The dreaded gay-wedding-cake saga ends: bakers must pay 135 K


Why would I, or anyone for that matter, care if the Koch brothers support same-sex marriage?
a private business can deny to serve anyone. That is their right. What am I missing?
The Open to the Public Accommodation laws.

You gotta spell it out for em... :p

We do spell out for you far left drones, but you drones have shown it violates your programming!

Check your needle, broken record.

Says the far left drone that supports political slavery..
a private business can deny to serve anyone. That is their right. What am I missing?

You are correct, they can deny service to anyone.

The denying of a customer though for some reasons is limited by federal law (race, color, religion, or national origin) and by state law which can include race, national origin, color, sex, sexual orientation, parental status, marital status, and veterans status (specifics can very by state).

a private business can deny to serve anyone. That is their right. What am I missing?

You are correct, they can deny service to anyone.

The denying of a customer though for some reasons is limited by federal law (race, color, religion, or national origin) and by state law which can include race, national origin, color, sex, sexual orientation, parental status, marital status, and veterans status (specifics can very by state).


So the gym that restricts a married man from the female locker / showers with his wife, is in violation when they allow lesbian married couples to enter together.

Got it.
"Here's your cake"..."oh you are a gay couple? well then here's a $135,000 wedding gift!"

"Why thank you sir".
a private business can deny to serve anyone. That is their right. What am I missing?

You are correct, they can deny service to anyone.

The denying of a customer though for some reasons is limited by federal law (race, color, religion, or national origin) and by state law which can include race, national origin, color, sex, sexual orientation, parental status, marital status, and veterans status (specifics can very by state).


So the gym that restricts a married man from the female locker / showers with his wife, is in violation when they allow lesbian married couples to enter together.

Got it.

Why is the above so tough?
Just as they are wrong to discriminate against you because of your religious beliefs, you are wrong to discriminate against them. It's quite simple really. If an atheist cannot bring him or herself to bake a cake for a Christian or a Christian cannot bring him or herself to bake a cake for an atheist or a gay person, both are being discriminatory, and that is not going to fly anymore.

Well, too bad. Because we're not going away, and we are not bowing to your dictation on our lives. So, you gotta decide what you will do. Kill us? Fine us? Take away our lives, and our property? What will it be?

Because we are simply not going to cater to SSM. Sorry. It's just not going to happen.... Period. So do whatever you want, it's not changing us.

Nobody wants you to go away or kill you, you nut. Just don't break our secular laws and don't discriminate. If you feel you have to discriminate, then don't go into business for the public.

Well.. we are going to go in business.... and we are going to follow our religious views.

So.... what you going to do? Fines, and jail time won't stop us. So... make up your mind.

Then gay couples are going to sue you for discrimination. :dunno: Not a very savvy businessman, are you?

Which is more important? G-d... or business?

Again, we intend to do business, and we intend to follow our faith.

If we're sued... we'll fight it, and if we lose, will just start over. And continue to follow our faith.

Life isn't about being rich, and running a business. Those are extra blessings. Life is about following the Lord. We intend to do that. And no law suit is going to stop us.
"Here's your cake"..."oh you are a gay couple? well then here's a $135,000 wedding gift!"

"Why thank you sir".

But you are not getting our cake. And we will not serve you. You didn't get that $135K from us. You got it from an unjust government. As long as it's not our doing, then we are following our faith.

By the way... what happens if we refuse to pay? What are you going to do about that?
We know anything goes with you....

I want better for this land.

You mean, you want people, who do not share your personal beliefs, to live by your religious convictions. Sorry, not going to happen. :)

No, but you want them to live by yours. Hypocrite.

Mine? No, those are the laws. If you are going to open a business, be aware of the laws. Know the laws. If you can't comply with the laws, then don't open a business.

Bad laws are still laws, you are correct. Laws that discriminate against people because of their religious or personal beliefs are unconstitutional.

It is quite likely that a future SC will vacate this ruling.

