The eldest of the Duggar children resigns from FRC: Child Molestation Charges

Good grief, can't you read?
If Josh is now 27 and one of his victims is still a minor, can you possibly extrapolate the baby's age when he molested her?

OK, caught that in the UK article. If true, this is worse than I first thought. If so, I stand corrected. But until any trial or civil action, how can we convict him?

One more time, Josh Duggar admitted he molested the little girls. The parents conveniently waited until the statue of limitations had run out before they commented on their son's deviant behavior.
I for one do not understand why rape has a statute of limitations.
If you choose to support Josh Duggar that's your prerogative.

How many parents would go to the authorities and turn their own fucking kid in ?

I bet a sizable percentage of Americans have family members who have broken laws and it's doubtful that very many would have even considered turning them in.

How many responsible parents would allow their 14 year-old son to rape a 4 year-old baby girl?
Lena Dunham admitted to raping her three year old sister growing up, but no outrage, she keeps here show and life goes on. I guess if you are a depraved liberal lesbo jew different standards apply.

And again, it's really doubtful that liberals are truly outraged this kid molested younger children, they're just gleeful they can use it to ruin a traditional American family.

A traditional American family?

A family with a dad (male) and a mom ( female) and children, and who identify as being Christian.

I realize this sort of arrangement is frightening to today's American liberal.
Lena Dunham admitted to raping her three year old sister growing up, but no outrage, she keeps here show and life goes on. I guess if you are a depraved liberal lesbo jew different standards apply.

And again, it's really doubtful that liberals are truly outraged this kid molested younger children, they're just gleeful they can use it to ruin a traditional American family.

A traditional American family?

A family with a dad (male) and a mom ( female) and children, and who identify as being Christian.

I realize this sort of arrangement is frightening to today's American liberal.

Anyone can identify themselves as being Christian. That's what's frightening.
Good grief, can't you read?
If Josh is now 27 and one of his victims is still a minor, can you possibly extrapolate the baby's age when he molested her?

OK, caught that in the UK article. If true, this is worse than I first thought. If so, I stand corrected. But until any trial or civil action, how can we convict him?

One more time, Josh Duggar admitted he molested the little girls. The parents conveniently waited until the statue of limitations had run out before they commented on their son's deviant behavior.
I for one do not understand why rape has a statute of limitations.
If you choose to support Josh Duggar that's your prerogative.

How many parents would go to the authorities and turn their own fucking kid in ?

I bet a sizable percentage of Americans have family members who have broken laws and it's doubtful that very many would have even considered turning them in.

How many responsible parents would allow their 14 year-old son to rape a 4 year-old baby girl?

Allow, as in "approve" ?
Lena Dunham admitted to raping her three year old sister growing up, but no outrage, she keeps here show and life goes on. I guess if you are a depraved liberal lesbo jew different standards apply.

And again, it's really doubtful that liberals are truly outraged this kid molested younger children, they're just gleeful they can use it to ruin a traditional American family.

A traditional American family?

A family with a dad (male) and a mom ( female) and children, and who identify as being Christian.

I realize this sort of arrangement is frightening to today's American liberal.

Anyone can identify themselves as being Christian. That's what's frightening.

Yes, I know you're afraid.
Good grief, can't you read?
If Josh is now 27 and one of his victims is still a minor, can you possibly extrapolate the baby's age when he molested her?

OK, caught that in the UK article. If true, this is worse than I first thought. If so, I stand corrected. But until any trial or civil action, how can we convict him?

One more time, Josh Duggar admitted he molested the little girls. The parents conveniently waited until the statue of limitations had run out before they commented on their son's deviant behavior.
I for one do not understand why rape has a statute of limitations.
If you choose to support Josh Duggar that's your prerogative.

How many parents would go to the authorities and turn their own fucking kid in ?

I bet a sizable percentage of Americans have family members who have broken laws and it's doubtful that very many would have even considered turning them in.

How many responsible parents would allow their 14 year-old son to rape a 4 year-old baby girl?

Allow, as in "approve" ?

You say tomato, I say tamato.
Lena Dunham admitted to raping her three year old sister growing up, but no outrage, she keeps here show and life goes on. I guess if you are a depraved liberal lesbo jew different standards apply.

And again, it's really doubtful that liberals are truly outraged this kid molested younger children, they're just gleeful they can use it to ruin a traditional American family.

A traditional American family?

A family with a dad (male) and a mom ( female) and children, and who identify as being Christian.

I realize this sort of arrangement is frightening to today's American liberal.

Anyone can identify themselves as being Christian. That's what's frightening.

Yes, I know you're afraid.

I'm afraid for all the innocent children who are being abused and people like you are not listening to their screams.
And again, it's really doubtful that liberals are truly outraged this kid molested younger children, they're just gleeful they can use it to ruin a traditional American family.

