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The dumbing down of America....A majority of Republicans think colleges are bad for the country

Again you argue the wrong point. Its the environment of the campuses in general. When one side decides to suppress speech it has a chilling effect on the overall campus. People decide to avoid politics and discussion, giving the lefty idiots free reign. Again, that is what the survey is talking about.

And LOL on the snowflake attempt, that's your side, not mine. Why don't you embrace the lefty campus twats?

Sorry Snowflake....but you get little sympathy from me
If your Conservatism is not strong enough to withstand listening to a different point of view you are a pussy to begin with

Are you fucking dense? it's not about hearing a different point of view, it's about being physical altercations when you merely attend a speech given by someone with an alternative point of view. It's about being doxxed if you voice a differing opinion from the left wing campus orthodoxy.

You can use the word snowflake erroneously as much as you want, it just makes you look even more idiotic.

The real pussies are leftists who refuse to allow opposing viewpoints to be voiced at all.

Sorry Snowflake...
But your conservative spawn are not being beaten up. What is happening is their conservative values are based on bumper sticker slogans and talk radio. They lack the depth of knowledge to actually defend their political values in an academic environment that requires facts and research to back up your views


The fire is not big enough

YOur support of political street violence to suppress opposing speech is noted.

This completely invalidates your claim that it is the right that can't tolerate new ideas or challenges.

BTW, what happened when conservatives showed up and were done believing that the cops would protect them?
The conservatives on this thread are classic authoritarian followers. They're easily terrified by cult propaganda, which causes them to beg for authoritarian daddy-figures to save them, and which also causes them to support brownshirt tactics in "self-defense". It's the classic fascist playbook. I mean, look at 'em. A bonfire somewhere has them completely hysterical.

We liberals are made of much sterner stuff. We constantly receive abuse and death threats, which are attempts by the conservatives to censor debate. I've gotten multiple death threats here, and I'll no doubt get many more. Any liberal speaking publicly or running for office will get much worse, including threats to their families. Do you see us demanding violence and censorship in return? No. We do the exact opposite. The more conservatives attempt violence and censorship, the more we liberals call for the opposite.

An ugly streak of no-nothingism now defines the Republicans. Reality is poison to conservative dogma, so conservatives work to create an alternate reality where they can create their own facts. If any hard data shows conservatives are wrong, they now simply auto-define that data to be part of some evil liberal conspiracy.
Liberals have demonstrated again and again that they can't be trusted to run a lemonade stand.

Liberals created this country

The Founding Fathers were Enlightenment Thinkers, who believed that all men were created equal with God given rights.

Contrasting them vs the Divine Right of Kings thinkers, maybe one could call them liberals of their time.

TODAY, it is conservatives who are the enlightenment thinkers who believe in all men being created equal and God Given rights, while it is "liberals" who believe that right are granted by the all powerful state.

Your thinking is more akin to the Divine Right of Kings, medieval philosophy of the more oppressive kings and czars of europe, of that time.

Actually...being against education does not lead to enlightenment thinkers
Neither does being opposed to new ideas

No one is against education, as has already been explained to you. So, that was you lying right there.

We are not opposed to new ideas. It is you lefties that have been rioting to shut down new ideas.

Also, my comment on the founding fathers was in response to your off topic comment on them, not directly related to op.

It is not credible that you did not know that. Thus what you just did there was play stupid to dodge the point I raised in my serious, respectful and honest reply to your post.

ie that modern conservatives are more akin to the Enlightenment thinking of the FOunding Fathers, as per their shared belief in God Given rights, while you lefties are more like the Divine Right of Kings thinkers with believing that rights are GRANTED by the government.

No....todays Conservatives are nothing close to our founding fathers
Wearing a three sided hat does not make you a patriot

Our founders were the greatest liberals of the day...among the greatest liberals of all time
All men are created equal was a concept well ahead of its time. A concept Conservatives of the day found repulsive
Same as the idea of one man/one vote. Can you imagine the vote of a ditch digger counting the same as that of a wealthy land owner? A concept that still enrages conservtives

And today, it is the conservatives who believe in all men being created equal and in god given rights.

It is liberals who believe in generational guilt and rights flowing from the government.

I pointed that out twice already in this thread, and you've done nothing to address that obvious truth.

Hell, in another post you are advocating street violence to suppress the speech of your political enemies.
The conservatives on this thread are classic authoritarian followers. They're easily terrified by cult propaganda, which causes them to beg for authoritarian daddy-figures to save them, and which also causes them to support brownshirt tactics in "self-defense". It's the classic fascist playbook. I mean, look at 'em. A bonfire somewhere has them completely hysterical.

We liberals are made of much sterner stuff. We constantly receive abuse and death threats, which are attempts by the conservatives to censor debate. I've gotten multiple death threats here, and I'll no doubt get many more. Any liberal speaking publicly or running for office will get much worse, including threats to their families. Do you see us demanding violence and censorship in return? No. We do the exact opposite. The more conservatives attempt violence and censorship, the more we liberals call for the opposite.

