The eldest of the Duggar children resigns from FRC: Child Molestation Charges

Good grief, can't you read?
If Josh is now 27 and one of his victims is still a minor, can you possibly extrapolate the baby's age when he molested her?

OK, caught that in the UK article. If true, this is worse than I first thought. If so, I stand corrected. But until any trial or civil action, how can we convict him?

One more time, Josh Duggar admitted he molested the little girls. The parents conveniently waited until the statue of limitations had run out before they commented on their son's deviant behavior.
I for one do not understand why rape has a statute of limitations.
If you choose to support Josh Duggar that's your prerogative.

So far, the only republican who does support them is Huckabee, but don't give up hope. A lot of them are not smart enough to dodge that bullet.

REALLY, your crystal ball tell you that?
you people are so desperate, as well you should be...You have ONE old lady running and no other choice because they believe you all don't need one...the know you'll go baa baaa baaa to the voting sad is that one?
reminds me of the made up christian chick meme to mock xstains. Whats her name?
Mrs. Betty Bowers America s Best Christian Facebook
Lena Dunham admitted to raping her three year old sister growing up, but no outrage, she keeps here show and life goes on. I guess if you are a depraved liberal lesbo jew different standards apply.

And again, it's really doubtful that liberals are truly outraged this kid molested younger children, they're just gleeful they can use it to ruin a traditional American family.

A traditional American family?
Lena Dunham admitted to raping her three year old sister growing up, but no outrage, she keeps here show and life goes on. I guess if you are a depraved liberal lesbo jew different standards apply.
When all else fails, lie like a Steinlight.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Sil's biggest concern here is how this makes the Family Research Council look.
Actually, my biggest concern is orchestrated smears by the LGBT machine in order to destroy the image of Christianity and its "all sinners welcome" foundation, based on the indiscretions of a 14 year old boy with his peer group. Also of concern is the use of a juvenile record to destroy an entire family who was struggling to bring values of "rising from the temptations of darkness" to millions of American viewers...all so they could use this libel as a shoehorn to sway the deliberating US Supreme Court to allow further debauchery around children..
...and Huckabee, bless his heart, is committing political suicide very early in the game by supporting the Duggars. Hell, he just lost even the prison population vote! In stir, the only people despised more than child molesters are cops and snitches!

Huckabee may just be seeing that a juvenile doing stupid things with his peers should not be fodder to destroy an entire family. Would Vandalshandle want his activities at 14 to be published in order to smear him legally today? Probably not. Same goes for the rest of you. This is the reason juvenile records are sealed.

If there are civil lawsuits from the peer girls who complained about Josh's actions, then their part (or lack of it) in the sexual contact, will be of public record. Until then the speculation is destroying the family.

Huckabee has the political savvy of a Bulgarian shoe manufacturer, and is sabotaging his own campaign, in accordance with his usual success at utter failure.

and so do you. but you sprinkle how some women are whores in yours
Best word-salad of the day!


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Good grief, can't you read?
If Josh is now 27 and one of his victims is still a minor, can you possibly extrapolate the baby's age when he molested her?

OK, caught that in the UK article. If true, this is worse than I first thought. If so, I stand corrected. But until any trial or civil action, how can we convict him?

Lena Dunham admitted to raping her three year old sister growing up, but no outrage, she keeps here show and life goes on. I guess if you are a depraved liberal lesbo jew different standards apply.
And again, it's really doubtful that liberals are truly outraged this kid molested younger children, they're just gleeful they can use it to ruin a traditional American family.

100% agreed. Whereas the Duggars were shocked, shamed, disgusted etc. at their 14 year old's behavior, and tried in their own way to punish him and correct his behavior, a far left family would've patted this kid on the back and celebrated his sexual exploration. There's the difference in values.
No, they didn't. You just lied. They sent him to a cop friend who is now serving a 56 year sentence for child porn. They sent their boy to another Christian pervert. Truth hurts.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
I have never heard of Lena Dunham. I Googled, "depraved liberal lesbo jew", and her name did not come up....

True, I just saw your name pop up was all.

Must be somebody else. I'm not a jew.

Ask Stephanie. She might know.
I don't know what you are. just that you're a blowhard tool for the Democrat party. you all didn't give two shits Obama ran around with classified Domestic terrorist yet you sit here and run down Huckabee because MAYBE he made a MISTAKE about this guy. who knows? I can't stand Huckabee. and many more feels the same as I do. so you're all barking up the wrong tree. like usual;
Lena Dunham admitted to raping her three year old sister growing up, but no outrage, she keeps here show and life goes on. I guess if you are a depraved liberal lesbo jew different standards apply.

