The Empire Strikes Back - Benghazi Hearing Was Carefully Crafted Campaign Stunt For Darth Hillary

Muddy's got derangement syndrome, but I thought his analogy was the Clinton Empire struck back at the Benghazi .... well, Muddy's derangement requires a scandal, but I'd call it comically inept attempt to overplay a tragic failure coupled with Hillary's obsession for privacy into some ..... "scandal"

We had the Trey's odd latch onto Hillary and Blumenthal communicating so much, when they're known and worked with each other for over a decade; coupled with Jordan's apparently real confusion as to why an ambassador doesn't have the personal cell phone number of the SOS; and the "climax" was that poor lady from Alabama not realizing the Freudian slip of asking Clinton 'were you alone? Yes. All night long?'"
The fact here is this, this was a show. Private interviews are conducted totally different for this dog and pony show we saw the other day. Hillary demanded this. The Republicans offered to conduct it in private, but she demanded the public show.

Now listen carefully dipshit.......most of the information they've discovered is still classified.....and Hillary is taking advantage of that simple fact. Revealing any of it could result in charges against the investigators.....and they would be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.....unlike all of Obama minions that are walking away totally scot-free.

Ah so the Republican Congress is lying to us then?

How does one go from the Republicans cannot release classified information in a public hearing then to 'so they are lying'?

That takes a special kind of stupid, dude.
The fact here is this, this was a show. Private interviews are conducted totally different for this dog and pony show we saw the other day. Hillary demanded this. The Republicans offered to conduct it in private, but she demanded the public show.

Now listen carefully dipshit.......most of the information they've discovered is still classified.....and Hillary is taking advantage of that simple fact. Revealing any of it could result in charges against the investigators.....and they would be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.....unlike all of Obama minions that are walking away totally scot-free.

Ah so the Republican Congress is lying to us then?

How does one go from the Republicans cannot release classified information in a public hearing then to 'so they are lying'?

That takes a special kind of stupid, dude.
Where do you get this "most of the information the committee has is classified"?
The most partisan disgusting thing on display during the hearing was how al the Democrats on the Committee, whose job it was to impartially ask questions in an attempt to seek the truth, did not even TRY to hide their true agenda, which was to cover Hillary's fat ass the whole time and to sabotage the hearing. If they weren't going to at least TRY to show / make a bi-partisan effort then they should not have been on the committee. It's good that Americans got to see the Liberals putting Hillary and their own party above the truth and above America 1st.
Hey man, we tried to tell you this was going to make you look bad and you claimed it was out of fear. Now it didnt turn out good for you and you turn to another conspiracy?

This also, will not turn out good for you. Just stop it already and brush yourself off. Pick up the pieces
So she put on a great show, too bad for daft punks like you, she just might be turning into another Clinton political genius.

Hate to tell you this.....but it can't work if you have voters that have values, morals, and a sense of right and wrong.

I'm beginning to think the good people this country used to be filled with are all dying out to be replaced with mind-numb idiots that can't figure out when they're being bullshitted. Why else would they want someone back who is a serial rapist, who parties with child-molesters, who pardoned terrorists a few days before he left the White House several years ago. She isn't the solution folks. She's part of the problem in Washington. The sooner they're gone the better.
You mean voters that agree with your extremely narrow definition of morality, "values"and right and wrong.
Well, obviously if you have to redefine what is right and wrong, you have serious issues.

You have to believe that anything goes is good. That what is perverse is really a civil right. Loosen your principles so you can be more easily manipulated by criminals and the corruption that soon follows.

It is so easy to give in to the dark coin a phrase from Star Wars.

What is difficult is never giving in.

Problem is, people like Hillary and Obama are busy doing their best to eliminate people that won't give in....or at least make them the subject of ridicule.
Nice rationalizing mud!
All of those subjects are subjective and up to interpretation
There no one size fits all philosophy that covers them.
If you don't know that by now then you never will.'re saying it makes no sense.....or you're saying that it makes sense, but you refuse to listen?

I'll take number two.
This is why I like kids so least they don't think they know so much that they can't learn.
I'm saying it's neither, life is just life, morality "values" are a fiction we created to give life a meaning and order.
Hey man, we tried to tell you this was going to make you look bad and you claimed it was out of fear. Now it didnt turn out good for you and you turn to another conspiracy?

This also, will not turn out good for you. Just stop it already and brush yourself off. Pick up the pieces
"Gop, that burner is hot. Don't touch it or it'll hurt."

"Ow, that burner's hot, you bastards. Why wasn't it turned off!!??"
Hate to tell you this.....but it can't work if you have voters that have values, morals, and a sense of right and wrong.

