The Empire Strikes Back - Benghazi Hearing Was Carefully Crafted Campaign Stunt For Darth Hillary


A pictures says a thousand words

Folks....we've been hoodwinked again by the Clintons. Here's a shot in the NYTs of Hillary enjoying the heck out of the Benghazi hearings.

The day before, the NY Times was sandbagging us and making it look like Hillary was screwed.

Yesterday, they were trying to feature her story about how those nasty, evil, ugly, white, pasty faced Republican men were picking on a helpless, defenseless woman.

I started reading the article I had to choke back my gag-reflex. I'm telling's a real piece of work.

On newsbusters, they discussed the pantomime that was going on the whole time Hillary was being grilled. She looked like the picture below whenever a Republican was talking to her......but when a Democrat was talking to her....she was polite and attentive.
Bozell Mocks Media Hyping Hillary Performance on Benghazi, Not Substance of Lying

You actually think that the damage these kinds of tricks are doing to this country is a joke?

Hillary was committing treason in Benghazi....that is what the coverup was about. I don't expect the grabasstic Republicans to ever get to the bottom of it.....chickenshit motherfuckers the lot of them.

I would just love it if we had a political opposition that didn't feel like they have to pull a bunch of sneaky tricks to stay in power.
This kind of gross miscalculation serves to point out the fundamental stupidity rampant among the disorganized ranks of Republican law makers. Those dumb assholes probably just made Hilary President.
First she asked for this to be in public.

I've been hearing that talking point all over the place this weekend. Every time a right wing talking head opened their mouth, they said this. Looks like you got the memo, too.

If she hadn't allowed the hearing to be public, everyone on the planet knows you rubes would be screaming, "WHAT IS SHE HIDING!!?!?!"
I'm sure that would happen......but then Hillary would still be tanking in the polls...big-time.
If Clinton had her druthers, there would not have been an eighth hearing.

If Clinton had her druthers, she would not have been called back to testify at yet another hearing.

Don't fucking pretend she masterminded your loss, retards. The GOP tried one more time to get her, and they flopped, big time.

Learn from it, don't spin it.

If Clinton had her druthers, there would not have been an eighth hearing.

If Clinton had her druthers, she would not have been called back to testify at yet another hearing.

Don't fucking pretend she masterminded your loss, retards. The GOP tried one more time to get her, and they flopped, big time.

Learn from it, don't spin it.

Well, she just gave them plenty under oath to check up on.....and if she lied....which she did.....she's committed perjury.
If Clinton had her druthers, there would not have been an eighth hearing.

If Clinton had her druthers, she would not have been called back to testify at yet another hearing.

Don't fucking pretend she masterminded your loss, retards. The GOP tried one more time to get her, and they flopped, big time.

Learn from it, don't spin it.

Well, she just gave them plenty under oath to check up on.....and if she lied....which she did.....she's committed perjury.
Dude. Read the Einstein quote. You clearly don't get it.
Conservatives need to take personal responsibility and own the failure that is the BENGHAZI!!! hearing.

Because it's the responsible thing to do and we know you guys are all about personal responsibility. Plus, you'll likely feel better (not that I necessarily want that, mind you, but still....).
I don't think agreeing with something that isn't the truth is being responsible.

Being in denial is pretty much equivalent to shirking your responsiblity in this case. You need to own the fact that the Hillary-haters laid a major egg.
The truth is Hillary has mind control powers and planted the thought that the Repubs should just keep attacking her in any way they could. Hurl accusations of treason, your gullible base will believe anything. Then have endless hearings in which there is much ado about how nothing concerning Hillarys Emails. Slip innuendo into every question and cast aspersions on Hillary when ever possible. It will be great!

And they did!
Yep, Hillary made them do to themselves.
The Republicans are always talking tough. If they were in charge, ISIS would be destroyed. If they were in charge, Putin would whimper. If they were in charge, Iran would stop making nukes and start making toys.

Now they are whining like bitches.

So...since Hillary just kicked the asses of the tough guys, imagine what she will do to ISIS and Putin and Iran!
The Republicans are always talking tough. If they were in charge, ISIS would be destroyed. If they were in charge, Putin would whimper. If they were in charge, Iran would stop making nukes and start making toys.

Now they are whining like bitches.

