The Empire Strikes Back - Benghazi Hearing Was Carefully Crafted Campaign Stunt For Darth Hillary

Basically the rights complaint now is that the stupid ass dems outsmarted them again. 8 investigations by them uncovered nothing.

So the right says the left are a bunch of fools while getting fooled by them at every turn.

Maybe the left is like Inspector Gadget and just outsmarts you all by being lucky every episode.

Well aside from this sort of goofball mispresentations, the right is claiming that Hillary is too accomplished at with holding evidence and obstructing investigations from her long association with criminals and being involved herself as a lawyer in such investigations.
Damn, I am so happy my life and my thinking is not as negative as yours, what a sour puss loser you are with your habitual bitching.

Yeah, most Republicans have a distaste for criminal obstruction, but we know you Dems are long acquainted with it and so it has inured your sense of outrage to the point of characterizing a desire for justice as 'bitching'.

What a shame.
More like "The Empire Strikes Out" Bumbling GOP gives back all the political ground gained by Benghazi 'Attack Clinton" Panel.

Trey Gowdy needed to get his team to focus on a couple of main points and he failed.

Now he is talking about getting a special prosecutor and that will also be a disaster.
Trey gowdy should be selling used cars or announcing TV wrestling.
I'd prefer turning him loose...and unleash Hell on these lying fucks.
Hey man, we tried to tell you this was going to make you look bad and you claimed it was out of fear. Now it didnt turn out good for you and you turn to another conspiracy?

This also, will not turn out good for you. Just stop it already and brush yourself off. Pick up the pieces
Nope....this what happens when you assume your enemies are at least partially honest.

BTW, who here thinks it was a great idea to elect some schmuck who hates guns...and put him in charge of the military?

Democrats. ..that's who.:cuckoo:

Well we know that no one is honest so you investigated and found nothing. Now who's fault is it?

I bet your new thing is that someone out smarted the GOP. Which also isnt a glowing endorsement either.
Outsmarted or literally betrayed the seriousness and professionalism of their postition....and thus betrayed the trust that was given to them by the American people?

It's clear that these tricks are designed to give false impressions. And those of us who are wise to them aren't buying it. However, it's clear that some in the country aren't as serious about the welfare of this country, and think this is clever.
Damn, I am so happy my life and my thinking is not as negative as yours, what a sour puss loser you are with your habitual bitching.

Yeah, most Republicans have a distaste for criminal obstruction, but we know you Dems are long acquainted with it and so it has inured your sense of outrage to the point of characterizing a desire for justice as 'bitching'.

What a shame.
Justice has jack shit to do with what conservatives are bitching about.
Well we know that no one is honest so you investigated and found nothing. Now who's fault is it?

I bet your new thing is that someone out smarted the GOP. Which also isn't a glowing endorsement either.

True, everyone KNEW Hillary was a lying, self-serving bi@tch to begin with so by showing her and the world her own -e-mails and proving it was not that big of a revelation.

People are smart enough to also see that the entire Obama administration went with it...and it came back to bite them in the ass. it showed that Liberals over-think things and get themselves in more trouble trying to cover Shi'ite up than being honest.

Declaring Benghazi was a terrorist attack - Americans would understand. We all knew we are at war with terrorists. That wasn't good enough - she had to lie to Americans, to family members as they stood over the caskets. THAT Shi'ite is NOT ok with Americans. Oh sure Hillary came out with no new bomb-shells but it re-affirmed how she lied her arse off and made the narrative up. The FBI investigation keeps finding and reporting new things, exposing more and more how Hillary can't be trusted. The 'pattern' has already been discovered....

EVERYONE already knew Hillary and Obama lied. The committee just used Hillary's own e-mails to drive a stake right through the heart and PROVED it was all a lie. Not that matters much, not at all to Liberals.

