The earth is how old?

Clearly, little joey the bigot never developed one bit more than the limited capacity for understanding and abstract thought that he had at 11 years old. That's why topics like theology will always be beyond him. Somewhere along the line he was told that this arrested development is a virtue and should be considered a point of empty pride. Naturallly, he lapped this up like an eager little puppy. So now he is an arrogant little big-mouth with nothing but self-assured ignorance. A product of our times.

Theology- the study of make-believe bullshit.

Like I said, it will always be too difficult for someone with your limitations to even attempt to understand. I'm sure you're fine with that because someone told you it was ok to be. The part you are missing is that a deeper understanding of anything is also therefore beyond you. I suppose you're ok with that too, since you will never aspire to be anything more than the faceless seat-filler that you are today.

Ahhh the last argument of the atheist. I prayed and the Great Concierge didn't immediately grant my wishes. Don't you get at least THREE!

Doesn't it prove there is no God when millions of people pray real hard to win the lotto and they don't?

You really remind me of another atheist whose brother drowned and he prayed real REAL hard to bring the bro back from the dead. That pretty much convinced him there was no God.

If there really was a God, no one would ever die and if they did, it wouldn't be your mother or brother, it would be someone else's. We would all be immortal with no one dying, no babies being born to make the world too crowded for all those immortals. No one would ever get sick, or stub their toes. No one would be hungry because they wouldn't have to eat. Or thirsty either. No one would ever be unhappy, and all human beings would look like Halle Berry and Justin Bieber. They could fuck without getting disease for there would be no disease, no colds or flus. Since all these things exist, there can't be a God, or all wishes at all times would be granted immediately.

Sounds like heaven.

Yes, Heaven is all puppies and sunshine, because that what religions had tostart promising when simply "God will send a plague if you don't pray sincerely enough" wasn't cutting it. Because God doesn't grant wishes, or even help people. Nope, all the goodies are coming after you die! NOtthat you will be ableto prove it one way or the other.

My problem is not with death, we all die, eventually.

It's with the notion that God can intercede if you pray hard enough, and of course, send him money. Which my parents did plenty of. My mom even worked for the Church. (So does my sister and my neice... Thanksgivings are always sooooo much fun!)

If he won't even look out for his employees, what chance do the rest of us have?

How did you ever get the idea that God will intercede if you pray hard enough? Where did that come from? It didn't come from any Christian teaching I've ever heard of. God doesn't respond to an endless litany of "gimmee". He knows what you need. Although I once prayed for a new car, sincerely and with desperation and I got a new car, although in a manner I might have chosen.
Like I said, it will always be too difficult for someone with your limitations to even attempt to understand. I'm sure you're fine with that because someone told you it was ok to be. The part you are missing is that a deeper understanding of anything is also therefore beyond you. I suppose you're ok with that too, since you will never aspire to be anything more than the faceless seat-filler that you are today.

Actually, I've gotten nothing but greif for being an atheist... Other than the joy I get when a particularly obnoxios tries to "convert" me and I shred his beliefs by pointing out the crazy in his own bible.

There is no deeper understand. There is no God, so I enjoy my life anyway.

How did you ever get the idea that God will intercede if you pray hard enough? .

The nuns and priests said that every fucking day for 12 years of Catholic Education.. right after they emphasized the important of us making sure our parents sent them money.

Because God needs Money. he needs money all the time. And a Starship.

[ame=]What Does God Need With a Starship? - YouTube[/ame]
How did you ever get the idea that God will intercede if you pray hard enough? Where did that come from? It didn't come from any Christian teaching I've ever heard of. God doesn't respond to an endless litany of "gimmee". He knows what you need. Although I once prayed for a new car, sincerely and with desperation and I got a new car, although in a manner I might have chosen.

Why are Christians supposed to pray, then?

How did you ever get the idea that God will intercede if you pray hard enough? Where did that come from? It didn't come from any Christian teaching I've ever heard of. God doesn't respond to an endless litany of "gimmee". He knows what you need. Although I once prayed for a new car, sincerely and with desperation and I got a new car, although in a manner I might have chosen.

Why are Christians supposed to pray, then?