A traditional American family?

A family with a dad (male) and a mom ( female) and children, and who identify as being Christian.

I realize this sort of arrangement is frightening to today's American liberal.

Anyone can identify themselves as being Christian. That's what's frightening.

Yes, I know you're afraid.

I'm afraid for all the innocent children who are being abused and people like you are not listening to their screams.
Who's screams are being ignored?
A traditional American family?

A family with a dad (male) and a mom ( female) and children, and who identify as being Christian.

I realize this sort of arrangement is frightening to today's American liberal.

Anyone can identify themselves as being Christian. That's what's frightening.

Yes, I know you're afraid.

I'm afraid for all the innocent children who are being abused and people like you are not listening to their screams.
Who's screams are being ignored?

I've had it with you, douchebag, grow a pair.
A family with a dad (male) and a mom ( female) and children, and who identify as being Christian.

I realize this sort of arrangement is frightening to today's American liberal.

Anyone can identify themselves as being Christian. That's what's frightening.

Yes, I know you're afraid.

I'm afraid for all the innocent children who are being abused and people like you are not listening to their screams.
Who's screams are being ignored?

I've had it with you, douchebag, grow a pair.
Why don't you answer the question?

Who's screams are being ignored?
It's too bad they never cared about the domestic terrorist like Ayers and Holder Obama hung out with. We not be in this mess we are in today.

They are so predictable. they'll latch onto anything because they don't have anything else.

Vote out this progressive/democrat party in 2016 folks. get this kind of CRAP out of lives and our government
You still do not understand that this is not a specifically left-right issue and quite apparently you are cool with sexual abuse of minors as long as a "Christian" is doing it.


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Apparently Stephanie believes only RWs molest children.

I disagree but I doubt Stooopid Stuff would argue that with me.
Is anyone really surprised that the wingnuts are out in force defending a child molester?

I'm not.

I'm not either.

I always hope that, just once, the damn RWs will care about children but the never do.

And now, even the rabid RW politicians, like professional snake oil salesman, Huckster, are siding against little girls.
Is anyone really surprised that the wingnuts are out in force defending a child molester?

I'm not.

I'm not either.

I always hope that, just once, the damn RWs will care about children but the never do.

And now, even the rabid RW politicians, like professional snake oil salesman, Huckster, are siding against little girls.

It's fair to say that diddling children is a problem on both sides of the aisle. I think the more important issue is how both sides regard the problem. You, who have a book of Harvey Milk stamps in your wallet and a life-sized poster of him in your living room, believe that a man 15 years older than the minor boys on drugs he was sodomizing is the bees-knees. You've even made an icon out of his sexuality. Meanwhile the regular people of the nation are always shocked and disgusted to learn the news of one of their own ranks doing something like that to girls. We weed them out the second the news falls on our ears and they forever wear the scarlet letter after that.

I'd think the difference in cultures would be quite obvious on its face.

I saw the Rachael Maddow show recently where she was utterly disgusted to learn about the senator from Vermont who stands accused of sex with women on his farm. She stared into the camera and seethed in disgust that one of them was a minor! She was livid that the man was allowed to remain in office while the investigation was pending....and the regular people of the world agree with her, without a doubt.

...And not long ago on her show I saw her interviewing Stuart Milk, gay nephew of Harvey Milk. And both knowing his history of serial-sex with teen boys on drugs, one of which both of them knew was a minor, celebrated Milk's political career while he was doing those things.

So the lesson we all can take away from this is: LGBTs are outraged and demand resignation from office from those accused of heterosexaul contact with minors. I guess if Josh Duggar was diddling boys, they might release a postage stamp in honor of his sexuality and demand he remain in office?
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Is anyone really surprised that the wingnuts are out in force defending a child molester?

I'm not.

I'm not either.

I always hope that, just once, the damn RWs will care about children but the never do.

And now, even the rabid RW politicians, like professional snake oil salesman, Huckster, are siding against little girls.

It's fair to say that diddling children is a problem on both sides of the aisle. I think the more important issue is how both sides regard the problem. You, who have a book of Harvey Milk stamps in your wallet and a life-sized poster of him in your living room, believe that a man 15 years older than the minor boys on drugs he was sodomizing is the bees-knees. You've even made an icon out of his sexuality. Meanwhile the regular people of the nation are always shocked and disgusted to learn the news of one of their own ranks doing something like that to girls. We weed them out the second the news falls on our ears and they forever wear the scarlet letter after that.

I'd think the difference in cultures would be quite obvious on its face.

