The Electoral College Can Be Stolen, But It Won't

She did win the popular vote, by more than 2%.

It's not at all likely that the EC will choose her, but they could.

And the only legal problem is a $450 fine, and even that isn't applicable to all of them.

So you people want to have the option to change the rules whenever you want to?


Change what rule?

Martial Law or Electoral College?

Clearly, the stage is set to blame Russia for a Trump victory. They are prepping the media who 99% endorse Hillary; the press conspiracy to feed propaganda to the American people is in full swing. Meanwhile, Obama continues to support the Sunni in the civil war with the intent to attack Russian forces in Syria. Our model still shows the largest turnout may take place here in 2016. This scares the blood, no matter how cold, right out of the veins of the career politicians. The American press is committing suicide and have succeeded in becoming indistinguishable from Pravda (“Truth”) of the old Soviet Union. Power corrupts everything, including the press.

There are two scenarios running around behind the curtain. I reported the one that Obama would declare martial law, suspend the constitution and remain in the presidency declining to allow Hillary or Trump to take the throne, he would step aside and hand to Joe Biden. Some counsel that is too extreme. Others are proposing that Obama still blames Russia, but then throw it to the Congress by means of the electoral college and that way keep it under the pretense of being constitutional. Anyway you cut it, this does not look like they will allow Trump to take the White House regardless of the vote."

What does that have to do with Grandma's post and your response about changing the rules?

"Here comes the loophole. There is NO constitutional or federal law that compels an elector to honor any “pledge” and that is a hole big enough to fly a fleet of 747 planes through. Therefore, if they bullshit the people enough with the media supporting them, we will see the Electoral College hand it to Hillary regardless of how the people vote. "


Sorry, your copy/paste does not explain what your post had to do with Grandma's post. She said nothing about changing rules. Nor, for that matter, does this quote in your post.

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