The dreaded gay-wedding-cake saga ends: bakers must pay 135 K

And they are. These laws protect you too. Businesses cannot discriminate against you because of your religious beliefs. That is all there is to it. There is nothing "unfair" about these laws. If you go into business, be prepared to serve EVERYBODY.

Don't you understand? you are advocating discrimination against businesses because of their religious beliefs. anti-discrimination does not just apply to individuals, it applies to businesses and groups as well.
The bakery was not being discriminated against because of their religious beliefs. The bakery is not a religious institution.

You don't really grok Individual liberty.
An individuals right to refuse service to
And they are. These laws protect you too. Businesses cannot discriminate against you because of your religious beliefs. That is all there is to it. There is nothing "unfair" about these laws. If you go into business, be prepared to serve EVERYBODY.

Don't you understand? you are advocating discrimination against businesses because of their religious beliefs. anti-discrimination does not just apply to individuals, it applies to businesses and groups as well.
The bakery was not being discriminated against because of their religious beliefs. The bakery is not a religious institution.

neither were the gay couple a religious institution, so what?

what should have happened is:

gay couple: we would like for you to bake us a wedding cake

baker: I do not want to do that because I do not believe in gay marriage, however, Tom the baker down the street is gay and he would be pleased to bake your cake

gay couple: thanks, we respect your beliefs and will go see Tom, have a nice day.
In Oregon, it is against the law for a business to refuse service based on race, sex, or sexual orientation. The bakery is a business. The people who run it, merely represent it

What a Special Snowflake place it must be. MOM!!!! Johnny won't play with me! WAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!

What kind of person is so thin-skinned that she can't just find another bakery? It must suck to go through live with such an Aggrieved Boulder on one's Shoulder.
Listen, I'm not gay, but if I went to a bakery in San Francisco, and they refused to serve me because I'm straight, I would have just left.

I go to this great Korean supermarket where I live, and they ignore me, roll their eyes, and make me wait longer to be served than the parade of Asian old ladies that walk in front of me shaking their heads...but the food is awesome, and it's cheap, and they have stuff you can't get anywhere else.

So I get it.

I'm guessing you're not gay.

I'm guessing you're a white male.

So am I.

Guys like me and you have no idea what it's like for gays, or blacks, or Muslims.
Are we still wasting time on this ?

Whose up for a bet ?

I'll wager that these people don't pay anything close to the 135 K.
Don't you understand? you are advocating discrimination against businesses because of their religious beliefs. anti-discrimination does not just apply to individuals, it applies to businesses and groups as well.
The bakery was not being discriminated against because of their religious beliefs. The bakery is not a religious institution.

You don't really grok Individual liberty.
An individuals right to refuse service to
Don't you understand? you are advocating discrimination against businesses because of their religious beliefs. anti-discrimination does not just apply to individuals, it applies to businesses and groups as well.
The bakery was not being discriminated against because of their religious beliefs. The bakery is not a religious institution.

neither were the gay couple a religious institution, so what?

what should have happened is:

gay couple: we would like for you to bake us a wedding cake

baker: I do not want to do that because I do not believe in gay marriage, however, Tom the baker down the street is gay and he would be pleased to bake your cake

gay couple: thanks, we respect your beliefs and will go see Tom, have a nice day.
In Oregon, it is against the law for a business to refuse service based on race, sex, or sexual orientation. The bakery is a business. The people who run it, merely represent it

What a Special Snowflake place it must be. MOM!!!! Johnny won't play with me! WAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!

What kind of person is so thin-skinned that she can't just find another bakery? It must suck to go through live with such an Aggrieved Boulder on one's Shoulder.
Listen, I'm not gay, but if I went to a bakery in San Francisco, and they refused to serve me because I'm straight, I would have just left.

I go to this great Korean supermarket where I live, and they ignore me, roll their eyes, and make me wait longer to be served than the parade of Asian old ladies that walk in front of me shaking their heads...but the food is awesome, and it's cheap, and they have stuff you can't get anywhere else.

So I get it.

I'm guessing you're not gay.

I'm guessing you're a white male.

So am I.

Guys like me and you have no idea what it's like for gays, or blacks, or Muslims.

I'm guessing you know very little about me. I am addressing this issue from perspective of Liberty, not based on a narrow identity.
"Here's your cake"..."oh you are a gay couple? well then here's a $135,000 wedding gift!"

"Why thank you sir".

But you are not getting our cake. And we will not serve you. You didn't get that $135K from us. You got it from an unjust government. As long as it's not our doing, then we are following our faith.

By the way... what happens if we refuse to pay? What are you going to do about that?

