The Effects of Feminism

Its easy to just call people stupid (apparent by this thread) but my angle is that women wanted the opportunity to do more things. Nothing is wrong with that but once they got it they found out those things arent what they really want to do in most cases.

You ever seen a woman take out the trash. Its like the most depressing shit ever. They grunt and complain the entire time about it. Does it get done? Yes. But do they like it? Hell no.

But the feminist has convinced men and women that we dont have roles. Men can cook TOO! Men can do their daughters hair TOO! Men can clean the house TOO!

Thats all great until you say Women can chop wood too!! Woman can go check on that noise in the hallway too! Women can maintain the vehicle too!

Now imagine a woman reading that last paragraph. They're face all scrunched up...confused. Because they dont want to do those things...they only see equality as men can do what we do and women have the option to do what men do...but you better not expect them too.
What the feminists did was to open up all roles within a marriage to either spouse

Women could support the family too
Men can change diapers and clean too

It is not about hating men, it is about redefining the roles in a marriage
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Feminists devalue everything that makes females unique and powerful in our society. Their femininity and motherhood is ridiculed and jeered at, they are encouraged to exist as sexual playthings with no expectation of support or reciprocity, and with no value placed upon the act of sex....they are encouraged to kill and/or abandon their children...and they expect them to be HAPPIER than they are in a society where they are valued, and honored, and cared for?

Once again, it is revealed how progressivism depletes humanity.

"Just weeks after three women passed a rigorous day-long test qualifying them to potentially lead US Marine infantrymen for the first time in history, news came that all three women have been asked to leave the course.

"They were physically disqualified from the training last week for falling behind in hikes while carrying loads of upwards of 100 pounds, says Maj. George Flynn, director of the Infantry Officers Course (IOC) at Quantico, Va."

Three pioneering women in Marine infantry course are asked to leave. Why -
All women today have benefitted from feminism

Barefoot and pregnant only got you so far
We are awash with barefoot and pregnant women.

Thanks to feminism, they are not married.

Another key accomplishment of feminism....freedom from marriage

Prior to the feminist movement, women were trapped in a marriage with no skills or job opportunities to get out. A womans lot in life was to find a husband, bear his children and hopefully have a decent life. Many, many women were stuck in loveless or abusive relationships with nowhere else to go.
Once women entered the workforce they realized, I don't have to put up with this shit
Maybe that's why so many men are angry.
Its easy to just call people stupid (apparent by this thread) but my angle is that women wanted the opportunity to do more things. Nothing is wrong with that but once they got it they found out those things arent what they really want to do in most cases.

You ever seen a woman take out the trash. Its like the most depressing shit ever. They grunt and complain the entire time about it. Does it get done? Yes. But do they like it? Hell no.

But the feminist has convinced men and women that we dont have roles. Men can cook TOO! Men can do their daughters hair TOO! Men can clean the house TOO!

Thats all great until you say Women can chop wood too!! Woman can go check on that noise in the hallway too! Women can maintain the vehicle too!

Now imagine a woman reading that last paragraph. They're face all scrunched up...confused. Because they dont want to do those things...they only see equality as men can do what we do and women have the option to do what men do...but you better not expect them too.
What the feminists did was to open up all roles withing a marriage to either spouse

Women could support the family too
Men can change diapers and clean too

It is not about hating men, it is about redefining the roles in a marriage

And that my friend is the problem right there
So now they are equal in misery.

When moms not happy, no one is happy.

So guess what? Feminism now leads to depression in kids. Congrats leftist, you have really shit upon the family unit in ways never dreamed of

Yeah, its really inexcusable to teach kids that boys and girls are equal.

What is it with you fools who have to look down the front of your pants to know what you're capable of doing?
boys and girls aren't equal, we each can do things better than the other.

unfortunately, leftist don't know this and are to fucking dumb to learn it
In what way(s) are boys and girls not equal?
Its easy to just call people stupid (apparent by this thread) but my angle is that women wanted the opportunity to do more things. Nothing is wrong with that but once they got it they found out those things arent what they really want to do in most cases.

You ever seen a woman take out the trash. Its like the most depressing shit ever. They grunt and complain the entire time about it. Does it get done? Yes. But do they like it? Hell no.

But the feminist has convinced men and women that we dont have roles. Men can cook TOO! Men can do their daughters hair TOO! Men can clean the house TOO!