Would you provide a link to your accusation because that's not what Lena Dunham writes in her book.
Oh, whoops, I was wrong. Her sister was six when she molested her. Totally cool though. Nothing to see here bigots.
Lena Dunham, the creator of the hit television series Girls, has issued an apology after being attacked in the US for passages in her recently released memoir which critics have said amount to the sexual abuse of her younger sister.

Dunham, 28, who this week cancelled a planned appearance at book events in Antwerp and Berlin, initially struck a defiant tone after parts of the book, Not That Kind of Girl, were highlighted by the right-wing press.

The passages cited include one that describes an incident when Dunham was seven and her sister was one and playing on the driveway. Dunham writes that “curiosity got the best” of her and she opened her sister’s vagina only to call for her mother when she found the toddler had “six or seven pebbles in there”.

“My mother didn’t bother asking why I had opened Grace’s vagina,” Dunham wrote. “This was within the spectrum of things that I did.”

Lena Dunham apologises after critics accuse her of sexually molesting sister Culture The Guardian
Good grief, can't you read?
If Josh is now 27 and one of his victims is still a minor, can you possibly extrapolate the baby's age when he molested her?

OK, caught that in the UK article. If true, this is worse than I first thought. If so, I stand corrected. But until any trial or civil action, how can we convict him?

Lena Dunham admitted to raping her three year old sister growing up, but no outrage, she keeps here show and life goes on. I guess if you are a depraved liberal lesbo jew different standards apply.
And again, it's really doubtful that liberals are truly outraged this kid molested younger children, they're just gleeful they can use it to ruin a traditional American family.

100% agreed. Whereas the Duggars were shocked, shamed, disgusted etc. at their 14 year old's behavior, and tried in their own way to punish him and correct his behavior, a far left family would've patted this kid on the back and celebrated his sexual exploration. There's the difference in values.
No, they didn't. You just lied. They sent him to a cop friend who is now serving a 56 year sentence for child porn. They sent their boy to another Christian pervert. Truth hurts.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
LOL at Christian perverts. But if we talked about the jewish role in pornography or abuse by rabbis, we are "anti-semites". You have some chutzpah to say the least on this issue.
I have never heard of Lena Dunham. I Googled, "depraved liberal lesbo jew", and her name did not come up....

True, I just saw your name pop up was all.

Must be somebody else. I'm not a jew.

Ask Stephanie. She might know.
I don't know what you are. just that you're a blowhard tool for the Democrat party. you all didn't give two shits Obama ran around with classified Domestic terrorist yet you sit here and run down Huckabee because MAYBE he made a MISTAKE about this guy. who knows? I can't stand Huckabee. and many more feels the same as I do. so you're all barking up the wrong tree. like usual;
So, English is your 2nd or 3rd language....

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Lena Dunham admitted to raping her three year old sister growing up, but no outrage, she keeps here show and life goes on. I guess if you are a depraved liberal lesbo jew different standards apply.

Would you provide a link to your accusation because that's not what Lena Dunham writes in her book.
Oh, whoops, I was wrong. Her sister was six when she molested her. Totally cool though. Nothing to see here bigots.
Lena Dunham, the creator of the hit television series Girls, has issued an apology after being attacked in the US for passages in her recently released memoir which critics have said amount to the sexual abuse of her younger sister.

Dunham, 28, who this week cancelled a planned appearance at book events in Antwerp and Berlin, initially struck a defiant tone after parts of the book, Not That Kind of Girl, were highlighted by the right-wing press.

The passages cited include one that describes an incident when Dunham was seven and her sister was one and playing on the driveway. Dunham writes that “curiosity got the best” of her and she opened her sister’s vagina only to call for her mother when she found the toddler had “six or seven pebbles in there”.

“My mother didn’t bother asking why I had opened Grace’s vagina,” Dunham wrote. “This was within the spectrum of things that I did.”

Lena Dunham apologises after critics accuse her of sexually molesting sister Culture The Guardian

Notice how they OVERLOOK that. two faced hypocrites. that's why I never take them seriously. Especially this bunch that came on when Obama got elected. they have no honor, morals or pride the same as he doesn't

Party over country is their MOTTO
Lena Dunham admitted to raping her three year old sister growing up, but no outrage, she keeps here show and life goes on. I guess if you are a depraved liberal lesbo jew different standards apply.

Would you provide a link to your accusation because that's not what Lena Dunham writes in her book.
Oh, whoops, I was wrong. Her sister was six when she molested her. Totally cool though. Nothing to see here bigots.
Lena Dunham, the creator of the hit television series Girls, has issued an apology after being attacked in the US for passages in her recently released memoir which critics have said amount to the sexual abuse of her younger sister.

