The dude Lia Thomas wins women's NCAA swimming title

Goes back to the point, if you spend your life honing your skills, and you can't beat a mediocre male competitor, what's the point?

Maybe they should hone their skills in practical things that will still be useful for them after the age of 30.
No, what is shows is that the biological advantage a male has over women is so great than even a mediocre one can beat out the women. Plus, we aren’t talking about a mediocre male: we are talking about a male who is above average (for males) but still nowhere near the top blowing women out of the water.

The tennis teacher who taught me back in the mid-70s couldn’t get past the East Coast regionals, but he still was better than the #1 woman in the world, Chris Evert.
Bullshit, it has everything to do with the American left, because you guys are the ones who tolerate shit like this. Anyone on my side dares say anything against this, and we are shouted down and silenced. No public person dares say anything, they'll immediately be branded a hater, homophobe, etc.
Tolerating and approving of it are 2 different things.
Bullshit, it has everything to do with the American left, because you guys are the ones who tolerate shit like this. Anyone on my side dares say anything against this, and we are shouted down and silenced. No public person dares say anything, they'll immediately be branded a hater, homophobe, etc.
Bullshit. It has nothing to do with the American left. It has to do with the sports federation.
The left might support it, and I do not. I am an independent who voted for Biden, due to the alternative.

Yeap and people starting to speak out. Then again I will bet most of those speaking out speak out loudly in support of transgenderism.

The left always want it both ways. They are all woke for thee but not for me people. Meaning, until the policies they support effect them, they are unable to see their absurdity. Often times throughout history not until its too damn late.

Look at the German socialists supporting their dear socialist leader in the 30s and then finding afterwards what the socialist policies really were about.

That's the clear example the left always bring up every moment of every day right? Except like usual the point they think they are making through their sniveling spoiled minds is the exact opposite. a dude won the women's swimming and named woman's athlete of the year and another dude named woman of the year.

Lol at the left and all of their stupidity.

liars stick together. And if you believe one lie you have to believe all the other lies.
russia collusion, hunter laptop. jan 6, borders, covid, on an on, and Lia thomas, You have to go along with the entire bundle And these liar support each other.
Why were you originally against it? What changed? Lol 🤣

As the saying goes I expanded my bubble, those that I spent time around.

I was still in the Marine Corps when I was against it and still an active part of Southern Baptist churches. Literally everyone I spent time with was either a Marine or from our church. Needless to say I did not have much interaction with any gay people. Thus I bought into all the hype about how evil and degenerate they were. In the SBC churches there were at least 4 or 5 "gays are evil" sermons a year, they are obsessed with it.

Then I got out of the Marine Corps and expanded those I spent time with. I got to know a good number of gay couples via my first job out of the Marines and they were fighting for the same rights I had. They were not evil degenerate people, they were just normal people that had a different view on things than I did.

I could no longer see any reason that they should be denied the same benefits the Govt gave me for being married. All of my arguments against it were destroyed once I got to actually know them.
No, what is shows is that the biological advantage a male has over women is so great than even a mediocre one can beat out the women. Plus, we aren’t talking about a mediocre male: we are talking about a male who is above average (for males) but still nowhere near the top blowing women out of the water.

The tennis teacher who taught me back in the mid-70s couldn’t get past the East Coast regionals, but he still was better than the #1 woman in the world, Chris Evert.

So you just repeated what I said and rearranged the words. Got it.

If a mediocre man can beat the best women athletes in the world, you've placed "Women's athletics" somewhere just above "Special Olypmics". Except they don't call them "Special Olymics" anymore, do they?

So sexist fuck @JoeB131 believes the only value in women's sports is in how attractive the women are.

You're a pig.

Damn straight. All men are pigs. Just ask the Feminists. Oink, oink.

Wow, so let's pretend physical attractiveness isn't a quality that gives you a huge advantage... because why not?

Hey, I'm just stating the obvious. They've thrown a ton of money at the lesbians in the WNBA, and absolutely no one watches them.

You couldn't tell me the name of your city's WNBA franchise without looking it up.
They are asking us to deny reality and truth. When the camera pans to "Lia" and the rest of the women standing on the winners platforms--the difference is stunning. The height, shoulders, musculature, everything of "Lia" is miles and miles different from the other women.

I suspect if you polled women--even leftist women--on how much they love being called a "pregnant person" or a "person who bleeds" to protect the feelings of Lia, it wouldn't poll highly. But as you say, it's their own doing.
Nothing to do with leftist. Good god everything you trampers don't like is leftist, but your right.
There is some thing wrong with allowing Lea Thomas to race against women. Basic muscle structure is not changed by sex changes. At some point maybe there should be a separate category for Trans people.
Let the leftists talk long enough, and they show you who they are: antisemitic, misogynistic hypocrites. Joe is the poster child.
Ayep! They used to think it was important to hide their true repulsive selves and now they no longer care. Makes them easier to spot when the time comes.
There is some thing wrong with allowing Lea Thomas to race against women. Basic muscle structure is not changed by sex changes. At some point maybe there should be a separate category for Trans people.
If they don’t cut out all the nonsense, at some point the women’s teams will consist solely of biological males who identify as female. The real women won’t bother, knowing how the odds are stacked against them.

I’ve been trying to think of a sport where males don’t have an advantage over females, and the only one i could think is horse racing, but that’s because it’s the HORSE that’s competing.
Ayep! They used to think it was important to hide their true repulsive selves and now they no longer care. Makes them easier to spot when the time comes.
Yup. They’re so arrogant and assured of their moral superiority - NOT - that they don’t realize their hateful, bigoted hypocrisy will be met with a shellacking come the mid-terms, and then again in 2024.

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