The dude Lia Thomas wins women's NCAA swimming title

I consider myself pretty liberal and abhor any discrimination against LGBTQ people. However, this is one area I may part ways with some. I think transgender people can have a full and rewarding life without competing against the non-transgendered.

They are welcome to have their own transgender olympics (which I won't be watching).
They belong in a padded cell getting treatment. They have PROVEN to be a danger to themselves.
As the saying goes I expanded my bubble, those that I spent time around.

I was still in the Marine Corps when I was against it and still an active part of Southern Baptist churches. Literally everyone I spent time with was either a Marine or from our church. Needless to say I did not have much interaction with any gay people. Thus I bought into all the hype about how evil and degenerate they were. In the SBC churches there were at least 4 or 5 "gays are evil" sermons a year, they are obsessed with it.

Then I got out of the Marine Corps and expanded those I spent time with. I got to know a good number of gay couples via my first job out of the Marines and they were fighting for the same rights I had. They were not evil degenerate people, they were just normal people that had a different view on things than I did.

I could no longer see any reason that they should be denied the same benefits the Govt gave me for being married. All of my arguments against it were destroyed once I got to actually know them.
Mine is the opposite, I grew up in a urban city with gays, and were like fags, blacks are always talking about gays, but gays are ok with blacks and Latinos being against gay marriage, I come to realize, that gay marriage is just political noise, my good friend, is a straight white woman, her five calls friends are gay men, but she loves Mexican food, and going to Mexican restaurants.. Little does she know Mexicans execute gays, gays are attacked frequently in Mexico. Yet she has no problem bragging how much she loves Mexican culture.
Or we have a sense of perspective.

Why do we have women's athletics? Mostly because we created something called Title IX that required schools to create women's athletics programs that no one cared about and give out scholarships for them. In short, it allowed women to game the system. Awesome. So one trans-woman learns to game the system that other people were gaming, and I just can't get all that upset about it.

Um, yeah, not winning a little plastic trophy is just like being a victim of genocide!!!

Should point out that the Nazis were hardly socialist, despite their name. They were completely in bed with Germany's capitalists, where German and American companies did very well in the Nazi Regime. Henry Ford and Hitler had a serious bromance up until the war started.

Or we recognize that in the quest for fair treatment for all, there are going to be bumps in the road.

The biggest beneficiaries of Affirmative Action have been white women, but white women are the ones complaining the loudest about it.

98% of college students will not get athletic scholarships. of the 2% who do, their chances of actually having to compete against a trans athlete are negligible.

This just isn't a crisis, other than you guys playing on Transphobia to make it one.
I got some perspective....You are a delirious fucking kook.
They are asking us to deny reality and truth. When the camera pans to "Lia" and the rest of the women standing on the winners platforms--the difference is stunning. The height, shoulders, musculature, everything of "Lia" is miles and miles different from the other women.
And as a man ( still is), I don't think he ever went anywhere as a swimmer.

Imagine that.
Do men prefer to watch men compete because they are pleasant to look at?

Naw, they enjoy it because those games are actually, you know, exciting.

One? It’s going on everywhere.. men like you were dressing like women and getting into mixed martial arts and hurting women

Then maybe we shouldn't call beating up women a "sport", regardless of who is beating them up.

There is some thing wrong with allowing Lea Thomas to race against women. Basic muscle structure is not changed by sex changes. At some point maybe there should be a separate category for Trans people.

Or we can actually concentrate on real problems. Millions of children will go hungry in this country tonight, but by all means, let's get fucking upset about little plastic trophies!!!

Let the leftists talk long enough, and they show you who they are: antisemitic, misogynistic hypocrites. Joe is the poster child.

Yes, we realize you enjoy the spankings I give you.
Naw, they enjoy it because those games are actually, you know, exciting.

Then maybe we shouldn't call beating up women a "sport", regardless of who is beating them up.

Or we can actually concentrate on real problems. Millions of children will go hungry in this country tonight, but by all means, let's get fucking upset about little plastic trophies!!!

Yes, we realize you enjoy the spankings I give you.
Dude just stop attacking woman. Let’s start here .. you want a tranny league go start one
They belong in a padded cell getting treatment. They have PROVEN to be a danger to themselves.

Except most of them hold down jobs and have normal lives.

The weight-lifting competition is the most ridiculous. Men can lift heavier weights than women?? Who woulda thunk it?

So why do we have women's athletics at all?

Mine is the opposite, I grew up in a urban city with gays, and were like fags, blacks are always talking about gays, but gays are ok with blacks and Latinos being against gay marriage, I come to realize, that gay marriage is just political noise, my good friend, is a straight white woman, her five calls friends are gay men, but she loves Mexican food, and going to Mexican restaurants.. Little does she know Mexicans execute gays, gays are attacked frequently in Mexico. Yet she has no problem bragging how much she loves Mexican culture.

Um, I like Mexican food. I also dated a Mexican babe once. But I recognize that they are less advanced than the United States. We should aspire to be MORE advanced, not less advanced.

Can you explain your comments about the transgender swimmer gaming the system, because it sounds a little "transphobic"?

I thought I did. Did you need someone to explain the big words to you.
Nothing to do with leftist. Good god everything you trampers don't like is leftist, but your right.

Curious do you agree with JoeB131's comments? He's use tranny, said the transswimmer is gaming the system, and made numerous misogynistic comments. Perhaps if you called out your fellow liberal people wouldn't think of you as a political hack.
Mine is the opposite, I grew up in a urban city with gays, and were like fags, blacks are always talking about gays, but gays are ok with blacks and Latinos being against gay marriage, I come to realize, that gay marriage is just political noise, my good friend, is a straight white woman, her five calls friends are gay men, but she loves Mexican food, and going to Mexican restaurants.. Little does she know Mexicans execute gays, gays are attacked frequently in Mexico. Yet she has no problem bragging how much she loves Mexican culture.

I know I will regret this, but I really do not see any connection between liking Mexican cuisine and supporting gay rights.

Cooking/baking is one of my two major hobbies and my two favorites cuisines to cook are Latin and Asian. It has ZERO to do with gay people in any way, shape or form.
If you are willing to chop off parts of your body to sustain your DELUSION you are CLEARLY a danger to yourself and I would argue others as well.

These loons need treatment not coddling and acceptance.

Okay, let's look at that statement... that if you undergo surgery to change your self-image, you need treatment and are a danger to yourself.

So we also have.

Hair Transplants
Breast Implants
Blepharoplasty for Asian people who want to look less Asian by having their eyes rounded.
Plastic Surgery
Face lifts
Bariatric Surgery for weight loss

Wow, we are doing a lot of unnecessary surgery on people who don't like who they are.

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