The Earth has been warming year after year, that means heating up, right?

Are you tired of Global Warming yet?

  • Baby it is cold outside, yes GW is bullshit.

    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • I got blue balls, but it is due to global warming..

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • I just dont know.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Warming is seen in the equatorial oceans first.. Guess what is not present.
It's not that complex.....
Mods: Please move this thread to the 'Conspiracy Theory" section, where it belongs.
So you are denying that there are recorded setting FREEZING temperatures going on right now, even after 20 years of global warming? And you say we are the deniers...
I didn't deny that, and yes, you are deniers. And yes, you insist the global scientific community is teaming up to lie to us. You morons are no better than the contrail freaks.
SO after 2-years of the earth getting "HOTTER" each year do to CO2 levels rising, how can you have record setting "FREEZING" temperatures. Lets say that your house is at a temperature of 32 degrees. Now for the next 20 years you raise the temperature .5 degrees each year, now the temperature is 42 degrees, who can you get record cold when the temperature that you say is going up, is actually going down? it isnt rocket science to understand this, but it does take a lot of Kool Aid, to deny the events happening right now...


Actually, it some ways, climate science is more difficult that rocket science. Man created rock science and can control most of the factors. Not so much with climate. It’s really complicated with lots of moving systems and variables. Why do you think there are no reliable models?
Warming is seen in the equatorial oceans first.. Guess what is not present.
It's not that complex.....

For you to suggest that climate is not complex demonstrates just how little you know. 2 questions for you- 1) if climate science is so simple, why has nobody produced a reliable model for this “simple” system, 2) why do they handout PHDs for such a simple science. Maybe you have a degree in tick tack toe....
Poor sparky is in for one hell of a suprise as the ENSO cools off further...


MODOKI is now officially gone and the atmospheric change happened over two weeks ago...
So you are denying that there are recorded setting FREEZING temperatures going on right now, even after 20 years of global warming? And you say we are the deniers...

Well, yeah. It's cold, but hardly record-setting. When I was a kid, this wouldn't have even made a snow day. By telling us how the formerly usual is now unusual, you demonstrate the long-term warming trend. Thank you.

Oh, you're also an imbecile for telling us that global warming means it should never get cold again.
The old CO2 monster bull shit dies every time you ask the pseudo-whore-scientists how we have maximum theoretical cooling at both poles when CO2 is generally well mixed in our atmosphere..

Dumbass, the earth sees more heating at the poles. Is there any science that you don't get totally wrong?

As far as the oceans go, 2018 saw record high ocean temps, as measured by the Argo floats, buoys and other temperature measuring devices.
In fact, 2018 has set a new record of ocean heating, surpassing 2017, which was the previous warmest year ever recorded (Cheng et al., 2018) (Fig. 1)
The old CO2 monster bull shit dies every time you ask the pseudo-whore-scientists how we have maximum theoretical cooling at both poles when CO2 is generally well mixed in our atmosphere..

Dumbass, the earth sees more heating at the poles. Is there any science that you don't get totally wrong?

As far as the oceans go, 2018 saw record high ocean temps, as measured by the Argo floats, buoys and other temperature measuring devices.
In fact, 2018 has set a new record of ocean heating, surpassing 2017, which was the previous warmest year ever recorded (Cheng et al., 2018) (Fig. 1)
0.008 deg C record in an 18 year long record.... And the MOE is +/- 0.009 Deg C


You do realize that this means its Zero, don't you?
Funnier still is Snaggeltooths paper is using Zetta-jouels so that the big numbers look scary to the layman... But when they are placed into perspective, easily computed by layman, they are not scary at all.. Hell it would take 1,300 years just to rise 1 deg C and that is predicated on the basis of no cooling in solar cycles... If we include those cooling cycles it would take upwards of 30,000 years to rise 1 deg C. We will be in a glacial condition long before that happens given the cyclical pattern lengths in history...
0.008 deg C record in an 18 year long record.... And the MOE is +/- 0.009 Deg C

You do realize that this means its Zero, don't you?

Obviously not.

