The Effects of Feminism

So now they are equal in misery.

When moms not happy, no one is happy.

So guess what? Feminism now leads to depression in kids. Congrats leftist, you have really shit upon the family unit in ways never dreamed of

Yeah, its really inexcusable to teach kids that boys and girls are equal.

What is it with you fools who have to look down the front of your pants to know what you're capable of doing?
Males and females are NOT equal. It is biologically impossible.
Males and females brains do not function in the same way. Males and females process information differently.
Males and females have different body types, bone structures, chromosomes, muscle mass types, etc.
The typical feminist's failure is their obsession with plumbing. You said so yourself. "look down the front of your pants"..
Hey genius, that cuts BOTH ways.
The shrill scream from the radical feminist in reaction to the above illustrated scientific facts is almost humorous.
The fembots get all crazy over "different" To them that means "compare". And when human being make comparisons the eventual conclusion is that "one is better than the other"....
Men and women are NOT the same.
Now, watch this reaction. This is going to fun watching the knee jerk reactions to follow. Come on little lemmings. Have at it. Right off the cliff.
Sooo? You're attempting to prove what here?

That the quest for equality can only progress so far. Eventually it stops when it reaches the subject of human biology and anatomy.
Again, you are proving nothing. No two people are the same, yet the law presumes equal protection.
Feminists devalue everything that makes females unique and powerful in our society. Their femininity and motherhood is ridiculed and jeered at, they are encouraged to exist as sexual playthings with no expectation of support or reciprocity, and with no value placed upon the act of sex....they are encouraged to kill and/or abandon their children...and they expect them to be HAPPIER than they are in a society where they are valued, and honored, and cared for?

Once again, it is revealed how progressivism depletes humanity.

"Just weeks after three women passed a rigorous day-long test qualifying them to potentially lead US Marine infantrymen for the first time in history, news came that all three women have been asked to leave the course.

"They were physically disqualified from the training last week for falling behind in hikes while carrying loads of upwards of 100 pounds, says Maj. George Flynn, director of the Infantry Officers Course (IOC) at Quantico, Va."

Three pioneering women in Marine infantry course are asked to leave. Why -

For the life of me, I have never been able to comprehend why women would want to go into combat. In the early 80s, I worked with two female MOSSAD agents. They had both started out in Infantry positions but had never seen actual combat. Talk about gung ho!? One tour of Viet Nam for a young 19 year old boy (me) and seeing the things I saw - no way. I STILL occasionally wake up with my Wife stroking my head, me screaming at the top of my lungs. No Thank You.
Feminism is vile, it is filled with hatred and it exploits children for the sake of pushing a 'cause.' Disgusting.

Indeed. We need to go back to the days of slapping our women around. :banana:

I find it so funny that the democrat party has become a one issue campaign. Abortion. Jesus, I wish all these asshole women that are appearing on TV everyday telling us how "Mr _______ will take a woman's right to abortion away" - like that could happen. Are women really that damned stupid!?!?!

Of course, to be completely honest, the couple of women that I have known to have actually had an abortion, sit around all day rolling their shit into little balls.....

It's no wonder that they are too stupid to comprehend simple Civics....
Sen Kay Hagen( D-NC) has decided to run campaign ads attacking her opponent based on "taking things away from women. Such as "Thom Tillis voted to defund planned parenthood"...."Thom Tillis voted against equal pay for women".....Of course the media has not challenged either of these or many other of Hagan's accusations which by the way or total lies.
Tillis is a STATE legislator and has ZERO to do with federally funded Planned Parenthood. And since when is parenthood and issue exclusive to women?
Of course there has been no legislation based on pay levels to even make it into the NC House committee. I was rudely inconvenienced by a phone call from a Hagan campaign solicitor who I asked about that ad. I asked her how is it possible for Tillis to have voted against something that has never come to a vote on the floor of the NC House.
The caller stammered for a moment searching for an answer. She then told me that I was supposed to be answering HER questions.
Oh really? Here's my answer.....Let me know what time you eat dinner and I'll call you back then.

That's precisely what I mean. They take for granted, that women don't have enough sense to understand simple Civics (or they just don't care). I would LOVE to see Planned Parenthood defunded. Let those rich assholes on the upper East Side fund that abortion mill. That would suit me to a tee.

