are requesting it are gay is against the law in that state.

I just got one thing to say about all this stuff...................................


Do you not see the difference between making a cake for a person's wedding and hate speech?
Where are the HATE speech laws on this...............................
Have we gone the way of Europe where if you say the wrong thing you go to jail........
I don't agree with the cake...............I'm sure you don't either...............but you cannot cherry pick the law to only the subject of anti discrimination laws which concern you and not that of others...........Equal justice under the law..........Nazi's who would want this are the scourge........I wouldn't bake it..................same as I wouldn't bake an ISIS cake........but under the anti discrimination BLANKET..............I would be in violation of the law.............

No, the point here is that these bakers opened a business, and they must operate their business in accordance with the laws in the state in which they opened the business. Refusal to make a cake because people who are requesting it are gay is against the law in that state.
You are terminally stupid. This is the 20th time or so you've made the argument that they must obey the law. It is an invalid argument. The greatest moments in this country occurred when people stood up against a law they believed was unfair and unjust. The bakers are doing just that.

Don't address my posts anymore if you cannot behave like a gentleman. I refuse to discuss the issue with you if you are going to insult me. There is absolutely no need for it, it is uncalled for, and if you cannot have a discussion like an adult, put me on ignore. I don't mind at all, seriously.

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