The eldest of the Duggar children resigns from FRC: Child Molestation Charges

Sil's biggest concern here is how this makes the Family Research Council look.
Actually, my biggest concern is orchestrated smears by the LGBT machine in order to destroy the image of Christianity and its "all sinners welcome" foundation, based on the indiscretions of a 14 year old boy with his peer group. Also of concern is the use of a juvenile record to destroy an entire family who was struggling to bring values of "rising from the temptations of darkness" to millions of American viewers...all so they could use this libel as a shoehorn to sway the deliberating US Supreme Court to allow further debauchery around children..
...and Huckabee, bless his heart, is committing political suicide very early in the game by supporting the Duggars. Hell, he just lost even the prison population vote! In stir, the only people despised more than child molesters are cops and snitches!

Huckabee may just be seeing that a juvenile doing stupid things with his peers should not be fodder to destroy an entire family. Would Vandalshandle want his activities at 14 to be published in order to smear him legally today? Probably not. Same goes for the rest of you. This is the reason juvenile records are sealed.

If there are civil lawsuits from the peer girls who complained about Josh's actions, then their part (or lack of it) in the sexual contact, will be of public record. Until then the speculation is destroying the family.

Huckabee has the political savvy of a Bulgarian shoe manufacturer, and is sabotaging his own campaign, in accordance with his usual success at utter failure.

and so do you. but you sprinkle how some women are whores in yours
Lena Dunham admitted to raping her three year old sister growing up, but no outrage, she keeps here show and life goes on. I guess if you are a depraved liberal lesbo jew different standards apply.

What are you blabbing about? She didn't rape her sister wackjob
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This concerns an incident that happened when he was 14! That's not a crime, it's misbehavior.

I can't f**king believe that you posted that!

Tipsycatlover has hit bottom with this issue.

What's the matter with these sub-human idiots?

Talk about consenting adults and they go crazy. Talk about the molestation of a five year old girl and they're making excuses.
You know.....................this is something that happened over 12 years ago when Duggar was a teenager and probably didn't understand the full impact of what he was doing. He later got counseling, and has apparently been behaving himself since.

Should he have stepped down? Dunno if he did his job well or not, but, based on what that organization represents, stepping down and avoiding the controversy makes sense.

Should people continue to drag his name through the mud? No. He has already paid for his misdeeds via counseling and therapy and is now happily married with kids.

I think he should be left alone.
No. That is a lie.

He did not receive counseling. His parents sent him to a cop friend of the family. That cop is now serving a FIFTY-SIX year sentence for child porn.

This and more of the immoral deeds of the Duggar parents are covered in depth in the OP.

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What the parents actually did was hide Josh. Very telling that they chose a kiddy porn predator.
Is anyone really surprised that the wingnuts are out in force defending a child molester?

I'm not.

I'm not either.

I always hope that, just once, the damn RWs will care about children but the never do.

And now, even the rabid RW politicians, like professional snake oil salesman, Huckster, are siding against little girls.

It's fair to say that diddling children is a problem on both sides of the aisle. I think the more important issue is how both sides regard the problem. You, who have a book of Harvey Milk stamps in your wallet and a life-sized poster of him in your living room, believe that a man 15 years older than the minor boys on drugs he was sodomizing is the bees-knees. You've even made an icon out of his sexuality. Meanwhile the regular people of the nation are always shocked and disgusted to learn the news of one of their own ranks doing something like that to girls. We weed them out the second the news falls on our ears and they forever wear the scarlet letter after that.

I'd think the difference in cultures would be quite obvious on its face.

I saw the Rachael Maddow show recently where she was utterly disgusted to learn about the senator from Vermont who stands accused of sex with women on his farm. She stared into the camera and seethed in disgust that one of them was a minor! She was livid that the man was allowed to remain in office while the investigation was pending....and the regular people of the world agree with her, without a doubt.

...And not long ago on her show I saw her interviewing Stuart Milk, gay nephew of Harvey Milk. And both knowing his history of serial-sex with teen boys on drugs, one of which both of them knew was a minor, celebrated Milk's political career while he was doing those things.

So the lesson we all can take away from this is: LGBTs are outraged and demand resignation from office from those accused of heterosexaul contact with minors. I guess if Josh Duggar was diddling boys, they might release a postage stamp in honor of his sexuality and demand he remain in office?

Blah blah blah blah blah

And no. That is only what rightwingnut a might want to "take from this"
No. That is a lie.

He did not receive counseling. His parents sent him to a cop friend of the family. That cop is now serving a FIFTY-SIX year sentence for child porn.

This and more of the immoral deeds of the Duggar parents are covered in depth in the OP.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
wonder if Jeremiah is aware of this? :eusa_think: :eusa_whistle: She claims that the fundy christian kid toucher repented
The Prog Moonbats are so happy about the Dugger Drama!