So...since Hillary just kicked the asses of the tough guys, imagine what she will do to ISIS and Putin and Iran!
Yep......she's braved heavy sniper fire......ISIS, Russia, and Iran are a bunch of pussies to her.
October 26, 2015
Odd Praise for Hillary's Benghazi Hearing Performance
By Yossi Gestetner

The Media narrative coming out from the Benghazi hearings was and still is that Hillary performed well. In other words, ignore the facts that the public learned Thursday about the cover up of a terror attack 50 days before an election and focus on Hillary's performance. Matt Taibbi went so far as crediting Hillary for not running on stage and hitting Trey Gowdy over the head.

This to me is odd for many reasons:

1) Thousands of people have appeared in front of grilling investigative committees and almost all of them - especially current or former senior government officials - "perform" well. Be it the Watergate investigations, the 9/11 Commission, Plamegate or Iran-Contra. Witnesses are told to sit there, take the abuse, be polite and just wait for it to be over. Hillary did the same. Big whoop.

2) Many times, such as Jack Abramoff a decade ago, witnesses get hammered from both sides of the committee. Hillary however, kept on getting encouragement, praise and reinforcements from the Democrats on the committee. In fact, Chuck Todd said Sunday that only 16 of the 68 questions/commentary from the Democrats were "challenging" to Hillary. The "11 hours of questioning" was actually less than 10 hours; half of which was praise and support that few witnesses get.

3) During the previous hearings, the media praised Hillary when she lost it ("What difference at this point does it make"). Blowing up showed that Hillary has the energy to be in the arena. This time around when Hillary held steady, she gets praised for not losing it. Again, I am not sure when performance at these hearings became relevant. But the Media obviously will praise Hillary for performance regardless how she actually performs.

4) Hillary’s staff of 5-10 people kept on pushing her notes on almost every question she was asked. Witnesses turn to their counsel here/there during hearings if a question borders on legality. Sometimes they turn to staff for a reminder of a date. But Hillary kept on getting notes from staff on almost every question. This shows that Hillary is shockingly incompetent. She can't send a fax (proven by her emails); recharge an iPad (proven by her emails); oversee Libya (proven by her emails) or answer Congressional committee questions without ongoing assistance from staff. This is a shocking level of incompetence on Hillary's part and should reinforce the doubts about her ability to lead a country.

So much focus is put on performance because the media/Dems know that the substance of the committee hearings should be a career-ender; just ask Alberto Gonzales what happened to him for firing 6 US attorneys, or Chris Christie when his staffers closed a bridge. Here we have a cover up of a terror attack. A filmmaker was put behind bars for 11 months to help with this cover up; an arrest which I think even Nixon did not do in his cover up of a burglary.

Blog: Odd Praise for Hillary's Benghazi Hearing Performance
This focuses on one of the moments that happened that the media wanted to deflect away from...and members of the media were say "So What!!!":

PBS NewsHour anchor Judy Woodruff came to bury the Benghazi committee on Thursday night’s program. “What difference does it make” seemed to be her Hillary-echoing mantra. Or in her case, it was “Why does it matter?” Lies? Coverups? Who cares about that? She brought on Anne Gearan of The Washington Post, a routine defender of Hillary’s, and Yochi Dreazen, formerly with The Wall Street Journal news pages and now with Foreign Policy magazine, owned by....The Washington Post Company. Get a load of this exchange:

JUDY WOODRUFF: But, Yochi Dreazen, did we learn anything more about how she made — how those decisions were made and her role in what finally happened?

YOCHI DREAZEN: I think the most interesting moment by far was when Congressman Jim Jordan was saying to her, in some detail, that you, Secretary Clinton, told your family in one e-mail that this was an attack linked by al-Qaida, that you said in a phone call with an Egyptian leader that this was not something tied to an anti-Muslim video, and then saying, but the talking points coming out of the White House at the time were, this wasn’t al-Qaida and this was linked to this video.

I thought that was the most effective and sort of new moment in the entire line of questioning. And her answer back wasn’t terribly strong. Her answer back was, they were still sifting intelligence. We were trying to sort our way through it. But she couldn’t quite give the direct answer why she was saying in an e-mail something very different than what was being said publicly.

WOODRUFF: But, for the audience, why does it matter? Why did that — why does it matter whether she was saying one thing? Because she tried to say, well, I was trying to warn other countries. We didn’t want to see this thing happening anyplace else.

