The Electoral College

why should one state, where the average IQ of a very concentrated area {Los Angeles}is lower than the IQ of mentally challenged guinea pig,,decide who will be the next president?,,thats what Hillary and Pelosi believe,,. You take California out of the picture, and Trump wins by a lot of votes !

President Trump wins in a LANDSLIDE without that liberal HELLHOLE of California!!
thats what the left is up to,,,,odds are they will still have more votes when the GOP wins in 2020, then all the snowflakes will be crying again cause they got 4 million more votes (yah,,being anyone can vote in California, no ID required}

Your aviator creeps me out ...
thats what the left is up to,,,,odds are they will still have more votes when the GOP wins in 2020, then all the snowflakes will be crying again cause they got 4 million more votes (yah,,being anyone can vote in California, no ID required}
Please, let this happen. We need a constitutional convention anyway. Let's get it all out on the table.

They will bitch about it and make it an excuse for losing, but they DO NOT want a constitutional convention. It will never happen. They have too much to lose.
Good riddance. Perhaps you can find solace in the arms of your useful idiot liberal friends. From conservatives, you will be habitually exposed to the raw truth. Liberalism is a fucking mental disorder.
LMAO The real truth is that you are too insane to see the real truth to the point of even counting votes correctly.
The fact is that because California and several LIBERAL cities with large populations control a large number of people does not mean that they get to decide for everyone in the US. The electoral College ensures a couple large States don't get to decide for everyone
That's just absurd. I have no patience for idiots who can't even count. Under no circumstances using the popular vote does one city, or state, or region elect a president: it's one vote per person no matter where they live. Jesus, you people are stupid. Really, really stupid.

It's the electoral college that skews the vote giving people in rural areas more than one vote each. And it skews the vote in favor of conservatives because rural areas are more conservative. It's cheating in favor of the conservative vote. If overall, throughout the country, there are more people who vote for the democratic candidate then that is who should win. It isn't about one state or another electing a president. God you people are dense. DENSE!

With the EC only 12 states vote for the president. The rest of the states are so solid one way or another that they hardly ever change.

Alabama last voted Democrat in 1976
Alaska in 1964
Texas in 1976

There are states that in the modern era won't be changing their vote at all.

One of the shocking things is that people actually want to be ignorant.

Ray from Cleveland for example, I said PR is better than FPTP and his response was "I don't know what PR or FPTP are". He couldn't even get around to going onto a search engine and typing it in. I told him. Then three months later I said the same thing and his response was "I don't know what PR and FPTP are" and I'm like "are you fucking kidding me?"

These people like the system because they see it benefits them. They'll use any excuse under the sun to explain why they should have this system, but they get found out and then they disappear and ignore the fact that you ever spoke about it.
Look stupid IF those States did change their vote it would matter so IN FACT they matter 12 States can not elect the President alone.

The damn democrats gerrymandere the blue states like with this nonsense, how on earth can we fight it?


LMAO The real truth is that you are too insane to see the real truth to the point of even counting votes correctly.
The fact is that because California and several LIBERAL cities with large populations control a large number of people does not mean that they get to decide for everyone in the US. The electoral College ensures a couple large States don't get to decide for everyone
That's just absurd. I have no patience for idiots who can't even count. Under no circumstances using the popular vote does one city, or state, or region elect a president: it's one vote per person no matter where they live. Jesus, you people are stupid. Really, really stupid.

It's the electoral college that skews the vote giving people in rural areas more than one vote each. And it skews the vote in favor of conservatives because rural areas are more conservative. It's cheating in favor of the conservative vote. If overall, throughout the country, there are more people who vote for the democratic candidate then that is who should win. It isn't about one state or another electing a president. God you people are dense. DENSE!

With the EC only 12 states vote for the president. The rest of the states are so solid one way or another that they hardly ever change.

Alabama last voted Democrat in 1976
Alaska in 1964
Texas in 1976

There are states that in the modern era won't be changing their vote at all.

One of the shocking things is that people actually want to be ignorant.

Ray from Cleveland for example, I said PR is better than FPTP and his response was "I don't know what PR or FPTP are". He couldn't even get around to going onto a search engine and typing it in. I told him. Then three months later I said the same thing and his response was "I don't know what PR and FPTP are" and I'm like "are you fucking kidding me?"

These people like the system because they see it benefits them. They'll use any excuse under the sun to explain why they should have this system, but they get found out and then they disappear and ignore the fact that you ever spoke about it.
Look stupid IF those States did change their vote it would matter so IN FACT they matter 12 States can not elect the President alone.

The damn democrats gerrymandere the blue states like with this nonsense, how on earth can we fight it?