Outsmarted the GOP? You think there was one GOP member who thought Hillary was going to come in, break down, and admit to anything and everything? LOL! No, she did everything they expected her to do...but she got exposed as a liar. Honestly they did not even have to have her there to show the world her e-mails proving in her own words she lied. But they wanted her there so she could defend herself, giving the GOP the appearance that they were not just trying to persecute her but wanted to give her a fair chance to explain her lies. She did a piss-poor job...ya just can't make those e-mails to her family and Turkish PM go away.
In the face of the evidence that HAS been exposed, all Liberals can do is repeating the same ol' lies about how nothing was found. Even they, however, can't make her e-mails go away. Don't worry, though. As I predicted, and still do, Hillary is the only candidate the Democrats have so Obama will not let ANYTHING happen to her, just as he protected Holder. None of this matters...
Outsmarted or literally betrayed the seriousness and professionalism of their postition....and thus betrayed the trust that was given to them by the American people?

Hey, run on either the "8 investigations and Hillary is smarter" or "We didnt find what we said was there because..."

Either one is fine to run on
Well we know that no one is honest so you investigated and found nothing. Now who's fault is it?

I bet your new thing is that someone out smarted the GOP. Which also isn't a glowing endorsement either.

True, everyone KNEW Hillary was a lying, self-serving bi@tch to begin with so by showing her and the world her own -e-mails and proving it was not that big of a revelation.

People are smart enough to also see that the entire Obama administration went with it...and it came back to bite them in the ass. it showed that Liberals over-think things and get themselves in more trouble trying to cover Shi'ite up than being honest.

Declaring Benghazi was a terrorist attack - Americans would understand. We all knew we are at war with terrorists. That wasn't good enough - she had to lie to Americans, to family members as they stood over the caskets. THAT Shi'ite is NOT ok with Americans. Oh sure Hillary came out with no new bomb-shells but it re-affirmed how she lied her arse off and made the narrative up. The FBI investigation keeps finding and reporting new things, exposing more and more how Hillary can't be trusted. The 'pattern' has already been discovered....

EVERYONE already knew Hillary and Obama lied. The committee just used Hillary's own e-mails to drive a stake right through the heart and PROVED it was all a lie. Not that matters much, not at all to Liberals.

Outsmarted the GOP? You think there was one GOP member who thought Hillary was going to come in, break down, and admit to anything and everything? LOL! No, she did everything they expected her to do...but she got exposed as a liar. Honestly they did not even have to have her there to show the world her e-mails proving in her own words she lied. But they wanted her there so she could defend herself, giving the GOP the appearance that they were not just trying to persecute her but wanted to give her a fair chance to explain her lies. She did a piss-poor job...ya just can't make those e-mails to her family and Turkish PM go away.
In the face of the evidence that HAS been exposed, all Liberals can do is repeating the same ol' lies about how nothing was found. Even they, however, can't make her e-mails go away. Don't worry, though. As I predicted, and still do, Hillary is the only candidate the Democrats have so Obama will not let ANYTHING happen to her, just as he protected Holder. None of this matters...
That reads like the inmate legal correspondence I have to read. LOL

A pictures says a thousand words

Folks....we've been hoodwinked again by the Clintons. Here's a shot in the NYTs of Hillary enjoying the heck out of the Benghazi hearings.

The day before, the NY Times was sandbagging us and making it look like Hillary was screwed.

Yesterday, they were trying to feature her story about how those nasty, evil, ugly, white, pasty faced Republican men were picking on a helpless, defenseless woman.

I started reading the article I had to choke back my gag-reflex. I'm telling's a real piece of work.

On newsbusters, they discussed the pantomime that was going on the whole time Hillary was being grilled. She looked like the picture below whenever a Republican was talking to her......but when a Democrat was talking to her....she was polite and attentive.
Bozell Mocks Media Hyping Hillary Performance on Benghazi, Not Substance of Lying

You've posted a thread about nothing from an event that turned out to be about nothing.
You should be busying yourself with determining the incompetence of certain Republicans who have wasted $5,000,000 on nothing, and leaved the damned dead horse alone.
Actually, you're trivializing the fact that Republicans keep letting these assholes trick them. I won't rehash the details, but for anyone who's paying attention, it's easy to figure out.

