The earth is how old?

You're being very disingenuous, Joe. I didn't try to 'pass off' anything, I made it clear that I doubted the attribution and that it was the message of the 'story' that was important. If you're so right, why do you feel the need to LIE?.

Why did you feel the need to include the line about it being Einstein? You tried to give it credibility it didn't have. You could have simply left off that line "The young man's name - Albert Einstein" and let it stand on it's own, the usually, silly Religionist bullshit.

As for the quote of Romans, let me paraphrase, "Who the fuck are YOU to question God?" Does He not have the right to judge according to His rules?.

Well, God would have to give me real evidence of his existence before I would NOT question him... You guys wouldn't have 1000 flavors of Christianity if you didn't question things yourselves. Now while the notion of you killing each other over whether Jesus was really made of wafers or not, I'd like to see a lot more concrete evidence of a God before I unquestionally accept that there is.

Empirical Evidence. It works wonders.

And your obsession with death? What is it that makes you fear it so? You do realize that death is merely the passing of life from this plane to the next, don't you? 'Innocent babies' have the pleasure of Eternity in God's presence, it's not like they've been punished. If anything they were spared the anguish of living in a fallen world with atheistic hedonists like yourself.

I guess I have a problem with a God who kills babies or children in general. And, no, I don't think there is anything beyond this life, so death does kind of concern me.

More to the point, in the Catholic tradition I was brought up in, NONE of those babies God Killed in the Old Testament were going to heaven, anyway. They were going to Limbo or Hell, depending on how WIIIIIIICKED they were. (TO paraphrase Sr. Mary Bonventure). Now, the Catholics have finally taken Limbo out of the Doctrine, no longer feeling the need to threaten babies with eternal torment if you don't baptize them. No one actually got into Heaven until Jay-a-zus came along and offered a way in.

Also, if you read the bible, frankly, very few are getting into God's heaven, anyway. Most of us are going to Hell or Purgatory or Limbo... Oh, wait, scratch the Limbo, we got rid of Limbo.


Sexy, sexy, Limbo!
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You do realize that death is merely the passing of life from this plane to the next, don't you? 'Innocent babies' have the pleasure of Eternity in God's presence, it's not like they've been punished. If anything they were spared the anguish of living in a fallen world with atheistic hedonists like yourself.

Are you pro-choice?

Nope. I don't think the human animal is smart enough to be making those decisions, whereas God most certainly is.

I'm against the Death Penalty, too.
You're being very disingenuous, Joe. I didn't try to 'pass off' anything, I made it clear that I doubted the attribution and that it was the message of the 'story' that was important. If you're so right, why do you feel the need to LIE?.

Why did you feel the need to include the line about it being Einstein? You tried to give it credibility it didn't have. You could have simply left off that line "The young man's name - Albert Einstein" and let it stand on it's own, the usually, silly Religionist bullshit.
I left it in because that's the way I found it, Joe. Which is why I tried to preclude all this extraneous bullshit by questioning the attribution up front.

As for the quote of Romans, let me paraphrase, "Who the fuck are YOU to question God?" Does He not have the right to judge according to His rules?.

Well, God would have to give me real evidence of his existence before I would NOT question him... You guys wouldn't have 1000 flavors of Christianity if you didn't question things yourselves. Now while the notion of you killing each other over whether Jesus was really made of wafers or not, I'd like to see a lot more concrete evidence of a God before I unquestionally accept that there is.

Empirical Evidence. It works wonders.

Empirical evidence? Look around you!

And your obsession with death? What is it that makes you fear it so? You do realize that death is merely the passing of life from this plane to the next, don't you? 'Innocent babies' have the pleasure of Eternity in God's presence, it's not like they've been punished. If anything they were spared the anguish of living in a fallen world with atheistic hedonists like yourself.

I guess I have a problem with a God who kills babies or children in general. And, no, I don't think there is anything beyond this life, so death does kind of concern me.

More to the point, in the Catholic tradition I was brought up in, NONE of those babies God Killed in the Old Testament were going to heaven, anyway. They were going to Limbo or Hell, depending on how WIIIIIIICKED they were. (TO paraphrase Sr. Mary Bonventure). Now, the Catholics have finally taken Limbo out of the Doctrine, no longer feeling the need to threaten babies with eternal torment if you don't baptize them. No one actually got into Heaven until Jay-a-zus came along and offered a way in.

Also, if you read the bible, frankly, very few are getting into God's heaven, anyway. Most of us are going to Hell or Purgatory or Limbo... Oh, wait, scratch the Limbo, we got rid of Limbo.


I'm not a big fan of Catholics, Joe. I grew up as one. Went to Catholic school, went to Church twice every Sunday, early Mass as an altar boy and late Mass in the choir.

First kid in the history of the school to question the Archbishop and refuse Confirmation.