An ugly streak of no-nothingism now defines the Republicans. Reality is poison to conservative dogma, so conservatives work to create an alternate reality where they can create their own facts. If any hard data shows conservatives are wrong, they now simply auto-define that data to be part of some evil liberal conspiracy.

Complete and utter bullshit.

Your side needs big government to implement your policies. Your side needs lemmings to go over the cliff with you (or preferably in front of you).

Show me one example of Conservative groups trying to silence or cancel a speech by a left winger.

You are now officially a dumber poster than SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED.
The conservatives on this thread are classic authoritarian followers. They're easily terrified by cult propaganda, which causes them to beg for authoritarian daddy-figures to save them, and which also causes them to support brownshirt tactics in "self-defense". It's the classic fascist playbook. I mean, look at 'em. A bonfire somewhere has them completely hysterical.

We liberals are made of much sterner stuff. We constantly receive abuse and death threats, which are attempts by the conservatives to censor debate. I've gotten multiple death threats here, and I'll no doubt get many more. Any liberal speaking publicly or running for office will get much worse, including threats to their families. Do you see us demanding violence and censorship in return? No. We do the exact opposite. The more conservatives attempt violence and censorship, the more we liberals call for the opposite.

An ugly streak of no-nothingism now defines the Republicans. Reality is poison to conservative dogma, so conservatives work to create an alternate reality where they can create their own facts. If any hard data shows conservatives are wrong, they now simply auto-define that data to be part of some evil liberal conspiracy.

Brownshirt tactics by the left, right here delusional madman.

A plumber or welder graduating from trade school makes more than most college graduates
A plumber or welder graduating from trade school makes more than most college graduates
True and last I heard pipefitters were looking for apprentice. As a self taught artist back in 1983 I was making more than a journeyman pipefitter (my dad pointed that out to my grandmother that told me "artist starve to death").
Your side needs big government to implement your policies. Your side needs lemmings to go over the cliff with you (or preferably in front of you).

You and Correll can keep bleating all these reality-defying mantras, but it's hard to hear them, being you're always hiding under the bed.

Keep on telling us how those Jews/liberals are attacking good Germans/conservatives. It's not like you're capable of anything else. Yes, yes, you sincerely believe it. That's the point, that authoritarian followers can be terrified into believing that their own side (which is Good and Holy by definition) is justified in doing evil to protect themselves.

Show me one example of Conservative groups trying to silence or cancel a speech by a left winger.


SD Sheriffs Stand By as Alt-Reich ‘Proud Boys’ Disrupt Impeachment Rally

What? You mean your cult didn't tell you that it sends groups of brownshirts out to censor and attack? Imagine that. You've been kept ignorant and scared, just as you cult wants.
Your side needs big government to implement your policies. Your side needs lemmings to go over the cliff with you (or preferably in front of you).

You and Correll can keep bleating all these reality-defying mantras, but it's hard to hear them, being you're always hiding under the bed.

Keep on telling us how those Jews/liberals are attacking good Germans/conservatives. It's not like you're capable of anything else. Yes, yes, you sincerely believe it. That's the point, that authoritarian followers can be terrified into believing that their own side (which is Good and Holy by definition) is justified in doing evil to protect themselves.

Show me one example of Conservative groups trying to silence or cancel a speech by a left winger.


SD Sheriffs Stand By as Alt-Reich ‘Proud Boys’ Disrupt Impeachment Rally

What? You mean your cult didn't tell you that it sends groups of brownshirts out to censor and attack? Imagine that. You've been kept ignorant and scared, just as you cult wants.

You really went with a Jews/Germany comparison. You are much farther off your rocker than I thought.

And you are bitching about a megaphone playing a siren noise? Ooh what a fucking pussy you are. It was two protest seeing who was louder.

And notice since the lefties didn't resort to violence, those on the Right didn't either.

Poooooossssssyyyy.. Pooooosssssyyyy.
Who didn't see this coming?

Sharp Partisan Divisions in Views of National Institutions

While a majority of the public (55%) continues to say that colleges and universities have a positive effect on the way things are going in the country these days, Republicans express increasingly negative views.

A majority of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents (58%) now say that colleges and universities have a negative effect on the country, up from 45% last year.
I have a dim view of madrases too, or any institutions of indoctrination.
Over 90% of the professors, teachers in US Colleges are liberals indoctrinating American students into Marxist, pseudo Islam and Communism. I don't think the colleges are bad for the country. I think they are destroying the very foundation of our country! No question about it.
So...why aren't you becoming a professor to change that?
What every parent needs is a Watch List Handbook (updated yearly) that identifies the names of colleges who refuse to fire far left professors who use the classroom as a place to indoctrinate students. Furthermore the Watch List Handbook should list their professors by name, with a photograph and subject of their class - the history of that Professor who attempts to intimidate, insult or censor any student with conservative values. If there are witnesses (classmates), video footage, audiotape of the professor attempting to indoctrinate students into communism, white privilege or any other nonsense that information is included under their name which goes on the list. Parents can then cross that Professors name off the list as not qualified to teach their son or daughter and send in a complaint to the college requesting the removal of said Professor. If each parent does this and it begins to cost the college more to keep these leftist traitors than to lose them - they will lose them fast and replace them with Professors who do not have an agenda.
Sieg Heil!
You really went with a Jews/Germany comparison. You are much farther off your rocker than I thought.


