The Election WAS Stolen

Shrillary almost immediately turned around and said he was an illegitimate President.

Like you, she’s a liar
Yeah right. immediately in 2019. Lets see, she conceded in Nov. 2016, and immediately claimed in Sept of 2019 that the Orange lardass was illegitimate........what a maroon!
But you refuse to tell us who the good candidates are.
Why do you need to be told who to vote for? My only request is that you don't vote for bad candidates. That's just dumb, regardless of the excuse.

If you honestly think the candidates you vote for are good - I might disagree, but I respect your decision. My beef is with the people who "hold their nose" and vote for shitty candidates out of fear.
Wow, 12 whole minutes, huh?

If we summed up the amount of time Trump has been crying about a stolen election how many days might that equal?
Thanks for you admission that Democrats have indeed cried about stolen elections, many times over.
Why do you need to be told who to vote for? My only request is that you don't vote for bad candidates. That's just dumb, regardless of the excuse.

If you honestly think the candidates you vote for are good - I might disagree, but I respect your decision. My beef is with the people who "hold their nose" and vote for shitty candidates out of fear.
We have a democracy to vote. That's what a democracy is. If you think there aren't any good candidates to vote for so you don't vote then you are in favor of tossing democracy out the window.
It's proof that your orange lard and master incited a cult to overthrow a free and fair election that his fat ass lost bigly. .
How? There were no soldiers there with fully automatic weapons to shoot the elected officials. And flags dont count as weapons, especially when they are waved patriotically.
That didn't happen, you cult freak.
oh yes it did, over and over, because marxists must lie, steal and cheat to win.

Contrary to known reality.

Their objections were not heard unless joined by a Senator. In 2001 it went something like this:

The VICE PRESIDENT. For what purpose does the gentlewoman from California (Ms. WATERS) rise?
Ms. WATERS. Mr. Vice President, I rise to object to the fraudulent 25 Florida electorial votes.
The VICE PRESIDENT. Is the objection in writing and signed by a Member of the House and a Senator?
Ms. WATERS. The objection is in writing, and I do not care that it is not signed by a Member of the Senate.
The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair will advise that the rules do care, and the signature of a Senator is required. The Chair will again put that part of the question: Is the objection signed by a Senator?
Ms. WATERS. Mr. Vice President, there are gross violations of the Voting Rights Act from Florida, and I object; and it is not signed by a Senator.
The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair thanks the gentlewoman from California. On the basis previously stated, the objection may not be received

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