LOL You don't know?

This is a land of laws. Break one and pay the price, that is what civil disobedience means. You don't just get to break laws and then go about your business. The woman that climbed the flagpole in NC and cut down the con-federate flag is facing jail time as is the man that helped her. They both said they are willing to take the consequences of their actions.

See...see how you actually have to live your convictions rather than just say them?

Liberals have done this for millennia. Conservatives, who are always to scared to challenged authority, have not. So get to it, and get used to being in jail. Goes hand in hand.

Well, here's the bottom line. If you open a business and discriminate against certain sectors of the public, you are probably going to be sued by those you are discriminating against. So do what you must but don't whine about it later. :)

I can pretty much guarantee that these laws will not be changed because when you open a business, you do not have the "right" to discriminate no matter how much you whine and stomp your feet. It's illegal. You can be as much of a douchebag as you want in your personal life, but when you carry it over into your business matters, you're going to have problems.
And some of you sit here and Cheer this. that's what's as scary as Oregon trampling on the RIGHTS of business owners all OVER A FREKKEN CAKE

Happy Independence Day: State of Oregon fines Christian bakers $135,000 over a wedding cake
posted at 11:31 am on July 3, 2015 by Ed Morrissey

The last we had heard from Aaron and Melissa Klein, the former owners of Sweet Cakes in Oregon that lost their bakery business after refusing to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple, the site GoFundMe had shut down their crowdfunding operation. That was in April, but the drama was not over for the Kleins, who faced a stiff fine for their allegedly discriminatory conduct. Aaron and Melissa defended themselves in media interviews in an attempt to prevent the state of Oregon from further penalizing them, but Oregon Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian went even further than anyone might have imagined.

Not only did Avakian levy a $135,000 judgment against the Kleins for “emotional damages” to the couple denied a wedding cake, he slapped a gag order on them that forbids the Kleins from explaining to potential customers of Sweet Cakes why they won’t bake a cake for a same-sex wedding. Of course, since they’re no longer in business, it no longer matters — and even if they were, the $135,000 fine would make sure they weren’t. The Daily Signal poses this as a broader gag order than it is, however:

all of it here:
Happy Independence Day State of Oregon fines Christian bakers 135 000 over a wedding cake Hot Air
And some of you sit here and Cheer this. that's what's as scary as Oregon trampling on the RIGHTS of business owners all OVER A FREKKEN CAKE

Happy Independence Day: State of Oregon fines Christian bakers $135,000 over a wedding cake
posted at 11:31 am on July 3, 2015 by Ed Morrissey

The last we had heard from Aaron and Melissa Klein, the former owners of Sweet Cakes in Oregon that lost their bakery business after refusing to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple, the site GoFundMe had shut down their crowdfunding operation. That was in April, but the drama was not over for the Kleins, who faced a stiff fine for their allegedly discriminatory conduct. Aaron and Melissa defended themselves in media interviews in an attempt to prevent the state of Oregon from further penalizing them, but Oregon Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian went even further than anyone might have imagined.

Not only did Avakian levy a $135,000 judgment against the Kleins for “emotional damages” to the couple denied a wedding cake, he slapped a gag order on them that forbids the Kleins from explaining to potential customers of Sweet Cakes why they won’t bake a cake for a same-sex wedding. Of course, since they’re no longer in business, it no longer matters — and even if they were, the $135,000 fine would make sure they weren’t. The Daily Signal poses this as a broader gag order than it is, however:

all of it here:
Happy Independence Day State of Oregon fines Christian bakers 135 000 over a wedding cake Hot Air

Has anyone bothered to defend the judgment? Why should a wedding cake be worth 135,000 when the "victims" suffered no actual harm?
Has anyone bothered to defend the judgment? Why should a wedding cake be worth 135,000 when the "victims" suffered no actual harm?

don't you get it? its a liberal hate crime. liberals are all about punishing thoughts, not actions.
Well, here's the bottom line. If you open a business and discriminate against certain sectors of the public, you are probably going to be sued by those you are discriminating against. So do what you must but don't whine about it later. :)

I can pretty much guarantee that these laws will not be changed because when you open a business, you do not have the "right" to discriminate no matter how much you whine and stomp your feet. It's illegal. You can be as much of a douchebag as you want in your personal life, but when you carry it over into your business matters, you're going to have problems.

Why does a person give up rights when they decide they want to sell something? More importantly, why does the government's ability to regulate commerce override a person's freedom of religious exercise, in particular when it comes to services that are not either 1) matters of life and death and 2) non time sensitive?
The problem is the gays. They want to moosh it in everyone's face that they're a gay couple and you better respect them, mister.
Most people really dont give a shit if someone is gay or not. But htey don't want to have to hear about that crap either.

change the word from gay to christers and I will agree
The bigots want STRAIGHT ONLY bakeries, and they want the government to enforce the segregation.

