The Electoral College achieved what the Framers feared most

Just a correction to the OP ... the Electoral College was used by the Holy Roman Empire to elect their emperor ... that predates our forefathers by many hundreds of years ... this was already an tried and true methodology that our educated forefathers had studied ... they thought it suited our purposes quite well ...

Is your argument that it doesn't work today and we should change it? ... Sure, 2/3's of each house of Congress and 3/4's the States ... the EC gives more power to smaller states, as designed ... and the 2016 election clearly demonstrates that one party can't focus on just a few big rich states, they have to win poor rural states as well ... no way are the small states voting to take their power away ... so just forget change until we return ourselves the the English Crown ...

Why do you hate the poor? ...
"Because Nancy’s teeth were falling out of her mouth, and she didn’t have time to think!" Trump tweeted on December 15.

Trump recently verbally attacked a 16-year old girl with autism who is concerned about climate change.

"The scathing article in Christianity Today said that Trump — who has received very strong support from evangelical voters — “has dumbed down the idea of morality in his administration” by hiring and firing “a number of people who are now convicted criminals,” and by admitting “immoral actions in business and his relationships with women.”

At a political rally last week Trump directly implied that the late Democratic Rep. John Dingell was in hell. He didn't like that his wife voted in favor of impeachment. Trump thought he was being funny by attacking the memory of the former Congressmen who died eight months ago. Dingell holds the record for longest-ever serving member of Congress in American history, representing Michigan for more than 59 years.

Trump is a prolific liar. Americans cannot trust a thing he says. Imagine that, Americans cannot trust what their President says. As of Dec. 10, his 1,055th day in office, Trump had made 15,413 false or misleading claims, according to the Fact Checker’s database that analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement he has uttered. That’s an average of more than 32 claims a day.

On Saturday Trump gave his his best imitation of Don Quixote. He went after windmills. "“I never understood wind. I know windmills very much, I have studied it better than anybody." Bla, bla, bla. Geez!

What a jerk.

This is the President chosen by the E.C. It is time for change.

Trump had a Christmas message for his base. They are the only ones who will believe.

He lashed out at Speaker Nancy Pelosi, saying that she “hates all of the people who voted for me and the Republican Party.” He wants his base to believe that so that will ignore the overwhelming evidence that he invited foreign interference in our elections and used bribery to get what he wanted.

It works, too. His fans avoid anything dealing with the evidence against Trump.

Then, in a moment of Christmas cheer and paranoia, he attacked Representative Adam B. Schiff of California as being “a sick, corrupt politician.”

Of course, his Christmas message contained a number of lies, particularly having to do with his impeachment. The biggest whopper, for the umpteenth time he said he was denied due process in the impeachment proceedings, saying that “they treated us very unfairly [in the House], and now they want fairness in the Senate.”

Apparently, Trump is making a mockery of fairness in the Senate, but that is beside the point. "House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, a Democrat from New York, sent a letter to President Donald Trump notifying him of public impeachment hearings [the following] week and inviting the President and his counsel to participate, including asking questions of the witnesses." Trump Complains About Impeachment After Christmas Eve Message to Troops

Trump blocked his own lawyer, witnesses and documents from the House, and from the American people, on phony complaints about the House process. "As for the hearing scheduled for December 4, we cannot fairly be expected to participate in a hearing while the witnesses are yet to be named and while it remains unclear whether the Judiciary Committee will afford the President a fair process through additional hearings," White House counsel Pat Cipollone wrote in letter to Chairman Jerry Nadler.

In all fairness to Trump, he said he had picked out “a beautiful card” for the first lady, Melania Trump, gave most federal workers the gift of an extra day off this holiday season, and had some nice words for our troops fighting abroad in the Middle East.
It's amazing how the self important morons are so quick to tell us everything the Founding Fathers and the Framers of the Constitution got wrong when something doesn't go your way but never have a complaint about them when it does.
The EC is perfect as it is. There is no fucking way we (2/3 of the states) will ever allow it to be changed, period.
Democrats can whine all they want, the EC will never be changed.
At the time the Electoral College was created we still had not licked the Indian problem yet; we would fight the pesky British again 25 years later in the War of 1812; and only a few schools were scattered around the Original Thirteen States. Today there is a school in nearly every urban and suburban neighborhood and multiple colleges in nearly every city. Most Americans in 1787 were farmers who could care less about the ABC's. Their main concern was putting food on the table, which is not much of a concern for Americans today.

The Electoral College was created during a long dead time, totally unrelated to conditions today. It was created by the Framers who did not trust uneducated rabble to select the President. They envisioned electors who supposedly knew what they were doing. The result, in 2016, our worst fears were realized when Donald J. Trump was elected.

Allow me to explain. First, there is this interesting statistic. Trump's job approval rating among non-college educated whites is 67%.