I think we can assume that nothing that Democrats do is what it appears. They are deceivers of the first order.

Republicans need to realize that simple fact, and assume that when Hillary says they are her worst enemies (or anyone who supports Republicans).....she means it.
Actually, you're trivializing the fact that Republicans keep letting these assholes trick them.
Jeez, if you have a party that are so incompetent that they get hoodwinked at their own's damned lucky they're not in a position to be negotiating for the US with Russia, Iran, Israel, China...
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Ranks right up there with CrusaderFrank's assertion that the government shutdown in 2013 was actually instigated by Valerie Jarrett.

It was initiated by her as she told the President and his staff that the best way to respond to Republican budget cuts of desired programs was to reject any budget without the wanted items and then blame the Republicans for not giving the President a 'clean' budget proposal, thus stripping Congress of its power of the budget that the Constitution deliberately gives it. Her idea worked because Boner was never a face in the camera PR kind of guy and he lost the public debate for lack of skill and effort.

I would like to see Republicans win that battle next time with a much more PR savy Speaker.

You mean like Gingrich?
More like "The Empire Strikes Out" Bumbling GOP gives back all the political ground gained by Benghazi 'Attack Clinton" Panel.

Trey Gowdy needed to get his team to focus on a couple of main points and he failed.

Now he is talking about getting a special prosecutor and that will also be a disaster.
Trey gowdy should be selling used cars or announcing TV wrestling.
I'd prefer turning him loose...and unleash Hell on these lying fucks.

Yeah, he's done a bang-up job of that so far.
"The Empire Strikes Back - Benghazi Hearing Was Carefully Crafted Campaign Stunt For Darth Hillary"

This belongs in the CT forum.

And anyone who believes this is in need of mental health treatment.

Maybe you haven't noticed, but my head is immersed in fire.
Add in the fact the lack of oxygen is having on me.....:confused:
The fact here is this, this was a show. Private interviews are conducted totally different for this dog and pony show we saw the other day. Hillary demanded this. The Republicans offered to conduct it in private, but she demanded the public show.

Now listen carefully dipshit.......most of the information they've discovered is still classified.....and Hillary is taking advantage of that simple fact. Revealing any of it could result in charges against the investigators.....and they would be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.....unlike all of Obama minions that are walking away totally scot-free.
Now, what would happen if she had agreed to the supposed requests for private talks? Republicans could spin it their way, of course. And why would Republicans request private talks unless they weren't confident that they could effectively tarnish her image in public? Hillary beat them at their own game. And you're all butt hurt over it. Hey, you wanted it, you got it. :fu:
Jesus you're a dumbass.

What have you heard of all of the other interviews that have been conducted in private?

Nothing.....because the investigators are serious about their jobs....and not trying to pull a fast one.

We've firmly established that Hillary and her media friends pulled a fast one here however.
Better search your own thinking and soul before you make accusations like you did with your post.

Damn, I am so happy my life and my thinking is not as negative as yours, what a sour puss loser you are with your habitual bitching.

Yeah, most Republicans have a distaste for criminal obstruction, but we know you Dems are long acquainted with it and so it has inured your sense of outrage to the point of characterizing a desire for justice as 'bitching'.

What a shame.
The fact here is this, this was a show. Private interviews are conducted totally different for this dog and pony show we saw the other day. Hillary demanded this. The Republicans offered to conduct it in private, but she demanded the public show.

Now listen carefully dipshit.......most of the information they've discovered is still classified.....and Hillary is taking advantage of that simple fact. Revealing any of it could result in charges against the investigators.....and they would be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.....unlike all of Obama minions that are walking away totally scot-free.
Now, what would happen if she had agreed to the supposed requests for private talks? Republicans could spin it their way, of course. And why would Republicans request private talks unless they weren't confident that they could effectively tarnish her image in public? Hillary beat them at their own game. And you're all butt hurt over it. Hey, you wanted it, you got it. :fu:
Jesus you're a dumbass.

