The East Sea, Not the Sea of Japan


Dec 9, 2008
Therefore, those who support the idea of using a term "Sea of japan" have to
International community has recently paid attention to upcoming decision by IHO in which will make an determination how to call the disputed sea. ("East Sea" supported by South Korea or "Sea of Japan" by Japan).

Using the term "Sea of Japan" has been started from 1929 when IHO published "Boundary between Ocean and Sea". At that time, Korea was japanese colony. At Three Kingdoms period (4~5C), the term "Chosun or East sea" was used. However, unilaterally used the term "Sea of " and made the dispute international problem.

Also, it is not desirable to call the disputed area "Sea of japan" only because, at that time IHO published the second edition of "Boundary between Ocean and Sea" (1937), japan was colonizing korea and Korean peninsula was at war when the organization publishing the third edition in 1953.

be blamed because they didn't understand the historic background behind the sea and their opinion seems advocate the imperial period.

We hope that through ample discussion by IHO, both "East sea" and "Sea of japan" will be used together so as to make the distorted history correctly.

[ame=]The East Sea, Not the Sea of Japan - Part 2/3 - YouTube[/ame]
This is right up there with national hysteria over Takeshima, or spelling 'Korea' with a 'C' so that it will come alphabetically before 'Japan' in English as things that Korea behaves insanely about and over which it will absolutely lose all emotional control if things don't go their way. If neutral international bodies find against Korea's claims in any way such arbitration will be violently rejected and riots will erupt in the streets resulting in, among other things very unfortunately, loss of life.

Passion can be positive and powerful, but when it utterly annihilates reason it becomes a danger to those who find themselves in its thrall.

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