The Effects of Feminism

Feminism has been a major success in this country

Prior to the feminist movement, women could aspire to be a.....teacher, nurse, secretary, beautician, cashier and little else
None of which had anything to do with feminism.
Women's achievements in the work force was the result of changing social mores.
Those expectations where women were expected to remain virtuous, remain under the roof of their parents until marriage and within a year's time of the nuptial, have already become pregnant. Women were not expected to continue their education because it was expected that once married, the man would support her and any offspring for the rest of her life. There was no need ( theoretically) for women to have an education or even work outside the home.
Our nation changed.
Modern militant feminism( which is the REAL subject matter of the thread) had zero to do with those changes.
Changing mores pursued by feminists
Those social changes did not come out of the goodness in their hearts of white males

Its always the RWs who are preaching against equality.

Yeah, lol. How many conservative blacks have you called house ni#!ers?
Not to mention that feminists posses a distinct form of misandry only common to their worldview. Men are evil, men hate and objectify women; on and on and on...

Feminists do not typically equal man-haters.

Feminists, both men and women, are just the opposite.

They love the sexes and the celebrate their differences as much as what they have in common.

Its RW "men" who can't get a date and very often live off of women who are fearful of equality and independence. Just like ^^^.
Lol, I don't take my date to McDonald's with my ebt card, shut up. You got the stupid post of the day. Try a fine dinning restaurant for a change. Tell me, does your date get her taxpayer birth control on the way?
Riight. That's why it is the worst insult you can think of to level at a fellow female.

FWIW, it's far from the worst insult I could think of for you.

It shows you care little for the equality amongst your female counterparts. So much for that, eh?

How does it show that? I would think that for Koshergrl, a self-proclaimed non-man-hater, it wouldn't be an insult to tell her to go do those things. I believe in women's choices. Too bad she can't seem to say the same.
Your mother's achievement is a liberal's worst nightmare. So they attack her and people like her because they dared to walk off the liberal reservation.

WHO attacked his mother????
Don't play stupid with me.

Just pretend I'm stupid. Don't worry, I know it's all pretend, I won't get offended.

Now tell me - WHO attacked his mother?

Great. Tell me names. I want to tell them off.
Your mother's achievement is a liberal's worst nightmare. So they attack her and people like her because they dared to walk off the liberal reservation.

WHO attacked his mother????
Don't play stupid with me.

Just pretend I'm stupid. Don't worry, I know it's all pretend, I won't get offended.

Now tell me - WHO attacked his mother?

Great. Tell me names. I want to tell them off.
Margaret Sandler, she was also a racist.
Ah, so a thread in which men discuss what is wrong with feminism.

How useful.

Perhaps next we can have a thread in which cats discuss why dogs shouldn't be allowed to breed.
Stupid post of the day. Not everyone lives in a fog.

Not everyone - but I suspect you do.

Next time you come out of the fog, you can share your expertise on being another species.
So now they are equal in misery.

When moms not happy, no one is happy.

So guess what? Feminism now leads to depression in kids. Congrats leftist, you have really shit upon the family unit in ways never dreamed of

Yeah, its really inexcusable to teach kids that boys and girls are equal.

What is it with you fools who have to look down the front of your pants to know what you're capable of doing?
boys and girls aren't equal, we each can do things better than the other.

unfortunately, leftist don't know this and are to fucking dumb to learn it
Promotes single parent families and that promotes poverty. A child deserves their father and the father deserves to be part of his family.

If you want to destroy the family. You're going to destroy this country.
Men telling women what their problems really are is "mansplaining". Lots of mansplaining going on here.

Ok, but is any of it wrong tho? If so, then expound of it. But just saying "oh great! Guys are talking about *blank*" accomplishes nothing

Mansplaining isn't men talking about issues.

Mansplaining refers to a man completely ignoring what women say about their experiences, while he patronizingly tells the silly little females how the world really works.

Like I said, lots of mansplainers here.