What have you heard of all of the other interviews that have been conducted in private?

Nothing.....because the investigators are serious about their jobs....and not trying to pull a fast one.

We've firmly established that Hillary and her media friends pulled a fast one here however.
Wow that media's been protecting Hillary from the truth being told for the past year. You can see it in the polls.
Well we know that no one is honest so you investigated and found nothing. Now who's fault is it?

I bet your new thing is that someone out smarted the GOP. Which also isn't a glowing endorsement either.

True, everyone KNEW Hillary was a lying, self-serving bi@tch to begin with so by showing her and the world her own -e-mails and proving it was not that big of a revelation.

People are smart enough to also see that the entire Obama administration went with it...and it came back to bite them in the ass. it showed that Liberals over-think things and get themselves in more trouble trying to cover Shi'ite up than being honest.

Declaring Benghazi was a terrorist attack - Americans would understand. We all knew we are at war with terrorists. That wasn't good enough - she had to lie to Americans, to family members as they stood over the caskets. THAT Shi'ite is NOT ok with Americans. Oh sure Hillary came out with no new bomb-shells but it re-affirmed how she lied her arse off and made the narrative up. The FBI investigation keeps finding and reporting new things, exposing more and more how Hillary can't be trusted. The 'pattern' has already been discovered....

EVERYONE already knew Hillary and Obama lied. The committee just used Hillary's own e-mails to drive a stake right through the heart and PROVED it was all a lie. Not that matters much, not at all to Liberals.

Outsmarted the GOP? You think there was one GOP member who thought Hillary was going to come in, break down, and admit to anything and everything? LOL! No, she did everything they expected her to do...but she got exposed as a liar. Honestly they did not even have to have her there to show the world her e-mails proving in her own words she lied. But they wanted her there so she could defend herself, giving the GOP the appearance that they were not just trying to persecute her but wanted to give her a fair chance to explain her lies. She did a piss-poor job...ya just can't make those e-mails to her family and Turkish PM go away.
In the face of the evidence that HAS been exposed, all Liberals can do is repeating the same ol' lies about how nothing was found. Even they, however, can't make her e-mails go away. Don't worry, though. As I predicted, and still do, Hillary is the only candidate the Democrats have so Obama will not let ANYTHING happen to her, just as he protected Holder. None of this matters...
You're talking a lot but saying anything .
David Burnie _the talking heads.
More like "The Empire Strikes Out" Bumbling GOP gives back all the political ground gained by Benghazi 'Attack Clinton" Panel.

Trey Gowdy needed to get his team to focus on a couple of main points and he failed.

Now he is talking about getting a special prosecutor and that will also be a disaster.
Trey gowdy should be selling used cars or announcing TV wrestling.
I'd prefer turning him loose...and unleash Hell on these lying fucks.

Yeah, he's done a bang-up job of that so far.
Well, considering the fact that he's not telling anyone what he knows...and you're hearing everything through filters....better known as Democrat Party media propagandists.......I can see how you would think that.

When you get tired of being led around by the fucking nose....take the ring out of your schnoz and join reality for awhile.
Sure lol.
But During The Night Of The Benghazi Attack, Fox News Itself Reported That The Video Inspired The Attack
Greta Van Susteren: "Both Attacks Were Triggered By A Movie Produced In The United States That Protesters Say Is Anti-Muslim." On the September 11, 2012 edition of Fox News' On the Record with Greta Van Susteren, Van Susteren twice repeated an Associated Press story that cited an anti-Islam video as a trigger for the Benghazi attack:

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN: This is a "FOX News Alert." An American consulate worker murdered and at least one other wounded in the American consulate in Libya, that according to the Libyan security officials. The Associated Press is now reporting the American was shot to death when gunmen stormed the U.S. consulate in Benghazi and clashed with security forces.

And there is more violence against America tonight, this time in Cairo, Egypt, thousands of protesters marching on the U.S. embassy. They climbed the embassy walls, they ripped down our American flag, they burned our flag, and then they replaced our flag at our embassy with a black Islamist flag!

