The Emotional Plea is All Republicans have left with Benghazi

The ARB, a pathetic excuse for a committee that consisted of State Department hand-picked members issued a final report that found 28 issues / deficiencies that needed to be corrected and identified 4 individuals who they found 'at fault' and who they recommended being punished...yet has not happened.

Then you have Liberal posters who ignorantly post / scream 'nothing was found'. Their own hand-picked Liberals found these posters / Liberal nut jobs are calling their own hand-picked investigators liars.

Hillary was exposed as a liar as was her attempt to cover up the fact that Benghazi was a terrorist attack through the use of her own e-mails yesterday. She messaged her own family that it was a terrorist attack. She told the Turkish Prime Minister 'WE KNOW' it's a terrorist attack and even told him the specific faction the attackers belonged to. (It was no coincidence that the guy they finally arrested belonged to that faction.) She then, within a 48-hour period, told the American people it had been a protest over a video. She then went before Congress and told them she DIDN'T know if it had been a protest or a terrorist attack.

Since then the FBI, CIA, and even the Obama administration has admitted there was NEVER a 'protest' over a video. Video footage of the compound showed there was NEVER a protest. Still, Hillary doubled-down on her B$ 'protest' story during her testimony yesterday:

- "None of us can speak to the individual motivations of those terrorists who overran our compound and who attacked our CIA annex," she told the Benghazi Select Committee on Thursday. "There were probably a number of different motivations." So it's a little bit of this, and a little bit of that….."
** NO, we CAN speak to the issue that this was NEVER a protest over a video. The CIA has disproved it. The FBI has disproved it. The Obama administration has already admitted it was never about a video. Even NOW she can not admit that she LIED.

- “I believe to this day the video played a role."
** Then you need F*ing HELP!

The State Department Lead in Tripoli testified that he personally called Hillary to let her know the Benghazi compound was under ATTACK. The CIA told her within an hour of it starting that it was a terrorist attack. Review of the video footage showed there was NEVER any protest. Eye witnesses on the ground said there was NEVER any protest.

There had been 77 terrorist attacks - bombings, assassinations, and assassination attempts in Benghazi in 2012 up to that day on 9/11/12 to include 2 attacks on Stevens compound, the last attack being weeks earlier and leaving a 4-foot hole in the compound wall. As a result of these attacks EVERY other nation pulled their people out of Benghazi. The Red Cross and other agencies that usually go into war zones even pulled out.

'Ours was the last foreign flag flying in Benghazi, so a terrorist attack on the compound was just a matter of WHEN', said one military general whose troops were tasked with defending the embassy in Tripoli. The ONLY person who did NOT know this was coming was HILLARY because she was totally clueless about everything going on in Benghazi.

She was not aware of Stevens' reports of how approx. 1,000 Al Qaeida troops rallied in a square in Benghazi a month earlier, how a NEW Al Qaeida training camp had been opened blocks away from their compound, about how Stevens had initially requested his security detail NOT be reduced (which it was) and that his MANY requests for additional security had been repeatedly denied! She was not made aware that his compound had been attacked twice in the weeks before the final attack. She was not aware of the reports stating several of the Libyan guards that were supposed to be guarding Stevens were seen taking photos of the compound's security and the kerosene storage tanks (where the fires would be started in the attack). She was not made aware of how Stevens was having to scrounge up / acquire traffic barricades from the Britts who were bugging out to use at his compound because the State Department refused his request for equipment as simple as BARRICADES.

It was revealed that INSTEAD of talking to STEVENS - the Ambassador on the ground there in Benghazi about what was going on there, INSTEAD of talking to her mid-level supervisors and security people who were supposedly dealing with Stevens, the Secretary of State reached out to a NON-US Government CIVILIAN for her intel and guidance about what was going on in Benghazi.

Sydney Blumenthal - an ex journalist and ex-Clinton aide - was a NON-Government civilian being paid $10,000 A MONTH at the time for his 'service' with the 'Clinton Foundation and was getting HIS information from an Ex-CIA agent whose only connection to/in Benghazi/Libya was a personal business venture / interest there. Blumenthal himself, when asked, admitted he had never been to Libya, knew nothing about Libya/Benghazi, and could not verify the information he was being given and passing to Hillary was reliable / fact!

According to Hillary at one point it was Blumenthal's source, through Blumenthal, that 1st said Benghazi was the result of a protest over a video; however,35 percent of her non-shredded correspondence on Libya, according to congressional investigators – at least mentioned the true source, but did NOT mention a “spontaneous video protest” email.”

