The Effects of Feminism

Feminism has been a major success in this country

Prior to the feminist movement, women could aspire to be a.....teacher, nurse, secretary, beautician, cashier and little else

Yeah, you're right.....nothing more than manual labor, right?

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Women CEOs of the Fortune 1000

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This is a list of women who currently hold CEO positions at companies that rank on the 2014 Fortune 1000 lists. Women currently hold 5.2 percent of Fortune 500 CEO positions and 5.4 percent of Fortune 1000 CEO positions.

Topics: Corporate Governance, Women in Leadership
Centers: Equity in Business Leadership
Date: October 14, 2014
Fortune 1-500 (26 CEOs)

Fortune 501-1000 (28 CEOs)

I sincerely doubt that "feminism" had much to do with education and hard work. More to the point, NO Fortune 500 company is going to turn over the reins of a multi-national company based on "feminism". It will NEVER happen. There is no "quota" system in the rarified air of the billionaires.....
How would women have gained that education and hard work (besides hard work at home)? Before feminism, women were not expected to go to college or even allowed to go to most colleges.

You stupid dyke. Wake the fuck up. My MOTHER received a degree in Chemistry in the late 40s. A BLACK WOMAN. Quit believing everything you read, moron.
Your mother's achievement is a liberal's worst nightmare. So they attack her and people like her because they dared to walk off the liberal reservation.

Indeed. Worse though, was my Father. Son of a sharecropper and GrandSon of a slave, yet my Old Man fought in the Army in a Black Outfit, returned home, went to College, received his Bachelors - went BACK into the Army (by now the Army Air Force - later to become the Air Force) received a Masters and finally a Doctorate and retired from the Air Force as one of the first Black Brigadier Generals. Talk about butting up against the grain.....And still, he taught both me, my Brother and my Sister that you don't shrug from ignorance. His biggest hatred? Handouts. They keep people down. Generation after generation of stupid blacks are beginning to understand that. Slavery never ended. It just took the form of liberal welfare.
Feminists do not typically equal man-haters.

I call bull.

Call anything you want. I'm a feminist and I love men. Of course, I expect them to treat me like a thinking person, but as long as they do, I get along just fine with them.

Anecdotal evidence is worthless.

Of course, chances are you don't love men, but rather, love sex and what men do for you. I have yet to be with a group of liberal women who don't spend an inordinate amount of time bashing the men in their lives, including their own sons, and decrying all male characteristics.
Feminists do not typically equal man-haters.

I call bull.

Call anything you want. I'm a feminist and I love men. Of course, I expect them to treat me like a thinking person, but as long as they do, I get along just fine with them.

Anecdotal evidence is worthless.

Of course, chances are you don't love men, but rather, love sex and what men do for you. I have yet to be with a group of liberal women who don't spend an inordinate amount of time bashing the men in their lives, including their own sons, and decrying all male characteristics.

Didn't someone just type, "Anecdotal evidence is worthless"?

Oh, the irony.

By the way, find me something that quantifies hatred of men, then collects and presents said data in a scientific way, and we'll talk, 'k?

ALSO. I spent a portion of my post telling everyone that I expect men to treat me as a thinking person, and you think all I want from men is sex? What is wrong with you?
Not to mention that feminists posses a distinct form of misandry only common to their worldview. Men are evil, men hate and objectify women; on and on and on...
You sound like you have never spent some alone time with a woman. You just nod your head and agree. Eventually they calm down. They just want to be heard and respected.

There are some who are threatened and afraid of equality and independence. That is not the fault of feminism. Its the fault of the weaknesses of those who are afraid and threatened.

Feminism is good for both men and women and its good for our culture and the future of our society.
I use anecdotal evidence anecdotally..not as a substitute for real information.
Feminists have changed more than opportunities for women. They have changed domestic violence laws, rape laws and women's health programs

All women have benefitted.....feminist or not

The idea that feminists are no longer needed, it would have happened anyway or.........I did it on my own

Are laughable

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