The Empire Strikes Back - Benghazi Hearing Was Carefully Crafted Campaign Stunt For Darth Hillary

The Right is desperately trying to get us all to bleev she WANTED to appear before the Benghazi panel again.

Pathetic that leftists have no interest in understanding the Truth about this. No one is saying that Hillary wanted to appear before the committee, though she should have wanted to. She wanted to have a public hearing instead of a private one is what Republicans are saying.

But leftists cant fathom accurate expressions of what their ideological enemies say or do. Everything has to be spun into a narrative that accomodates their ideology.

Liars, frauds and criminals to the bitter end.
Odd that same word for word discription is on Wikipedia except it's discribing conservatives.
Strange. ...
The Right is desperately trying to get us all to bleev she WANTED to appear before the Benghazi panel again.

Pathetic that leftists have no interest in understanding the Truth about this.

Pathetic that rubes think this is all about a quest for the truth.

This investigation is. However, it's clear the Valarie Plame investigation was a fishing expedition because the source of the infamous leak was known before the investigation began.
The Right is desperately trying to get us all to bleev she WANTED to appear before the Benghazi panel again.

Pathetic that leftists have no interest in understanding the Truth about this. No one is saying that Hillary wanted to appear before the committee, though she should have wanted to. She wanted to have a public hearing instead of a private one is what Republicans are saying.

But leftists cant fathom accurate expressions of what their ideological enemies say or do. Everything has to be spun into a narrative that accomodates their ideology.

Liars, frauds and criminals to the bitter end.

The Republicans wanted it private because they know from plenty of past experience going all the way back to the healthcare debate in 1993 that Hillary Clinton always does well in such sorts of testimony,

and they didn't want the public to see it. They wanted nothing but a transcript that most people would never read, along with their opportunity to spin and mischaracterize anything she said.
The Republicans wanted it private...

That line's a crock. They wanted this as public as possible. Before the hearing, you didn't hear a single Republican anywhere say they wanted it private.

They made up the bullshit talking point about wanting it private AFTER the hearing.

Why do you think they grilled her for 11 hours? It was an attempt to get her to contradict or perjure herself as publicly as possible.

It's almost impossible not to contradict yourself in 11 hours of interrogation. Gowdy, as a former prosecutor, knows this. Long interrogations are an old tactic used on suspects.

And it failed. So what we are seeing now is some desperate post hoc bullshit.


The headline for the next year.

The crowning evidence that dishonest efforts will never convict dishonest people.

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