The Earth Needs More CO2, Not Less

Hilarious. You have to look at real science first. There is no science taught in the entire world at any accredited institute that doesn’t think you’re FOS.

Hey jerkoff---- you're no one to talk. You obviously wouldn't know real science unless it came up and bite you right in the ass like a crocodile. Why don't you try proving the poster's stipulations false themselves instead of just always attacking the poster himself with putdowns. It just goes to show again how weak your hand really is.

Except your right hand which is stronger from always trying to jerk yourself and others off all of the time.
"The Earth Needs More CO2, not Les​
I know this statement will make people’s head explode, but it’s true, Earth needs more CO2, not less. Let’s look at the science with a bit of common sense. Carbon dioxide has gone up and down over millions of years, but the trend has always been, on the whole, down. A quarter of a million years ago, there was 17,000 ppm. Today it is around 410 ppm. Forget for a moment the clumsy “parts per million” scale and just look at the numbers by comparison.
The idiot OP was a Bit off.
Another DELUDED denier.
CO2 was 200-260 PPM 250,000 years ago... and it stayed basically there until WE started stoking it:
now 420 PPM.



The idiot OP was a Bit off.
Another DELUDED denier.
CO2 was 200-260 PPM 250,000 years ago... and it stayed basically there until WE started stoking it:
now 420 PPM.


The climate debacle morphs. We all know the earth is in a co2 drought, the ppm are low. We all know life has thrived in the past due to much higher levels of co2. We also know that some foods producers grow food quicker in higher co2 concentrated atmospheric conditions.

So although some cling onto the level of co2, it's now morphed into the speed of change. And apparently, it's not following the alarmists manual.
The climate debacle morphs. We all know the earth is in a co2 drought, the ppm are low. We all know life has thrived in the past due to much higher levels of co2. We also know that some foods producers grow food quicker in higher co2 concentrated atmospheric conditions.

So although some cling onto the level of co2, it's now morphed into the speed of change. And apparently, it's not following the alarmists manual.
CO2 is 50% higher than it has ever been for a span of time more than five times as long as homo sapiens has existed on this planet.

And, among scientists actually studying the process, the rate of change of both CO2 and temperature has always been the factor most putting humans at risk.
what if they're wrong?
When was the last time anyone in your family had a life threatening illness that you DID NOT consult medical science practiced IN GENERAL by all the major medical facilities in the WORLD. So, you listen to Fox News for cancer treatment ? Only dullards pull this shit. You look at the Mayo Clinic, Mass General and thousands of others for agreed upon treatment. Guess what, They all are institutes of climate science too. Go ahead, continue to to play stupid. It’s hilarious.
Tell those who opposed nuclear power plants.
You want nuclear plants ? Fine, solve the problems they present. But don’t sit there and pretend they are a panacea either.
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Hey jerkoff---- you're no one to talk. You obviously wouldn't know real science unless it came up and bite you right in the ass like a crocodile. Why don't you try proving the poster's stipulations false themselves instead of just always attacking the poster himself with putdowns. It just goes to show again how weak your hand really is.

Except your right hand which is stronger from always trying to jerk yourself and others off all of the time.

Hey jerkoff---- you're no one to talk. You obviously wouldn't know real science unless it came up and bite you right in the ass like a crocodile. Why don't you try proving the poster's stipulations false themselves instead of just always attacking the poster himself with putdowns. It just goes to show again how weak your hand really is.

Except your right hand which is stronger from always trying to jerk yourself and others off all of the time.
Hey dufus, you and your fellow deniers are trying to define yourself as “logical”:with made up shit and fake evidence. You need real facts first and those are available at anyone of thousands of climate science institutes, not in a deniers pointy little head.
Hilarious. You have to look at real science first. There is no science taught in the entire world at any accredited institute that doesn’t think you’re FOS.
Show us real science
The earth stopped greening from additional CO2 in the 1990s.

That effect is maxxed out, so claiming that we need for CO2 for plant food is really stupid.

I understand how the deniers had no way of knowing that. Their cult didn't tell them, after all, and they only know what the cult tells them.
CO2 is 50% higher than it has ever been for a span of time more than five times as long as homo sapiens has existed on this planet.

And, among scientists actually studying the process, the rate of change of both CO2 and temperature has always been the factor most putting humans at risk.
It's not putting humans at risk and humans have only been here 200,000 years which is a tiny blot on the arse of geology.

The idiot OP was a Bit off.
Another DELUDED denier.
CO2 was 200-260 PPM 250,000 years ago... and it stayed basically there until WE started stoking it:
now 420 PPM.


You are confused Moon Bat.

That stupid chart means nothing because CO2 at 400 PPM is of no concern and it is lower than what it has been at several times in earth history. Times that had a greater and more diverse Biosphere than we have today.
When was the last time anyone in your family had a life threatening illness that you DID NOT consult medical science practiced IN GENERAL by all the major medical facilities in the WORLD. So, you listen to Fox News for cancer treatment ? Only dullards pull this shit. You look at the Mayo Clinic, Mass General and thousands of others for agreed upon treatment. Guess what, They all are institutes of climate science too. Go ahead, continue to to play stupid. It’s hilarious.
You think humans can hurt the 4.5 billion old planet! Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions where’s Pompeii ?
The earth stopped greening from additional CO2 in the 1990s.

That effect is maxxed out, so claiming that we need for CO2 for plant food is really stupid.

I understand how the deniers had no way of knowing that. Their cult didn't tell them, after all, and they only know what the cult tells them.
What a stupid post.

Food producers use 1,100ppm co2 in greenhouse cultivation to enhance plant growth.

And what does it tell us? The climate cult are clueless.

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