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i actually hope we have a repeat of 2016, where the GOP kicks butt all nite,, always ahead by 3/4 Million votes, then Cally sends in the votes, then, oops,,now the Rat has a 7 Million Point lead, but the GOP has already won his electoral college by a landslide,,,,awwe,,too bad! even the 6-3 Supreme Court will tell Jerry Brown where he can shove his 7 million extra votes
This is the thing about the cons here: you cannot conduct a discussion without being incredibly disgusting. It clarifies the level of your intelligence and intent. The electoral college gives rural areas more weight per individual vote than urban areas. That is a fact. It is tilted to favor conservative areas: fact. I'm done here. I don't discuss anything with loutish neanderthals.
Good riddance. Perhaps you can find solace in the arms of your useful idiot liberal friends. From conservatives, you will be habitually exposed to the raw truth. Liberalism is a fucking mental disorder.
LMAO The real truth is that you are too insane to see the real truth to the point of even counting votes correctly.
The fact is that because California and several LIBERAL cities with large populations control a large number of people does not mean that they get to decide for everyone in the US. The electoral College ensures a couple large States don't get to decide for everyone
That's just absurd. I have no patience for idiots who can't even count. Under no circumstances using the popular vote does one city, or state, or region elect a president: it's one vote per person no matter where they live. Jesus, you people are stupid. Really, really stupid.

It's the electoral college that skews the vote giving people in rural areas more than one vote each. And it skews the vote in favor of conservatives because rural areas are more conservative. It's cheating in favor of the conservative vote. If overall, throughout the country, there are more people who vote for the democratic candidate then that is who should win. It isn't about one state or another electing a president. God you people are dense. DENSE!
Wrong as usual If it were popular vote only then democrats would get out the vote in the populous cities and New York and California and every other State be damned.
We should not be electing by state, we should be electing by popular vote. One person, one vote.
You think it's fair that only 12 states decide a presidential election? That people who live in one state get 3 times the voting power than people in other states? Why?

When do you get over losing? Are you like this with your spouse? No matter what, YOU'RE NEVER wrong?

California, 55 electoral votes
Nevada, 5 electoral votes
Deleware, 3 electoral votes
Florida, 29 electoral votes

So California gets 18 times the votes of Deleware and twice the votes of Florida. Why no one (1) vote per state? We're all sovereign states. That is fair to me.
There simply would not have been the United States of America without the Electoral College.

Why can't Progressives pick their fights, or are they?

There is nothing whatsoever they can do about the Electoral College, nothing, zip, zero, nada. Impossible.

So why don't they try and defend their positions on other issues like the sky falling on the Clinton's, how they can work with the Republicans to find a serious health insurance plan? How to get the wall built and work toward a permanent immigration solution. There is ground in the middle to satisfy both.

Grow up kiddies.
why should one state, where the average IQ of a very concentrated area {Los Angeles}is lower than the IQ of mentally challenged guinea pig,,decide who will be the next president?,,thats what Hillary and Pelosi believe,,. You take California out of the picture, and Trump wins by a lot of votes !

President Trump wins in a LANDSLIDE without that liberal HELLHOLE of California!!
thats what the left is up to,,,,odds are they will still have more votes when the GOP wins in 2020, then all the snowflakes will be crying again cause they got 4 million more votes (yah,,being anyone can vote in California, no ID required}

Your aviator creeps me out ...
i didnt know the abdominal snowman got his hands on rudolph.
the left wants about 70 Million people with the same brain levels as Maxine Waters to elect the next president,,right? aka,,,The Stupid Vote"
And why should the state with the lowest IQ"s decide who should be president?

Why should people who do not own property or have an economic interest in the success of this country be allowed to vote?

“When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic.”

Benjamin Franklin

That's what happens in our largest, decaying cities.

The fact is that because California and several LIBERAL cities with large populations control a large number of people does not mean that they get to decide for everyone in the US. The electoral College ensures a couple large States don't get to decide for everyone
That's just absurd. I have no patience for idiots who can't even count. Under no circumstances using the popular vote does one city, or state, or region elect a president: it's one vote per person no matter where they live. Jesus, you people are stupid. Really, really stupid.

It's the electoral college that skews the vote giving people in rural areas more than one vote each. And it skews the vote in favor of conservatives because rural areas are more conservative. It's cheating in favor of the conservative vote. If overall, throughout the country, there are more people who vote for the democratic candidate then that is who should win. It isn't about one state or another electing a president. God you people are dense. DENSE!

With the EC only 12 states vote for the president. The rest of the states are so solid one way or another that they hardly ever change.

