The dreaded gay-wedding-cake saga ends: bakers must pay 135 K

I would refuse. They should do what their religious convictions lead them to do.
Or perhaps they will pay the fine, and yet continue to practice their faith.

Regardless, that isn't the point. The point is they are in fact being threatened in losing their home. As much as you leftist claim to never try and punish people of faith, here is a clear example that you are.

Does their faith require them to publish the name and addresses of the two lesbians on Facebook, and through the press, subjecting them and their families' to stalking and death threats?

The moment the lesbos decided to make a stink about it they gave up any right to privacy

Sorry, Sas, but I really should have put you on ignore long ago. Your pride in your bigotry is hateful and I have no need to be sucked into your world of negativity. Adios.....

Like I care if a queer ignores me?
You really are stupid enough to believe that everyone who disagrees with you is gay. Too funny.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

No, but Vandal sure seems gay to me.... could be wrong.
I would refuse. They should do what their religious convictions lead them to do. Or perhaps they will pay the fine, and yet continue to practice their faith.

Regardless, that isn't the point. The point is they are in fact being threatened in losing their home. As much as you leftist claim to never try and punish people of faith, here is a clear example that you are.

Hey, there are a whole bunch of people in prison who found Jesus. We still punish them for their crimes.

The Klein's committed a crime. They broke the PA laws of Oregon, and then further complicated matters by publishing the names and addresses of the peopel who complained about them.

THAT'S what they were fined for.

Ok? Did I deny any of the above?

Yes, if you murder someone, and then repent and become a Christian, you still have to pay for the crime. I never suggested otherwise.

And as Christian we are instructed to follow the law as much as we can, provided it doesn't violate our faith. If I see a Christian shoplift from a store, I'm going to turn him in to the police. That is in keeping with my faith.

Nor would I blame pagans for turning him into police.

However, when you throw people in Jail for their faith... that's a different matter. Now I still don't blame you, but I will support and defend a Christian attacked for their faith, to my own death.

You say "well it's the law".... doesn't matter. If the law violates my faith, then you are attacking me for my faith.

I assume you are familiar with Daniel Chapter 6? If not, here's the cliff notes. Daniel was a devout follower of G-d, and prayed to G-d every day. So his enemies convinced the King to make a law that no one could pray to anyone, but the King. Daniel, followed his faith, and continued to pray to G-d. So they charged him with a crime, and sentenced him to death.

"Oh but he was just breaking the law. They were not attacking his faith". No, it was violation of his faith.

Same here. The law is a violation of our faith... thus we are breaking it. You can rationalize the motives all you want, but the fact is you are persecuting us for our faith.

And quite frankly, I fully support what they did in releasing the names and addresses of the people who are persecuting Christians. I think those being accused have a right to face their accuser. And by the way.... it's not just them that is being attacked. All Christians in America are attacked. That's why we have donated to them. I myself have donated to the Memorize Pizza and Sweet Cakes, both. Proudly, by the way.

I agree with the other Christians here. You can have your privacy, when you keep things private. The moment you bring all your crap out in public... then it's public. They choose to make this a public flogging, and so they deserve to have their information out in public. I want to know who is attacking my faith.

And by the way, I absolutely promise here and now, that if what happened to Sweet Cakes, happens to me, I will post the name and address of EVERYONE that does that to me. Not mad.... just making that clear. Absolutely. You attack me in public, I'll make everything I can about you public too.

You reap what you sow.

Apparently, a $135K fine isn't enough for the Special Snowflake Totalitarians.

Now the state is threatening to take away their home if they don't pay up. This is a preview of future state asset forfeitures for anyone who doesn't share the required Groupthink.

Fox News is reporting that the fascist state of Oregon is ramping up its persecution campaign against Christian bakers who declined to bake a wedding cake for a same sex lesbian couple. Aaron and Melissa Klein, the owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa, have been told that if they don’t pay the $135,000 awarded to the lesbian couple who sued them, a lien will be placed against their home next week.

Speaking to Todd Starnes of Fox News, Klein said that the case in on appeal and the couple is worried that if they win the appeal, they will never get their money back. ” “This is intimidation and bullying – that’s exactly what it is,” Klein said.