I left it in because that's the way I found it, Joe. Which is why I tried to preclude all this extraneous bullshit by questioning the attribution up front.

Still sounds like a cop-out to me. The story is much less interesting without Einstein's name attached.


Empirical evidence? Look around you!

I do. I see no evidence of a sky pixie. I see a world that operates under scientific laws.

But even if I were to see a "designer", I certainly wouldn't see Yahweh, the sociopathic thunder god of the Hebrews.


I'm not a big fan of Catholics, Joe. I grew up as one. Went to Catholic school, went to Church twice every Sunday, early Mass as an altar boy and late Mass in the choir.

First kid in the history of the school to question the Archbishop and refuse Confirmation.

Well,too bad you lacked the intelligence to question all the bullshit, instead of some of it.

But I guess if you reject Catholiism, why did it take 1500 years for some Christians to realize that the Church had gotten it wrong.

My thing was when I was finally ready to reject Catholicism, I didn't find another brand of silliness to replace it with.
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I do. I see no evidence of a sky pixie. I see a world that operates under scientific laws.

But even if I were to see a "designer", I certainly wouldn't see Yahweh, the sociopathic thunder god of the Hebrews.

Joey… Joey, Joey. ( a johnny mathis song)

Look. Neither of us has the time to really try to have a debate on the reality of God, which God, the reality of heaven and hell. So that’s a shame. I could cite numerous documented miracles in the past century and you would either laugh them off, laugh off the witnesses, or provide me with a fantastic implausible explanation why it was not supernatural. Not unlike how you tell us infinitely complex and orderly life all could have sprung up by chance.

But you really need to come to terms with your own mortality and the very likely chance you are wrong about there being no God. At a minimum, I am suggesting you not be so mocking towards the God of the Bible and his followers. If you are wrong, all this vitriol very well may not go well for you. But let me be clear… I am not judging you… I know not where you came from… my God is immeasurably merciful… and so both you and I should be grateful for such.

Having said that, I will leave you with a couple of Bible passages that refer to certain men who knew much about what has been revealed but cared not. It is a warning from God that I fear will overtake some of us. The words that paralyze me the most in that passage is “God gave them over to a depraved mind.” It sounds as though the final judgment had been made. :0


Romans 1:18-32

18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. 21 For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures.

26 For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; … 28 And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper, 29 being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips, 30 slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, 31 without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful; 32 and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them.
The professor sat down.

The young man's name - Albert Einstein
I don't know if the attribution to Einstein is correct or not, and I don't even care.

It's the message that counts, not the messenger.

Well, yeah, that's the point, Guy. You don't care about facts.

For instance, Albert Einstein did no such thing, and the incident never happened. Albert Einstein Humiliates Atheist

The message is typical religionists bullshit. It's a made up fairy story... Just like most of the made up fairy stories in the bible.

I think the story that really put me on the path to atheism was Noah's Ark. Yeah, it's a cutesy story about animals on a boat. But then I asked a Nun a really obvious question. "Why did God kill all the Babies in the world?"

And the old crone hissed back "Because they were WIIIIIIIIIIICKED!"

Now, as asspoundingly retarded as this this reply was, even to my 11 year old self, I honestly have to admit, having talked about this story with people of all faiths, not a one of them could come up with an answer that was LESS retarded.

But I'll let you have a shot at it for fun.

How can a "Good" God murder every baby in the world, kind of like a Cosmic Andrea Yates, and still be considered good by any measure?
Have you nothing better to do?
Look, you're a lib, you hate religion. We get it. Move the fuck on.
You are what typifies the liberal of today. Angry and and closed minded. You cannot or will not accept the opinions of others. You will not accept the fact that there are points of view besides yours. You are convinced that another point of view should not exist.
I do. I see no evidence of a sky pixie. I see a world that operates under scientific laws.

But even if I were to see a "designer", I certainly wouldn't see Yahweh, the sociopathic thunder god of the Hebrews.

Look. Neither of us has the time to really try to have a debate on the reality of God, which God, the reality of heaven and hell. So that’s a shame. I could cite numerous documented miracles in the past century and you would either laugh them off, laugh off the witnesses, or provide me with a fantastic implausible explanation why it was not supernatural. Not unlike how you tell us infinitely complex and orderly life all could have sprung up by chance. .

yeah,I would laugh them off because most of them are frauds. Not a one of them would stand up to scientific scrutiny...

But you really need to come to terms with your own mortality and the very likely chance you are wrong about there being no God. At a minimum, I am suggesting you not be so mocking towards the God of the Bible and his followers. If you are wrong, all this vitriol very well may not go well for you. But let me be clear… I am not judging you… I know not where you came from… my God is immeasurably merciful… and so both you and I should be grateful for such.

