The earth is how old?

They just waive[sic] a picture of a fetus in front of you, and you let them ship your job to China.

Another "rare" error, comrade? Not only is what you have to say completely idiotic, but you can't manage to express yourself in proper English. No wonder why you'll always be nothing but a nobody seat-filler.
They just waive[sic] a picture of a fetus in front of you, and you let them ship your job to China.

Another "rare" error, comrade? Not only is what you have to say completely idiotic, but you can't manage to express yourself in proper English. No wonder why you'll always be nothing but a nobody seat-filler.

Dude, I get paid for my writing. I just don't bother spell checking on a message board.

And I can hold down a job. Given how much time you spend here, it seems you can't even accomplish that low threshold.
They just waive[sic] a picture of a fetus in front of you, and you let them ship your job to China.

Another "rare" error, comrade? Not only is what you have to say completely idiotic, but you can't manage to express yourself in proper English. No wonder why you'll always be nothing but a nobody seat-filler.

Dude, I get paid for my writing.

Then you are committing fraud, 'dude.'
Another "rare" error, comrade? Not only is what you have to say completely idiotic, but you can't manage to express yourself in proper English. No wonder why you'll always be nothing but a nobody seat-filler.

Dude, I get paid for my writing.

Then you are committing fraud, 'dude.'

Nope. Never had an unhappy customer. in fact, most of my customers find jobs within weeks of my writing a resume for them.

But, hey, guy, maybe you need to start looking at why you are such an unhappy person. Honestly, I've never seen you have a civil conversation with anyone, not once.
I've never seen you have a civil conversation with anyone, not once.

That's because every time you visit a thread YOU act like an idiotic asshole.

Well, no, I was talking about how you react with everyone else. Which is pretty much the same.

Besides the fact I've never seen you add anything to a conversation, not once, you seem to want to pick fights with people. This seems like a guy who probably gets bullied a lot IRL.
Besides the fact I've never seen you add anything to a conversation, not once.

That's your problem, asswipe. If you want to read my every post, knock yourself out. If you don't like what you see, go fuck yourself.
Clearly, little joey the bigot never developed one bit more than the limited capacity for understanding and abstract thought that he had at 11 years old. That's why topics like theology will always be beyond him. Somewhere along the line he was told that this arrested development is a virtue and should be considered a point of empty pride. Naturallly, he lapped this up like an eager little puppy. So now he is an arrogant little big-mouth with nothing but self-assured ignorance. A product of our times.

Theology- the study of make-believe bullshit.

Yeah, I didn't get a degree in that, just like I didn't get a degree in Alchemy or Phrenology or other psuedo-studies that people really, really believed in at various points.

I stopped believeing in sky pixies when my mom prayed real hard to not die of cancer, and she died anyway.

Pretty much the only scientific test I needed.

Ahhh the last argument of the atheist. I prayed and the Great Concierge didn't immediately grant my wishes. Don't you get at least THREE!

Doesn't it prove there is no God when millions of people pray real hard to win the lotto and they don't?

You really remind me of another atheist whose brother drowned and he prayed real REAL hard to bring the bro back from the dead. That pretty much convinced him there was no God.

If there really was a God, no one would ever die and if they did, it wouldn't be your mother or brother, it would be someone else's. We would all be immortal with no one dying, no babies being born to make the world too crowded for all those immortals. No one would ever get sick, or stub their toes. No one would be hungry because they wouldn't have to eat. Or thirsty either. No one would ever be unhappy, and all human beings would look like Halle Berry and Justin Bieber. They could fuck without getting disease for there would be no disease, no colds or flus. Since all these things exist, there can't be a God, or all wishes at all times would be granted immediately.

Sounds like heaven.

I don't know whether to give a Thanks for this post or not...can't tell if you're being sarcastic, or not. I think you are but, I'm not positive. LOL! If you're being sarcastic, I really like this post.
Besides the fact I've never seen you add anything to a conversation, not once.

That's your problem, asswipe. If you want to read my every post, knock yourself out. If you don't like what you see, go fuck yourself.

Guy, I'm not capable of the level of masochism to want to read everything you wrote. It would be sort of depressing...

Maybe you can get an anti-bullying website to do it... "See, this is what happens to the victims of bullying!"
I told you, don't bother. No one is going to buy it.

Well, no brainless robot like you is going to buy it, but the GOP only exists because people like you can't reason.

They just waive a picture of a fetus in front of you, and you let them ship your job to China.

See this is where it is really hard for anyone to believe what you say. Cliinton and his "free" trade agreements are the reason we have our jobs being sucked out of the country. It was predicted then and has happened so there is absolutely no reason to deny it. The democrats love to brag how they keep winning elections yet they have not done one thing to stop the out flux of jobs, no they make it worse by putting more and more burden onto business such as obamatax. Then what low skilled jobs that can't be shipped out of the country are filled in with another democrat brainy idea with allowing illegal immigrants to flood the country. All so the liberals can have their lettece picked on the cheap.

I have to hand it to the democrats thought, their propaganda is quite impressive. To turn the 100s of years of democrat racism back on the Republicans is quite impressive, although one big fat lie. To turn the out sourcing of jobs away from Bill Clinton and the do nothing Democrat Congress is quite the feat. No feakin' wonder you folks want to always, ALWAYS bring up abortion as if that is a huge issue.

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