The fascist state of Orgeon has also placed a gag order on the Kleins that makes it illegal for them to talk openly about their desire to participate and profit from same sex weddings through their small business....

H8 Wins Oregon Threatens Home of Christian Bakers - Breitbart

Hmm, have you sent your $1000 donation to help them pay off their debts?

Yeah, no need to.

Well, I am sure that they will appreciate the fact that they now have $500,000 PLUS money from Andy. After all, since their faith requires them to release the names of people who have won court cases against them, they will undoubtedly do it over and over for the rest of their lives. That will definitely add up. In fact, I think that Andy should send them more, for next time they break the law.

And I will. Gladly. I will always support any of my brothers and sisters being attacked for their faith.

Since they have to turn this money over to gays and do realize that you're just paying for their weddings, right?
When you use government to sue someone, in my book, that's a public action. If they wished to meet with the cake makers privately, and try and work it out.... that would be a private action.

As far as I'm concerned, suing people should be public, and if that ever happens to me, I'm going to buy an add in the new paper, I'll pay for it to be on a billboard. I will post it on every single social media cite, and forum I'm on.

Why? Because it should be public. Period. Where did we ever get this idea that you can ruin people, and hide in anonymity?
This idea that you can secretly take people to court for an offense, but not have to show yourself publicly in doing it? No, that's wrong. I think all court cases should be public.

So you are saying that it's okay to give their address to every hate group in the country because they made a valid complaint under Oregon Law?

I would refuse. They should do what their religious convictions lead them to do. Or perhaps they will pay the fine, and yet continue to practice their faith.

Regardless, that isn't the point. The point is they are in fact being threatened in losing their home. As much as you leftist claim to never try and punish people of faith, here is a clear example that you are.

Hey, there are a whole bunch of people in prison who found Jesus. We still punish them for their crimes.

The Klein's committed a crime. They broke the PA laws of Oregon, and then further complicated matters by publishing the names and addresses of the peopel who complained about them.

THAT'S what they were fined for.

Ok? Did I deny any of the above?

Yes, if you murder someone, and then repent and become a Christian, you still have to pay for the crime. I never suggested otherwise.

And as Christian we are instructed to follow the law as much as we can, provided it doesn't violate our faith. If I see a Christian shoplift from a store, I'm going to turn him in to the police. That is in keeping with my faith.

Nor would I blame pagans for turning him into police.

However, when you throw people in Jail for their faith... that's a different matter. Now I still don't blame you, but I will support and defend a Christian attacked for their faith, to my own death.

You say "well it's the law".... doesn't matter. If the law violates my faith, then you are attacking me for my faith.

I assume you are familiar with Daniel Chapter 6? If not, here's the cliff notes. Daniel was a devout follower of G-d, and prayed to G-d every day. So his enemies convinced the King to make a law that no one could pray to anyone, but the King. Daniel, followed his faith, and continued to pray to G-d. So they charged him with a crime, and sentenced him to death.

"Oh but he was just breaking the law. They were not attacking his faith". No, it was violation of his faith.

Same here. The law is a violation of our faith... thus we are breaking it. You can rationalize the motives all you want, but the fact is you are persecuting us for our faith.

And quite frankly, I fully support what they did in releasing the names and addresses of the people who are persecuting Christians. I think those being accused have a right to face their accuser. And by the way.... it's not just them that is being attacked. All Christians in America are attacked. That's why we have donated to them. I myself have donated to the Memorize Pizza and Sweet Cakes, both. Proudly, by the way.

I agree with the other Christians here. You can have your privacy, when you keep things private. The moment you bring all your crap out in public... then it's public. They choose to make this a public flogging, and so they deserve to have their information out in public. I want to know who is attacking my faith.

And by the way, I absolutely promise here and now, that if what happened to Sweet Cakes, happens to me, I will post the name and address of EVERYONE that does that to me. Not mad.... just making that clear. Absolutely. You attack me in public, I'll make everything I can about you public too.

You reap what you sow.

Apparently, a $135K fine isn't enough for the Special Snowflake Totalitarians.