There you have it. A journalist asking “Why does it matter if she told the truth to her family and lies to the families of the victims at Andrews Air Force Base, or lied to the media about a YouTube video? Why does it matter Hillary skipped the Sunday shows so Susan Rice could be the poster child for lying about the YouTube video?" This is Woodruff rejecting Journalism 101, choosing politics over expecting the honesty of public officials.

PBS Anchor: 'Why Does It Matter' Hillary Lied About a YouTube Video on Benghazi?
October 26, 2015
Hillary Clinton: American Royalty 2015 Style
By Jay Haug

Not since Senator Ted Kennedy went on prime time television in a neck brace to spin the reasons for the Chappaquiddick accident have I felt so manipulated by a politician as I did by Hillary Clinton in her testimony before the House Benghazi Committee. As it turns out these two incidents have more in common than one might think. If you remember, Kennedy had a great problem with the facts. He protested that he thought he was driving to the Chappaquiddick Ferry that night, which anyone who is familiar with the area knows is in the opposite direction from the Dyke Bridge and over a paved road rather than the bumpy dirt road which led to the beach, his intended destination with Mary Jo Kopechne. Kennedy said he was “confused.”

Likewise, Secretary Clinton in her testimony played loose with the facts by simply never responding to them, claiming “confusing” and “conflicting” information surrounding the events. But then why did the administration immediately concoct a wild story about the Benghazi incident being a response to a video, when they knew right away it was an Al Qaeda terrorist attack and said so out loud and in e-mails and phone calls at the time? Why in the days after did Mrs. Clinton tell grieving relatives of the fallen that the attack was in response to a video when she has been documented as knowing otherwise? The most logical explanation was that the video story was used to protect the president, in the heat of the 2012 re-election campaign, from any evidence that might contradict the “Osama bin Laden is dead and General Motors is alive” mantra. The administration, including Mrs. Clinton, was not at the mercy of “confusing” and “confllicting” information as she testified. This was a deliberate cover-up, all the more embarrassing because it was a political smoke screen employed at the expense of the dead and their relatives. These are the facts and they are disqualifying for Mrs. Clinton. She fears this and is therefore refusing to discuss them.

But what about the media? Stepping back, there are ancillary forces that allow such people as the Clintons and the Kennedys to escape accountability, despite Mrs. Clinton’s meaningless favorite phrase of “taking personal responsibility.” The Clinton’s and Kennedy’s are among America’s royalty, firmly entrenched in Democrat politics and in much of the public mind. Both families have suffered difficulties and painful losses. In the case of the Kennedys, the tragic deaths of four of Joseph and Rose’s children, two of whom were assassinated. Mrs Clinton had to suffer the public humiliation of her husband’s philandering in the confines of the Oval office and then experienced the tantalizing pain of being edged out by the first black President of the United States. In the case of both Senator Kennedy and Mrs. Clinton, there was and is a sense of entitlement, some of it due to “American royalty” but much of it due to victimhood, the great weapon of liberalism. “I suffer. You owe.” Denying “the first woman president” her destiny is simply too dangerous for any member of the media to be blamed for upending her quest. There will be no Woodward and Bernstein here, because Clinton is a Democrat no one wants to trash the narrative of breaking the highest of all glass ceilings.

After Chappaquiddick, Senator Kennedy came close to winning the Democrat presidential nomination in 1980. But for a late start, he might have won it, despite his own heavy drinking amd womanizing. And Hillary Clinton? It seems most of the media, as they did in the case of Barack Obama’s 2008 candidacy and beyond, are turning away from any unbiased coverge which would hold her accountable. Why? Because the facts don’t seem to matter any more. It is all about “optics” and “narrative” and her “performance.” And so the media will continue to tell the story of “the smartest woman in America.” They will also turn their backs on those who have been permanently wounded by lies and deceit.

Jay Haug is a freelance writer who lives in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida. You may contact him at [email protected]

Blog: Hillary Clinton: American Royalty 2015 Style
The Right is desperately trying to get us all to bleev she WANTED to appear before the Benghazi panel again.

Pathetic that leftists have no interest in understanding the Truth about this. No one is saying that Hillary wanted to appear before the committee, though she should have wanted to. She wanted to have a public hearing instead of a private one is what Republicans are saying.

But leftists cant fathom accurate expressions of what their ideological enemies say or do. Everything has to be spun into a narrative that accomodates their ideology.

Liars, frauds and criminals to the bitter end.

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