The Election WAS Stolen

What sabotages the country is not voting.
What Sabotages the country is when Marxist steal the election by counting bull shit votes that counter REAL votes. 81 million votes went to a racist prick, who stayed in his basement while America burned. Then at 2am the suitcases full of ballot came out. And the left just sat their like complacent sheep.
What Sabotages the country is when Marxist steal the election by counting bull shit votes that counter REAL votes. 81 million votes went to a racist prick, who stayed in his basement while America burned. Then at 2am the suitcases full of ballot came out. And the left just sat their like complacent sheep.

More stolen election fantasies
I get so sick of the left calling out Trump and others for referring to elections as being stolen when they have done it themselves nonstop for over two decades. What's even more funny is Democrat's never ending attacks on voting machines.

Bee 4 Real ! Okey dokey.How about firstrate examples.
Like how popular Virginian Congressman Jim Moran
who was a regular on - Hardball - was forced to retire,
before his time.How and why ? .Because his son Patrick who
ran Father Jim Moran's Campaign office was caught by Project Veritas
taking a phone call.The call was used to prove how Election fraud
works.Patrick explained in detail how to falsely register to vote.
Chosing the career of a streetwalker as example.
It dint take long for the Project Veritas phone call to go viral.
No way could son Patrick squirm out of.Then papa Moran.
Jim Moran decided to leave congress early.
People who don’t vote screw themselves
People who vote for shitty candidates screw everyone else.

But let me reiterate. I'm not advocating for not voting. I'm just saying that if you're too stupid to think of a good candidate to vote for - please, stay home. You're only making things worse.
Is that a question? What are you trying to say?
There was never even the hint as to why and where Biden
was in the fall of 2020.He wasn't on the Campaign trail.
We had to also assume that he wasn't a morning person.
Because when he did show his mug { face } it was like
around lunchtime.
There was never even the hint as to why and where Biden
was in the fall of 2020.He wasn't on the Campaign trail.
We had to also assume that he wasn't a morning person.
Because when he did show his mug { face } it was like
around lunchtime.
mkay :rolleyes:
Yeah, but never in my life staying up late, have i seen at 2am nothing but Biden Ballots cast in so many numbers in just a few states.

The Marxists say it isnt widespread voter fraud, and it wasnt, just in 5 states was there voter fraud. Those 5 states had President Trump leading by 10s of thousands at 2am. When everyone was supposed to go home, then early the next morning Joe miraculously got more votes than the brown turd Obammy did his adoring boss.

How many Poll workers in Wisconsin alone had signed
affidavits { under penatly of Law } explaining strange
activities at their voting places.Upwards of 1,000 ?
None that would swear it in court

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