Now the state is threatening to take away their home if they don't pay up. This is a preview of future state asset forfeitures for anyone who doesn't share the required Groupthink.

Fox News is reporting that the fascist state of Oregon is ramping up its persecution campaign against Christian bakers who declined to bake a wedding cake for a same sex lesbian couple. Aaron and Melissa Klein, the owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa, have been told that if they don’t pay the $135,000 awarded to the lesbian couple who sued them, a lien will be placed against their home next week.

Speaking to Todd Starnes of Fox News, Klein said that the case in on appeal and the couple is worried that if they win the appeal, they will never get their money back. ” “This is intimidation and bullying – that’s exactly what it is,” Klein said.

The fascist state of Orgeon has also placed a gag order on the Kleins that makes it illegal for them to talk openly about their desire to participate and profit from same sex weddings through their small business....

H8 Wins Oregon Threatens Home of Christian Bakers - Breitbart

Hmm, have you sent your $1000 donation to help them pay off their debts?

Yeah, no need to.

Well, I am sure that they will appreciate the fact that they now have $500,000 PLUS money from Andy. After all, since their faith requires them to release the names of people who have won court cases against them, they will undoubtedly do it over and over for the rest of their lives. That will definitely add up. In fact, I think that Andy should send them more, for next time they break the law.

And I will. Gladly. I will always support any of my brothers and sisters being attacked for their faith.

Since they have to turn this money over to gays and do realize that you're just paying for their weddings, right?

That would be ok for me. If I help pay the fine, so they don't have to and can remain in business and keep following their faith.

I'm supporting a cause. I trust that G-d will lead them to use the money right.

IF they don't...... then I'll change my actions to reflect the new information.

But until then, these are my brothers and sisters, and I'm going to help them with what little I have.
When you use government to sue someone, in my book, that's a public action. If they wished to meet with the cake makers privately, and try and work it out.... that would be a private action.

As far as I'm concerned, suing people should be public, and if that ever happens to me, I'm going to buy an add in the new paper, I'll pay for it to be on a billboard. I will post it on every single social media cite, and forum I'm on.

Why? Because it should be public. Period. Where did we ever get this idea that you can ruin people, and hide in anonymity?
This idea that you can secretly take people to court for an offense, but not have to show yourself publicly in doing it? No, that's wrong. I think all court cases should be public.

So you are saying that it's okay to give their address to every hate group in the country because they made a valid complaint under Oregon Law?


Yes. Okay by my standards. I have no idea if there is a law against that or not, but the moment they attacked someone for their faith, I don't really care about your secular laws anymore.
Hey, there are a whole bunch of people in prison who found Jesus. We still punish them for their crimes.

The Klein's committed a crime. They broke the PA laws of Oregon, and then further complicated matters by publishing the names and addresses of the peopel who complained about them.

THAT'S what they were fined for.

Ok? Did I deny any of the above?

Yes, if you murder someone, and then repent and become a Christian, you still have to pay for the crime. I never suggested otherwise.

And as Christian we are instructed to follow the law as much as we can, provided it doesn't violate our faith. If I see a Christian shoplift from a store, I'm going to turn him in to the police. That is in keeping with my faith.

Nor would I blame pagans for turning him into police.

However, when you throw people in Jail for their faith... that's a different matter. Now I still don't blame you, but I will support and defend a Christian attacked for their faith, to my own death.

You say "well it's the law".... doesn't matter. If the law violates my faith, then you are attacking me for my faith.

I assume you are familiar with Daniel Chapter 6? If not, here's the cliff notes. Daniel was a devout follower of G-d, and prayed to G-d every day. So his enemies convinced the King to make a law that no one could pray to anyone, but the King. Daniel, followed his faith, and continued to pray to G-d. So they charged him with a crime, and sentenced him to death.

"Oh but he was just breaking the law. They were not attacking his faith". No, it was violation of his faith.

Same here. The law is a violation of our faith... thus we are breaking it. You can rationalize the motives all you want, but the fact is you are persecuting us for our faith.