These Liberal Nazi phone bank callers don't know how to react when their lies are called out. But again, it's common sense. The equal pay law has stood since the 60s (When JFK passed it). There is ZERO PERCENT CHANCE that it will ever be overturned. The same with Roe VS Wade. It's a damned shame, but it is political suicide to even think about it. Yet, that Jewish lady with the Jerry Curl has put EVERYTHING into this plan for the DNC. I pretty much promise you - she will be out of a job faster than shit through a goose in one week and a day.
Feminism has been a major success in this country

Prior to the feminist movement, women could aspire to be a.....teacher, nurse, secretary, beautician, cashier and little else

Yeah, you're right.....nothing more than manual labor, right?

Knowledge Center
Women CEOs of the Fortune 1000

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This is a list of women who currently hold CEO positions at companies that rank on the 2014 Fortune 1000 lists. Women currently hold 5.2 percent of Fortune 500 CEO positions and 5.4 percent of Fortune 1000 CEO positions.

Topics: Corporate Governance, Women in Leadership
Centers: Equity in Business Leadership
Date: October 14, 2014
Fortune 1-500 (26 CEOs)

Fortune 501-1000 (28 CEOs)

Thanks for proving my point...Feminism worked

How many Fortune 500 female CEOs were there in 1965?
They did make it so they could work work for Obama, and make almost 30% less than the males.
Wages are based on civil service rules
If republicans want to change them, they are welcome to try
It's Obama that wants it changed. He is the president.
So now they are equal in misery.

When moms not happy, no one is happy.

So guess what? Feminism now leads to depression in kids. Congrats leftist, you have really shit upon the family unit in ways never dreamed of

Yeah, its really inexcusable to teach kids that boys and girls are equal.

What is it with you fools who have to look down the front of your pants to know what you're capable of doing?
Males and females are NOT equal. It is biologically impossible.
Males and females brains do not function in the same way. Males and females process information differently.
Males and females have different body types, bone structures, chromosomes, muscle mass types, etc.
The typical feminist's failure is their obsession with plumbing. You said so yourself. "look down the front of your pants"..
Hey genius, that cuts BOTH ways.
The shrill scream from the radical feminist in reaction to the above illustrated scientific facts is almost humorous.
The fembots get all crazy over "different" To them that means "compare". And when human being make comparisons the eventual conclusion is that "one is better than the other"....
Men and women are NOT the same.
Now, watch this reaction. This is going to fun watching the knee jerk reactions to follow. Come on little lemmings. Have at it. Right off the cliff.
Sooo? You're attempting to prove what here?

That the quest for equality can only progress so far. Eventually it stops when it reaches the subject of human biology and anatomy.
Again, you are proving nothing. No two people are the same, yet the law presumes equal protection.

You assert nothing, you spout talking points. All women are afforded equal protection. Show me how they are being denied, I challenge you. This isn't the 1800's anymore, Ben.

Law has no control of whether you are a man or a woman. The law cannot make two unique individuals the same.The law cannot mandate that a woman be completely equal with her male counterparts, unless our code is some sort of magic spellbook that can turn women into men... or something. Anyhow, the law should work independent from the practice of identity politics. Your quest is not one of equality, but of vengeance and hatred. You wish to raise women to a higher status than men, not to an equal status.
Feminism has been a major success in this country

Prior to the feminist movement, women could aspire to be a.....teacher, nurse, secretary, beautician, cashier and little else
None of which had anything to do with feminism.
Women's achievements in the work force was the result of changing social mores.
Those expectations where women were expected to remain virtuous, remain under the roof of their parents until marriage and within a year's time of the nuptial, have already become pregnant. Women were not expected to continue their education because it was expected that once married, the man would support her and any offspring for the rest of her life. There was no need ( theoretically) for women to have an education or even work outside the home.
Our nation changed.
Modern militant feminism( which is the REAL subject matter of the thread) had zero to do with those changes.
Changing mores pursued by feminists
Those social changes did not come out of the goodness in their hearts of white males
Women CEOs, sure sure sure.

I'll tell you what feminism has REALLY accomplished:

Baby changing stations in the MEN's room!!!!:mad-61:
Feminism has been a major success in this country

Prior to the feminist movement, women could aspire to be a.....teacher, nurse, secretary, beautician, cashier and little else
None of which had anything to do with feminism.
Women's achievements in the work force was the result of changing social mores.
Those expectations where women were expected to remain virtuous, remain under the roof of their parents until marriage and within a year's time of the nuptial, have already become pregnant. Women were not expected to continue their education because it was expected that once married, the man would support her and any offspring for the rest of her life. There was no need ( theoretically) for women to have an education or even work outside the home.
Our nation changed.
Modern militant feminism( which is the REAL subject matter of the thread) had zero to do with those changes.
Changing mores pursued by feminists
Those social changes did not come out of the goodness in their hearts of white males

You're full of shit. White Males, Brown Males, Black Males, Purple Males will say and do ANYTHING to get laid. You see a feminist - talk the talk - you'll get laid. You see a feminist that is angry? Agree with her - you'll get laid.