According to the A.P., both attacks were triggered by a movie produced in the United States that protesters say is anti-Muslim. The AP further reports that movie was made by an anti-Muslim extremist. "On the Record" is tracking these breaking news stories and will bring you developments throughout the hour.


VAN SUSTEREN: This is a "FOX News Alert," an American State Department officer killed in Libya, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton now confirming the killing at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi. At least one other person was reportedly wounded after gunmen stormed the consulate. There are also reports of looting.

And there is even more violence tonight in Cairo, Egypt, thousands of protesters marching on the U.S. embassy. According to the Associated Press, both attacks were triggered by an anti-Muslim film produced here in the United States. [Fox News, On the Record with Greta Van Susteren, 9/11/12, via Nexis]

Fox's Bret Baier: "There Was ... Protest Over The Video At The U.S. Consulate In Benghazi." On the September 11, 2012 edition of Fox News' Special Report with Bret Baier, Baier reported that there was a "protest over the video" in Benghazi:

BAIER: There was also protest over the video at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Report says an armed mob set fire to that building. [Fox News, Special Report with Bret Baier, 9/11/12]

Fox's Dana Perino: "An American Citizen Died ... It Is Happening Across The Middle East Because Of A Video That Was Produced In The United States." On the September 11, 2012 edition of Fox News' Hannity, Fox host Dana Perino explained that there were many protests occurring throughout the Middle East and North Africa over the anti-Islam video, and blamed a protest over the video for the death of Americans in Benghazi:

DANA PERINO: There has been a lot of talk in the last couple weeks about hard truths. But the people in the Muslim world -- can deal with hard truths as well. They need to be communicated to in a way that they could understand. The other thing is that there were other protests that were sparked today and an American person -- an American citizen died --


PERINO: In Libya. So it is not just happening in Egypt. It is happening across the Middle East because of a video that was produced in the United States. [Fox News, Hannity, 9/11/12]

Associated Press Report Cited By Fox Was Based On Information From The Libyan Government
AP Report Cited By Fox Got Information From Libyan Government Official, Not Clinton Or The Obama Administration. The Associated Press reported at 5:17 pm, prior to the airing of Fox's Special Report or On the Record, that a Libyan official said the U.S. diplomatic facility in Benghazi was stormed "after a protest against a video deemed insulting to Islam's prophet, Muhammad." From the AP report:

A Libyan Interior Ministry official says armed men have stormed the US consulate in east Libya's Benghazi and set it ablaze after a protest against a video deemed insulting to Islam's prophet, Muhammad, which was reportedly produced in America.

Witnesses say Tuesday's attack left much of the consulate burned. It came hours after ultraconservative Islamist demonstrators in Egypt climbed the walls of the U.S. Embassy in Cairo to protest the film.

Wanis al-Sharef, an interior ministry official in Benghazi, says the attackers stormed the consulate after firing in the air. [Associated Press, 9/11/12]
The fact here is this, this was a show. Private interviews are conducted totally different for this dog and pony show we saw the other day. Hillary demanded this. The Republicans offered to conduct it in private, but she demanded the public show.

Now listen carefully dipshit.......most of the information they've discovered is still classified.....and Hillary is taking advantage of that simple fact. Revealing any of it could result in charges against the investigators.....and they would be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.....unlike all of Obama minions that are walking away totally scot-free.
Now, what would happen if she had agreed to the supposed requests for private talks? Republicans could spin it their way, of course. And why would Republicans request private talks unless they weren't confident that they could effectively tarnish her image in public? Hillary beat them at their own game. And you're all butt hurt over it. Hey, you wanted it, you got it. :fu:
Jesus you're a dumbass.

What have you heard of all of the other interviews that have been conducted in private?

Nothing.....because the investigators are serious about their jobs....and not trying to pull a fast one.

We've firmly established that Hillary and her media friends pulled a fast one here however.
False! you've established a wish that Hillary and the media have pulled a fast one , nothing more.

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