(Oh, for the perpetually gender-confused -- that is, the conservatives -- I'm a guy.)
Mansplaining is getting a woman headed North on an interstate to understand that the West is on the left, and the East in on the right, no matter which way you turn the atlas.
Promotes single parent families and that promotes poverty. A child deserves their father and the father deserves to be part of his family.

If you want to destroy the family. You're going to destroy this country.
The family and the country, as we knew them, have already been destroyed.

I see this meaning that women now have been told they can do anything that a man can. Which is true in most cases but women never considered IF THEY WANT to do all the things men do. Of course they dont but they've doubled down on this BS for so long and now they are miserable doing so.

Thoughts, Ideas?
Dude. An internet meme, seriously?
Feminists devalue everything that makes females unique and powerful in our society. Their femininity and motherhood is ridiculed and jeered at, they are encouraged to exist as sexual playthings with no expectation of support or reciprocity, and with no value placed upon the act of sex....they are encouraged to kill and/or abandon their children...and they expect them to be HAPPIER than they are in a society where they are valued, and honored, and cared for?

Once again, it is revealed how progressivism depletes humanity.

"Just weeks after three women passed a rigorous day-long test qualifying them to potentially lead US Marine infantrymen for the first time in history, news came that all three women have been asked to leave the course.

"They were physically disqualified from the training last week for falling behind in hikes while carrying loads of upwards of 100 pounds, says Maj. George Flynn, director of the Infantry Officers Course (IOC) at Quantico, Va."

Three pioneering women in Marine infantry course are asked to leave. Why -
All women today have benefitted from feminism

Barefoot and pregnant only got you so far
We are awash with barefoot and pregnant women.

Thanks to feminism, they are not married.

Another key accomplishment of feminism....freedom from marriage

Prior to the feminist movement, women were trapped in a marriage with no skills or job opportunities to get out. A womans lot in life was to find a husband, bear his children and hopefully have a decent life. Many, many women were stuck in loveless or abusive relationships with nowhere else to go.
Once women entered the workforce they realized, I don't have to put up with this shit
WHO attacked his mother????
Don't play stupid with me.

Just pretend I'm stupid. Don't worry, I know it's all pretend, I won't get offended.

Now tell me - WHO attacked his mother?

Great. Tell me names. I want to tell them off.
Margaret Sandler, she was also a racist.

Who is Margaret Sandler, and can you find a quote of her "attacking" Randall Flagg's hardworking and educated mother? Thanks.
Ah, so a thread in which men discuss what is wrong with feminism.

How useful.

Perhaps next we can have a thread in which cats discuss why dogs shouldn't be allowed to breed.
Stupid post of the day. Not everyone lives in a fog.

Not everyone - but I suspect you do.

Next time you come out of the fog, you can share your expertise on being another species.
People who don't agree with you are a different species? LOL.

I see this meaning that women now have been told they can do anything that a man can. Which is true in most cases but women never considered IF THEY WANT to do all the things men do. Of course they dont but they've doubled down on this BS for so long and now they are miserable doing so.

Thoughts, Ideas?
Dude. An internet meme, seriously?

Its not a meme its a fact
Its easy to just call people stupid (apparent by this thread) but my angle is that women wanted the opportunity to do more things. Nothing is wrong with that but once they got it they found out those things arent what they really want to do in most cases.

You ever seen a woman take out the trash. Its like the most depressing shit ever. They grunt and complain the entire time about it. Does it get done? Yes. But do they like it? Hell no.

But the feminist has convinced men and women that we dont have roles. Men can cook TOO! Men can do their daughters hair TOO! Men can clean the house TOO!

Thats all great until you say Women can chop wood too!! Woman can go check on that noise in the hallway too! Women can maintain the vehicle too!

Now imagine a woman reading that last paragraph. They're face all scrunched up...confused. Because they dont want to do those things...they only see equality as men can do what we do and women have the option to do what men do...but you better not expect them too.

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