Thats all great until you say Women can chop wood too!! Woman can go check on that noise in the hallway too! Women can maintain the vehicle too!

Now imagine a woman reading that last paragraph. They're face all scrunched up...confused. Because they dont want to do those things...they only see equality as men can do what we do and women have the option to do what men do...but you better not expect them too.

I'm a woman and my face is all scrunched up.....thinking, "What the hell are you talking about?"

I check on noises, I put oil in the car, I just took apart the washing machine and ordered the part needed in order to fix it.

Do I want to do those things? Not particularly. Do you think women always wanted to cook and clean and change the poopy diapers? Do you think they got some divine fulfillment from those tasks? Are you delusional?

There are chores in everyone's lives, that are necessary to maintain the standards of one's life. There's nothing in one's biology that determines which chores MUST be done by which gender. But it has nothing to do with "want." These things need to be done.
Its easy to just call people stupid (apparent by this thread) but my angle is that women wanted the opportunity to do more things. Nothing is wrong with that but once they got it they found out those things arent what they really want to do in most cases.

You ever seen a woman take out the trash. Its like the most depressing shit ever. They grunt and complain the entire time about it. Does it get done? Yes. But do they like it? Hell no.

But the feminist has convinced men and women that we dont have roles. Men can cook TOO! Men can do their daughters hair TOO! Men can clean the house TOO!

Thats all great until you say Women can chop wood too!! Woman can go check on that noise in the hallway too! Women can maintain the vehicle too!

Now imagine a woman reading that last paragraph. They're face all scrunched up...confused. Because they dont want to do those things...they only see equality as men can do what we do and women have the option to do what men do...but you better not expect them too.
You're a little all over the place.

What feminism does wrong is they have not and still don't accept or respect woman who choose roles more aligned with old fashioned traditional views. Traditional roles are alive and thriving today, in spite of the movement, which btw has strong ties to the liberal agenda ;)
You're a little all over the place.

What feminism does wrong is they have not and still don't accept or respect woman who choose roles more aligned with old fashioned traditional views. Traditional roles are alive and thriving today, in spite of the movement, which btw has strong ties to the liberal agenda ;)

I think you might be confusing an attitude by some individual feminists with the general goal of the feminism movement.

Feminism is about expanding a woman's choices, so her life is determined by her, not by her biology. A woman who chooses traditional roles are fine, as long as it's her free choice, and not something she feels like she has to do.

I stayed home with my kids as long as I was able. I spent a few years doing all the cooking and cleaning because I had the time as a stay-at-home mom. And I'm a feminist.
Its easy to just call people stupid (apparent by this thread) but my angle is that women wanted the opportunity to do more things. Nothing is wrong with that but once they got it they found out those things arent what they really want to do in most cases.

You ever seen a woman take out the trash. Its like the most depressing shit ever. They grunt and complain the entire time about it. Does it get done? Yes. But do they like it? Hell no.

But the feminist has convinced men and women that we dont have roles. Men can cook TOO! Men can do their daughters hair TOO! Men can clean the house TOO!

Thats all great until you say Women can chop wood too!! Woman can go check on that noise in the hallway too! Women can maintain the vehicle too!

Now imagine a woman reading that last paragraph. They're face all scrunched up...confused. Because they dont want to do those things...they only see equality as men can do what we do and women have the option to do what men do...but you better not expect them too.

I'm a woman and my face is all scrunched up.....thinking, "What the hell are you talking about?"

I check on noises, I put oil in the car, I just took apart the washing machine and ordered the part needed in order to fix it.

Do I want to do those things? Not particularly.

Exactly what I said..

Do you think women always wanted to cook and clean and change the poopy diapers? Do you think they got some divine fulfillment from those tasks? Are you delusional?

Thats the "nurture" part of it. You dont want to do it but taking care of the babies is instinctual.

There are chores in everyone's lives, that are necessary to maintain the standards of one's life. There's nothing in one's biology that determines which chores MUST be done by which gender. But it has nothing to do with "want." These things need to be done.

I didnt say any chores MUST be done by a certain gender but check this...>Feminism is about 60 years old. 60 years doesnt beat millions of years of human behavior. Where men had their role and women had theirs. SURE we can share in the responsibilities but the funny thing is if a man asks a woman to share in HIS "responsibilities" her response is :confused-84: and they will say flat out thats a "mans job". NOW THO...picture someone saying something is a womans job and the response they get. Its always anger followed by some bullshit about how a guy should "share" in the responsibilities.
Its easy to just call people stupid (apparent by this thread) but my angle is that women wanted the opportunity to do more things. Nothing is wrong with that but once they got it they found out those things arent what they really want to do in most cases.