Dunham, 28, who this week cancelled a planned appearance at book events in Antwerp and Berlin, initially struck a defiant tone after parts of the book, Not That Kind of Girl, were highlighted by the right-wing press.

The passages cited include one that describes an incident when Dunham was seven and her sister was one and playing on the driveway. Dunham writes that “curiosity got the best” of her and she opened her sister’s vagina only to call for her mother when she found the toddler had “six or seven pebbles in there”.

“My mother didn’t bother asking why I had opened Grace’s vagina,” Dunham wrote. “This was within the spectrum of things that I did.”

Lena Dunham apologises after critics accuse her of sexually molesting sister Culture The Guardian

No doubt about it. She will have to resign her post at the Perverted Liberal Depraved Lesbo Jew Family Research Council....
Lena Dunham admitted to raping her three year old sister growing up, but no outrage, she keeps here show and life goes on. I guess if you are a depraved liberal lesbo jew different standards apply.

Would you provide a link to your accusation because that's not what Lena Dunham writes in her book.
Oh, whoops, I was wrong. Her sister was six when she molested her. Totally cool though. Nothing to see here bigots.
Lena Dunham, the creator of the hit television series Girls, has issued an apology after being attacked in the US for passages in her recently released memoir which critics have said amount to the sexual abuse of her younger sister.

Dunham, 28, who this week cancelled a planned appearance at book events in Antwerp and Berlin, initially struck a defiant tone after parts of the book, Not That Kind of Girl, were highlighted by the right-wing press.

The passages cited include one that describes an incident when Dunham was seven and her sister was one and playing on the driveway. Dunham writes that “curiosity got the best” of her and she opened her sister’s vagina only to call for her mother when she found the toddler had “six or seven pebbles in there”.

“My mother didn’t bother asking why I had opened Grace’s vagina,” Dunham wrote. “This was within the spectrum of things that I did.”

Lena Dunham apologises after critics accuse her of sexually molesting sister Culture The Guardian

No doubt about it. She will have to resign her post at the Perverted Liberal Depraved Lesbo Jew Family Research Council....
Instead she got another season for her HBO show.
Well, if I had HBO, I would boycott her show. but since I don't, I will just have to make do with not watching it.

Speaking of which, I read that the Chic-Fil-A folks finally wised up and stopped donating money to organizations fighting against gay marriage laws. I might just have to try one of their sandwiches.
Lena Dunham admitted to raping her three year old sister growing up, but no outrage, she keeps here show and life goes on. I guess if you are a depraved liberal lesbo jew different standards apply.

Would you provide a link to your accusation because that's not what Lena Dunham writes in her book.
Oh, whoops, I was wrong. Her sister was six when she molested her. Totally cool though. Nothing to see here bigots.
Lena Dunham, the creator of the hit television series Girls, has issued an apology after being attacked in the US for passages in her recently released memoir which critics have said amount to the sexual abuse of her younger sister.

Dunham, 28, who this week cancelled a planned appearance at book events in Antwerp and Berlin, initially struck a defiant tone after parts of the book, Not That Kind of Girl, were highlighted by the right-wing press.

The passages cited include one that describes an incident when Dunham was seven and her sister was one and playing on the driveway. Dunham writes that “curiosity got the best” of her and she opened her sister’s vagina only to call for her mother when she found the toddler had “six or seven pebbles in there”.

“My mother didn’t bother asking why I had opened Grace’s vagina,” Dunham wrote. “This was within the spectrum of things that I did.”

Why the anti-Semitism?

Lena Dunham apologises after critics accuse her of sexually molesting sister Culture The Guardian

No doubt about it. She will have to resign her post at the Perverted Liberal Depraved Lesbo Jew Family Research Council....
Good grief, can't you read?
If Josh is now 27 and one of his victims is still a minor, can you possibly extrapolate the baby's age when he molested her?

OK, caught that in the UK article. If true, this is worse than I first thought. If so, I stand corrected. But until any trial or civil action, how can we convict him?

One more time, Josh Duggar admitted he molested the little girls. The parents conveniently waited until the statue of limitations had run out before they commented on their son's deviant behavior.
I for one do not understand why rape has a statute of limitations.
If you choose to support Josh Duggar that's your prerogative.

How many parents would go to the authorities and turn their own fucking kid in ?

I bet a sizable percentage of Americans have family members who have broken laws and it's doubtful that very many would have even considered turning them in.

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