The earth is how old?

Rubio ignites debate with answer about creationism – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Republicans better change there way of thinking if they want a shot at 2016. If you think the Earth is 6-10,000 years old, well, you are an idiot. This creationist BS is one of the reasons why I dont consider myself a Republican. I lean right, but with thinking like this(also abortion etc), why I dont brand myself Republican. I know all Republicans don't think like this, but it is also kinda "automatic"? when you think about that party. To me anyways..

I was think like that a few years ago... I never was a social conservative, but thought right-wingers made more sense on economic/fiscal issues.

Then 2008 crisis turned into a depression and I started reading Krugman's blog -- and oh boy!.. How wrong I was about conservative economics...

I hope you're reading more than Krugman's blog. Paul was advocating for a housing boom a decade ago on Meet the Press to alleviate the Tech Bubble collapse. Oops! Great trade economist. Not so great macroeconomist.
It's only a gotcha question if you are an idiot. If you know the Earth is about 4.5 billion years old, then you answer the question, "It's 4.5 billion years old." Done.

But Rubio is an idiot, and the reporter knows it. Rubio is so cowardly he is afraid to offend stupid people.

I appreciate it when idiot cowards are exposed as such. That is exactly what the media is supposed to do.


There was no reason for the question to be asked at all. It was childish and meant to insult the man's religion as well as make fun of conservatives in general. Personally, I think Rubio is a smart enough guy to know it's more than ten thousand years old.

It was intended to expose Rubio's real nature. Do you want the media to suck up to politicians?

They are the last watchdogs of our freedom, and they have been doing a real shitty job of it lately.


I wonder why Obama has never been asked that question and I wonder what his answer would be. I do know we will never know his answer.
We have a country that is at least 16 trillion in debt and we re elect the same guy who doesn't seem to give a shit about it.

But everyone is gonna go bat shit over the way some guy answered a religious philosophical question.That's like asking some one is there a GOD.There's no right answer.

Those that just believe in science will answer billions of years old.
Those believe a GOD created everything will have a different answer...

So anyone who believes in a higher power now is to be excluded from politics...

Of course there is a right answer. There is no god.
Then President Obama should have told us the truth about the New Health Care bill and not have lied to us that we would be able keep our Dr.s and the health care insurance that we have.

Judging by the behavior of the piss drinking people who allege themselves to be conservatives on this forum, I am not hopeful the election has taught them anything.

Telling the truth is the way to go. That's how you beat the other guy. Not by making shit up, not by hypocrisy, not by blindly copying and pasting the ravings of a nutjob publication.

Intelligence is the key. Conservatives used to be the smartest people in the room.

We lost the election for the same reason we lost the health care reform battle. Too many lies copied and parroted by people on the right who have never read a bill in their lives, and get all their information about legislation from someone pissing in their wide open mouths.


Just as that great right wing former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said:

"We Have to Pass the Bill So That You Can Find Out What Is In It"
We have a country that is at least 16 trillion in debt and we re elect the same guy who doesn't seem to give a shit about it.

But everyone is gonna go bat shit over the way some guy answered a religious philosophical question.That's like asking some one is there a GOD.There's no right answer.

Those that just believe in science will answer billions of years old.
Those believe a GOD created everything will have a different answer...

So anyone who believes in a higher power now is to be excluded from politics...

Of course there is a right answer. There is no god.

Your denial of God doesn't negate His existence, except in your own enfeebled mind.

Uh, yeah, it is.

For instance, because the State of Texas is the biggest buyer of textbooks in the country, textbook publishers downplay evolution in textbooks, lest they offend bible thumping morons living in texas.

So the whole country is dragged down by the stupidity of a state that would elect George W. Bush AND Rick Perry.

You are quite the religious bigot but thas seems to be the way with the liberal left. Closed mindedness seems to be the order of the day for liberals.

Evolution is not a science it is a theory. It serves absolutely no purpose, it is merely an attempt to explain the diversity of life, not the creation of life. The fact that the liberal left tries to twist the theory into what they demand everyone to believe is disingenuous.

If you don't like what Texas teaches then just stay out of Texas.

I wouldn't go anywhere near Texas. But it isn't just that Texas is full of ignorant, inbred bible thumping idiots... it's that because the textbook companies are writing books for Texas, that's what a lot of the rest of the country gets, too.

The kind of complete ignoramus who spouts something like, "Evolution is not a science it is a theory" and honestly doesn't realize he sounds like he ate paint chips as a child.

