The Effects of Feminism

Ah, so a thread in which men discuss what is wrong with feminism.

How useful.

Perhaps next we can have a thread in which cats discuss why dogs shouldn't be allowed to breed.

Men are feminists too.

Or at least, REAL men are.
Feminism has been a major success in this country

Prior to the feminist movement, women could aspire to be a.....teacher, nurse, secretary, beautician, cashier and little else

Yeah, you're right.....nothing more than manual labor, right?

Knowledge Center
Women CEOs of the Fortune 1000

Add a Comment
This is a list of women who currently hold CEO positions at companies that rank on the 2014 Fortune 1000 lists. Women currently hold 5.2 percent of Fortune 500 CEO positions and 5.4 percent of Fortune 1000 CEO positions.

Topics: Corporate Governance, Women in Leadership
Centers: Equity in Business Leadership
Date: October 14, 2014
Fortune 1-500 (26 CEOs)

Fortune 501-1000 (28 CEOs)

I sincerely doubt that "feminism" had much to do with education and hard work. More to the point, NO Fortune 500 company is going to turn over the reins of a multi-national company based on "feminism". It will NEVER happen. There is no "quota" system in the rarified air of the billionaires.....
No Fortune 500 company would have turned over the reins of their company to a woman prior to the feminist movement. Women lacked the "essentials" of good leadership.....they were too emotional, didn't understand numbers, too concerned about having babies and finding a husband

All that changed thanks to the feminist movement

Same thing happened with blacks

Sonny, you don't know shit about "blacks" (much less "whites") and you damned sure no nothing about women. You make yourself look foolish.
Ah, so a thread in which men discuss what is wrong with feminism.

How useful.

Perhaps next we can have a thread in which cats discuss why dogs shouldn't be allowed to breed.

I always say this when whites discuss the problem with blacks but its not taken well. Funny how that works.

But I will say men have more interactions with women than whites with blacks on average, wouldnt you agree

I would agree - but that still doesn't mean that men should decide whether feminism is empowering women or disempowering them.

It's up to women to choose the roles they wish to play and how they play them.

I understand that this idea strikes fear into the heart of men who still fear they will only ever find a wife if they find someone illiterate and financially destitute enough to trade sex for food and lodging.

Ahh geez with the "fear" card. No one disagrees with women doing what they want to do. Not one person I think will object to that...What I object to is that women (and men) are fighting themselves by overthinking shit vs societal pressures.

So a woman will SAY they dont need a man and feels even worse when their natural instincts tell them the opposite...which equals the graphic above. They arent happy but they present doing it all alone as being "strong" so...the opposite ideas have to be the opposite characteristic.

I dont want a do nothing chick....A comedian once said "I love my dog because this dog needs and wants me, I know this, but at least hes not pretending he doesnt"
Ah, so a thread in which men discuss what is wrong with feminism.

How useful.

Perhaps next we can have a thread in which cats discuss why dogs shouldn't be allowed to breed.

I always say this when whites discuss the problem with blacks but its not taken well. Funny how that works.

But I will say men have more interactions with women than whites with blacks on average, wouldnt you agree

I would agree - but that still doesn't mean that men should decide whether feminism is empowering women or disempowering them.

It's up to women to choose the roles they wish to play and how they play them.

I understand that this idea strikes fear into the heart of men who still fear they will only ever find a wife if they find someone illiterate and financially destitute enough to trade sex for food and lodging.

Ahh geez with the "fear" card. No one disagrees with women doing what they want to do. Not one person I think will object to that...What I object to is that women (and men) are fighting themselves by overthinking shit vs societal pressures.

So a woman will SAY they dont need a man and feels even worse when their natural instincts tell them the opposite...which equals the graphic above. They arent happy but they present doing it all alone as being "strong" so...the opposite ideas have to be the opposite characteristic.

I dont want a do nothing chick....A comedian once said "I love my dog because this dog needs and wants me, I know this, but at least hes not pretending he doesnt"

My biggest problem is that the nazi left actually believes that women are stupid. That's the bottom line here. My God, it seems like 99% of the ads I have seen (to the point of vomit) are "Congressman _______ will make it illegal for abortions and will tell women what to do with their bodies" -or- "Senator ________ passed a bill that would make equal pay illegal for women".

It's madness.

To infer that women don't have enough sense to understand that "Congressman ______" can't wave a pen and ban abortions is ludicrous. Jesus Christ. Equal pay for equal work was passed by John F Kennedy for Christ sakes....

It's as stupid as women voting for that dyke Hillary because "she's a woman". BULLSHIT. I sometimes think she's more of a man than 90% of the men on this forum....
Feminism has been a major success in this country

Prior to the feminist movement, women could aspire to be a.....teacher, nurse, secretary, beautician, cashier and little else

Yeah, you're right.....nothing more than manual labor, right?

Knowledge Center
Women CEOs of the Fortune 1000

Add a Comment
This is a list of women who currently hold CEO positions at companies that rank on the 2014 Fortune 1000 lists. Women currently hold 5.2 percent of Fortune 500 CEO positions and 5.4 percent of Fortune 1000 CEO positions.