The simple fact alone that Hillary was not talking to or relying on Stevens, her own people, her own intel to base her policy and actions but was instead relying on a NON-Government highly-paid employee of the Clinton Foundation who admittedly knew nothing about Benghazi and was passing what turned out to be bogus intel from a source he could not verify as 'reliable' is heinous if not criminal and resulted in the death of Ambassador Stevens and 3 other Americans. This fact ALONE is justification enough to NEVER entrust Hillary Clinton with any government job - not even as dog catcher - again!
Four dead American heroes is all it should take to force the firing/resignation of a Federal Official whose Department failed to heed numerous requests for additional security and the closing of most other Western Nation's diplomatic offices in a particular country.
Republicans in every thread are going "OMG You dont care about 4 dead people" "You are sick" "HILLARY IS A VICIOUS LIAR ARGGGG"

You'll notice a lot of that today. Its the same way a teenager acts when he doesnt want to do the yard work but realizes he cant move out so they slam their heads on the bed and scream "I hate you!" (white kids) They dont have anything of substance so they go to Republ-Accuse mode. "You're a disgrace!"

Oh you dont believe me? Then take a gander at this fact finding image:


This is all they have. They are using the dead as skin suites for them to advance their political bullshit because accomplishments are on the light side.
That doesn't even work, because Gowdy et al really do care less about the loss than does Hillary. The fools actually humanize her. LOL
I think the fact that they all lied about the video to protect Obama before an election is hitting home with voters.

Of course the Hillary die hards won't be moved but according to twitter people are pissed.

Tie that in with the recent revelation that the media barely touched on - the fact that Obama has been releasing FALSE / MODIFIED INTEL about his 'successes (in reality - FAILURES) against ISIS ... SINCE 2012!

Obama has been lying his ass off at LEAST since 2012 about terrorism and is progress against terrorism:
- Al Qaeida is on the Run
- The War on Terror is Over
- We are having success against ISIS

His whole foreign policy, especially about the Middle East and against our terrorist enemies, has been a huge fargin' LIE!
"None of us can speak to the individual motivations of those terrorists who overran our compound and who attacked our CIA annex," she told the Benghazi Select Committee on Thursday. "There were probably a number of different motivations." So it's a little bit of this, and a little bit of that….."
** NO, we CAN speak to the issue that this was NEVER a protest over a video. The CIA has disproved it. The FBI has disproved it. The Obama administration has already admitted it was never about a video. Even NOW she can not admit that she LIED.

This is not a lie silly. SOME using the video as a reason cant be disproven...Unless you can show that no one used the video as a motivation and Hilary told people it was after KNOWING it wasnt.

The only way to KNOW that is to either be psychic or ask all the attackers why they were attacking.
Benghazi as an alleged scandal has no merit politically to anyone except those who would never vote Democrat in the first place.

IOW, it is now out of the equation as far as 2016 goes.
I think the fact that they all lied about the video to protect Obama before an election is hitting home with voters.

Of course the Hillary die hards won't be moved but according to twitter people are pissed.

Tie that in with the recent revelation that the media barely touched on - the fact that Obama has been releasing FALSE / MODIFIED INTEL about his 'successes (in reality - FAILURES) against ISIS ... SINCE 2012!

Obama has been lying his ass off at LEAST since 2012 about terrorism and is progress against terrorism:
- Al Qaeida is on the Run
- The War on Terror is Over
- We are having success against ISIS

His whole foreign policy, especially about the Middle East and against our terrorist enemies, has been a huge fargin' LIE!

Sounds like the kind of partisan attack that Kevin McCarthy confessed the GOP loves.
Four dead American heroes is all it should take to force the firing/resignation of a Federal Official whose Department failed to heed numerous requests for additional security and the closing of most other Western Nation's diplomatic offices in a particular country.

SHOULD...but DESPITE the ARB identifying 4 individuals as being 'at fault' not 1 person lost their job. Not one person received a demotion. Not one person received a cut in pay.
Benghazi couldn't have turned out worse for the Right if they'd let the Left choreograph it.

btw, don't say we didn't warn you. The sane around here have been telling you people for 3 years this was a faux scandal.
Four dead American heroes is all it should take to force the firing/resignation of a Federal Official whose Department failed to heed numerous requests for additional security and the closing of most other Western Nation's diplomatic offices in a particular country.

SHOULD...but DESPITE the ARB identifying 4 individuals as being 'at fault' not 1 person lost their job. Not one person received a demotion. Not one person received a cut in pay.

lol, weren't those all in the recommendations of any of the numerous Republican investigations?

Oh, they weren't?

The Emotional Plea is All Republicans have left with Benghazi
Well emotional pleas are part and parcel for the Democrats, so I guess turn about is fair play, in fact it's so rare that Democrat Apparatchiks don't rely on emotional pleas that it leads one to believe that they have become incapable of using reason and evidence.

