The Effects of Feminism


I see this meaning that women now have been told they can do anything that a man can. Which is true in most cases but women never considered IF THEY WANT to do all the things men do. Of course they dont but they've doubled down on this BS for so long and now they are miserable doing so.

Thoughts, Ideas?
I have an idea. Denmark can have all of our in misery feminists.
Ah, so a thread in which men discuss what is wrong with feminism.

How useful.

Perhaps next we can have a thread in which cats discuss why dogs shouldn't be allowed to breed.

Aren't you a guy?

I find it funny that a Democratic Party full of ...cough... men, could be allowed to comment on the affairs of the opposite gender. Yet you don't call them out for it.

Perhaps you should stop being a hypocrite before lecturing us.
Ah, so a thread in which men discuss what is wrong with feminism.

How useful.

Perhaps next we can have a thread in which cats discuss why dogs shouldn't be allowed to breed.
Too fucking bad. Don't like it? Stay away from the thread.
Yeah, its really inexcusable to teach kids that boys and girls are equal.

Except they aren't, that's the problem. In the eyes of the law, sure (although that isn't even entirely true), but biologically men and women are not at all equal.

What is it with you fools who have to look down the front of your pants to know what you're capable of doing?

Surely you realize the difference go beyond your genitals, right?
Not to mention that feminists posses a distinct form of misandry only common to their worldview. Men are evil, men hate and objectify women; on and on and on...
I always say this when whites discuss the problem with blacks but its not taken well. Funny how that works.

That's referred to as "whitesplaining".

Men telling women what their problems really are is "mansplaining". Lots of mansplaining going on here.

Sure, so tell the men in your party to shut the hell up, mamooth. Its funny only your party has the right to speak about women in any context. Perhaps your party could stop demsplaining mansplaining or anythingsplaining.

Keep that base garbage to yourself.
Not to mention that feminists posses a distinct form of misandry only common to their worldview. Men are evil, men hate and objectify women; on and on and on...
You sound like you have never spent some alone time with a woman. You just nod your head and agree. Eventually they calm down. They just want to be heard and respected.
Feminism has been a major success in this country

Prior to the feminist movement, women could aspire to be a.....teacher, nurse, secretary, beautician, cashier and little else

Yeah, you're right.....nothing more than manual labor, right?

Knowledge Center
Women CEOs of the Fortune 1000

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This is a list of women who currently hold CEO positions at companies that rank on the 2014 Fortune 1000 lists. Women currently hold 5.2 percent of Fortune 500 CEO positions and 5.4 percent of Fortune 1000 CEO positions.

Topics: Corporate Governance, Women in Leadership
Centers: Equity in Business Leadership
Date: October 14, 2014
Fortune 1-500 (26 CEOs)

Fortune 501-1000 (28 CEOs)

Thanks for proving my point...Feminism worked

How many Fortune 500 female CEOs were there in 1965?
They did make it so they could work work for Obama, and make almost 30% less than the males.
Wages are based on civil service rules
If republicans want to change them, they are welcome to try
Feminism is vile, it is filled with hatred and it exploits children for the sake of pushing a 'cause.' Disgusting.

Indeed. We need to go back to the days of slapping our women around. :banana:

I find it so funny that the democrat party has become a one issue campaign. Abortion. Jesus, I wish all these asshole women that are appearing on TV everyday telling us how "Mr _______ will take a woman's right to abortion away" - like that could happen. Are women really that damned stupid!?!?!

Of course, to be completely honest, the couple of women that I have known to have actually had an abortion, sit around all day rolling their shit into little balls.....

It's no wonder that they are too stupid to comprehend simple Civics....
Sen Kay Hagen( D-NC) has decided to run campaign ads attacking her opponent based on "taking things away from women. Such as "Thom Tillis voted to defund planned parenthood"...."Thom Tillis voted against equal pay for women".....Of course the media has not challenged either of these or many other of Hagan's accusations which by the way or total lies.
Tillis is a STATE legislator and has ZERO to do with federally funded Planned Parenthood. And since when is parenthood and issue exclusive to women?
Of course there has been no legislation based on pay levels to even make it into the NC House committee. I was rudely inconvenienced by a phone call from a Hagan campaign solicitor who I asked about that ad. I asked her how is it possible for Tillis to have voted against something that has never come to a vote on the floor of the NC House.
The caller stammered for a moment searching for an answer. She then told me that I was supposed to be answering HER questions.
Oh really? Here's my answer.....Let me know what time you eat dinner and I'll call you back then.
Ah, so a thread in which men discuss what is wrong with feminism.