Only a complete imbecile on the topic of statistics would say such a stupid thing.

A supposed scientist would never say such a retarded thing, as scientists have to live and breathe statistics.
Funnier still is Snaggeltooths paper is using Zetta-jouels so that the big numbers look scary to the layman... But when they are placed into perspective, easily computed by layman, they are not scary at all.. Hell it would take 1,300 years just to rise 1 deg C and that is predicated on the basis of no cooling in solar cycles... If we include those cooling cycles it would take upwards of 30,000 years to rise 1 deg C. We will be in a glacial condition long before that happens given the cyclical pattern lengths in history...

We await you calculations showing this. If you didn't just yank it out of your butt, it should be no problem for you.

I'm waiting for you to start by dividing the heat by the mass of the oceans, failing to understand how stupid that is. You do understand why that would be stupid, right?
Funnier still is Snaggeltooths paper is using Zetta-jouels so that the big numbers look scary to the layman... But when they are placed into perspective, easily computed by layman, they are not scary at all.. Hell it would take 1,300 years just to rise 1 deg C and that is predicated on the basis of no cooling in solar cycles... If we include those cooling cycles it would take upwards of 30,000 years to rise 1 deg C. We will be in a glacial condition long before that happens given the cyclical pattern lengths in history...

We await you calculations showing this. If you didn't just yank it out of your butt, it should be no problem for you.

I'm waiting for you to start by dividing the heat by the mass of the oceans, failing to understand how stupid that is. You do understand why that would be stupid, right?
Your having a hard time with power measured in 1,000,000,000,000 ths of 1 joule.. This is why they did it in that measurement... to make it look scary. 1calorie = 1 joule (watt second or 1vdc for 1 second at 1 ampere) how many calories does it take to warm 1cm^2 of H2O?

I could go on explaining the conversion and how much energy is required to warm 1cm^2 of water but you will only ignore it..

This is exactly why they did it this way. The average layman can not make the conversion and see the miniscule amount you all are screaming "were all gonna die" for.. That amount of warming was within the margin of error making it unlikely to be different than zero.
Wow. You went the wrong way. A zettajpoule is not a 1,000,000,000,000th of a joules. It is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 joules.
Mods: Please move this thread to the 'Conspiracy Theory" section, where it belongs.
So you are denying that there are recorded setting FREEZING temperatures going on right now, even after 20 years of global warming? And you say we are the deniers...

Record-breaking high temperatures are now outnumbering record lows by an average decadal ratio of 2:1.

Climate Signals | Record High Temps vs. Record Low Temps

And yet the oceans say NO.. This means what we are seeing is an artifact or manipulation. The oceans drive our land temps.


Warming is seen in the equatorial oceans first.. Guess what is not present...

Water is an amazing element. It takes a lot of energy to change it's state. I was going to link to a page that shows that currently the small amount of rise in the ocean's temperature, can't be linked to any increase in hurricanes intensity or in the number of storms in a given season. However the shutdown has that site shutdown.

Gets this page.

NOAA Status Alert

Your having a hard time with power measured in 1,000,000,000,000 ths of 1 joule.. This is why they did it in that measurement... to make it look scary. 1calorie = 1 joule (watt second or 1vdc for 1 second at 1 ampere) how many calories does it take to warm 1cm^2 of H2O?

I could go on explaining the conversion and how much energy is required to warm 1cm^2 of water but you will only ignore it..

So, your point is that you have no idea of how to do the calculation, and you're waving your hands around wildly to deflect from that point. And nobody is surprised. Since we all know you're helpless here, I'll have to help you out.

Heat Capacity of Water = 4 joules / (gram C)

Heat absorbed in 2018 = 2E23 joule

Mass of oceans = 1.4E24 g

2E23/(4)(1.4E24) = .035C

However, that's understating it, as the energy is going into the upper ocean, not the deep ocean. Call that roughly half the ocean, so I'll double that rate to about 0.07C/year.

You made a loopy claim of 1300 years for one degree. It's more like 13 years. You were off only by a factor of 100, which means you were much more accurate than you usually are.

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