Wake the hell up. SEX is what makes the world go round. What? You afraid of pussy?
Feminism has been a major success in this country

Prior to the feminist movement, women could aspire to be a.....teacher, nurse, secretary, beautician, cashier and little else
None of which had anything to do with feminism.
Women's achievements in the work force was the result of changing social mores.
Those expectations where women were expected to remain virtuous, remain under the roof of their parents until marriage and within a year's time of the nuptial, have already become pregnant. Women were not expected to continue their education because it was expected that once married, the man would support her and any offspring for the rest of her life. There was no need ( theoretically) for women to have an education or even work outside the home.
Our nation changed.
Modern militant feminism( which is the REAL subject matter of the thread) had zero to do with those changes.
Changing mores pursued by feminists
Those social changes did not come out of the goodness in their hearts of white males

You're full of shit. White Males, Brown Males, Black Males, Purple Males will say and do ANYTHING to get laid. You see a feminist - talk the talk - you'll get laid. You see a feminist that is angry? Agree with her - you'll get laid.

Wake the hell up. SEX is what makes the world go round. What? You afraid of pussy?
Only when it involves more than sex...
So now they are equal in misery.

When moms not happy, no one is happy.

So guess what? Feminism now leads to depression in kids. Congrats leftist, you have really shit upon the family unit in ways never dreamed of

Yeah, its really inexcusable to teach kids that boys and girls are equal.

What is it with you fools who have to look down the front of your pants to know what you're capable of doing?
Males and females are NOT equal. It is biologically impossible.
Males and females brains do not function in the same way. Males and females process information differently.
Males and females have different body types, bone structures, chromosomes, muscle mass types, etc.
The typical feminist's failure is their obsession with plumbing. You said so yourself. "look down the front of your pants"..
Hey genius, that cuts BOTH ways.
The shrill scream from the radical feminist in reaction to the above illustrated scientific facts is almost humorous.
The fembots get all crazy over "different" To them that means "compare". And when human being make comparisons the eventual conclusion is that "one is better than the other"....
Men and women are NOT the same.
Now, watch this reaction. This is going to fun watching the knee jerk reactions to follow. Come on little lemmings. Have at it. Right off the cliff.
You are correct. Males and females are not equal. Women are superior. Plus they are softer too.
By use of statistics based on the percentage or ratio of female to male under grad and graduates in higher learning, intellectually women have an edge over men.

I see this meaning that women now have been told they can do anything that a man can. Which is true in most cases but women never considered IF THEY WANT to do all the things men do. Of course they dont but they've doubled down on this BS for so long and now they are miserable doing so.

Thoughts, Ideas?

Betty Friedan talked about this phenomenon a little bit. Growth can be painful. The choices that women face can be difficult. Trying, and failing to please everyone, including yourself, is a no-win proposition.

Is happiness the end goal for all people? Or are there other goals that are worth pursuing?
So now they are equal in misery.

When moms not happy, no one is happy.

So guess what? Feminism now leads to depression in kids. Congrats leftist, you have really shit upon the family unit in ways never dreamed of

Please post a link to a reputable source that comes to this conclusion. Thanks so much in advance.
Feminism has been a major success in this country

Prior to the feminist movement, women could aspire to be a.....teacher, nurse, secretary, beautician, cashier and little else

Yeah, you're right.....nothing more than manual labor, right?

Knowledge Center
Women CEOs of the Fortune 1000

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This is a list of women who currently hold CEO positions at companies that rank on the 2014 Fortune 1000 lists. Women currently hold 5.2 percent of Fortune 500 CEO positions and 5.4 percent of Fortune 1000 CEO positions.