Alabama last voted Democrat in 1976
Alaska in 1964
Texas in 1976

There are states that in the modern era won't be changing their vote at all.

One of the shocking things is that people actually want to be ignorant.

Ray from Cleveland for example, I said PR is better than FPTP and his response was "I don't know what PR or FPTP are". He couldn't even get around to going onto a search engine and typing it in. I told him. Then three months later I said the same thing and his response was "I don't know what PR and FPTP are" and I'm like "are you fucking kidding me?"

These people like the system because they see it benefits them. They'll use any excuse under the sun to explain why they should have this system, but they get found out and then they disappear and ignore the fact that you ever spoke about it.
Look stupid IF those States did change their vote it would matter so IN FACT they matter 12 States can not elect the President alone.

The damn democrats gerrymandere the blue states like with this nonsense, how on earth can we fight it?

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i actually hope we have a repeat of 2016, where the GOP kicks butt all nite,, always ahead by 3/4 Million votes, then Cally sends in the votes, then, oops,,now the Rat has a 7 Million Point lead, but the GOP has already won his electoral college by a landslide,,,,awwe,,too bad! even the 6-3 Supreme Court will tell Jerry Brown where he can shove his 7 million extra votes

Ah, a hater of Democracy.
That's just absurd. I have no patience for idiots who can't even count. Under no circumstances using the popular vote does one city, or state, or region elect a president: it's one vote per person no matter where they live. Jesus, you people are stupid. Really, really stupid.

It's the electoral college that skews the vote giving people in rural areas more than one vote each. And it skews the vote in favor of conservatives because rural areas are more conservative. It's cheating in favor of the conservative vote. If overall, throughout the country, there are more people who vote for the democratic candidate then that is who should win. It isn't about one state or another electing a president. God you people are dense. DENSE!

With the EC only 12 states vote for the president. The rest of the states are so solid one way or another that they hardly ever change.

Alabama last voted Democrat in 1976
Alaska in 1964
Texas in 1976

There are states that in the modern era won't be changing their vote at all.

One of the shocking things is that people actually want to be ignorant.

Ray from Cleveland for example, I said PR is better than FPTP and his response was "I don't know what PR or FPTP are". He couldn't even get around to going onto a search engine and typing it in. I told him. Then three months later I said the same thing and his response was "I don't know what PR and FPTP are" and I'm like "are you fucking kidding me?"

These people like the system because they see it benefits them. They'll use any excuse under the sun to explain why they should have this system, but they get found out and then they disappear and ignore the fact that you ever spoke about it.
Look stupid IF those States did change their vote it would matter so IN FACT they matter 12 States can not elect the President alone.

The damn democrats gerrymandere the blue states like with this nonsense, how on earth can we fight it?

View attachment 169500

View attachment 169501
i actually hope we have a repeat of 2016, where the GOP kicks butt all nite,, always ahead by 3/4 Million votes, then Cally sends in the votes, then, oops,,now the Rat has a 7 Million Point lead, but the GOP has already won his electoral college by a landslide,,,,awwe,,too bad! even the 6-3 Supreme Court will tell Jerry Brown where he can shove his 7 million extra votes

Ah, a hater of Democracy.

We are and never was a democracy if we were blacks would still be in chains..

Why can't you figure it out?
And why should the state with the lowest IQ"s decide who should be president?

Why should people who do not own property or have an economic interest in the success of this country be allowed to vote?

“When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic.”

Benjamin Franklin

That's what happens in our largest, decaying cities.

“When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic.”

Benjamin Franklin

why should one state, where the average IQ of a very concentrated area {Los Angeles}is lower than the IQ of mentally challenged guinea pig,,decide who will be the next president?,,thats what Hillary and Pelosi believe,,. You take California out of the picture, and Trump wins by a lot of votes !
If what you say is true, why are we richer than most of the red states with "high IQ"?
everyone moves here to. Better their life. I haven't heard someone did live California for NB, ND, TN or other flyover states.
Surely you jest. California is going broke...pampering all of its illegal aliens. California is a shithole.

Only two good things come from California: Walnuts and wine!
California has an atrocious educational rate.

The Literacy Crisis | California Policy Center

California did discover that they can greatly improve their literacy rates by lowering the standards and giving days off for student protest.
This is why the Electoral College remains an important part of our Presidential election system.

In their infinite wisdom, the founders of our country created a

structure called the "Electoral College" as a control system and to

ensure the individual states were fairly represented. Otherwise one

or two densely populated areas would speak for the whole of the

nation. It was not created as a device to favor Democrats,

Republicans, Whigs, Tories or any other political affiliation. It

was created as a system of "checks and balances" to guard against

any small vocal area, with a specific agenda, speaking for the whole of the nation.