I'm beginning to think the good people this country used to be filled with are all dying out to be replaced with mind-numb idiots that can't figure out when they're being bullshitted. Why else would they want someone back who is a serial rapist, who parties with child-molesters, who pardoned terrorists a few days before he left the White House several years ago. She isn't the solution folks. She's part of the problem in Washington. The sooner they're gone the better.
You mean voters that agree with your extremely narrow definition of morality, "values"and right and wrong.
Well, obviously if you have to redefine what is right and wrong, you have serious issues.

You have to believe that anything goes is good. That what is perverse is really a civil right. Loosen your principles so you can be more easily manipulated by criminals and the corruption that soon follows.

It is so easy to give in to the dark coin a phrase from Star Wars.

What is difficult is never giving in.

Problem is, people like Hillary and Obama are busy doing their best to eliminate people that won't give in....or at least make them the subject of ridicule.
Nice rationalizing mud!
All of those subjects are subjective and up to interpretation
There no one size fits all philosophy that covers them.
If you don't know that by now then you never will.'re saying it makes no sense.....or you're saying that it makes sense, but you refuse to listen?

I'll take number two.
This is why I like kids so least they don't think they know so much that they can't learn.
I'm saying it's neither, life is just life, morality "values" are a fiction we created to give life a meaning and order.
So we're just animals.....with nothing to keep use from acting on our instincts or impulses?

If I want something, I just take it?

Society breaks down under that type of a scenario.
You mean the two cia agents that were assigned as bodyguards?
Kind of hard to be bodyguards if you're on a separate and secret compound.

That magic little word that you think can throw somebody off track?

If I show you what everyone who has been paying attention already knows.....will you just write it off as being a bad source?

Sorry, but I'm not gonna do your homework for you.
The only logical conclusion I can make without the link is you're making shit up.
And that's the automatic response when someone tells them to go fuck themselves.
It's so easy to do this's like a game of sorts.
You don't even have to know shit to engage in the exchange.

Here's a link for you to say "Oh....that source sucks" to.
2012 Benghazi attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now try explaining why these so-called bodyguards were guarding a separate compound and not the ambassador.
Separate building same compound .
An ambassador has autonomy the agents did whatever he might need them to do guarding the the other building and the compond was part of their assignment.
Ranks right up there with CrusaderFrank's assertion that the government shutdown in 2013 was actually instigated by Valerie Jarrett.

It was initiated by her as she told the President and his staff that the best way to respond to Republican budget cuts of desired programs was to reject any budget without the wanted items and then blame the Republicans for not giving the President a 'clean' budget proposal, thus stripping Congress of its power of the budget that the Constitution deliberately gives it. Her idea worked because Boner was never a face in the camera PR kind of guy and he lost the public debate for lack of skill and effort.

I would like to see Republicans win that battle next time with a much more PR savy Speaker.
More like "The Empire Strikes Out" Bumbling GOP gives back all the political ground gained by Benghazi 'Attack Clinton" Panel.

Trey Gowdy needed to get his team to focus on a couple of main points and he failed.

Now he is talking about getting a special prosecutor and that will also be a disaster.
Trey gowdy should be selling used cars or announcing TV wrestling.
The most partisan disgusting thing on display during the hearing was how al the Democrats on the Committee, whose job it was to impartially ask questions in an attempt to seek the truth, did not even TRY to hide their true agenda, which was to cover Hillary's fat ass the whole time and to sabotage the hearing. If they weren't going to at least TRY to show / make a bi-partisan effort then they should not have been on the committee. It's good that Americans got to see the Liberals putting Hillary and their own party above the truth and above America 1st.
Hey man, we tried to tell you this was going to make you look bad and you claimed it was out of fear. Now it didnt turn out good for you and you turn to another conspiracy?

This also, will not turn out good for you. Just stop it already and brush yourself off. Pick up the pieces
Nope....this what happens when you assume your enemies are at least partially honest.

BTW, who here thinks it was a great idea to elect some schmuck who hates guns...and put him in charge of the military?

Democrats. ..that's who.:cuckoo:
More like "The Empire Strikes Out" Bumbling GOP gives back all the political ground gained by Benghazi 'Attack Clinton" Panel.

Trey Gowdy needed to get his team to focus on a couple of main points and he failed.

Now he is talking about getting a special prosecutor and that will also be a disaster.
Trey gowdy should be selling used cars or announcing TV wrestling.
I'd prefer turning him loose...and unleash Hell on these lying fucks.
The fact here is this, this was a show. Private interviews are conducted totally different for this dog and pony show we saw the other day. Hillary demanded this. The Republicans offered to conduct it in private, but she demanded the public show.