Moronic statements like these are made downright laughable whenever the Borg Leftist collective turns its attention to the tiny country that represents the self determination of the Jewish people.

It is then when we find out who actually fits the description.
Who didn't see this coming?

Sharp Partisan Divisions in Views of National Institutions

While a majority of the public (55%) continues to say that colleges and universities have a positive effect on the way things are going in the country these days, Republicans express increasingly negative views.

A majority of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents (58%) now say that colleges and universities have a negative effect on the country, up from 45% last year.
SHOT: The new culture war targeting American universities appears to be working.

CHASER: Long After Protests, Students Shun the University of Missouri. To the point of a 35% enrollment decline. Key quote: “I didn’t want to be that person who I guess was stereotyped because I was white.”

Related: That higher education is hurting America should be the consensus left-wing position too.

Well, campuses gradually drifted left, but — with the direct connivance of the Obama Administration — became much harder-left in recent years, and as a result have done more damage to higher education’s brand than any right-wing conspiracy could have managed. The result is something that looks like a preference cascade. With good reason.

Flashback: Professors are overwhelmingly liberal. Do universities need to change hiring practices?

Plus: Exclusive Test Data: Many Colleges Fail to Improve Critical-Thinking Skills.
Who didn't see this coming?

Sharp Partisan Divisions in Views of National Institutions

While a majority of the public (55%) continues to say that colleges and universities have a positive effect on the way things are going in the country these days, Republicans express increasingly negative views.

A majority of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents (58%) now say that colleges and universities have a negative effect on the country, up from 45% last year.

“The University of Washington, Tacoma’s Writing Center now instructs students that expecting proper grammar from others perpetuates racism and ‘unjust language structures.’”

For out of state students, the annual total cost to attend the University of Washington, Tacoma is $50,037.

Parents and students, choose where to spend your money wisely.
You really went with a Jews/Germany comparison. You are much farther off your rocker than I thought

Given that you're now proudly defending brownshirt tactics, it was clearly spot on. I've hoisted you by your Nazi britches.

However, I am willing to make a deal. If you Trumpflakes stop acting like Nazis, I'll stop pointing it out. Well, not just that. You'll also have to kick out the anti-semitic white supremacists that make up such a large portion your cult, instead of licking their bums.

And you are bitching about a megaphone playing a siren noise? Ooh what a fucking pussy you are. It was two protest seeing who was louder.

It was Proud Boys showing up at someone else's rally, shutting it down, and attempting violence. And you're making excuses for it, just as a good authoritarian follower is expected to do. I called it perfectly.

You don't see any liberals excusing violence and censorship like you're doing. The two sides are totally different. The liberals are peaceful and democratic, while the conservatives are violent and authoritarian.
Your side needs big government to implement your policies. Your side needs lemmings to go over the cliff with you (or preferably in front of you).

You and Correll can keep bleating all these reality-defying mantras, but it's hard to hear them, being you're always hiding under the bed.

Keep on telling us how those Jews/liberals are attacking good Germans/conservatives. It's not like you're capable of anything else. Yes, yes, you sincerely believe it. That's the point, that authoritarian followers can be terrified into believing that their own side (which is Good and Holy by definition) is justified in doing evil to protect themselves....

What "evil" do you imagine we are planning on doing?

What "evil" do you imagine we are planning on doing?
You really went with a Jews/Germany comparison. You are much farther off your rocker than I thought

Given that you're now proudly defending brownshirt tactics, it was clearly spot on. I've hoisted you by your Nazi britches.

However, I am willing to make a deal. If you Trumpflakes stop acting like Nazis, I'll stop pointing it out. Well, not just that. You'll also have to kick out the anti-semitic white supremacists that make up such a large portion your cult, instead of licking their bums.

And you are bitching about a megaphone playing a siren noise? Ooh what a fucking pussy you are. It was two protest seeing who was louder.

It was Proud Boys showing up at someone else's rally, shutting it down, and attempting violence. And you're making excuses for it, just as a good authoritarian follower is expected to do. I called it perfectly.

You don't see any liberals excusing violence and censorship like you're doing. The two sides are totally different. The liberals are peaceful and democratic, while the conservatives are violent and authoritarian.

RW is supporting street violence in this very thread. Do you have him on ignore?
Conservative Snowflakes entering non-Christian Universities find themselves subjected to all kinds of abuses

Abuses that require them to actually support their rightwing dogma and conspiracy theories with more than just alternative facts
Over 90% of the professors, teachers in US Colleges are liberals indoctrinating American students into Marxist, pseudo Islam and Communism. I don't think the colleges are bad for the country. I think they are destroying the very foundation of our country! No question about it.

Are you this stupid in real life or is it just an internet thing?

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