And quite frankly, I fully support what they did in releasing the names and addresses of the people who are persecuting Christians. I think those being accused have a right to face their accuser. And by the way.... it's not just them that is being attacked. All Christians in America are attacked. That's why we have donated to them. I myself have donated to the Memorize Pizza and Sweet Cakes, both. Proudly, by the way.

I agree with the other Christians here. You can have your privacy, when you keep things private. The moment you bring all your crap out in public... then it's public. They choose to make this a public flogging, and so they deserve to have their information out in public. I want to know who is attacking my faith.

And by the way, I absolutely promise here and now, that if what happened to Sweet Cakes, happens to me, I will post the name and address of EVERYONE that does that to me. Not mad.... just making that clear. Absolutely. You attack me in public, I'll make everything I can about you public too.

You reap what you sow.

Apparently, a $135K fine isn't enough for the Special Snowflake Totalitarians.

Now the state is threatening to take away their home if they don't pay up. This is a preview of future state asset forfeitures for anyone who doesn't share the required Groupthink.

Fox News is reporting that the fascist state of Oregon is ramping up its persecution campaign against Christian bakers who declined to bake a wedding cake for a same sex lesbian couple. Aaron and Melissa Klein, the owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa, have been told that if they don’t pay the $135,000 awarded to the lesbian couple who sued them, a lien will be placed against their home next week.

Speaking to Todd Starnes of Fox News, Klein said that the case in on appeal and the couple is worried that if they win the appeal, they will never get their money back. ” “This is intimidation and bullying – that’s exactly what it is,” Klein said.

The fascist state of Orgeon has also placed a gag order on the Kleins that makes it illegal for them to talk openly about their desire to participate and profit from same sex weddings through their small business....

H8 Wins Oregon Threatens Home of Christian Bakers - Breitbart

Hmm, have you sent your $1000 donation to help them pay off their debts?

Yeah, no need to.

Well, I am sure that they will appreciate the fact that they now have $500,000 PLUS money from Andy. After all, since their faith requires them to release the names of people who have won court cases against them, they will undoubtedly do it over and over for the rest of their lives. That will definitely add up. In fact, I think that Andy should send them more, for next time they break the law.

And I will. Gladly. I will always support any of my brothers and sisters being attacked for their faith.

Since they have to turn this money over to gays and do realize that you're just paying for their weddings, right?

That would be ok for me. If I help pay the fine, so they don't have to and can remain in business and keep following their faith.

I'm supporting a cause. I trust that G-d will lead them to use the money right.

If you consider the money being used to pay for the weddings of gays and lesbians is right, then you'll be in luck!

As you'll be paying for lesbian wedding after lesbian wedding.
Ok? Did I deny any of the above?

Yes, if you murder someone, and then repent and become a Christian, you still have to pay for the crime. I never suggested otherwise.

And as Christian we are instructed to follow the law as much as we can, provided it doesn't violate our faith. If I see a Christian shoplift from a store, I'm going to turn him in to the police. That is in keeping with my faith.

Nor would I blame pagans for turning him into police.

However, when you throw people in Jail for their faith... that's a different matter. Now I still don't blame you, but I will support and defend a Christian attacked for their faith, to my own death.

You say "well it's the law".... doesn't matter. If the law violates my faith, then you are attacking me for my faith.

I assume you are familiar with Daniel Chapter 6? If not, here's the cliff notes. Daniel was a devout follower of G-d, and prayed to G-d every day. So his enemies convinced the King to make a law that no one could pray to anyone, but the King. Daniel, followed his faith, and continued to pray to G-d. So they charged him with a crime, and sentenced him to death.

"Oh but he was just breaking the law. They were not attacking his faith". No, it was violation of his faith.

Same here. The law is a violation of our faith... thus we are breaking it. You can rationalize the motives all you want, but the fact is you are persecuting us for our faith.

And quite frankly, I fully support what they did in releasing the names and addresses of the people who are persecuting Christians. I think those being accused have a right to face their accuser. And by the way.... it's not just them that is being attacked. All Christians in America are attacked. That's why we have donated to them. I myself have donated to the Memorize Pizza and Sweet Cakes, both. Proudly, by the way.