Non-college educated whites literally chose our President in 2016. Part of the reason is that approximately 100 million voters either stayed home or wasted their vote in protest. Approximately 63 million Americans voted for Trump, and he lost the popular vote by three million.

Second, essentially, the electors are chosen by the popular vote in each state.

California has a population of 40 million and has 55 electoral votes. Montana has a population of 1.06 million and has three electoral votes. When one does the math it means the non-college educated farmer in Montana has 2.17 votes in the Electoral College for every vote a teacher, lawyer, scientist, and doctor has in California.

In varying degrees, the same is true in the rural areas of Texas, Mississippi, Georgia, Alabama, and North and South Carolina. In addition, it appears that Trump has attracted the support of anarchists, bigots, and angry citizens.

And so we have a President who today is about to be impeached because he asked for foreign intervention in our election and used bribery as an incentive.

We have a President whose foreign policy is a threat to our national security.

And we have a President who recently verbally attacked a 16-year old girl with autism who is concerned about climate change, indicating the state of mind of said President..

Put a different way, the Electoral College realized our worst fear in a Presidential election that would have been prevented by the popular vote.

It was the only mistake the Framers made.
Swing and a shank......Sorry Sandy.
Actually the electoral college acted the opposite from what was intended. The two presidents who won the electoral college but lost the popular vote were those that the electoral college were meant to PREVENT from taking office. Trump especially. The founders feared a populist leader backed by foreign powers who would usurp the presidency and then destroy the institutions that sustained it. Trump is exhibit A.

The electoral college has been a failure in every sense. The people were right with Gore and Clinton. It is time to abolish that archaic relic.
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Trump had a Christmas message for his base. They are the only ones who will believe.

He lashed out at Speaker Nancy Pelosi, saying that she “hates all of the people who voted for me and the Republican Party.” He wants his base to believe that so that will ignore the overwhelming evidence that he invited foreign interference in our elections and used bribery to get what he wanted.

It works, too. His fans avoid anything dealing with the evidence against Trump.

Then, in a moment of Christmas cheer and paranoia, he attacked Representative Adam B. Schiff of California as being “a sick, corrupt politician.”

Of course, his Christmas message contained a number of lies, particularly having to do with his impeachment. The biggest whopper, for the umpteenth time he said he was denied due process in the impeachment proceedings, saying that “they treated us very unfairly [in the House], and now they want fairness in the Senate.”

Apparently, Trump is making a mockery of fairness in the Senate, but that is beside the point. "House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, a Democrat from New York, sent a letter to President Donald Trump notifying him of public impeachment hearings [the following] week and inviting the President and his counsel to participate, including asking questions of the witnesses." Trump Complains About Impeachment After Christmas Eve Message to Troops

Trump blocked his own lawyer, witnesses and documents from the House, and from the American people, on phony complaints about the House process. "As for the hearing scheduled for December 4, we cannot fairly be expected to participate in a hearing while the witnesses are yet to be named and while it remains unclear whether the Judiciary Committee will afford the President a fair process through additional hearings," White House counsel Pat Cipollone wrote in letter to Chairman Jerry Nadler.

In all fairness to Trump, he said he had picked out “a beautiful card” for the first lady, Melania Trump, gave most federal workers the gift of an extra day off this holiday season, and had some nice words for our troops fighting abroad in the Middle East.

What does this have to do with your own OP? Frankly, it should be removed as 'off topic'......LOL
Actually the electoral college acted the opposite from what was intended. The two presidents who won the electoral college but lost the popular vote were those that the electoral college were meant to PREVENT from taking office. Trump especially. The founders feared a populist leader backed by foreign powers who would usurp the presidency and then destroy the institutions that sustained it. Trump is exhibit A.

The electoral college has been a failure in every sense. The people were right with Gore and Clinton. It is time to abolish that archaic relic.

That doesn't make any sense ... Gore and Clinton were the more popular candidates ... see, they won the "popular" vote ... the EC prevented this, as designed ...
Actually the electoral college acted the opposite from what was intended. The two presidents who won the electoral college but lost the popular vote were those that the electoral college were meant to PREVENT from taking office. Trump especially. The founders feared a populist leader backed by foreign powers who would usurp the presidency and then destroy the institutions that sustained it. Trump is exhibit A.

The electoral college has been a failure in every sense. The people were right with Gore and Clinton. It is time to abolish that archaic relic.

That doesn't make any sense ... Gore and Clinton were the more popular candidates ... see, they won the "popular" vote ... the EC prevented this, as designed ...
It failed because Trump was the type of President the founders feared. A populist backed by foreign powers.
Actually the electoral college acted the opposite from what was intended. The two presidents who won the electoral college but lost the popular vote were those that the electoral college were meant to PREVENT from taking office. Trump especially. The founders feared a populist leader backed by foreign powers who would usurp the presidency and then destroy the institutions that sustained it. Trump is exhibit A.