Topics: Corporate Governance, Women in Leadership
Centers: Equity in Business Leadership
Date: October 14, 2014
Fortune 1-500 (26 CEOs)

Fortune 501-1000 (28 CEOs)

I sincerely doubt that "feminism" had much to do with education and hard work. More to the point, NO Fortune 500 company is going to turn over the reins of a multi-national company based on "feminism". It will NEVER happen. There is no "quota" system in the rarified air of the billionaires.....
No Fortune 500 company would have turned over the reins of their company to a woman prior to the feminist movement. Women lacked the "essentials" of good leadership.....they were too emotional, didn't understand numbers, too concerned about having babies and finding a husband

All that changed thanks to the feminist movement

Same thing happened with blacks
Keep insisting. Fine.
Doesn't make it a fact.
Feminism has been a major success in this country

Prior to the feminist movement, women could aspire to be a.....teacher, nurse, secretary, beautician, cashier and little else

Yeah, you're right.....nothing more than manual labor, right?

Knowledge Center
Women CEOs of the Fortune 1000

Add a Comment
This is a list of women who currently hold CEO positions at companies that rank on the 2014 Fortune 1000 lists. Women currently hold 5.2 percent of Fortune 500 CEO positions and 5.4 percent of Fortune 1000 CEO positions.

Topics: Corporate Governance, Women in Leadership
Centers: Equity in Business Leadership
Date: October 14, 2014
Fortune 1-500 (26 CEOs)

Fortune 501-1000 (28 CEOs)

I sincerely doubt that "feminism" had much to do with education and hard work. More to the point, NO Fortune 500 company is going to turn over the reins of a multi-national company based on "feminism". It will NEVER happen. There is no "quota" system in the rarified air of the billionaires.....
How would women have gained that education and hard work (besides hard work at home)? Before feminism, women were not expected to go to college or even allowed to go to most colleges.
Feminism has been a major success in this country

Prior to the feminist movement, women could aspire to be a.....teacher, nurse, secretary, beautician, cashier and little else

Yeah, you're right.....nothing more than manual labor, right?

Knowledge Center
Women CEOs of the Fortune 1000

Add a Comment
This is a list of women who currently hold CEO positions at companies that rank on the 2014 Fortune 1000 lists. Women currently hold 5.2 percent of Fortune 500 CEO positions and 5.4 percent of Fortune 1000 CEO positions.

Topics: Corporate Governance, Women in Leadership
Centers: Equity in Business Leadership
Date: October 14, 2014
Fortune 1-500 (26 CEOs)

Fortune 501-1000 (28 CEOs)

I sincerely doubt that "feminism" had much to do with education and hard work. More to the point, NO Fortune 500 company is going to turn over the reins of a multi-national company based on "feminism". It will NEVER happen. There is no "quota" system in the rarified air of the billionaires.....
No Fortune 500 company would have turned over the reins of their company to a woman prior to the feminist movement. Women lacked the "essentials" of good leadership.....they were too emotional, didn't understand numbers, too concerned about having babies and finding a husband

All that changed thanks to the feminist movement

Same thing happened with blacks
Keep insisting. Fine.
Doesn't make it a fact.
Care to name all the female CEOs prior to 1965?

Sure, feminists didn't make a difference
Feminism has been a major success in this country

Prior to the feminist movement, women could aspire to be a.....teacher, nurse, secretary, beautician, cashier and little else

Yeah, you're right.....nothing more than manual labor, right?

Knowledge Center
Women CEOs of the Fortune 1000

Add a Comment
This is a list of women who currently hold CEO positions at companies that rank on the 2014 Fortune 1000 lists. Women currently hold 5.2 percent of Fortune 500 CEO positions and 5.4 percent of Fortune 1000 CEO positions.

Topics: Corporate Governance, Women in Leadership
Centers: Equity in Business Leadership
Date: October 14, 2014
Fortune 1-500 (26 CEOs)

Fortune 501-1000 (28 CEOs)

I sincerely doubt that "feminism" had much to do with education and hard work. More to the point, NO Fortune 500 company is going to turn over the reins of a multi-national company based on "feminism". It will NEVER happen. There is no "quota" system in the rarified air of the billionaires.....
How would women have gained that education and hard work (besides hard work at home)? Before feminism, women were not expected to go to college or even allowed to go to most colleges.

You stupid dyke. Wake the fuck up. My MOTHER received a degree in Chemistry in the late 40s. A BLACK WOMAN. Quit believing everything you read, moron.
Your mother's achievement is a liberal's worst nightmare. So they attack her and people like her because they dared to walk off the liberal reservation.
Feminists have changed more than opportunities for women. They have changed domestic violence laws, rape laws and women's health programs

All women have benefitted.....feminist or not

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