To whit:
"Republicans are evil because they don't care about <fill in victim group here> enough to do <fill in whatever it is the Democrats want the Republicans to do>"
Sounds like the kind of partisan attack that Kevin McCarthy confessed the GOP loves.

- Armed Mexican Drug Cartels - 350+ include 1 US BPA & 1 US military member
- Armed Libyan Rebels (Al Qaeida)
- Helped Muslim Brotherhood take over the govt of our ally Egypt
- Took the nation to war to help Al Qaeida take over Libya; world less safe
- 4 Americans dead in Benghazi
- Armed Syrian Rebels who became ISIS
- Syrian Red Line disaster
- Broke promise to Ukraine to help defend it's borders
- Allowed ISIS to enter Iraq un-opposed, take over part of country US military liberated at great cost
- Refusal to defend Iraq/attack ISIS resulted in Iran being in Iraq now
- Failure in/with Syria allowed Russia and Iran t be in Syria now, allies
- Released Taliban 5; paid terrorists for a deserter - financing their terrorist operations by doing so

...and this is only part of his foreign policy 'legacy'.

It's not an 'attack''s historical FACT.
lol, weren't those all in the recommendations of any of the numerous Republican investigations?

No, these were the recommendations made in the final report filed by the ARB, a hand-picked Liberal committee tasked with investigating Benghazi.
Sounds like the kind of partisan attack that Kevin McCarthy confessed the GOP loves.

- Armed Mexican Drug Cartels - 350+ include 1 US BPA & 1 US military member
- Armed Libyan Rebels (Al Qaeida)
- Helped Muslim Brotherhood take over the govt of our ally Egypt
- Took the nation to war to help Al Qaeida take over Libya; world less safe
- 4 Americans dead in Benghazi
- Armed Syrian Rebels who became ISIS
- Syrian Red Line disaster
- Broke promise to Ukraine to help defend it's borders
- Allowed ISIS to enter Iraq un-opposed, take over part of country US military liberated at great cost
- Refusal to defend Iraq/attack ISIS resulted in Iran being in Iraq now
- Failure in/with Syria allowed Russia and Iran t be in Syria now, allies
- Released Taliban 5; paid terrorists for a deserter - financing their terrorist operations by doing so

...and this is only part of his foreign policy 'legacy'.

It's not an 'attack''s historical FACT.

It's rightwing propaganda. Believe what you want. You're in the cult.
The Emotional Plea is All Republicans have left with Benghazi
Well emotional pleas are part and parcel for the Democrats, so I guess turn about is fair play, in fact it's so rare that Democrat Apparatchiks don't rely on emotional pleas that it leads one to believe that they have become incapable of using reason and evidence.

To whit:
"Republicans are evil because they don't care about <fill in victim group here> enough to do <fill in whatever it is the Democrats want the Republicans to do>"

Ahh, the old "I'm doing it because you do it" excuse...My fav
Who knew an Obama-appointed Ambassador would be canonized by the Right?

I guess it's true. From the Republican perspective, the only good Obama political appointee is a dead one.
'Republicans in every thread are going "OMG You dont care about 4 dead people" "You are sick" "HILLARY IS A VICIOUS LIAR ARGGGG"'

If republicans cared about the 4 dead Americans they wouldn't have tried – and failed – to exploit their deaths for some perceived partisan gain.
The Emotional Plea is All Republicans have left with Benghazi
Well emotional pleas are part and parcel for the Democrats, so I guess turn about is fair play, in fact it's so rare that Democrat Apparatchiks don't rely on emotional pleas that it leads one to believe that they have become incapable of using reason and evidence.

To whit:
"Republicans are evil because they don't care about <fill in victim group here> enough to do <fill in whatever it is the Democrats want the Republicans to do>"

Ahh, the old "I'm doing it because you do it" excuse...My fav

Yes, except for the fact that I'm not doing it at all, just pointing out your hypocrisy. :badgrin:
The Emotional Plea is All Republicans have left with Benghazi
Well emotional pleas are part and parcel for the Democrats, so I guess turn about is fair play, in fact it's so rare that Democrat Apparatchiks don't rely on emotional pleas that it leads one to believe that they have become incapable of using reason and evidence.

To whit:
"Republicans are evil because they don't care about <fill in victim group here> enough to do <fill in whatever it is the Democrats want the Republicans to do>"
True, but if the dems cynically imply they care more about some individuals who died in service than does Bush or somebody, they should be called on it.

btw, did you know the gop congress chose not to continue funding medical treatment for the 9-11 first responders? And a then-Senator Clinton helped push through the original bill. The law expired.

Federal health program for Sept. 11 responders expires

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