I saw the Rachael Maddow show recently where she was utterly disgusted to learn about the senator from Vermont who stands accused of sex with women on his farm. She stared into the camera and seethed in disgust that one of them was a minor! She was livid that the man was allowed to remain in office while the investigation was pending....and the regular people of the world agree with her, without a doubt.

...And not long ago on her show I saw her interviewing Stuart Milk, gay nephew of Harvey Milk. And both knowing his history of serial-sex with teen boys on drugs, one of which both of them knew was a minor, celebrated Milk's political career while he was doing those things.

So the lesson we all can take away from this is: LGBTs are outraged and demand resignation from office from those accused of heterosexaul contact with minors. I guess if Josh Duggar was diddling boys, they might release a postage stamp in honor of his sexuality and demand he remain in office?

Oh good grief.

Yet another nutter who ignores the topic of the thread in favor of throwing partisan spaghetti at the wall in hopes of derailing the thread.
You forgot a rant about Clinton.
I really don't care if Huckabee is willing to forgive child molesters and rapists. He has already doomed his own relevance. I tend to feel a little less charitable about them, myself. I believe, however, that they should be shown a certain amount of mercy. For example, they should be given free room and board in general population in prison for at least 20 years, or a free burial after their execution.
Oh good grief.

Yet another nutter who ignores the topic of the thread in favor of throwing partisan spaghetti at the wall in hopes of derailing the thread.
You forgot a rant about Clinton.

1. That wasn't a lucid rebuttal to my points and the Harvey Milk issue remains a problem for your feigned "outrage" about Josh Duggar and

2. I voted for Bill Clinton twice and loved every minute of his administration. Plus as far as I know the women were full grown who he had relations with. They weren't minor teen runaways addled on drugs, for instance.. Though we who voted for him still wince at his sexual acts while in office. As a leader of the nation he did great. As a moral man when it came to sex, not so much. We wince while you celebrate Harvey Milk precisely for what he did sexually. His political career is an afterthought to why you celebrate him.
Oh good grief.

Yet another nutter who ignores the topic of the thread in favor of throwing partisan spaghetti at the wall in hopes of derailing the thread.
You forgot a rant about Clinton.

1. That wasn't a lucid rebuttal to my points and the Harvey Milk issue remains a problem for your feigned "outrage" about Josh Duggar and

2. I voted for Bill Clinton twice and loved every minute of his administration. Plus as far as I know the women were full grown who he had relations with. They weren't minor teen runaways addled on drugs, for instance.. Though we who voted for him still wince at his sexual acts while in office. As a leader of the nation he did great. As a moral man when it came to sex, not so much. We wince while you celebrate Harvey Milk precisely for what he did sexually. His political career is an afterthought to why you celebrate him.

Oh please.

One after another of you jackasses has tried to derail this thread by comparing the Duggars to everything from tennis shoes to Harvey Milk. That's assinine.

Harvey Milk is dead and has been dead for a lot of years.

This fear that RWs have about just facing up to the here and now is just stupid. If you want to whine about Milk, go start a thread. He has NOTHING in common with what this thread is about.

-- WHICH, to remind you, is 10 year old girls victimized by RW phoney christian fundies and their long list of apologists.
Lena Dunham admitted to raping her three year old sister growing up, but no outrage, she keeps here show and life goes on. I guess if you are a depraved liberal lesbo jew different standards apply.

Would you provide a link to your accusation because that's not what Lena Dunham writes in her book.
Oh, whoops, I was wrong. Her sister was six when she molested her. Totally cool though. Nothing to see here bigots.
Lena Dunham, the creator of the hit television series Girls, has issued an apology after being attacked in the US for passages in her recently released memoir which critics have said amount to the sexual abuse of her younger sister.

Dunham, 28, who this week cancelled a planned appearance at book events in Antwerp and Berlin, initially struck a defiant tone after parts of the book, Not That Kind of Girl, were highlighted by the right-wing press.

The passages cited include one that describes an incident when Dunham was seven and her sister was one and playing on the driveway. Dunham writes that “curiosity got the best” of her and she opened her sister’s vagina only to call for her mother when she found the toddler had “six or seven pebbles in there”.

“My mother didn’t bother asking why I had opened Grace’s vagina,” Dunham wrote. “This was within the spectrum of things that I did.”

Lena Dunham apologises after critics accuse her of sexually molesting sister Culture The Guardian

Notice how they OVERLOOK that. two faced hypocrites. that's why I never take them seriously. Especially this bunch that came on when Obama got elected. they have no honor, morals or pride the same as he doesn't

Party over country is their MOTTO

I'm not either.

I always hope that, just once, the damn RWs will care about children but the never do.

And now, even the rabid RW politicians, like professional snake oil salesman, Huckster, are siding against little girls.

:lmao: .....says the man with a pack of Harvey Milk postage stamps in his wallet...

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