To worship God. Not to badger Him for what you want. Read the Bible once in a while. It is quite clear on what Christians are supposed to do. God does not exist as your geni in a bottle to give you things. YOU exist to please God, not the other way around. God does not run around the world saying "I better start giving humanity what it wants or they won't like me anymore".
Clearly, little joey the bigot never developed one bit more than the limited capacity for understanding and abstract thought that he had at 11 years old. That's why topics like theology will always be beyond him. Somewhere along the line he was told that this arrested development is a virtue and should be considered a point of empty pride. Naturallly, he lapped this up like an eager little puppy. So now he is an arrogant little big-mouth with nothing but self-assured ignorance. A product of our times.

Theology- the study of make-believe bullshit.

You misspelled "progressivism". :lol:
Clearly, little joey the bigot never developed one bit more than the limited capacity for understanding and abstract thought that he had at 11 years old. That's why topics like theology will always be beyond him. Somewhere along the line he was told that this arrested development is a virtue and should be considered a point of empty pride. Naturallly, he lapped this up like an eager little puppy. So now he is an arrogant little big-mouth with nothing but self-assured ignorance. A product of our times.

Theology- the study of make-believe bullshit.

You misspelled "progressivism". :lol:

if only spelling were the sole deficiency in your posts.
Theology- the study of make-believe bullshit.

Yeah, I didn't get a degree in that, just like I didn't get a degree in Alchemy or Phrenology or other psuedo-studies that people really, really believed in at various points.

I stopped believeing in sky pixies when my mom prayed real hard to not die of cancer, and she died anyway.

Pretty much the only scientific test I needed.

Ahhh the last argument of the atheist. I prayed and the Great Concierge didn't immediately grant my wishes. Don't you get at least THREE!

Doesn't it prove there is no God when millions of people pray real hard to win the lotto and they don't?

You really remind me of another atheist whose brother drowned and he prayed real REAL hard to bring the bro back from the dead. That pretty much convinced him there was no God.

If there really was a God, no one would ever die and if they did, it wouldn't be your mother or brother, it would be someone else's. We would all be immortal with no one dying, no babies being born to make the world too crowded for all those immortals. No one would ever get sick, or stub their toes. No one would be hungry because they wouldn't have to eat. Or thirsty either. No one would ever be unhappy, and all human beings would look like Halle Berry and Justin Bieber. They could fuck without getting disease for there would be no disease, no colds or flus. Since all these things exist, there can't be a God, or all wishes at all times would be granted immediately.

Sounds like heaven.



not believing the nonsense that you spew doesn't require that one be an atheist. it only requires that one have a working brain.

That leaves you out...
My only problem with Atheism is that it implicitly assumes that human beings are the highest form of intelligence in the universe.

where does it do that?

It is axiomatic that human beings are unable to comprehend an intelligence greater than their own. Aside from the fantasy of science fiction writers, we have no more idea of what a superior intelligence would be than does a dog of its master. Whether it might be 10 times or 10 million times greater than our own intelligence is indistinguishable to us.

Religion assumes the existence of a greater intelligence, which is called God. God is omnipotent and, by definition, beyond human understanding. Atheists reject the idea of omnipotence and, deductively, the existence of any intelligence greater than their own. If there was such intelligence, it would have to be considered a god, and that would defeat their original premise.
My only problem with Atheism is that it implicitly assumes that human beings are the highest form of intelligence in the universe.

where does it do that?

It is axiomatic that human beings are unable to comprehend an intelligence greater than their own. Aside from the fantasy of science fiction writers, we have no more idea of what a superior intelligence would be than does a dog of its master. Whether it might be 10 times or 10 million times greater than our own intelligence is indistinguishable to us.

Religion assumes the existence of a greater intelligence, which is called God. God is omnipotent and, by definition, beyond human understanding. Atheists reject the idea of omnipotence and, deductively, the existence of any intelligence greater than their own. If there was such intelligence, it would have to be considered a god, and that would defeat their original premise.

I think what you meant to mention there was omniscience, not omnipotence.
And, though an atheist may deny it, at the heart of their ontological and epistemological delusion is that they each want/need to believe that they are God in their way.

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