I agree with the other Christians here. You can have your privacy, when you keep things private. The moment you bring all your crap out in public... then it's public. They choose to make this a public flogging, and so they deserve to have their information out in public. I want to know who is attacking my faith.

And by the way, I absolutely promise here and now, that if what happened to Sweet Cakes, happens to me, I will post the name and address of EVERYONE that does that to me. Not mad.... just making that clear. Absolutely. You attack me in public, I'll make everything I can about you public too.

You reap what you sow.

Hmm, have you sent your $1000 donation to help them pay off their debts?

Yeah, no need to.

Well, I am sure that they will appreciate the fact that they now have $500,000 PLUS money from Andy. After all, since their faith requires them to release the names of people who have won court cases against them, they will undoubtedly do it over and over for the rest of their lives. That will definitely add up. In fact, I think that Andy should send them more, for next time they break the law.

And I will. Gladly. I will always support any of my brothers and sisters being attacked for their faith.

Since they have to turn this money over to gays and do realize that you're just paying for their weddings, right?

That would be ok for me. If I help pay the fine, so they don't have to and can remain in business and keep following their faith.

I'm supporting a cause. I trust that G-d will lead them to use the money right.

If you consider the money being used to pay for the weddings of gays and lesbians is right, then you'll be in luck!

As you'll be paying for lesbian wedding after lesbian wedding.

That's your take. I don't give a crap what you think I'm doing. lol... you pagans are so funny.

Here's my position. I'm helping my christian bothers and sisters being attacked for their faith. That's all I care about.

If they decide to pay the fine with the money... ok. If they use the money to fight the fine in court. Ok. If they use it keep the business open. Ok. If they even use it to buy a new house. Ok.

I don't care what they use the money for, unless they use it to have a wiccan ritual, or have a same sex marriage in their store...

Now, if they pay the fine.... that's ok with me. Because they are not using the money for an SSM. The people getting the money might use it for that... but that's on them. Not me, and not my brothers and sisters.

So.... don't really care what your take on it is. You really don't matter as much as you think you do.
Does their faith require them to publish the name and addresses of the two lesbians on Facebook, and through the press, subjecting them and their families' to stalking and death threats?

The moment the lesbos decided to make a stink about it they gave up any right to privacy

Sorry, Sas, but I really should have put you on ignore long ago. Your pride in your bigotry is hateful and I have no need to be sucked into your world of negativity. Adios.....

Like I care if a queer ignores me?
You really are stupid enough to believe that everyone who disagrees with you is gay. Too funny.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

No, but Vandal sure seems gay to me.... could be wrong.

Well, maybe we are both wrong. For example, I may be wrong in assuming that you are an ignorant bigot! (But I doubt it)
Well, I am sure that they will appreciate the fact that they now have $500,000 PLUS money from Andy. After all, since their faith requires them to release the names of people who have won court cases against them, they will undoubtedly do it over and over for the rest of their lives. That will definitely add up. In fact, I think that Andy should send them more, for next time they break the law.

And I will. Gladly. I will always support any of my brothers and sisters being attacked for their faith.

Since they have to turn this money over to gays and do realize that you're just paying for their weddings, right?

That would be ok for me. If I help pay the fine, so they don't have to and can remain in business and keep following their faith.

I'm supporting a cause. I trust that G-d will lead them to use the money right.

If you consider the money being used to pay for the weddings of gays and lesbians is right, then you'll be in luck!

As you'll be paying for lesbian wedding after lesbian wedding.

That's your take. I don't give a crap what you think I'm doing. lol... you pagans are so funny.

It really don't matter your 'take' or how much you care what I think. The money you will be donating will be handed over to the gay or lesbian couple. That's simply a fact.

Ignore as you will. Your willful ignorance pays for a lesbian wedding just as well as your acknowledgment of reality.
The moment the lesbos decided to make a stink about it they gave up any right to privacy

Sorry, Sas, but I really should have put you on ignore long ago. Your pride in your bigotry is hateful and I have no need to be sucked into your world of negativity. Adios.....