You seem to know a lot about eating paint chips and nothing about Darwin's Theory of Evolution.
If Rubio knows the Earth is around 4.5 billion years old, then his response is an example of everything that is wrong with the GOP.

Coddling stupid idiots, whether they be birthers or conspiracy nutters or Young Earth Creationists, in order to get their votes while alienating the thinking population is a losing proposition. Is he so retarded that he did not get that message from the election?

I think that's exactly what he was trying to do and you're right, it was completely stupid. The number of people out there who actually believe the earth is 6,000 or 9,000 or what ever years old is such a small minority who gives a shit how they feel about his answer. Those people are still going to vote him anyway, so why is he so concerned.

Yes, but can the Pats beat the Jets by more than 7 points without Gronkowski today?
Took the Pats minus the 7....

The problem isn't Gronk being out as much as it is the laughable defensive secondary being in.
We have a country that is at least 16 trillion in debt and we re elect the same guy who doesn't seem to give a shit about it.

But everyone is gonna go bat shit over the way some guy answered a religious philosophical question.That's like asking some one is there a GOD.There's no right answer.

Those that just believe in science will answer billions of years old.
Those believe a GOD created everything will have a different answer...

So anyone who believes in a higher power now is to be excluded from politics...

Of course there is a right answer. There is no god.

Your denial of God doesn't negate His existence, except in your own enfeebled mind.

Enfeebled. What a word choice.
You are quite the religious bigot but thas seems to be the way with the liberal left. Closed mindedness seems to be the order of the day for liberals.

Evolution is not a science it is a theory. It serves absolutely no purpose, it is merely an attempt to explain the diversity of life, not the creation of life. The fact that the liberal left tries to twist the theory into what they demand everyone to believe is disingenuous.

If you don't like what Texas teaches then just stay out of Texas.

I wouldn't go anywhere near Texas. But it isn't just that Texas is full of ignorant, inbred bible thumping idiots... it's that because the textbook companies are writing books for Texas, that's what a lot of the rest of the country gets, too.

The kind of complete ignoramus who spouts something like, "Evolution is not a science it is a theory" and honestly doesn't realize he sounds like he ate paint chips as a child.

You seem to know a lot about eating paint chips and nothing about Darwin's Theory of Evolution.

Awwww. How sweet. This one latched on to the word theory.
Rubio ignites debate with answer about creationism – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Republicans better change there way of thinking if they want a shot at 2016. If you think the Earth is 6-10,000 years old, well, you are an idiot. This creationist BS is one of the reasons why I dont consider myself a Republican. I lean right, but with thinking like this(also abortion etc), why I dont brand myself Republican. I know all Republicans don't think like this, but it is also kinda "automatic"? when you think about that party. To me anyways..

I was think like that a few years ago... I never was a social conservative, but thought right-wingers made more sense on economic/fiscal issues.

Then 2008 crisis turned into a depression and I started reading Krugman's blog -- and oh boy!.. How wrong I was about conservative economics...

I hope you're reading more than Krugman's blog. Paul was advocating for a housing boom a decade ago on Meet the Press to alleviate the Tech Bubble collapse. Oops! Great trade economist. Not so great macroeconomist.

Canada had the same housing boom, but no boost. The problem wasn't with the bubble itself, but with the ways it was inflated when lenders were giving mortgages to everyone with a pulse. And with investors fooled into buying those mortgages thinking they are AAA.

Also, I did not mean that I'm ready to believe everything Krugman says. But what he says makes a lot of sense, and his predictions hold, even though they often go against the conventional wisdom.

Like his prediction that huge deficits will not cause the interest rates to go up. Or Fed printing money like crazy will not cause inflation -- or speed up the recovery.
So you answer my question with a bible quote?

Your question is ridiculous. The whole premise of this 'gotcha' thread is ridiculous. The idea of trying to tie God's creation to 'days' when the term had no meaning is ridiculous.

YOU are ridiculous...

no. you are....

why are rightwingnuts so anti-intellectual?

G-d doesn't want you to be stupid.

Yes...Typical of an angry lib to respond in this manner. One percenter.
I think that's exactly what he was trying to do and you're right, it was completely stupid. The number of people out there who actually believe the earth is 6,000 or 9,000 or what ever years old is such a small minority who gives a shit how they feel about his answer. Those people are still going to vote him anyway, so why is he so concerned.

Yes, but can the Pats beat the Jets by more than 7 points without Gronkowski today?
Took the Pats minus the 7....