How useful.

Perhaps next we can have a thread in which cats discuss why dogs shouldn't be allowed to breed.

I always say this when whites discuss the problem with blacks but its not taken well. Funny how that works.

But I will say men have more interactions with women than whites with blacks on average, wouldnt you agree

I would agree - but that still doesn't mean that men should decide whether feminism is empowering women or disempowering them.

You don't get to tell anyone how to interpret a worldview, or opine on said worldview.

From the looks of it, feminism is exploitative, it suppresses free thought among women; drilling a certain mindset of inferiority in those women who believe in it. It teaches them a warped view of 'equality;' keeps them ignorant of the advances and impact women have on American society. Such a precept ignores the mistreatment of other women in the Middle East, despite claiming to care about them. Women are held down, and not allowed to move beyond the bounds of their hatred. Any woman who does is disowned, berated, and vilified.

I can't hope but notice something:

1) You don't want white people commenting on black people, but have white people in your party commenting and writing policy pertaining to black people.

2) You don't want men discussing the affairs of women, but have men in your party commenting and writing policy pertaining to women.

3) And after all of that, you still maintain such a double standard. Just what makes you think you can control free discourse among anyone? Political correctness is as equally vile as feminism, people have a right to an opinion-- the control of which most certainly does not belong to you.
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Feminism is equality and strength and independence.

The only thing wrong with it is that it has been bastardized to be and mean what it is not.

The men who don't like it or don't agree with it are the men who are threatened by women as human beings. And little boys, like TemplarKormac, who sponge off of the hard work of women who work to take care of their every little need, really need to

WHAT? Feminism is a war on prosperity. A war against the male of the human species.
Feminism has zero to do with advancement for women. Feminism's goals are to allow for women to behave like men. And to insure men are made subservient to the demands of feminists.
Feminism looks to further the far left wing agenda. Feminism is a political tool to enrich the feminist leadership.

I see this meaning that women now have been told they can do anything that a man can. Which is true in most cases but women never considered IF THEY WANT to do all the things men do. Of course they dont but they've doubled down on this BS for so long and now they are miserable doing so.

Thoughts, Ideas?
One of the unexpected effects is that Luddley, Rdean and starkly have grown breastesses.
Ah, so a thread in which men discuss what is wrong with feminism.

How useful.

Perhaps next we can have a thread in which cats discuss why dogs shouldn't be allowed to breed.

I always say this when whites discuss the problem with blacks but its not taken well. Funny how that works.

But I will say men have more interactions with women than whites with blacks on average, wouldnt you agree
The race card? Are you for fucking real?
So now they are equal in misery.

When moms not happy, no one is happy.

So guess what? Feminism now leads to depression in kids. Congrats leftist, you have really shit upon the family unit in ways never dreamed of

Yeah, its really inexcusable to teach kids that boys and girls are equal.

What is it with you fools who have to look down the front of your pants to know what you're capable of doing?
Males and females are NOT equal. It is biologically impossible.
Males and females brains do not function in the same way. Males and females process information differently.
Males and females have different body types, bone structures, chromosomes, muscle mass types, etc.
The typical feminist's failure is their obsession with plumbing. You said so yourself. "look down the front of your pants"..
Hey genius, that cuts BOTH ways.
The shrill scream from the radical feminist in reaction to the above illustrated scientific facts is almost humorous.
The fembots get all crazy over "different" To them that means "compare". And when human being make comparisons the eventual conclusion is that "one is better than the other"....
Men and women are NOT the same.
Now, watch this reaction. This is going to fun watching the knee jerk reactions to follow. Come on little lemmings. Have at it. Right off the cliff.
Feminism is vile, it is filled with hatred and it exploits children for the sake of pushing a 'cause.' Disgusting.

Indeed. We need to go back to the days of slapping our women around. :banana:

I find it so funny that the democrat party has become a one issue campaign. Abortion. Jesus, I wish all these asshole women that are appearing on TV everyday telling us how "Mr _______ will take a woman's right to abortion away" - like that could happen. Are women really that damned stupid!?!?!

Of course, to be completely honest, the couple of women that I have known to have actually had an abortion, sit around all day rolling their shit into little balls.....