Topics: Corporate Governance, Women in Leadership
Centers: Equity in Business Leadership
Date: October 14, 2014
Fortune 1-500 (26 CEOs)

Fortune 501-1000 (28 CEOs)

I sincerely doubt that "feminism" had much to do with education and hard work. More to the point, NO Fortune 500 company is going to turn over the reins of a multi-national company based on "feminism". It will NEVER happen. There is no "quota" system in the rarified air of the billionaires.....
How would women have gained that education and hard work (besides hard work at home)? Before feminism, women were not expected to go to college or even allowed to go to most colleges.

You stupid dyke. Wake the fuck up. My MOTHER received a degree in Chemistry in the late 40s. A BLACK WOMAN. Quit believing everything you read, moron.
Feminism has been a major success in this country

Prior to the feminist movement, women could aspire to be a.....teacher, nurse, secretary, beautician, cashier and little else

Yeah, you're right.....nothing more than manual labor, right?

Knowledge Center
Women CEOs of the Fortune 1000

Add a Comment
This is a list of women who currently hold CEO positions at companies that rank on the 2014 Fortune 1000 lists. Women currently hold 5.2 percent of Fortune 500 CEO positions and 5.4 percent of Fortune 1000 CEO positions.

Topics: Corporate Governance, Women in Leadership
Centers: Equity in Business Leadership
Date: October 14, 2014
Fortune 1-500 (26 CEOs)

Fortune 501-1000 (28 CEOs)

Thanks for proving my point...Feminism worked

How many Fortune 500 female CEOs were there in 1965?
They did make it so they could work work for Obama, and make almost 30% less than the males.
Feminism has been a major success in this country

Prior to the feminist movement, women could aspire to be a.....teacher, nurse, secretary, beautician, cashier and little else
Yeah, now they can be bitches and ho's.
A lot of women today use "feminism " and "equality" as a talking point or excuse when it suits them to do so. They want to have sex without consequences like men. BUT then they turn around and want men to fight their battles for them and pay their bills.
Ah, so a thread in which men discuss what is wrong with feminism.

How useful.

Perhaps next we can have a thread in which cats discuss why dogs shouldn't be allowed to breed.

I always say this when whites discuss the problem with blacks but its not taken well. Funny how that works.

But I will say men have more interactions with women than whites with blacks on average, wouldnt you agree

I would agree - but that still doesn't mean that men should decide whether feminism is empowering women or disempowering them.

It's up to women to choose the roles they wish to play and how they play them.

I understand that this idea strikes fear into the heart of men who still fear they will only ever find a wife if they find someone illiterate and financially destitute enough to trade sex for food and lodging.

Ahh geez with the "fear" card. No one disagrees with women doing what they want to do. Not one person I think will object to that...What I object to is that women (and men) are fighting themselves by overthinking shit vs societal pressures.

So a woman will SAY they dont need a man and feels even worse when their natural instincts tell them the opposite...which equals the graphic above. They arent happy but they present doing it all alone as being "strong" so...the opposite ideas have to be the opposite characteristic.

I dont want a do nothing chick....A comedian once said "I love my dog because this dog needs and wants me, I know this, but at least hes not pretending he doesnt"

My biggest problem is that the nazi left actually believes that women are stupid. That's the bottom line here. My God, it seems like 99% of the ads I have seen (to the point of vomit) are "Congressman _______ will make it illegal for abortions and will tell women what to do with their bodies" -or- "Senator ________ passed a bill that would make equal pay illegal for women".

It's madness.

To infer that women don't have enough sense to understand that "Congressman ______" can't wave a pen and ban abortions is ludicrous. Jesus Christ. Equal pay for equal work was passed by John F Kennedy for Christ sakes....

It's as stupid as women voting for that dyke Hillary because "she's a woman". BULLSHIT. I sometimes think she's more of a man than 90% of the men on this forum....

Ahh the "oppose a political party out of hurt feelings" reverse psychology. Verrrrry popular in the 3rd fucking grade.

Now it just looks desperate. Telling people how they should feel about something is like....lame
Feminism has been a major success in this country

Prior to the feminist movement, women could aspire to be a.....teacher, nurse, secretary, beautician, cashier and little else

Yeah, you're right.....nothing more than manual labor, right?

Knowledge Center
Women CEOs of the Fortune 1000

Add a Comment
This is a list of women who currently hold CEO positions at companies that rank on the 2014 Fortune 1000 lists. Women currently hold 5.2 percent of Fortune 500 CEO positions and 5.4 percent of Fortune 1000 CEO positions.

Topics: Corporate Governance, Women in Leadership
Centers: Equity in Business Leadership
Date: October 14, 2014
Fortune 1-500 (26 CEOs)

Fortune 501-1000 (28 CEOs)

I sincerely doubt that "feminism" had much to do with education and hard work. More to the point, NO Fortune 500 company is going to turn over the reins of a multi-national company based on "feminism". It will NEVER happen. There is no "quota" system in the rarified air of the billionaires.....
No Fortune 500 company would have turned over the reins of their company to a woman prior to the feminist movement. Women lacked the "essentials" of good leadership.....they were too emotional, didn't understand numbers, too concerned about having babies and finding a husband

All that changed thanks to the feminist movement

Same thing happened with blacks

Sonny, you don't know shit about "blacks" (much less "whites") and you damned sure no nothing about women. You make yourself look foolish.
Doing a pretty good job on you so far?
Shall we continue?