They'll continue to flog it, and other peripheral pop culture kerfuffles, in order to distract attention away from the cratering failure of the Obama Presidency and Hillary's Horrible Campaign.
The Prog Moonbats are so happy about the Dugger Drama!

They'll continue to flog it, and other peripheral pop culture kerfuffles, in order to distract attention away from the cratering failure of the Obama Presidency and Hillary's Horrible Campaign.
huh my little rw mermaid? :eusa_eh:

These people represent the Repub base to a "T"
Apparently, many who claim to be "Christians" aren't very much for the rule of law, after all.

As I keep saying, this line of thought among the "King's Kids" that they are somehow better than the rest of humanity and can therefore do what they want, it shows very strongly in many of the whackazoid responses on this thread.

Is there not even one single Christian out there willing to admit that this is not only immoral and wrong, it is illegal and that the Duggar parents fucked up on a massive scale?

I doubt it, cuz how dare we mere mortals criticize the "King's Kids"? After all, they were making their millions convincing the sheeples out there what a wholesome family they were....
The Prog Moonbats are so happy about the Dugger Drama!

They'll continue to flog it, and other peripheral pop culture kerfuffles, in order to distract attention away from the cratering failure of the Obama Presidency and Hillary's Horrible Campaign.

And apparently, you also refuse to decry the sexual abuse of young girls, eh?

You, like so many others, are willing to defend the completely indefensible.

And then Righties wonder why we scorn them.

Well, now you know why.
The Prog Moonbats are so happy about the Dugger Drama!

They'll continue to flog it, and other peripheral pop culture kerfuffles, in order to distract attention away from the cratering failure of the Obama Presidency and Hillary's Horrible Campaign.

Did the trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev distract you too much?
Just when I think the LEFT can't crawl much lower. Here they come and feels not a shred of shame for it

Dan Savage admits the LEFT is taking a ‘GROSS’ DELIGHT over molestation of underage girls
Posted by soopermexican on May 22, 2015 at 8:21 PM in Politics | 59 Comments

Somehow MSNBC host Chris L. Hayes and professional degenerate Dan Savage accidentally told the truth about how much glee and delight the left has been taking in the news that Josh Duggar was revealed to have molested underage girls.

Watch below:

VIDEO at the site

Weird – these are the same people who whined and complained that people were celebrating the death of Osama bin Laden. That’s bad, but it’s OK to take glee in the molestation of children as long as you can hurt a conservative.

all of it here:

Read more: Dan Savage admits the LEFT is taking a GROSS DELIGHT over molestation of underage girls The Right Scoop -

Well in spite of the fact that your posting link is from an extreme RWNJ whackadoodle site, at least you posted something halfway related to the OP.

That is progress, I suppose.

But I notice that you too did not decry the sexual abuse of young girls. Apparently, you are ok with it, too.
No. That is a lie.

He did not receive counseling. His parents sent him to a cop friend of the family. That cop is now serving a FIFTY-SIX year sentence for child porn.

This and more of the immoral deeds of the Duggar parents are covered in depth in the OP.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
wonder if Jeremiah is aware of this? :eusa_think: :eusa_whistle: She claims that the fundy christian kid toucher repented

Not just that ... A year after he "repented", he did it again.

Did he learn new skills from the kiddy porn cop?
No. That is a lie.

He did not receive counseling. His parents sent him to a cop friend of the family. That cop is now serving a FIFTY-SIX year sentence for child porn.

This and more of the immoral deeds of the Duggar parents are covered in depth in the OP.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
wonder if Jeremiah is aware of this? :eusa_think: :eusa_whistle: She claims that the fundy christian kid toucher repented

Yes, repented by a dude who is now serving a 56 year prison sentence for child porn.

Whooohoooo, that is some wild-assed repentance.
The Prog Moonbats are so happy about the Dugger Drama!

They'll continue to flog it, and other peripheral pop culture kerfuffles, in order to distract attention away from the cratering failure of the Obama Presidency and Hillary's Horrible Campaign.

Why aren't RWs and phony christians happy that an admitted, repeat child molester has been outed?

Why do you rabid nutters believe this is a right-left issue?

Why don't you all want this monster identified and kept away from children?
Apparently, many who claim to be "Christians" aren't very much for the rule of law, after all.

As I keep saying, this line of thought among the "King's Kids" that they are somehow better than the rest of humanity and can therefore do what they want, it shows very strongly in many of the whackazoid responses on this thread.

Is there not even one single Christian out there willing to admit that this is not only immoral and wrong, it is illegal and that the Duggar parents fucked up on a massive scale?

I doubt it, cuz how dare we mere mortals criticize the "King's Kids"? After all, they were making their millions convincing the sheeples out there what a wholesome family they were....
^ that x 100

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