You ever seen a woman take out the trash. Its like the most depressing shit ever. They grunt and complain the entire time about it. Does it get done? Yes. But do they like it? Hell no.

But the feminist has convinced men and women that we dont have roles. Men can cook TOO! Men can do their daughters hair TOO! Men can clean the house TOO!

Thats all great until you say Women can chop wood too!! Woman can go check on that noise in the hallway too! Women can maintain the vehicle too!

Now imagine a woman reading that last paragraph. They're face all scrunched up...confused. Because they dont want to do those things...they only see equality as men can do what we do and women have the option to do what men do...but you better not expect them too.
What the feminists did was to open up all roles withing a marriage to either spouse

Women could support the family too
Men can change diapers and clean too

It is not about hating men, it is about redefining the roles in a marriage

And that my friend is the problem right there

What is the problem?

Not having "man is king of the castle, women cook and clean" relationships?
Feminists devalue everything that makes females unique and powerful in our society. Their femininity and motherhood is ridiculed and jeered at, they are encouraged to exist as sexual playthings with no expectation of support or reciprocity, and with no value placed upon the act of sex....they are encouraged to kill and/or abandon their children...and they expect them to be HAPPIER than they are in a society where they are valued, and honored, and cared for?

Once again, it is revealed how progressivism depletes humanity.

"Just weeks after three women passed a rigorous day-long test qualifying them to potentially lead US Marine infantrymen for the first time in history, news came that all three women have been asked to leave the course.

"They were physically disqualified from the training last week for falling behind in hikes while carrying loads of upwards of 100 pounds, says Maj. George Flynn, director of the Infantry Officers Course (IOC) at Quantico, Va."

Three pioneering women in Marine infantry course are asked to leave. Why -
All women today have benefitted from feminism

Barefoot and pregnant only got you so far
We are awash with barefoot and pregnant women.

Thanks to feminism, they are not married.

Another key accomplishment of feminism....freedom from marriage

Prior to the feminist movement, women were trapped in a marriage with no skills or job opportunities to get out. A womans lot in life was to find a husband, bear his children and hopefully have a decent life. Many, many women were stuck in loveless or abusive relationships with nowhere else to go.
Once women entered the workforce they realized, I don't have to put up with this shit
Maybe that's why so many men are angry.

As a kid in the early 60s divorce was rare and shameful. In the early 70s, I saw alot of marriages break up as women entered the workforce and earned salaries they could support themselves on. They had a "I don't have to put up with your shit anymore" attitude. The marriages that survived with a woman in the house who didn't have to be there....were stronger
Its easy to just call people stupid (apparent by this thread) but my angle is that women wanted the opportunity to do more things. Nothing is wrong with that but once they got it they found out those things arent what they really want to do in most cases.

You ever seen a woman take out the trash. Its like the most depressing shit ever. They grunt and complain the entire time about it. Does it get done? Yes. But do they like it? Hell no.

But the feminist has convinced men and women that we dont have roles. Men can cook TOO! Men can do their daughters hair TOO! Men can clean the house TOO!

Thats all great until you say Women can chop wood too!! Woman can go check on that noise in the hallway too! Women can maintain the vehicle too!

Now imagine a woman reading that last paragraph. They're face all scrunched up...confused. Because they dont want to do those things...they only see equality as men can do what we do and women have the option to do what men do...but you better not expect them too.
What the feminists did was to open up all roles withing a marriage to either spouse

Women could support the family too
Men can change diapers and clean too

It is not about hating men, it is about redefining the roles in a marriage

And that my friend is the problem right there

What is the problem?

Not having "man is king of the castle, women cook and clean" relationships?

The problem is that when women look around and ask "where are the real men?" they completely forget they created this environment.

Call it King or whatever but roles should be defined. Its not a team if everyone does everything based on feelings
You're a little all over the place.

What feminism does wrong is they have not and still don't accept or respect woman who choose roles more aligned with old fashioned traditional views. Traditional roles are alive and thriving today, in spite of the movement, which btw has strong ties to the liberal agenda ;)

I think you might be confusing an attitude by some individual feminists with the general goal of the feminism movement.