The electoral college has been a failure in every sense. The people were right with Gore and Clinton. It is time to abolish that archaic relic.

That doesn't make any sense ... Gore and Clinton were the more popular candidates ... see, they won the "popular" vote ... the EC prevented this, as designed ...
It failed because Trump was the type of President the founders feared. A populist backed by foreign powers.
ok. so please prove this accusation with more than opinion articles and subjective viewpoints you already made up in your mind.
It failed because Trump was the type of President the founders feared. A populist backed by foreign powers.

That statement is false and irresponsible as well as anti-American. Who is paying you for posting this tripe?
For those who want to abolish the EC fine we do that but instead of going to the popular vote to decide the Presidency we go by which candidate wins the most states it's still majority rule I'm sure you will find that acceptable. Of course you wouldn't becuase that would give the Republicans a clear advantage in Presidential elections just as the popular vote way would give one to the Democrats. With one party having the clear advantage to win the Presidency over and over that party in turn would be able to put justices on the Supreme Court and lower courts that would be favorable to them. This in turn would make it much easier to pass legislation that would favor this party and have any court challenges go in their favor and would basically give us one party rule. Historically one party rule has lead to armed revolt so it really does seem like the EC really is the best option.
The original colonies would never have agreed to join together if 5 or 6 cities controlled all the power. That was the compromise that was needed to bring the colonies together. It has worked for over 200 years. If the Dems want to change it, they can go thru the process of amending the Constitution. I cant imagine it ever passed. Why would most of the smaller states agree to it?
Actually the electoral college acted the opposite from what was intended. The two presidents who won the electoral college but lost the popular vote were those that the electoral college were meant to PREVENT from taking office. Trump especially. The founders feared a populist leader backed by foreign powers who would usurp the presidency and then destroy the institutions that sustained it. Trump is exhibit A.

The electoral college has been a failure in every sense. The people were right with Gore and Clinton. It is time to abolish that archaic relic.

That doesn't make any sense ... Gore and Clinton were the more popular candidates ... see, they won the "popular" vote ... the EC prevented this, as designed ...
It failed because Trump was the type of President the founders feared. A populist backed by foreign powers.
ok. so please prove this accusation with more than opinion articles and subjective viewpoints you already made up in your mind.

Yeah ... ya got me ... trade wars and withdrawal from international treaties doesn't sound like "backed by foreign powers" to me ...
Trump had a Christmas message for his base. They are the only ones who will believe.

He lashed out at Speaker Nancy Pelosi, saying that she “hates all of the people who voted for me and the Republican Party.” He wants his base to believe that so that will ignore the overwhelming evidence that he invited foreign interference in our elections and used bribery to get what he wanted.

It works, too. His fans avoid anything dealing with the evidence against Trump.

Then, in a moment of Christmas cheer and paranoia, he attacked Representative Adam B. Schiff of California as being “a sick, corrupt politician.”

Of course, his Christmas message contained a number of lies, particularly having to do with his impeachment. The biggest whopper, for the umpteenth time he said he was denied due process in the impeachment proceedings, saying that “they treated us very unfairly [in the House], and now they want fairness in the Senate.”

Apparently, Trump is making a mockery of fairness in the Senate, but that is beside the point. "House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, a Democrat from New York, sent a letter to President Donald Trump notifying him of public impeachment hearings [the following] week and inviting the President and his counsel to participate, including asking questions of the witnesses." Trump Complains About Impeachment After Christmas Eve Message to Troops

Trump blocked his own lawyer, witnesses and documents from the House, and from the American people, on phony complaints about the House process. "As for the hearing scheduled for December 4, we cannot fairly be expected to participate in a hearing while the witnesses are yet to be named and while it remains unclear whether the Judiciary Committee will afford the President a fair process through additional hearings," White House counsel Pat Cipollone wrote in letter to Chairman Jerry Nadler.

In all fairness to Trump, he said he had picked out “a beautiful card” for the first lady, Melania Trump, gave most federal workers the gift of an extra day off this holiday season, and had some nice words for our troops fighting abroad in the Middle East.

What does this have to do with your own OP? Frankly, it should be removed as 'off topic'......LOL
He's only here to troll with cross-topic spam.
The more often we report it, the less he'll do it.
Just look at the "resent activity" tab in his profile, copy the URL for the offending posts and report away.
That doesn't make any sense ... Gore and Clinton were the more popular candidates ... see, they won the "popular" vote ... the EC prevented this, as designed ...
Why should someone who does not win a majority of the popular vote - Clinton x3, Gore x1 - by virtue of his mere plurality, win the election?

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