The elite are creating an authoritarian beast system and those that dissent could lose everything


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
They are transforming the Internet into the greatest tool of surveillance that humanity has ever seen, and if we stay on the road that we are currently on it is only a matter of time until our society becomes a hellish dystopian nightmare.
The Elite Are Creating An Authoritarian ‘Beast System’, And Those That Dissent Could Lose EVERYTHING

The left will willy nilly just fall right into every command their little parental gov. will tell them they obey like good little slaves until one day they realize what a socialist bunch of fkn morons they were and the world they created for their kids and grand kids the cowards will never admit to fking up the system all for their own selfish greed and pathetic stupidity..
They are transforming the Internet into the greatest tool of surveillance that humanity has ever seen, and if we stay on the road that we are currently on it is only a matter of time until our society becomes a hellish dystopian nightmare.
The Elite Are Creating An Authoritarian ‘Beast System’, And Those That Dissent Could Lose EVERYTHING

The left will willy nilly just fall right into every command their little parental gov. will tell them they obey like good little slaves until one day they realize what a socialist bunch of fkn morons they were and the world they created for their kids and grand kids the cowards will never admit to fking up the system all for their own selfish greed and pathetic stupidity..

Thanks, Obama - and Bush
They are transforming the Internet into the greatest tool of surveillance that humanity has ever seen, and if we stay on the road that we are currently on it is only a matter of time until our society becomes a hellish dystopian nightmare.
The Elite Are Creating An Authoritarian ‘Beast System’, And Those That Dissent Could Lose EVERYTHING

The left will willy nilly just fall right into every command their little parental gov. will tell them they obey like good little slaves until one day they realize what a socialist bunch of fkn morons they were and the world they created for their kids and grand kids the cowards will never admit to fking up the system all for their own selfish greed and pathetic stupidity..

Paranoia strikes deep, into the minds of the sheep;
The herder is seems, has been shamed by the means, of his own dastardly lies
Paranoia strikes deep, into the minds of the sheep;
The herder is seems, has been shamed by the means, of his own dastardly lies

Says he.......... who salivates over licking the boots of tyrants and evil men.

What are you saying? That ALL white people or Christians ("herders") have been dastardly and evil?
That there aren't millions upon millions of good, decent Christian white people out there?
Are you insane..... or just the ultimate racist?

You have no idea the depth of the hole you're digging for yourself.......enjoy the fall
I'm sure your Sharia Law "friends" will catch you.
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Paranoia strikes deep, into the minds of the sheep;
The herder is seems, has been shamed by the means, of his own dastardly lies

Says he.......... who salivates over licking the boots of tyrants and evil men.

What are you saying? That ALL white people ("herders") have been dastardly and evil?
That there aren't millions upon millions of good, decent white people out there?
Are you insane..... or just the ultimate racist?

You have no idea the depth of the hole you're digging for yourself.......enjoy the fall

Did I miss something? When did this become about race?
Did I miss something? When did this become about race?

Who do you think Wry Catcher is referring to as "Herders" ?
That's how it came across. Either as whites or Christians.

It's early and I haven't had my coffee yet.
If I missed it please feel free to educate me.
Republicans don't even fight back, they have the same solution for everything, "DO NOTHING".

You fight Fascism with Fascism, not with "Nothing".

That's how you know they are fake, you should try blaming both sides one is as guilty as the other when they are for nothing but NWO ding dong.
The question is WHY does the Right remain so silent?

Why aren't they up in arms over all the painfully obvious BS they've been forced to eat?
For the clueless . he still runs things DEEP STATE

They are transforming the Internet into the greatest tool of surveillance that humanity has ever seen, and if we stay on the road that we are currently on it is only a matter of time until our society becomes a hellish dystopian nightmare.
The Elite Are Creating An Authoritarian ‘Beast System’, And Those That Dissent Could Lose EVERYTHING

The left will willy nilly just fall right into every command their little parental gov. will tell them they obey like good little slaves until one day they realize what a socialist bunch of fkn morons they were and the world they created for their kids and grand kids the cowards will never admit to fking up the system all for their own selfish greed and pathetic stupidity..
It's already here, dude.

I'm sorry, but Obama is not that smart....or powerful.

The "Deep State" is MUCH deeper than Obama
The question is WHY does the Right remain so silent?

Why aren't they up in arms over all the painfully obvious BS they've been forced to eat?

Because those repubs. are not repubs they are RHINOS . they are really democrats and not republicans perfect example PAUL RYAN.
Because those repubs. are not repubs they are RHINOS . they are really democrats and not republicans perfect example PAUL RYAN.

I know Lyin Ryan is a DS traitor.

I'm not talking about politicians. I'm talking about regular people who claim to be "Patriots".
Why are they not standing up and making their voices heard? Where are the counter protests?

The Constitution did not say anything about a "well armed militia of Politicians"....
I'm sorry, but Obama is not that smart....or powerful.

The "Deep State" is MUCH deeper than Obama
He's one of them...He is emblematic of how out-in-the-open that they are now operating.

I agree that he is one of them. Just nowhere near the top. They use him and make him rich if he does as told.
so were the Bushs and I'm sure Trump is feeling the heat if he's not already onboard

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