Feminism is about expanding a woman's choices, so her life is determined by her, not by her biology. A woman who chooses traditional roles are fine, as long as it's her free choice, and not something she feels like she has to do.

I stayed home with my kids as long as I was able. I spent a few years doing all the cooking and cleaning because I had the time as a stay-at-home mom. And I'm a feminist.
I would argue you are confusing the general attitude of the movement with a few more open minded individuals :)

Whose choice would it be for a woman to choose her lifestyle other than her own? The assumption we are stupid or weak is anti woman, not supportive.
Its easy to just call people stupid (apparent by this thread) but my angle is that women wanted the opportunity to do more things. Nothing is wrong with that but once they got it they found out those things arent what they really want to do in most cases.

You ever seen a woman take out the trash. Its like the most depressing shit ever. They grunt and complain the entire time about it. Does it get done? Yes. But do they like it? Hell no.

But the feminist has convinced men and women that we dont have roles. Men can cook TOO! Men can do their daughters hair TOO! Men can clean the house TOO!

Thats all great until you say Women can chop wood too!! Woman can go check on that noise in the hallway too! Women can maintain the vehicle too!

Now imagine a woman reading that last paragraph. They're face all scrunched up...confused. Because they dont want to do those things...they only see equality as men can do what we do and women have the option to do what men do...but you better not expect them too.

I'm a woman and my face is all scrunched up.....thinking, "What the hell are you talking about?"

I check on noises, I put oil in the car, I just took apart the washing machine and ordered the part needed in order to fix it.

Do I want to do those things? Not particularly.

Exactly what I said..

Do you think women always wanted to cook and clean and change the poopy diapers? Do you think they got some divine fulfillment from those tasks? Are you delusional?

Thats the "nurture" part of it. You dont want to do it but taking care of the babies is instinctual.

There are chores in everyone's lives, that are necessary to maintain the standards of one's life. There's nothing in one's biology that determines which chores MUST be done by which gender. But it has nothing to do with "want." These things need to be done.

I didnt say any chores MUST be done by a certain gender but check this...>Feminism is about 60 years old. 60 years doesnt beat millions of years of human behavior. Where men had their role and women had theirs. SURE we can share in the responsibilities but the funny thing is if a man asks a woman to share in HIS "responsibilities" her response is :confused-84: and they will say flat out thats a "mans job". NOW THO...picture someone saying something is a womans job and the response they get. Its always anger followed by some bullshit about how a guy should "share" in the responsibilities.

So, if the baby-caring is instinctual, is the cooking and cleaning, too?

And is the lawn care and handyman stuff instinctual for men? Somebody needs to tell my husband. He cooked dinner while I took apart the washer.

And the reason I don't particularly want to do those chores is not because they're "men's work" or it goes against some instinct. As I tried to say before, they're just not a ton of fun for most people, male or female, or else those things would be hobbies, rather than chores.
You're a little all over the place.

What feminism does wrong is they have not and still don't accept or respect woman who choose roles more aligned with old fashioned traditional views. Traditional roles are alive and thriving today, in spite of the movement, which btw has strong ties to the liberal agenda ;)

I think you might be confusing an attitude by some individual feminists with the general goal of the feminism movement.

Feminism is about expanding a woman's choices, so her life is determined by her, not by her biology. A woman who chooses traditional roles are fine, as long as it's her free choice, and not something she feels like she has to do.

I stayed home with my kids as long as I was able. I spent a few years doing all the cooking and cleaning because I had the time as a stay-at-home mom. And I'm a feminist.
I would argue you are confusing the general attitude of the movement with a few more open minded individuals :)

Whose choice would it be for a woman to choose her lifestyle other than her own? The assumption we are stupid or weak is anti woman, not supportive.

Have you ever heard of societal pressure? Yes, women could choose, to a certain extent, pre-feminism, but they paid a price in ostracism, dire predictions about ever getting married, and very real economic setbacks.
Its easy to just call people stupid (apparent by this thread) but my angle is that women wanted the opportunity to do more things. Nothing is wrong with that but once they got it they found out those things arent what they really want to do in most cases.

You ever seen a woman take out the trash. Its like the most depressing shit ever. They grunt and complain the entire time about it. Does it get done? Yes. But do they like it? Hell no.

But the feminist has convinced men and women that we dont have roles. Men can cook TOO! Men can do their daughters hair TOO! Men can clean the house TOO!

