Zone1 The eagle as the symbol of the United States.


Platinum Member
Dec 9, 2021
Has its roots in scripture.

Revelation 12:

14 And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.
Has its roots in scripture.

Revelation 12:

14 And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.
The bald eagle was an American bird, long regarded by Native Americans as a symbol of strength and courage. Their war chiefs wore its feathers as a symbol of leadership.

Which is why it's illegal to own one unless you're a Native.

Ben Franklin suggested the turkey ... ha ha ... he was a bit of a humorist after all ...

Eagles are respected across all cultures and societies where they occur ... except perhaps where the condor flourishes ... our forefathers would have been familiar with this passage and perhaps they choose the symbol for this reason ...

The United State used to be a safe haven for those that suffer and are oppressed ... "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free" ... perhaps we should go back to the turkey idea ... because when we stop being free, we become food ...
The Eagle is a symbol of strength and pride but maybe it should be replaced with a Crow since our moral values are in the toilet.
The Eagle is a symbol of strength and pride but maybe it should be replaced with a Crow since our moral values are in the toilet.

Time is coming.

I have to regularly slow down or swerve to avoid eagles on the roads near me, when they find fresh road kill. They are plentiful and I love seeing them Had one perch on my deck one evening, but he didn't stay long enough to allow me to get a picture.

Interesting that Franklin, Jefferson, and others were unable to decide on a national symbol and the task was given to Charles Thomson. Thomson was a religious scholar who translated the Septuagint into English. As such he would know the significance of the eagle in scripture and prophecy, especially regarding the 'eagle' of Revelation 12.

The bald eagle was an American bird, long regarded by Native Americans as a symbol of strength and courage. Their war chiefs wore its feathers as a symbol of leadership.

Which is why it's illegal to own one unless you're a Native.
Feathered headdresses were common symbols of leadership throughout the old world, symbolic of the 'gilded serpent' Satan, the "god of this world".
The bald eagle was an American bird, long regarded by Native Americans as a symbol of strength and courage. Their war chiefs wore its feathers as a symbol of leadership.

Which is why it's illegal to own one unless you're a Native.
In 1835, a dispute over a strip of land near what is now the Michigan-Ohio border became known as the Toledo War. Rumors in Ohio at the time described the Michiganders as being as vicious and bloodthirsty as wolverines.

While wild wolverines exist in Oregon, Montana, Washington, Colorado, Wyoming, California, and parts of Canada, there are no wild wolverines in Michigan.
Teddy Roosevelt thought the US Symbol should be a grizzly bear. I agree wholeheartedly.
Red Dawn in the Red Zone

There are when Charlie Sheen shows up there to ogle University of Michigan cheerleaders.

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