Like I care if a queer ignores me?
You really are stupid enough to believe that everyone who disagrees with you is gay. Too funny.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

No, but Vandal sure seems gay to me.... could be wrong.

Well, maybe we are both wrong. For example, I may be wrong in assuming that you are an ignorant bigot! (But I doubt it)

Oh no, I am most certainly a bigot. Ignorant? Possibly. Depends on the topic, and the perspective of the person making that judgement. But I am most certainly, without any question, a bigot.
And I will. Gladly. I will always support any of my brothers and sisters being attacked for their faith.

Since they have to turn this money over to gays and do realize that you're just paying for their weddings, right?

That would be ok for me. If I help pay the fine, so they don't have to and can remain in business and keep following their faith.

I'm supporting a cause. I trust that G-d will lead them to use the money right.

If you consider the money being used to pay for the weddings of gays and lesbians is right, then you'll be in luck!

As you'll be paying for lesbian wedding after lesbian wedding.

That's your take. I don't give a crap what you think I'm doing. lol... you pagans are so funny.

It really don't matter your 'take' or how much you care what I think. The money you will be donating will be handed over to the gay or lesbian couple. That's simply a fact.

Ignore as you will. Your willful ignorance pays for a lesbian wedding just as well as your acknowledgment of reality.

I could be. That's unlikely though. They have already raised $200,000 dollars. The fine was only for $135,000. The money I gave, was to a second fund raiser. Which means that if they made the choice to pay the fine, They would still have over $65,000 from the first fund raising left over. The money from the second which I donated to.... likely is just gravy.

So, I doubt very much that money money went to pay the fine.

As I said, your opinion is irrelevant to me. If anything, you seem to be rather ignorant yourself.
Since they have to turn this money over to gays and do realize that you're just paying for their weddings, right?

That would be ok for me. If I help pay the fine, so they don't have to and can remain in business and keep following their faith.

I'm supporting a cause. I trust that G-d will lead them to use the money right.

If you consider the money being used to pay for the weddings of gays and lesbians is right, then you'll be in luck!

As you'll be paying for lesbian wedding after lesbian wedding.

That's your take. I don't give a crap what you think I'm doing. lol... you pagans are so funny.

It really don't matter your 'take' or how much you care what I think. The money you will be donating will be handed over to the gay or lesbian couple. That's simply a fact.

Ignore as you will. Your willful ignorance pays for a lesbian wedding just as well as your acknowledgment of reality.

I could be. That's unlikely though. They have already raised $200,000 dollars. The fine was only for $135,000. The money I gave, was to a second fund raiser. Which means that if they made the choice to pay the fine, They would still have over $65,000 from the first fund raising left over. The money from the second which I donated to.... likely is just gravy.

So, I doubt very much that money money went to pay the fine.

As I said, your opinion is irrelevant to me. If anything, you seem to be rather ignorant yourself.
Given tthat they haven't paid the fine yet, any money you donate before the fine is paid will go toward paying it. At least in part.

And given the proportion of money they owe in comparison to the money they've collected, chances are most of your donation will go to the lesbians in question. If you were kind enough to send them your contact information, I'm sure they'd send you a thank you note for funding their wedding.
Since they have to turn this money over to gays and do realize that you're just paying for their weddings, right?

That would be ok for me. If I help pay the fine, so they don't have to and can remain in business and keep following their faith.

I'm supporting a cause. I trust that G-d will lead them to use the money right.

If you consider the money being used to pay for the weddings of gays and lesbians is right, then you'll be in luck!

As you'll be paying for lesbian wedding after lesbian wedding.

That's your take. I don't give a crap what you think I'm doing. lol... you pagans are so funny.

It really don't matter your 'take' or how much you care what I think. The money you will be donating will be handed over to the gay or lesbian couple. That's simply a fact.

Ignore as you will. Your willful ignorance pays for a lesbian wedding just as well as your acknowledgment of reality.

I could be. That's unlikely though. They have already raised $200,000 dollars. The fine was only for $135,000. The money I gave, was to a second fund raiser. Which means that if they made the choice to pay the fine, They would still have over $65,000 from the first fund raising left over. The money from the second which I donated to.... likely is just gravy.