It's no wonder that they are too stupid to comprehend simple Civics....
The one's I know that have had abortions spend their sleepless nights listening to the wailing souls of their aborted children.


Desperate Liar.
Where is the lie?
So now they are equal in misery.

When moms not happy, no one is happy.

So guess what? Feminism now leads to depression in kids. Congrats leftist, you have really shit upon the family unit in ways never dreamed of

Yeah, its really inexcusable to teach kids that boys and girls are equal.

What is it with you fools who have to look down the front of your pants to know what you're capable of doing?
Males and females are NOT equal. It is biologically impossible.
Males and females brains do not function in the same way. Males and females process information differently.
Males and females have different body types, bone structures, chromosomes, muscle mass types, etc.
The typical feminist's failure is their obsession with plumbing. You said so yourself. "look down the front of your pants"..
Hey genius, that cuts BOTH ways.
The shrill scream from the radical feminist in reaction to the above illustrated scientific facts is almost humorous.
The fembots get all crazy over "different" To them that means "compare". And when human being make comparisons the eventual conclusion is that "one is better than the other"....
Men and women are NOT the same.
Now, watch this reaction. This is going to fun watching the knee jerk reactions to follow. Come on little lemmings. Have at it. Right off the cliff.
Sooo? You're attempting to prove what here?
So now they are equal in misery.

When moms not happy, no one is happy.

So guess what? Feminism now leads to depression in kids. Congrats leftist, you have really shit upon the family unit in ways never dreamed of

Yeah, its really inexcusable to teach kids that boys and girls are equal.

What is it with you fools who have to look down the front of your pants to know what you're capable of doing?
Males and females are NOT equal. It is biologically impossible.
Males and females brains do not function in the same way. Males and females process information differently.
Males and females have different body types, bone structures, chromosomes, muscle mass types, etc.
The typical feminist's failure is their obsession with plumbing. You said so yourself. "look down the front of your pants"..
Hey genius, that cuts BOTH ways.
The shrill scream from the radical feminist in reaction to the above illustrated scientific facts is almost humorous.
The fembots get all crazy over "different" To them that means "compare". And when human being make comparisons the eventual conclusion is that "one is better than the other"....
Men and women are NOT the same.
Now, watch this reaction. This is going to fun watching the knee jerk reactions to follow. Come on little lemmings. Have at it. Right off the cliff.
You are correct. Males and females are not equal. Women are superior. Plus they are softer too.
So now they are equal in misery.

When moms not happy, no one is happy.

So guess what? Feminism now leads to depression in kids. Congrats leftist, you have really shit upon the family unit in ways never dreamed of

Yeah, its really inexcusable to teach kids that boys and girls are equal.

What is it with you fools who have to look down the front of your pants to know what you're capable of doing?
Males and females are NOT equal. It is biologically impossible.
Males and females brains do not function in the same way. Males and females process information differently.
Males and females have different body types, bone structures, chromosomes, muscle mass types, etc.
The typical feminist's failure is their obsession with plumbing. You said so yourself. "look down the front of your pants"..
Hey genius, that cuts BOTH ways.
The shrill scream from the radical feminist in reaction to the above illustrated scientific facts is almost humorous.
The fembots get all crazy over "different" To them that means "compare". And when human being make comparisons the eventual conclusion is that "one is better than the other"....
Men and women are NOT the same.
Now, watch this reaction. This is going to fun watching the knee jerk reactions to follow. Come on little lemmings. Have at it. Right off the cliff.
Sooo? You're attempting to prove what here?

That the quest for equality can only progress so far. Eventually it stops when it reaches the subject of human biology and anatomy. Men and women are inherently different, both physically and mentally. True equality is an unattainable goal; because we are all different, no matter how much you fight for it. Clear enough for you?
Feminism has been a major success in this country

Prior to the feminist movement, women could aspire to be a.....teacher, nurse, secretary, beautician, cashier and little else
None of which had anything to do with feminism.
Women's achievements in the work force was the result of changing social mores.
Those expectations where women were expected to remain virtuous, remain under the roof of their parents until marriage and within a year's time of the nuptial, have already become pregnant. Women were not expected to continue their education because it was expected that once married, the man would support her and any offspring for the rest of her life. There was no need ( theoretically) for women to have an education or even work outside the home.
Our nation changed.
Modern militant feminism( which is the REAL subject matter of the thread) had zero to do with those changes.

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