Gosh, where have I heard this before...
It's not a bible-compliant bakery. If you have divorced a few times, and are getting married for the fourth or fifth time, you can still get a cake.

It's a STRAIGHT ONLY bakery.

It has nothing to do with religion.
It's not a bible-compliant bakery. If you have divorced a few times, and are getting married for the fourth or fifth time, you can still get a cake.

It's a STRAIGHT ONLY bakery.

It has nothing to do with religion.

You have no say in how a person practices their religion, and if there is not an overwhelming government interest involved, neither does the government.
Well, here's the bottom line. If you open a business and discriminate against certain sectors of the public, you are probably going to be sued by those you are discriminating against. So do what you must but don't whine about it later. :)

I can pretty much guarantee that these laws will not be changed because when you open a business, you do not have the "right" to discriminate no matter how much you whine and stomp your feet. It's illegal. You can be as much of a douchebag as you want in your personal life, but when you carry it over into your business matters, you're going to have problems.

Why does a person give up rights when they decide they want to sell something? More importantly, why does the government's ability to regulate commerce override a person's freedom of religious exercise, in particular when it comes to services that are not either 1) matters of life and death and 2) non time sensitive?

I know it. Obviously, the conservative religious right are the REAL victims in all of this. First it was the blacks, now the gays that they cannot openly discriminate against. I mean really, we all know the gays aren't really concerned with rights and equality. They just want to hurt you. They probably aren't even really gays anyway; it's just a huge conspiracy to hurt the conservative Christian right. They are just spawns of Satan put here to do evil deeds and give you a difficult time. You poor babies. :(
Well, here's the bottom line. If you open a business and discriminate against certain sectors of the public, you are probably going to be sued by those you are discriminating against. So do what you must but don't whine about it later. :)

I can pretty much guarantee that these laws will not be changed because when you open a business, you do not have the "right" to discriminate no matter how much you whine and stomp your feet. It's illegal. You can be as much of a douchebag as you want in your personal life, but when you carry it over into your business matters, you're going to have problems.

Why does a person give up rights when they decide they want to sell something? More importantly, why does the government's ability to regulate commerce override a person's freedom of religious exercise, in particular when it comes to services that are not either 1) matters of life and death and 2) non time sensitive?

I know it. Obviously, the conservative religious right are the REAL victims in all of this. First it was the blacks, now the gays that they cannot openly discriminate against. I mean really, we all know the gays aren't really concerned with rights and equality. They just want to hurt you. They probably aren't even really gays anyway; it's just a huge conspiracy to hurt the conservative Christian right. They are just spawns of Satan put here to do evil deeds and give you a difficult time. You poor babies. :(

You didn't answer the question, and I am a lapsed Catholic at best, who's opposition to SSM was limited to saying a court shouldn't impose it on States, but States should change their marriage contract via legislative action or local referendum.

My issue is with government forcing people to do something they don't want to do, and only because someones feelings were hurt, not for any tangible economic harm.
Well, here's the bottom line. If you open a business and discriminate against certain sectors of the public, you are probably going to be sued by those you are discriminating against. So do what you must but don't whine about it later. :)

I can pretty much guarantee that these laws will not be changed because when you open a business, you do not have the "right" to discriminate no matter how much you whine and stomp your feet. It's illegal. You can be as much of a douchebag as you want in your personal life, but when you carry it over into your business matters, you're going to have problems.

Why does a person give up rights when they decide they want to sell something? More importantly, why does the government's ability to regulate commerce override a person's freedom of religious exercise, in particular when it comes to services that are not either 1) matters of life and death and 2) non time sensitive?

I know it. Obviously, the conservative religious right are the REAL victims in all of this. First it was the blacks, now the gays that they cannot openly discriminate against. I mean really, we all know the gays aren't really concerned with rights and equality. They just want to hurt you. They probably aren't even really gays anyway; it's just a huge conspiracy to hurt the conservative Christian right. They are just spawns of Satan put here to do evil deeds and give you a difficult time. You poor babies. :(

You didn't answer the question, and I am a lapsed Catholic at best, who's opposition to SSM was limited to saying a court shouldn't impose it on States, but States should change their marriage contract via legislative action or local referendum.

My issue is with government forcing people to do something they don't want to do, and only because someones feelings were hurt, not for any tangible economic harm.

Oh really? Well this is a state law, not federal, so I guess you have no problem with it. :)

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