Thats all great until you say Women can chop wood too!! Woman can go check on that noise in the hallway too! Women can maintain the vehicle too!

Now imagine a woman reading that last paragraph. They're face all scrunched up...confused. Because they dont want to do those things...they only see equality as men can do what we do and women have the option to do what men do...but you better not expect them too.
What the feminists did was to open up all roles withing a marriage to either spouse

Women could support the family too
Men can change diapers and clean too

It is not about hating men, it is about redefining the roles in a marriage

And that my friend is the problem right there

What is the problem?

Not having "man is king of the castle, women cook and clean" relationships?

The problem is that when women look around and ask "where are the real men?" they completely forget they created this environment.

Call it King or whatever but roles should be defined. Its not a team if everyone does everything based on feelings

Women can choose the type of husband they desire

If they want a submissive relationship, they can find one
If they want to have a say in their relationship, they can find a man who is cool with that
Women can choose the type of husband they desire

If they want a submissive relationship, they can find one
If they want to have a say in their relationship, they can find a man who is cool with that

Maybe calling it "feminism" is a problem. I think the attitudes that feminists espouse help men, too. If a man isn't particularly handy, he isn't as likely to be made to feel like less of a man. There's less pressure to be the sole bread-winner. There's more incentive to be an involved parent, rather than feeling clumsy about caring for kids.
Its easy to just call people stupid (apparent by this thread) but my angle is that women wanted the opportunity to do more things. Nothing is wrong with that but once they got it they found out those things arent what they really want to do in most cases.

You ever seen a woman take out the trash. Its like the most depressing shit ever. They grunt and complain the entire time about it. Does it get done? Yes. But do they like it? Hell no.

But the feminist has convinced men and women that we dont have roles. Men can cook TOO! Men can do their daughters hair TOO! Men can clean the house TOO!

Thats all great until you say Women can chop wood too!! Woman can go check on that noise in the hallway too! Women can maintain the vehicle too!

Now imagine a woman reading that last paragraph. They're face all scrunched up...confused. Because they dont want to do those things...they only see equality as men can do what we do and women have the option to do what men do...but you better not expect them too.

I'm a woman and my face is all scrunched up.....thinking, "What the hell are you talking about?"

I check on noises, I put oil in the car, I just took apart the washing machine and ordered the part needed in order to fix it.

Do I want to do those things? Not particularly.

Exactly what I said..

Do you think women always wanted to cook and clean and change the poopy diapers? Do you think they got some divine fulfillment from those tasks? Are you delusional?

Thats the "nurture" part of it. You dont want to do it but taking care of the babies is instinctual.

There are chores in everyone's lives, that are necessary to maintain the standards of one's life. There's nothing in one's biology that determines which chores MUST be done by which gender. But it has nothing to do with "want." These things need to be done.

I didnt say any chores MUST be done by a certain gender but check this...>Feminism is about 60 years old. 60 years doesnt beat millions of years of human behavior. Where men had their role and women had theirs. SURE we can share in the responsibilities but the funny thing is if a man asks a woman to share in HIS "responsibilities" her response is :confused-84: and they will say flat out thats a "mans job". NOW THO...picture someone saying something is a womans job and the response they get. Its always anger followed by some bullshit about how a guy should "share" in the responsibilities.

So, if the baby-caring is instinctual, is the cooking and cleaning, too?

You tell me? Better yet...what does history of man tell you?

And is the lawn care and handyman stuff instinctual for men? Somebody needs to tell my husband. He cooked dinner while I took apart the washer.

No thats part of being a man. Credibility and providing for the family. See, you are pretending as if I'm saying a man CANNOT or SHOULD NOT cook or clean. What I'm saying is that when the roles are clearly defined you dont have a problem. But you cant have a "men are supposed to" list without a womans side. The BEST THING about the feminist movement is they convinced men AND women that men have a "role" and women shouldnt be burdened with a "role" because thats mean. Women should do whatever they want while men maintain those roles.

Seems fair right?

And the reason I don't particularly want to do those chores is not because they're "men's work" or it goes against some instinct. As I tried to say before, they're just not a ton of fun for most people, male or female, or else those things would be hobbies, rather than chores.

Men dont do things because they are fun...they need to be handled and how would it look if we leaned on you to do it? Ahahaha you'd be thinking he aint handling HIS business. Can a guy say that about a woman who isnt cooking without being called a Chauvinist? Nope....
Its easy to just call people stupid (apparent by this thread) but my angle is that women wanted the opportunity to do more things. Nothing is wrong with that but once they got it they found out those things arent what they really want to do in most cases.