They are not "bad laws." Lol. These laws protect ALL of us. The same thing is going to apply if you, as a Christian, go to a Muslim bakery, and they refuse to bake YOU a cake based on their personal belief system. You seem to think people are out to "get you." That is not the case. These laws are in place for fair business practice.

Thanks, but I don't need to be protected from this.

I don't demand other people serve me.

You.... do. That's wrong. It's a bad law.
"Here's your cake"..."oh you are a gay couple? well then here's a $135,000 wedding gift!"

"Why thank you sir".

But you are not getting our cake. And we will not serve you. You didn't get that $135K from us. You got it from an unjust government. As long as it's not our doing, then we are following our faith.

By the way... what happens if we refuse to pay? What are you going to do about that?

LOL You don't know?

This is a land of laws. Break one and pay the price, that is what civil disobedience means. You don't just get to break laws and then go about your business. The woman that climbed the flagpole in NC and cut down the con-federate flag is facing jail time as is the man that helped her. They both said they are willing to take the consequences of their actions.

See...see how you actually have to live your convictions rather than just say them?

Liberals have done this for millennia. Conservatives, who are always to scared to challenged authority, have not. So get to it, and get used to being in jail. Goes hand in hand.
"Here's your cake"..."oh you are a gay couple? well then here's a $135,000 wedding gift!"

"Why thank you sir".

But you are not getting our cake. And we will not serve you. You didn't get that $135K from us. You got it from an unjust government. As long as it's not our doing, then we are following our faith.

By the way... what happens if we refuse to pay? What are you going to do about that?

LOL You don't know?

This is a land of laws. Break one and pay the price, that is what civil disobedience means. You don't just get to break laws and then go about your business. The woman that climbed the flagpole in NC and cut down the con-federate flag is facing jail time as is the man that helped her. They both said they are willing to take the consequences of their actions.

See...see how you actually have to live your convictions rather than just say them?

Liberals have done this for millennia. Conservatives, who are always to scared to challenged authority, have not. So get to it, and get used to being in jail. Goes hand in hand.

It was a rhetorical question. The prior poster, claimed that the gaystapo had no intention of mass imprisonment and jail time, or death, of Christians.

Idaho city s ordinance tells pastors to marry gays or go to jail - Washington Times

The truth is there.

Yes, we will go to jail, prison, even death, to oppose this evil.

Conservative, is a label applied to a wide group of people, that may or may not be applicable to the person being labeled.

Liberals... please.... You people are the biggest wimps in our country today. You get prayed with pepper spray, and you squeal police brutality.

Egypt avenges mass beheadings strikes ISIS in Libya - Middle East - Jerusalem Post

Christians have died for their faith, for over 2,000 years. You talk about living by your convictions? Yeah... I'll go to your little jail. I'll go to your prison. I'll even go to your chair.

But we will not obey this evil. We will not violate our faith. You can't make us. So make up your mind. What will it be? How many Christians are you going to jail and imprison..... for what? Not baking a cake? Not marrying rump rangers?

This is fight you can't win. 2,000 years, and Christians are still here. You can't defeat us. For everyone one you strike down, a thousand more will stand in their place.
Which is more important? G-d... or business?

Again, we intend to do business, and we intend to follow our faith.

If we're sued... we'll fight it, and if we lose, will just start over. And continue to follow our faith.

Life isn't about being rich, and running a business. Those are extra blessings. Life is about following the Lord. We intend to do that. And no law suit is going to stop us.

Well, I'm glad you value your imaginary friend in the sky more than your business.

But most businesses will fall in line.
Which is more important? G-d... or business?

Again, we intend to do business, and we intend to follow our faith.

If we're sued... we'll fight it, and if we lose, will just start over. And continue to follow our faith.

Life isn't about being rich, and running a business. Those are extra blessings. Life is about following the Lord. We intend to do that. And no law suit is going to stop us.

Well, I'm glad you value your imaginary friend in the sky more than your business.

But most businesses will fall in line.

Yeah, I would agree with that. Most people who claim to be Christian, are not.

I actually think this will be a positive development, because the fakers will be flushed out.

As for the rest of us..... we won't. And no amount of fines or jail time will change that.
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