The problem isn't Gronk being out as much as it is the laughable defensive secondary being in.
Holy shit...What incredible football ineptitude shown by the Jets. One cannot make up this shit.
The professor sat down.

The young man's name - Albert Einstein
I don't know if the attribution to Einstein is correct or not, and I don't even care.

It's the message that counts, not the messenger.

Well, yeah, that's the point, Guy. You don't care about facts.

For instance, Albert Einstein did no such thing, and the incident never happened. Albert Einstein Humiliates Atheist

The message is typical religionists bullshit. It's a made up fairy story... Just like most of the made up fairy stories in the bible.

I think the story that really put me on the path to atheism was Noah's Ark. Yeah, it's a cutesy story about animals on a boat. But then I asked a Nun a really obvious question. "Why did God kill all the Babies in the world?"

And the old crone hissed back "Because they were WIIIIIIIIIIICKED!"

Now, as asspoundingly retarded as this this reply was, even to my 11 year old self, I honestly have to admit, having talked about this story with people of all faiths, not a one of them could come up with an answer that was LESS retarded.

But I'll let you have a shot at it for fun.

How can a "Good" God murder every baby in the world, kind of like a Cosmic Andrea Yates, and still be considered good by any measure?
The kind of complete ignoramus who spouts something like, "Evolution is not a science it is a theory" and honestly doesn't realize he sounds like he ate paint chips as a child.

You seem to know a lot about eating paint chips and nothing about Darwin's Theory of Evolution.

True, I see a lot of stupid bible thumpers who must have eaten paint chips as a child. But the important thing there was a big corporation made a lot of money selling that paint, so in Goons of Plutocracy (GOP) Land, that must be good. Keep them stupid, flash a bible in front of them, and get them to vote against their own economic interests. BRILLIANT!

Now, anyone who says "Well, Evolution is a theory". Guy. Gravity is a theory.
The professor sat down.

The young man's name - Albert Einstein
I don't know if the attribution to Einstein is correct or not, and I don't even care.

It's the message that counts, not the messenger.

Well, yeah, that's the point, Guy. You don't care about facts.

For instance, Albert Einstein did no such thing, and the incident never happened. Albert Einstein Humiliates Atheist

The message is typical religionists bullshit. It's a made up fairy story... Just like most of the made up fairy stories in the bible.

I think the story that really put me on the path to atheism was Noah's Ark. Yeah, it's a cutesy story about animals on a boat. But then I asked a Nun a really obvious question. "Why did God kill all the Babies in the world?"

And the old crone hissed back "Because they were WIIIIIIIIIIICKED!"

Now, as asspoundingly retarded as this this reply was, even to my 11 year old self, I honestly have to admit, having talked about this story with people of all faiths, not a one of them could come up with an answer that was LESS retarded.

But I'll let you have a shot at it for fun.

How can a "Good" God murder every baby in the world, kind of like a Cosmic Andrea Yates, and still be considered good by any measure?

It's a fucking STORY, Joe. I made that clear, so stop being such a hack bastard. Your venom is really getting to be disgusting, I can't imagine what it must be like to live EVERY DAY with that kind of hatred in my heart. You are a REALLY miserable man, Joe, who seems to take great satisfaction in spreading that misery as far and wide as humanly possible. I feel very sorry for you.

In answer to your question...

Romans 9:6 It is not as though God’s word had failed. For not all who are descended from Israel are Israel. 7 Nor because they are his descendants are they all Abraham’s children. On the contrary, “It is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned.” 8 In other words, it is not the children by physical descent who are God’s children, but it is the children of the promise who are regarded as Abraham’s offspring. 9 For this was how the promise was stated: “At the appointed time I will return, and Sarah will have a son.”[c]

10 Not only that, but Rebekah’s children were conceived at the same time by our father Isaac. 11 Yet, before the twins were born or had done anything good or bad—in order that God’s purpose in election might stand: 12 not by works but by him who calls—she was told, “The older will serve the younger.”[d] 13 Just as it is written: “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.”[e]

14 What then shall we say? Is God unjust? Not at all! 15 For he says to Moses,

“I will have mercy on whom I have mercy,
and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.”[f]

16 It does not, therefore, depend on human desire or effort, but on God’s mercy. 17 For Scripture says to Pharaoh: “I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.”[g] 18 Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden.

It's a fucking STORY, Joe. I made that clear, so stop being such a hack bastard. Your venom is really getting to be disgusting, I can't imagine what it must be like to live EVERY DAY with that kind of hatred in my heart. You are a REALLY miserable man, Joe, who seems to take great satisfaction in spreading that misery as far and wide as humanly possible. I feel very sorry for you.