What you are saying is I should worship your Sky Pixie because he might be real and he might not like that I made fun of him. HOnestly, why would you worship such an insecure bully who has omnipotent powers, none of which he uses to fix the problems of the world, but man, he's going to totally get those guys who didn't go to church, or went to the wrong church. And he's going to punish them forever. Because that's a totally proportional punishement. A guy who doesn't go to Church certainly deserves to go to the same hell Hitler and Stalin are in.

Honestly, I have to wonder why you think such a sadist is worthy or your worship. Serious question.

Having said that, I will leave you with a couple of Bible passages that refer to certain men who knew much about what has been revealed but cared not. It is a warning from God that I fear will overtake some of us. The words that paralyze me the most in that passage is “God gave them over to a depraved mind.” It sounds as though the final judgment had been made. :0


Again, why would you want people to be tormented for all eternity for not believing what you believe? Frankly, that sounds kind of petty to me.
Have you nothing better to do?
Look, you're a lib, you hate religion. We get it. Move the fuck on.
You are what typifies the liberal of today. Angry and and closed minded. You cannot or will not accept the opinions of others. You will not accept the fact that there are points of view besides yours. You are convinced that another point of view should not exist.

Not really a liberal guy, I'm a pragmatist.

I don't pray because there's no God to answer them. So I try to find practical solutions to my problems.

I'd have no problem with your beliefs if they were moral guides for you and just you. If you don't like homosexuality, don't have sex with other men. (Okay, Ted Haggard couldn't hit that one...) If you don't like abortion, don't have an abortion. But don't go running about saying, "You can't do those things, either, because my Magic Friend in the Sky said so!"

because I will mock you,and I'll use your own bible to do it.
Clearly, little joey the bigot never developed one bit more than the limited capacity for understanding and abstract thought that he had at 11 years old. That's why topics like theology will always be beyond him. Somewhere along the line he was told that this arrested development is a virtue and should be considered a point of empty pride. Naturallly, he lapped this up like an eager little puppy. So now he is an arrogant little big-mouth with nothing but self-assured ignorance. A product of our times.
No where in the Holy bible does it state that the earth is 6000 years old. this came from a Pastor in the 1700/1800's who was guessing at the Earth's age.

Maybe politicians should read and know the Holy Bible more, before worrying about dancing around this issue?
Clearly, little joey the bigot never developed one bit more than the limited capacity for understanding and abstract thought that he had at 11 years old. That's why topics like theology will always be beyond him. Somewhere along the line he was told that this arrested development is a virtue and should be considered a point of empty pride. Naturallly, he lapped this up like an eager little puppy. So now he is an arrogant little big-mouth with nothing but self-assured ignorance. A product of our times.

Theology- the study of make-believe bullshit.

Yeah, I didn't get a degree in that, just like I didn't get a degree in Alchemy or Phrenology or other psuedo-studies that people really, really believed in at various points.

I stopped believeing in sky pixies when my mom prayed real hard to not die of cancer, and she died anyway.

Pretty much the only scientific test I needed.
No where in the Holy bible does it state that the earth is 6000 years old. this came from a Pastor in the 1700/1800's who was guessing at the Earth's age.

Maybe politicians should read and know the Holy Bible more, before worrying about dancing around this issue?

There is nothing at all in the Bible that says the Earth is 6,000 years old. But if you never read the Bible and depended on atheist propaganda you wouldn't know that.
My only problem with Atheism is that it implicitly assumes that human beings are the highest form of intelligence in the universe.
Clearly, little joey the bigot never developed one bit more than the limited capacity for understanding and abstract thought that he had at 11 years old. That's why topics like theology will always be beyond him. Somewhere along the line he was told that this arrested development is a virtue and should be considered a point of empty pride. Naturallly, he lapped this up like an eager little puppy. So now he is an arrogant little big-mouth with nothing but self-assured ignorance. A product of our times.

Theology- the study of make-believe bullshit.

Yeah, I didn't get a degree in that, just like I didn't get a degree in Alchemy or Phrenology or other psuedo-studies that people really, really believed in at various points.

I stopped believeing in sky pixies when my mom prayed real hard to not die of cancer, and she died anyway.

Pretty much the only scientific test I needed.

Ahhh the last argument of the atheist. I prayed and the Great Concierge didn't immediately grant my wishes. Don't you get at least THREE!

Doesn't it prove there is no God when millions of people pray real hard to win the lotto and they don't?

You really remind me of another atheist whose brother drowned and he prayed real REAL hard to bring the bro back from the dead. That pretty much convinced him there was no God.

If there really was a God, no one would ever die and if they did, it wouldn't be your mother or brother, it would be someone else's. We would all be immortal with no one dying, no babies being born to make the world too crowded for all those immortals. No one would ever get sick, or stub their toes. No one would be hungry because they wouldn't have to eat. Or thirsty either. No one would ever be unhappy, and all human beings would look like Halle Berry and Justin Bieber. They could fuck without getting disease for there would be no disease, no colds or flus. Since all these things exist, there can't be a God, or all wishes at all times would be granted immediately.

