The dude Lia Thomas wins women's NCAA swimming title

What American left and you are disgraceful. This is not the first time that it has happened, and it had nothing to do with "American left". You either weren't born or you choose not to remember.

Bullshit, it has everything to do with the American left, because you guys are the ones who tolerate shit like this. Anyone on my side dares say anything against this, and we are shouted down and silenced. No public person dares say anything, they'll immediately be branded a hater, homophobe, etc.

Yeap and people starting to speak out. Then again I will bet most of those speaking out speak out loudly in support of transgenderism.

The left always want it both ways. They are all woke for thee but not for me people. Meaning, until the policies they support effect them, they are unable to see their absurdity. Often times throughout history not until its too damn late.

Look at the German socialists supporting their dear socialist leader in the 30s and then finding afterwards what the socialist policies really were about.

That's the clear example the left always bring up every moment of every day right? Except like usual the point they think they are making through their sniveling spoiled minds is the exact opposite. a dude won the women's swimming and named woman's athlete of the year and another dude named woman of the year.

Lol at the left and all of their stupidity.

Yeap and people starting to speak out. Then again I will bet most of those speaking out speak out loudly in support of transgenderism.

The left always want it both ways. They are all woke for thee but not for me people. Meaning, until the policies they support effect them, they are unable to see their absurdity. Often times throughout history not until its too damn late.

Look at the German socialists supporting their dear socialist leader in the 30s and then finding afterwards what the socialist policies really were about.

That's the clear example the left always bring up every moment of every day right? Except like usual the point they think they are making through their sniveling spoiled minds is the exact opposite. a dude won the women's swimming and named woman's athlete of the year and another dude named woman of the year.

Lol at the left and all of their stupidity.

They are asking us to deny reality and truth. When the camera pans to "Lia" and the rest of the women standing on the winners platforms--the difference is stunning. The height, shoulders, musculature, everything of "Lia" is miles and miles different from the other women.

I suspect if you polled women--even leftist women--on how much they love being called a "pregnant person" or a "person who bleeds" to protect the feelings of Lia, it wouldn't poll highly. But as you say, it's their own doing. a dude won the women's swimming and named woman's athlete of the year and another dude named woman of the year.
The coercion on us to believe and support what isn't true is very strong. I'm wondering what is behind such a flight from reality. I've read commies can't get into control unless there is chaos first, and promoting such craziness is a way to undermine reality for the followers and fission the whole society. A way; one of the many they are trying on to take control, like the homeless encampments in so many cities now, our third world cities. Rising black crime, constant mass murders and assassinations of police. I wish we could stop this rapid decline.
The coercion on us to believe and support what isn't true is very strong. I'm wondering what is behind such a flight from reality. I've read commies can't get into control unless there is chaos first, and promoting such craziness is a way to undermine reality for the followers and fission the whole society. A way; one of the many they are trying on to take control, like the homeless encampments in so many cities now, our third world cities. Rising black crime, constant mass murders and assassinations of police. I wish we could stop this rapid decline.
Divide and conquer. Separate out into groups. Identity politics gets its roots from the Frankfurt School in the 1920s after WWI proved karl marx and Das Kapital wrong. Much to the dismay of the marxist disciples who were so committed that they devised another way to implement that worldwide revolutionary plan. Use political correctness to divide and conquer their true great threat and that was the America Republic where the middle class had a loud enough voice and since the American Presidents weren't Prime Ministers, kings or emperors, they knew it would a long struggle. They infiltrated the three main avenues by which to implement it. Educational system, by the extension the American media and the entertainment industry where the pied pipers are so effective.

Hence what we see now. The so called marxist system which for intents and purposes feudalism. Which is another one their tactics. Communism, marxism, socialism, democratic socialism, all packaged words in order to dilute the minds into thinking the real power elites really really really really care about them.

As tent cities rise in mass numbers as the power elites stay silent and carry on with their plans. As their trained monkeys yap away everyday about utter absurd bullshit.
Yeap and people starting to speak out. Then again I will bet most of those speaking out speak out loudly in support of transgenderism.

The left always want it both ways. They are all woke for thee but not for me people. Meaning, until the policies they support effect them, they are unable to see their absurdity. Often times throughout history not until its too damn late.

Or we have a sense of perspective.

Why do we have women's athletics? Mostly because we created something called Title IX that required schools to create women's athletics programs that no one cared about and give out scholarships for them. In short, it allowed women to game the system. Awesome. So one trans-woman learns to game the system that other people were gaming, and I just can't get all that upset about it.

Look at the German socialists supporting their dear socialist leader in the 30s and then finding afterwards what the socialist policies really were about.

Um, yeah, not winning a little plastic trophy is just like being a victim of genocide!!!