Now listen carefully dipshit.......most of the information they've discovered is still classified.....and Hillary is taking advantage of that simple fact. Revealing any of it could result in charges against the investigators.....and they would be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.....unlike all of Obama minions that are walking away totally scot-free.
Now, what would happen if she had agreed to the supposed requests for private talks? Republicans could spin it their way, of course. And why would Republicans request private talks unless they weren't confident that they could effectively tarnish her image in public? Hillary beat them at their own game. And you're all butt hurt over it. Hey, you wanted it, you got it. :fu:
You mean voters that agree with your extremely narrow definition of morality, "values"and right and wrong.
Well, obviously if you have to redefine what is right and wrong, you have serious issues.

You have to believe that anything goes is good. That what is perverse is really a civil right. Loosen your principles so you can be more easily manipulated by criminals and the corruption that soon follows.

It is so easy to give in to the dark coin a phrase from Star Wars.

What is difficult is never giving in.

Problem is, people like Hillary and Obama are busy doing their best to eliminate people that won't give in....or at least make them the subject of ridicule.
Nice rationalizing mud!
All of those subjects are subjective and up to interpretation
There no one size fits all philosophy that covers them.
If you don't know that by now then you never will.'re saying it makes no sense.....or you're saying that it makes sense, but you refuse to listen?

I'll take number two.
This is why I like kids so least they don't think they know so much that they can't learn.
I'm saying it's neither, life is just life, morality "values" are a fiction we created to give life a meaning and order.
So we're just animals.....with nothing to keep use from acting on our instincts or impulses?

If I want something, I just take it?

Society breaks down under that type of a scenario.
Didn't say that or infer it either .
Society stays relatively intact because we use the fiction to stay in control believing it is not required.
Btw people who want shit Wil take it dispite the rules.
More like "The Empire Strikes Out" Bumbling GOP gives back all the political ground gained by Benghazi 'Attack Clinton" Panel.

Trey Gowdy needed to get his team to focus on a couple of main points and he failed.

Now he is talking about getting a special prosecutor and that will also be a disaster.
Trey gowdy should be selling used cars or announcing TV wrestling.
I'd prefer turning him loose...and unleash Hell on these lying fucks.
You mean pitching a fit don't you ?
He's all blow and no go .
Hey man, we tried to tell you this was going to make you look bad and you claimed it was out of fear. Now it didnt turn out good for you and you turn to another conspiracy?

This also, will not turn out good for you. Just stop it already and brush yourself off. Pick up the pieces
Nope....this what happens when you assume your enemies are at least partially honest.

BTW, who here thinks it was a great idea to elect some schmuck who hates guns...and put him in charge of the military?

Democrats. ..that's who.:cuckoo:

Well we know that no one is honest so you investigated and found nothing. Now who's fault is it?

I bet your new thing is that someone out smarted the GOP. Which also isnt a glowing endorsement either.
Basically the rights complaint now is that the stupid ass dems outsmarted them again. 8 investigations by them uncovered nothing.

So the right says the left are a bunch of fools while getting fooled by them at every turn.

Maybe the left is like Inspector Gadget and just outsmarts you all by being lucky every episode.
Damn, I am so happy my life and my thinking is not as negative as yours, what a sour puss loser you are with your habitual bitching.


A pictures says a thousand words

Folks....we've been hoodwinked again by the Clintons. Here's a shot in the NYTs of Hillary enjoying the heck out of the Benghazi hearings.

The day before, the NY Times was sandbagging us and making it look like Hillary was screwed.

Yesterday, they were trying to feature her story about how those nasty, evil, ugly, white, pasty faced Republican men were picking on a helpless, defenseless woman.

I started reading the article I had to choke back my gag-reflex. I'm telling's a real piece of work.

On newsbusters, they discussed the pantomime that was going on the whole time Hillary was being grilled. She looked like the picture below whenever a Republican was talking to her......but when a Democrat was talking to her....she was polite and attentive.
Bozell Mocks Media Hyping Hillary Performance on Benghazi, Not Substance of Lying

So she put on a great show, too bad for daft punks like you, she just might be turning into another Clinton political genius.

Hate to tell you this.....but it can't work if you have voters that have values, morals, and a sense of right and wrong.

I'm beginning to think the good people this country used to be filled with are all dying out to be replaced with mind-numb idiots that can't figure out when they're being bullshitted. Why else would they want someone back who is a serial rapist, who parties with child-molesters, who pardoned terrorists a few days before he left the White House several years ago. She isn't the solution folks. She's part of the problem in Washington. The sooner they're gone the better.

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