Sounds like heaven.
Clearly, little joey the bigot never developed one bit more than the limited capacity for understanding and abstract thought that he had at 11 years old. That's why topics like theology will always be beyond him. Somewhere along the line he was told that this arrested development is a virtue and should be considered a point of empty pride. Naturallly, he lapped this up like an eager little puppy. So now he is an arrogant little big-mouth with nothing but self-assured ignorance. A product of our times.

Theology- the study of make-believe bullshit.

Yeah, I didn't get a degree in that, just like I didn't get a degree in Alchemy or Phrenology or other psuedo-studies that people really, really believed in at various points.

I stopped believeing in sky pixies when my mom prayed real hard to not die of cancer, and she died anyway.

Pretty much the only scientific test I needed.

Ahhh the last argument of the atheist. I prayed and the Great Concierge didn't immediately grant my wishes. Don't you get at least THREE!

Doesn't it prove there is no God when millions of people pray real hard to win the lotto and they don't?

You really remind me of another atheist whose brother drowned and he prayed real REAL hard to bring the bro back from the dead. That pretty much convinced him there was no God.

If there really was a God, no one would ever die and if they did, it wouldn't be your mother or brother, it would be someone else's. We would all be immortal with no one dying, no babies being born to make the world too crowded for all those immortals. No one would ever get sick, or stub their toes. No one would be hungry because they wouldn't have to eat. Or thirsty either. No one would ever be unhappy, and all human beings would look like Halle Berry and Justin Bieber. They could fuck without getting disease for there would be no disease, no colds or flus. Since all these things exist, there can't be a God, or all wishes at all times would be granted immediately.

Sounds like heaven.



not believing the nonsense that you spew doesn't require that one be an atheist. it only requires that one have a working brain.

Ahhh the last argument of the atheist. I prayed and the Great Concierge didn't immediately grant my wishes. Don't you get at least THREE!

Doesn't it prove there is no God when millions of people pray real hard to win the lotto and they don't?

You really remind me of another atheist whose brother drowned and he prayed real REAL hard to bring the bro back from the dead. That pretty much convinced him there was no God.

If there really was a God, no one would ever die and if they did, it wouldn't be your mother or brother, it would be someone else's. We would all be immortal with no one dying, no babies being born to make the world too crowded for all those immortals. No one would ever get sick, or stub their toes. No one would be hungry because they wouldn't have to eat. Or thirsty either. No one would ever be unhappy, and all human beings would look like Halle Berry and Justin Bieber. They could fuck without getting disease for there would be no disease, no colds or flus. Since all these things exist, there can't be a God, or all wishes at all times would be granted immediately.

Sounds like heaven.

Yes, Heaven is all puppies and sunshine, because that what religions had tostart promising when simply "God will send a plague if you don't pray sincerely enough" wasn't cutting it. Because God doesn't grant wishes, or even help people. Nope, all the goodies are coming after you die! NOtthat you will be ableto prove it one way or the other.

My problem is not with death, we all die, eventually.

It's with the notion that God can intercede if you pray hard enough, and of course, send him money. Which my parents did plenty of. My mom even worked for the Church. (So does my sister and my neice... Thanksgivings are always sooooo much fun!)

If he won't even look out for his employees, what chance do the rest of us have?
Theology- the study of make-believe bullshit.

Yeah, I didn't get a degree in that, just like I didn't get a degree in Alchemy or Phrenology or other psuedo-studies that people really, really believed in at various points.

I stopped believeing in sky pixies when my mom prayed real hard to not die of cancer, and she died anyway.

Pretty much the only scientific test I needed.

Ahhh the last argument of the atheist. I prayed and the Great Concierge didn't immediately grant my wishes. Don't you get at least THREE!

Doesn't it prove there is no God when millions of people pray real hard to win the lotto and they don't?

You really remind me of another atheist whose brother drowned and he prayed real REAL hard to bring the bro back from the dead. That pretty much convinced him there was no God.

If there really was a God, no one would ever die and if they did, it wouldn't be your mother or brother, it would be someone else's. We would all be immortal with no one dying, no babies being born to make the world too crowded for all those immortals. No one would ever get sick, or stub their toes. No one would be hungry because they wouldn't have to eat. Or thirsty either. No one would ever be unhappy, and all human beings would look like Halle Berry and Justin Bieber. They could fuck without getting disease for there would be no disease, no colds or flus. Since all these things exist, there can't be a God, or all wishes at all times would be granted immediately.

Sounds like heaven.



not believing the nonsense that you spew doesn't require that one be an atheist. it only requires that one have a working brain.


Notice, no substantive response. Just a predictable, and very democrat, attack.

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