How about the effect of affirmative action on opportunities for blacks and women?
Feminism has been a major success in this country

Prior to the feminist movement, women could aspire to be a.....teacher, nurse, secretary, beautician, cashier and little else

Yeah, you're right.....nothing more than manual labor, right?

Knowledge Center
Women CEOs of the Fortune 1000

Add a Comment
This is a list of women who currently hold CEO positions at companies that rank on the 2014 Fortune 1000 lists. Women currently hold 5.2 percent of Fortune 500 CEO positions and 5.4 percent of Fortune 1000 CEO positions.

Topics: Corporate Governance, Women in Leadership
Centers: Equity in Business Leadership
Date: October 14, 2014
Fortune 1-500 (26 CEOs)

Fortune 501-1000 (28 CEOs)

I sincerely doubt that "feminism" had much to do with education and hard work. More to the point, NO Fortune 500 company is going to turn over the reins of a multi-national company based on "feminism". It will NEVER happen. There is no "quota" system in the rarified air of the billionaires.....
No Fortune 500 company would have turned over the reins of their company to a woman prior to the feminist movement. Women lacked the "essentials" of good leadership.....they were too emotional, didn't understand numbers, too concerned about having babies and finding a husband

All that changed thanks to the feminist movement

Same thing happened with blacks

Sonny, you don't know shit about "blacks" (much less "whites") and you damned sure no nothing about women. You make yourself look foolish.
Doing a pretty good job on you so far?
Shall we continue?

How about the effect of affirmative action on opportunities for blacks and women?

Fuck you and your "affirmative action" - that's nothing more than code for "slavery" you racist asshole.
Feminists devalue everything that makes females unique and powerful in our society. Their femininity and motherhood is ridiculed and jeered at, they are encouraged to exist as sexual playthings with no expectation of support or reciprocity, and with no value placed upon the act of sex....they are encouraged to kill and/or abandon their children...and they expect them to be HAPPIER than they are in a society where they are valued, and honored, and cared for?

Once again, it is revealed how progressivism depletes humanity.

"Just weeks after three women passed a rigorous day-long test qualifying them to potentially lead US Marine infantrymen for the first time in history, news came that all three women have been asked to leave the course.

"They were physically disqualified from the training last week for falling behind in hikes while carrying loads of upwards of 100 pounds, says Maj. George Flynn, director of the Infantry Officers Course (IOC) at Quantico, Va."

Three pioneering women in Marine infantry course are asked to leave. Why -
Yeah, you're right.....nothing more than manual labor, right?

Knowledge Center
Women CEOs of the Fortune 1000

Add a Comment
This is a list of women who currently hold CEO positions at companies that rank on the 2014 Fortune 1000 lists. Women currently hold 5.2 percent of Fortune 500 CEO positions and 5.4 percent of Fortune 1000 CEO positions.

Topics: Corporate Governance, Women in Leadership
Centers: Equity in Business Leadership
Date: October 14, 2014
Fortune 1-500 (26 CEOs)

Fortune 501-1000 (28 CEOs)

I sincerely doubt that "feminism" had much to do with education and hard work. More to the point, NO Fortune 500 company is going to turn over the reins of a multi-national company based on "feminism". It will NEVER happen. There is no "quota" system in the rarified air of the billionaires.....
No Fortune 500 company would have turned over the reins of their company to a woman prior to the feminist movement. Women lacked the "essentials" of good leadership.....they were too emotional, didn't understand numbers, too concerned about having babies and finding a husband

All that changed thanks to the feminist movement

Same thing happened with blacks

Sonny, you don't know shit about "blacks" (much less "whites") and you damned sure no nothing about women. You make yourself look foolish.
Doing a pretty good job on you so far?
Shall we continue?

How about the effect of affirmative action on opportunities for blacks and women?

Fuck you and your "affirmative action" - that's nothing more than code for "slavery" you racist asshole.
Actually, affirmative action opened up opportunities that the Civil Rights bill couldn't
Feminists devalue everything that makes females unique and powerful in our society. Their femininity and motherhood is ridiculed and jeered at, they are encouraged to exist as sexual playthings with no expectation of support or reciprocity, and with no value placed upon the act of sex....they are encouraged to kill and/or abandon their children...and they expect them to be HAPPIER than they are in a society where they are valued, and honored, and cared for?

Once again, it is revealed how progressivism depletes humanity.

"Just weeks after three women passed a rigorous day-long test qualifying them to potentially lead US Marine infantrymen for the first time in history, news came that all three women have been asked to leave the course.

"They were physically disqualified from the training last week for falling behind in hikes while carrying loads of upwards of 100 pounds, says Maj. George Flynn, director of the Infantry Officers Course (IOC) at Quantico, Va."

Three pioneering women in Marine infantry course are asked to leave. Why -
All women today have benefitted from feminism

Barefoot and pregnant only got you so far

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