Should point out that the Nazis were hardly socialist, despite their name. They were completely in bed with Germany's capitalists, where German and American companies did very well in the Nazi Regime. Henry Ford and Hitler had a serious bromance up until the war started.

That's the clear example the left always bring up every moment of every day right? Except like usual the point they think they are making through their sniveling spoiled minds is the exact opposite. a dude won the women's swimming and named woman's athlete of the year and another dude named woman of the year.

Lol at the left and all of their stupidity.

Or we recognize that in the quest for fair treatment for all, there are going to be bumps in the road.

The biggest beneficiaries of Affirmative Action have been white women, but white women are the ones complaining the loudest about it.

98% of college students will not get athletic scholarships. of the 2% who do, their chances of actually having to compete against a trans athlete are negligible.

This just isn't a crisis, other than you guys playing on Transphobia to make it one.
Then again I will bet most of those speaking out speak out loudly in support of transgenderism.

I have no problem with transgenderism, their life they can live it how they feel.

But I do have an issue with them being allowed to compete against biological females in sporting events. The only way it is going to stop is if the athletes themselves stand up against it.

We are starting to see that happen, which is good.
Or we have a sense of perspective.

Why do we have women's athletics? Mostly because we created something called Title IX that required schools to create women's athletics programs that no one cared about and give out scholarships for them. In short, it allowed women to game the system. Awesome. So one trans-woman learns to game the system that other people were gaming, and I just can't get all that upset about it.

Um, yeah, not winning a little plastic trophy is just like being a victim of genocide!!!

Should point out that the Nazis were hardly socialist, despite their name. They were completely in bed with Germany's capitalists, where German and American companies did very well in the Nazi Regime. Henry Ford and Hitler had a serious bromance up until the war started.

Or we recognize that in the quest for fair treatment for all, there are going to be bumps in the road.

The biggest beneficiaries of Affirmative Action have been white women, but white women are the ones complaining the loudest about it.

98% of college students will not get athletic scholarships. of the 2% who do, their chances of actually having to compete against a trans athlete are negligible.

This just isn't a crisis, other than you guys playing on Transphobia to make it one.
Can't believe you're defending this. Nah, I can.

Yeap and people starting to speak out. Then again I will bet most of those speaking out speak out loudly in support of transgenderism.

The left always want it both ways. They are all woke for thee but not for me people. Meaning, until the policies they support effect them, they are unable to see their absurdity. Often times throughout history not until its too damn late.

Look at the German socialists supporting their dear socialist leader in the 30s and then finding afterwards what the socialist policies really were about.

That's the clear example the left always bring up every moment of every day right? Except like usual the point they think they are making through their sniveling spoiled minds is the exact opposite. a dude won the women's swimming and named woman's athlete of the year and another dude named woman of the year.

Lol at the left and all of their stupidity.

I consider myself pretty liberal and abhor any discrimination against LGBTQ people. However, this is one area I may part ways with some. I think transgender people can have a full and rewarding life without competing against the non-transgendered.

They are welcome to have their own transgender olympics (which I won't be watching).
I consider myself pretty liberal and abhor any discrimination against LGBTQ people. However, this is one area I may part ways with some. I think transgender people can have a full and rewarding life without competing against the non-transgendered.

They are welcome to have their own transgender olympics (which I won't be watching).

Is anyone actually watching female athletics? Because frankly, except for sports like figure skating, most of these women are not pleasant to look at.
They are asking us to deny reality and truth. When the camera pans to "Lia" and the rest of the women standing on the winners platforms--the difference is stunning. The height, shoulders, musculature, everything of "Lia" is miles and miles different from the other women.

I suspect if you polled women--even leftist women--on how much they love being called a "pregnant person" or a "person who bleeds" to protect the feelings of Lia, it wouldn't poll highly. But as you say, it's their own doing.

Right. Here's the thing. Most women will never get anywhere near standing on one of those platforms.

Most women will need access to contraception or abortion, will work in a job where their male bosses won't pay or promote them equally, or do other things that the Goons of Plutocracy and their religious right quislings are fine with. They will need access to head start and programs for their children that Republicans try to cut to give tax breaks to rich people.

But by all means, scream hysterically, "They're coming for our PRONOUNS!!!"
Reality doesn’t need to be defended here. Right now you're just a crazy person outing themselves.

Works on the assumption a trans person is crazy. Other than their gender identity, most of them function just fine.

I give you Colonel Jennifer Pritzker, cousin of the current Illinois governor, who despite being trans, rose to the rank of Lt. Colonel in the Army National Guard, runs several charities, some related to veterans, and generally functions just fine.

or Amy Schneider, who recently completed a record-breaking run on Jeopardy! Seems she's perfectly well adjusted.

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