So, I doubt very much that money money went to pay the fine.

As I said, your opinion is irrelevant to me. If anything, you seem to be rather ignorant yourself.

Are you sure that Pat Robertson doesn't need your money more? I caught a glimpse of him on TV at the barbershop, and he says that Jesus is pretty much broke.....
That would be ok for me. If I help pay the fine, so they don't have to and can remain in business and keep following their faith.

I'm supporting a cause. I trust that G-d will lead them to use the money right.

If you consider the money being used to pay for the weddings of gays and lesbians is right, then you'll be in luck!

As you'll be paying for lesbian wedding after lesbian wedding.

That's your take. I don't give a crap what you think I'm doing. lol... you pagans are so funny.

It really don't matter your 'take' or how much you care what I think. The money you will be donating will be handed over to the gay or lesbian couple. That's simply a fact.

Ignore as you will. Your willful ignorance pays for a lesbian wedding just as well as your acknowledgment of reality.

I could be. That's unlikely though. They have already raised $200,000 dollars. The fine was only for $135,000. The money I gave, was to a second fund raiser. Which means that if they made the choice to pay the fine, They would still have over $65,000 from the first fund raising left over. The money from the second which I donated to.... likely is just gravy.

So, I doubt very much that money money went to pay the fine.

As I said, your opinion is irrelevant to me. If anything, you seem to be rather ignorant yourself.

Are you sure that Pat Robertson doesn't need your money more? I caught a glimpse of him on TV at the barbershop, and he says that Jesus is pretty much broke.....

And to think . . . they used to be happy with the occasional goat or lamb sacrifice.
You do understand that if you are unable to negotiate an equity loan on a home due to a lien, you lose full value of the ownership of the home.

A lien can do that even if you have full equity, a mortgage likely will not if you have equity.

Horseshit Pop.

Where do you get these ideas from?

Let's say I have a house that is worth $200,000, there is $100,000 equity in the home (meaning there remains $100,000 mortgage on the house resulting in a mortgage lien). Now let's say there is a lien on the home for $20,000. I can still arrange to sell the house, but I'm required to clear both liens as part of the closing process. The lien's must be cleared as part of closing to allow title to transfer to the new owner.

So the buyer arranges their financing. The house sells for $200,000. The mortgage lien is paid off. The 2nd lien is paid off. Any remainder is paid to me as the owner.

So you have 200,000 - 100,000 - 20,000 = $80,000 is remaining equity.


And this has what exactly with a home equity loan?

You said "unable to negotiate an equity loan on a home due to a lien, you lose full value of the ownership of the home."

Loans against a home create a lien (financial debt that must be discharged before the home can be sold).

Do you normally borrow money on your own home to buy your own home?

Actually yes. Most people don't have the money to pay cash for a home.

So they normally borrow money on the home to buy the home. We call that a mortgage.


Word salad.
The moment the lesbos decided to make a stink about it they gave up any right to privacy

Wow. So you'd be okay if people started republishing the shit you say here on Social Media, then?

Public record has always been public record. If I am sued I am more than free to make that known.

The exact problem here?
Sorry, Sas, but I really should have put you on ignore long ago. Your pride in your bigotry is hateful and I have no need to be sucked into your world of negativity. Adios.....

Like I care if a queer ignores me?
You really are stupid enough to believe that everyone who disagrees with you is gay. Too funny.

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No, but Vandal sure seems gay to me.... could be wrong.

Well, maybe we are both wrong. For example, I may be wrong in assuming that you are an ignorant bigot! (But I doubt it)

Oh no, I am most certainly a bigot. Ignorant? Possibly. Depends on the topic, and the perspective of the person making that judgement. But I am most certainly, without any question, a bigot.

Oy. That is not something to be proud of.
SMH. I cannot believe someone would be proud to say they are a bigot. I would think that is something you want to avoid being. These people cannot be true Christians. If they are, then Christianity is a pretty bad thing, not a whole lot better than Islam in a lot of ways, IMO. Wonder what would happen to people if they had their way and there was nobody to stop them?

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