The following list of statistics should put an end to the argument

as to why the Electoral College makes sense.















Bullshit. The Electoral College was designed for an agrarian society. It gives people in rural areas more voting power than those in urban areas. People in the US in rural areas tend to be less educated, more religious, more bigoted due to their limited life experience, and more conservative than those in urban areas.

In 1790, 95% of the US population lived in rural areas. Only 5% lived in urban areas. Today, 75% of the population lives in urban areas and only 25 percent live in rural areas. When you give those 25% more than one vote per person, you end up with less educated, conservative, religious, bigoted people having more say as to who becomes president.

That is why in the past two elections where the electoral college decided the election rather than the popular vote, we have ended up with Republican presidents. The Electoral College skews the results in favor of the Right. This is not the scenario the founded fathers envisioned: they did not envision skewing the election to favor one side.
Nice try, but NO CIGAR!

Your last claim has a bit of truth in it. The Electoral College, more often than not, saves the rural areas from the large urban areas because the large urban areas are infested with LIBERAL USEFUL IDIOTS! Liberal useful idiots always vote for Democrats!

However, the founding fathers had no idea that liberal useful idiots would flock together in big cities. They evidently wrongly assumed that some would be hard working farmers and ranch hands.

You are a liberal useful idiot.

Ahh but to liberals, they are only helping the rural areas be better people by telling them how to live their lives.
why should one state, where the average IQ of a very concentrated area {Los Angeles}is lower than the IQ of mentally challenged guinea pig,,decide who will be the next president?,,thats what Hillary and Pelosi believe,,. You take California out of the picture, and Trump wins by a lot of votes !

President Trump wins in a LANDSLIDE without that liberal HELLHOLE of California!!
thats what the left is up to,,,,odds are they will still have more votes when the GOP wins in 2020, then all the snowflakes will be crying again cause they got 4 million more votes (yah,,being anyone can vote in California, no ID required}

Your aviator creeps me out ...

Aviator? :D
why should one state, where the average IQ of a very concentrated area {Los Angeles}is lower than the IQ of mentally challenged guinea pig,,decide who will be the next president?,,thats what Hillary and Pelosi believe,,. You take California out of the picture, and Trump wins by a lot of votes !

President Trump wins in a LANDSLIDE without that liberal HELLHOLE of California!!
thats what the left is up to,,,,odds are they will still have more votes when the GOP wins in 2020, then all the snowflakes will be crying again cause they got 4 million more votes (yah,,being anyone can vote in California, no ID required}

Your aviator creeps me out ...

Aviator? :D
dont Aviators fly planes?
Good riddance. Perhaps you can find solace in the arms of your useful idiot liberal friends. From conservatives, you will be habitually exposed to the raw truth. Liberalism is a fucking mental disorder.
LMAO The real truth is that you are too insane to see the real truth to the point of even counting votes correctly.
The fact is that because California and several LIBERAL cities with large populations control a large number of people does not mean that they get to decide for everyone in the US. The electoral College ensures a couple large States don't get to decide for everyone
That's just absurd. I have no patience for idiots who can't even count. Under no circumstances using the popular vote does one city, or state, or region elect a president: it's one vote per person no matter where they live. Jesus, you people are stupid. Really, really stupid.

It's the electoral college that skews the vote giving people in rural areas more than one vote each. And it skews the vote in favor of conservatives because rural areas are more conservative. It's cheating in favor of the conservative vote. If overall, throughout the country, there are more people who vote for the democratic candidate then that is who should win. It isn't about one state or another electing a president. God you people are dense. DENSE!
Wrong as usual If it were popular vote only then democrats would get out the vote in the populous cities and New York and California and every other State be damned.
We should not be electing by state, we should be electing by popular vote. One person, one vote.

No. We are called the United States, not 330 million individuals. There are 51 separate elections for President and we will keep it that way.
why should one state, where the average IQ of a very concentrated area {Los Angeles}is lower than the IQ of mentally challenged guinea pig,,decide who will be the next president?,,thats what Hillary and Pelosi believe,,. You take California out of the picture, and Trump wins by a lot of votes !

President Trump wins in a LANDSLIDE without that liberal HELLHOLE of California!!
thats what the left is up to,,,,odds are they will still have more votes when the GOP wins in 2020, then all the snowflakes will be crying again cause they got 4 million more votes (yah,,being anyone can vote in California, no ID required}

Your aviator creeps me out ...

Aviator? :D
dont Aviators fly planes?

Do you have one and why is she scared of it?

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