You ever seen a woman take out the trash. Its like the most depressing shit ever. They grunt and complain the entire time about it. Does it get done? Yes. But do they like it? Hell no.

But the feminist has convinced men and women that we dont have roles. Men can cook TOO! Men can do their daughters hair TOO! Men can clean the house TOO!

Thats all great until you say Women can chop wood too!! Woman can go check on that noise in the hallway too! Women can maintain the vehicle too!

Now imagine a woman reading that last paragraph. They're face all scrunched up...confused. Because they dont want to do those things...they only see equality as men can do what we do and women have the option to do what men do...but you better not expect them too.
What the feminists did was to open up all roles withing a marriage to either spouse

Women could support the family too
Men can change diapers and clean too

It is not about hating men, it is about redefining the roles in a marriage

And that my friend is the problem right there

What is the problem?

Not having "man is king of the castle, women cook and clean" relationships?

The problem is that when women look around and ask "where are the real men?" they completely forget they created this environment.

Call it King or whatever but roles should be defined. Its not a team if everyone does everything based on feelings

Women can choose the type of husband they desire

If they want a submissive relationship, they can find one
If they want to have a say in their relationship, they can find a man who is cool with that

I've never met a woman who wants a submissive man. Thats a false option.
Feminists devalue everything that makes females unique and powerful in our society. Their femininity and motherhood is ridiculed and jeered at, they are encouraged to exist as sexual playthings with no expectation of support or reciprocity, and with no value placed upon the act of sex....they are encouraged to kill and/or abandon their children...and they expect them to be HAPPIER than they are in a society where they are valued, and honored, and cared for?

Once again, it is revealed how progressivism depletes humanity.

"Just weeks after three women passed a rigorous day-long test qualifying them to potentially lead US Marine infantrymen for the first time in history, news came that all three women have been asked to leave the course.

"They were physically disqualified from the training last week for falling behind in hikes while carrying loads of upwards of 100 pounds, says Maj. George Flynn, director of the Infantry Officers Course (IOC) at Quantico, Va."

Three pioneering women in Marine infantry course are asked to leave. Why -
All women today have benefitted from feminism

Barefoot and pregnant only got you so far
We are awash with barefoot and pregnant women.

Thanks to feminism, they are not married.

Another key accomplishment of feminism....freedom from marriage

Prior to the feminist movement, women were trapped in a marriage with no skills or job opportunities to get out. A womans lot in life was to find a husband, bear his children and hopefully have a decent life. Many, many women were stuck in loveless or abusive relationships with nowhere else to go.
Once women entered the workforce they realized, I don't have to put up with this shit
Maybe that's why so many men are angry.

As a kid in the early 60s divorce was rare and shameful. In the early 70s, I saw alot of marriages break up as women entered the workforce and earned salaries they could support themselves on. They had a "I don't have to put up with your shit anymore" attitude. The marriages that survived with a woman in the house who didn't have to be there....were stronger
No fault and irreconcilable differences caused the divorce rate to skyrocket in the 70's vs proving abuse, adultery or abandonment. As with most things, the easier to obtain the more desirable things become.

To make the claim this stems from feminism is a stretch imo.
You're a little all over the place.

What feminism does wrong is they have not and still don't accept or respect woman who choose roles more aligned with old fashioned traditional views. Traditional roles are alive and thriving today, in spite of the movement, which btw has strong ties to the liberal agenda ;)

I think you might be confusing an attitude by some individual feminists with the general goal of the feminism movement.

Feminism is about expanding a woman's choices, so her life is determined by her, not by her biology. A woman who chooses traditional roles are fine, as long as it's her free choice, and not something she feels like she has to do.

I stayed home with my kids as long as I was able. I spent a few years doing all the cooking and cleaning because I had the time as a stay-at-home mom. And I'm a feminist.
I would argue you are confusing the general attitude of the movement with a few more open minded individuals :)

Whose choice would it be for a woman to choose her lifestyle other than her own? The assumption we are stupid or weak is anti woman, not supportive.

Have you ever heard of societal pressure? Yes, women could choose, to a certain extent, pre-feminism, but they paid a price in ostracism, dire predictions about ever getting married, and very real economic setbacks.
Weak people make their own choices. So?

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