So for those playing along at home. Guy tried to pass of a false story giving credibility to a religionist argument, and attaching the name of someone who is considered REALLY SMART to it. (Albert Einstein). This was quickly debunked by even level one research (going to, which is kind of the one-stop shop for debunking internet bullshit.)

When I call shennanigans on him...Guy whines that I have "hatred" in my heart because I have a sufficiently skeptical mind to the point where when I realize ifsomething doesn't sound right, it probalby isn't.

To point- when a highly intelligent man known to be an atheist is quoted spouting religionist bullshit, it's probably false.

When a God drowns every baby in the world- even in a silly myth - it's kind of hard to claim he is good.

Nope. Too obvious of questions for Guy to deal with. I must have "hatred in my heart".

In answer to your question...

That didn't answer my question at all.

Let's try again.

When God decides to drown every baby in teh world because he messed up and made humans in a flawed way, how exactly does anyone claim this is a good diety.

God kills MILLIONS of people in the bible. Satan kills all of 10 (in the Book of Job, on a wager with God.)

The best of God's Sociopathic Behavior-

Kills everyone in the world in the flood, including the babies

Kills everyone in Sodom and Gomorrah, including the babies. He does spare Lot, a guy who offered his daughters up for gang rape before having sex with them himself.

Kills every first born child in Egypt.

Allows Jephthah to kill his daughter because he made a foolish Oath.

Kills David and Bathsheba's baby because David sinned.

Kills 42 children because they made fun of a Prophet's bald head. (God isn't just the Hair Club President, he's also a client!)

It's a fucking STORY, Joe. I made that clear, so stop being such a hack bastard. Your venom is really getting to be disgusting, I can't imagine what it must be like to live EVERY DAY with that kind of hatred in my heart. You are a REALLY miserable man, Joe, who seems to take great satisfaction in spreading that misery as far and wide as humanly possible. I feel very sorry for you.

So for those playing along at home. Guy tried to pass of a false story giving credibility to a religionist argument, and attaching the name of someone who is considered REALLY SMART to it. (Albert Einstein). This was quickly debunked by even level one research (going to, which is kind of the one-stop shop for debunking internet bullshit.)

When I call shennanigans on him...Guy whines that I have "hatred" in my heart because I have a sufficiently skeptical mind to the point where when I realize ifsomething doesn't sound right, it probalby isn't.

To point- when a highly intelligent man known to be an atheist is quoted spouting religionist bullshit, it's probably false.

When a God drowns every baby in the world- even in a silly myth - it's kind of hard to claim he is good.

Nope. Too obvious of questions for Guy to deal with. I must have "hatred in my heart".

In answer to your question...

That didn't answer my question at all.

Let's try again.

When God decides to drown every baby in teh world because he messed up and made humans in a flawed way, how exactly does anyone claim this is a good diety.

God kills MILLIONS of people in the bible. Satan kills all of 10 (in the Book of Job, on a wager with God.)

The best of God's Sociopathic Behavior-

Kills everyone in the world in the flood, including the babies

Kills everyone in Sodom and Gomorrah, including the babies. He does spare Lot, a guy who offered his daughters up for gang rape before having sex with them himself.

Kills every first born child in Egypt.

Allows Jephthah to kill his daughter because he made a foolish Oath.

Kills David and Bathsheba's baby because David sinned.

Kills 42 children because they made fun of a Prophet's bald head. (God isn't just the Hair Club President, he's also a client!)

You're being very disingenuous, Joe. I didn't try to 'pass off' anything, I made it clear that I doubted the attribution and that it was the message of the 'story' that was important. If you're so right, why do you feel the need to LIE?

As for the quote of Romans, let me paraphrase, "Who the fuck are YOU to question God?" Does He not have the right to judge according to His rules?

And your obsession with death? What is it that makes you fear it so? You do realize that death is merely the passing of life from this plane to the next, don't you? 'Innocent babies' have the pleasure of Eternity in God's presence, it's not like they've been punished. If anything they were spared the anguish of living in a fallen world with atheistic hedonists like yourself.
You do realize that death is merely the passing of life from this plane to the next, don't you? 'Innocent babies' have the pleasure of Eternity in God's presence, it's not like they've been punished. If anything they were spared the anguish of living in a fallen world with atheistic hedonists like yourself.

Are you pro-choice?

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