The Election WAS Stolen

The sow didn’t say he was unfit, Poo. She said “illegitimate.”

Do try to keep up with the actual conversation. And give honesty a try.
And yet conceded the election on election night. Something the orange slob will never do. Because keeping his cult delusional and angry is the only way he gets any attention.
Yeah, but never in my life staying up late, have i seen at 2am nothing but Biden Ballots cast in so many numbers in just a few states.

The Marxists say it isnt widespread voter fraud, and it wasnt, just in 5 states was there voter fraud. Those 5 states had President Trump leading by 10s of thousands at 2am. When everyone was supposed to go home, then early the next morning Joe miraculously got more votes than the brown turd Obammy did his adoring boss.
They were postal ballots that came in after the days counts. What's wrong with that. All of these ballots have been verified and recounted.
They were postal ballots that came in after the days counts. What's wrong with that. All of these ballots have been verified and recounted.
What's wrong with that, to the cult, is that smarter people tend to vote democrat, and smarter people voted by mail. So therefore, mail votes weighed democrat. And they want to throw out democrat votes.
A signed affidavit is what is used in place of being in court.
The problem with the 2020 Election was that no court
cases were even heard.Radical judges stepped in and countermanded
any necessity to hear from We the People as to what they saw at
Election sites.The biggest example was the Pennsylvania case where
Supreme Court Jurist Alito wrote a good paper detailing the need to
find out why Pennsylvania allowed their State Supreme Court to usurp
the Majority State Legislature and change election procedures.Allowing for
massive amounts of mail-in ballots that did not follow the Rules established
by the Governing body { The Penn. State Legislature }.
State legislature are the body that run elections in each state.

Bullshit. Some cases were heard. They just didn't have evidence to support their claims to get past the defendant's first motion to dismiss.
And yet conceded the election on election night.

Already addressed. She offered a concession speech. And promptly — and for a motherfucking long time thereafter — she denied that he had won legitimately.

Assholes like you can choose to ignore all of that. But everybody actually knows it. And that means that you are obviously full of shit. Also known by everyone.
Yep. She conceded the election and made no attacks on the vote counts, election systems, congress, or the vice president.

Unlike the orange slob, on all counts.
Bullshit. Stop lying, you dishonest twat.

She claimed that Russia Russia Russia made the election illegitimate thus making Trump illegitimate.

And every word out of her fucking mouth since the end of her concession speech has been a lie.

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